assertStringStartsWith() public static method

Asserts that a string starts with a given prefix.
public static assertStringStartsWith ( string $prefix, string $string, string $message = '' )
$prefix string
$string string
$message string
  * @param $stepMethodName string
  * @param $encodedStepArguments string
 protected function callStepInSubProcess($stepMethodName, $encodedStepArguments = '', $withoutSecurityChecks = FALSE)
     if (strpos($stepMethodName, '::') !== 0) {
         $stepMethodName = substr($stepMethodName, strpos($stepMethodName, '::') + 2);
     $withoutSecurityChecks = $withoutSecurityChecks === TRUE ? '--without-security-checks ' : '';
     $subProcessCommand = sprintf('typo3.flow.tests.functional:behathelper:callbehatstep %s%s %s%s', $withoutSecurityChecks, escapeshellarg($this->behatTestHelperObjectName), $stepMethodName, $encodedStepArguments);
     $subProcessResponse = $this->getSubProcess()->execute($subProcessCommand);
     Assert::assertStringStartsWith('SUCCESS:', $subProcessResponse, 'We called "' . $subProcessCommand . '" and got: ' . $subProcessResponse);
Beispiel #2
 * Asserts that a string starts with a given prefix.
 * @param  string $prefix
 * @param  string $string
 * @param  string $message
 * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.0
function assertStringStartsWith($prefix, $string, $message = '')
    return PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringStartsWith($prefix, $string, $message);
Beispiel #3
 public function toStartWith($prefix)
     if ($this->negate) {
         a::assertStringStartsNotWith($prefix, $this->actual);
     } else {
         a::assertStringStartsWith($prefix, $this->actual);
Beispiel #4
 public function startsWith($prefix)
     Assert::assertStringStartsWith($prefix, $this->actual, $this->description);
     return $this;
Beispiel #5
 public function startsWith($prefix)
     a::assertStringStartsWith($prefix, $this->actual, $this->description);
Beispiel #6
  * Expect that a string starts with a given prefix.
  * @param string $prefix
  * @param string $message
  * @return Expect
 public function toStartWith($prefix, $message = '')
     Assert::assertStringStartsWith($prefix, $this->value, $message);
     return $this;
  * @Then /^I can (not )?call the method "([^"]*)" of class "([^"]*)"$/
 public function iCanCallTheMethodOfClass($not, $methodName, $className)
     $subProcessResponse = $this->getSubProcess()->execute('typo3.flow.tests.functional:behathelper:callmethod --className ' . $className . ' --methodName ' . $methodName);
     if ($not === '') {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertStringStartsWith('SUCCESS:', $subProcessResponse, 'Expected "SUCCESS: ..." output got "' . $subProcessResponse . '"');
     } else {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertSame('EXCEPTION: 1222268609', $subProcessResponse, 'Expected AccessDeniedException (#1222268609), got "' . $subProcessResponse . '"');