Beispiel #1

PHPOEmbed::addProvider(new PHPOEmbedProvider('', array('~youtube\\.com/watch.+v=[\\w-]+&?~', '\\/[\\w-]+~'), 'youtube'));
PHPOEmbed::addProvider(new PHPOEmbedProvider('', '~flickr\\.com/photos/[-.\\w@]+/\\d+/?~', 'fliker'));
PHPOEmbed::addProvider(new PHPOEmbedProvider('', '~vimeo\\.com/.+~', 'vimeo'));
PHPOEmbed::addProvider(new PHPOEmbedProvider('', '~hulu\\.com/watch/.+~', 'hulu'));
PHPOEmbed::addProvider(new PHPOEmbedProvider('', array('~polleverywhere\\.com/polls/.+~', '~polleverywhere\\.com/multiple_choice_polls/.+~', '~polleverywhere\\.com/free_text_polls/.+~'), 'polle'));
Beispiel #2
  * This is the constractor function. It checks the all the requirements 
  * before creating the object, including php version checking.
  * ### Warning
  * @param int $timeOut provide the timeout in seconds. 
  * (Leave it or set it to null if you do not know what you are doing, risky.)
  * @param string $userAgent provide a valid user agent. 
  * (Same here, leave it or set it to null if you do not know what you are doing, risky.)
 public function __construct($timeOut = null, $userAgent = null)
     if ($timeOut >= 0) {
         self::$timeout = $timeOut;
     if (is_string($userAgent)) {
         self::$userAgent = $userAgent;
     //now check the php version.
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<')) {
         trigger_error("PHP version 5.3+ require.");
     if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
         trigger_error("curl extention require to run.");
Beispiel #3

include '../src/oEmbed.php';
if (isset($_REQUEST['url'])) {
    $OE = new PHPOEmbed(null, null);
    $data = json_decode($OE->parse($_REQUEST['url']), true);
    //$data2 = json_decode($OE->parse(''), true);
    //            function cool( $data ){
    //                if ( isset($data['title']) ){
    //                    echo '<h1>' . $data['title'] . '</h1>';
    //                }
    //                if ( isset($data['url']) ){
    //                    echo '<p><a href="' . $data['url'] . '" terget="_blank">' . $data['url'] . '</a> ' . ( isset($data['author_name']) ? ' | ' . $data['author_name'] : '' ) . '</p>';
    //                }
    //                if ( isset($data['description']) ){
    //                    echo '<p>' . $data['description'] . '</p>';
    //                }
    //                foreach ( $data['photos'] as $img ){
    //                    echo '<img src="' . $img . '">';
    //                }
    //            }
    //            cool($data);
} else {
    echo 'use test/? to test';