- fixed Page-Level DocBlock issues, now a page-level
  docblock is the first docblock in a file if it contains
  a @package tag, UNLESS the next element is a class.  Warnings
  raised are much more informative
- removed erroneous warning of duplicate @package tag in certain cases
- fixed these bugs:
 [ 765455 ] phpdoc can\'t find php if it is in /usr/local/bin
 [ 767251 ] broken links when no files in default package
 [ 768947 ] Multiple vars not recognised
 [ 772441 ] nested arrays fail parser
', 'package' => 'PhpDocumentor', 'dir_roles' => array('Documentation' => 'doc', 'Documentation/tests' => 'test'), 'exceptions' => array('index.html' => 'php', 'docbuilder/index.html' => 'php', 'docbuilder/blank.html' => 'php', 'README' => 'doc', 'ChangeLog' => 'doc', 'PHPLICENSE.txt' => 'doc', 'poweredbyphpdoc.gif' => 'data', 'INSTALL' => 'doc', 'FAQ' => 'doc', 'Authors' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0beta1' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0beta2' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0beta3' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0rc1' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0rc2' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.1' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.2' => 'doc', 'pear-phpdoc' => 'script', 'pear-phpdoc.bat' => 'script'), 'ignore' => array('package.xml', "{$packagedir}/phpdoc", 'phpdoc.bat', 'LICENSE'), 'installas' => array('pear-phpdoc' => 'phpdoc', 'pear-phpdoc.bat' => 'phpdoc.bat'), 'installexceptions' => array('pear-phpdoc' => '/', 'pear-phpdoc.bat' => '/', 'scripts/makedoc.sh' => '/')));
if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
$e = $test->addPlatformException('pear-phpdoc', '(*ix|*ux)');
if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
$e = $test->addPlatformException('pear-phpdoc.bat', 'windows');
if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
$e = $test->addDependency('php', '4.1.0', 'ge', 'php');
if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
// replace @PHP-BIN@ in this file with the path to php executable!  pretty neat
 [ 884869 ] Wrong highligthing of object type variables
 [ 892305 ] peardoc2: summary require_once Path/File.php is PathFile.php
 [ 892306 ] peardoc2: @see of method not working
 [ 892479 ] {@link} in // comment is escaped
 [ 893470 ] __clone called directly in PackagePageElements.inc
 [ 895656 ] initialized private variables not recognized as private
 [ 904823 ] IntermediateParser fatal error
 [ 910676 ] Fatal error: Smarty error: unable to write to $compile_dir
 [ 915770 ] Classes in file not showing
 [ 924313 ] Objec access on array
', 'package' => 'PhpDocumentor', 'dir_roles' => array('Documentation' => 'doc', 'Documentation/tests' => 'test', 'docbuilder' => 'data', 'HTML_TreeMenu-1.1.2' => 'data', 'tutorials' => 'doc', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/CHM/default/templates/default/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/PDF/default/templates/default/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/default/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/l0l33t/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/phpdoc.de/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/phphtmllib/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/phpedit/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/earthli/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/DOM/default/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/DOM/l0l33t/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/DOM/phpdoc.de/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/DOM/phphtmllib/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/frames/templates/DOM/earthli/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/Smarty/templates/default/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/Smarty/templates/PHP/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/HTML/Smarty/templates/HandS/templates_c' => 'data', 'phpDocumentor/Converters/XML/DocBook/peardoc2/templates/default/templates_c' => 'data'), 'simpleoutput' => true, 'exceptions' => array('index.html' => 'data', 'README' => 'doc', 'ChangeLog' => 'doc', 'PHPLICENSE.txt' => 'doc', 'poweredbyphpdoc.gif' => 'data', 'INSTALL' => 'doc', 'FAQ' => 'doc', 'Authors' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0beta1' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0beta2' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0beta3' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0rc1' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0rc2' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.0' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.1' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.2' => 'doc', 'Release-1.2.3' => 'doc', 'Release-' => 'doc', 'Release-1.3.0' => 'doc', 'pear-phpdoc' => 'script', 'pear-phpdoc.bat' => 'script', 'HTML_TreeMenu-1.1.2/TreeMenu.php' => 'php', 'phpDocumentor/Smarty-2.6.0/libs/debug.tpl' => 'php', 'new_phpdoc.php' => 'data', 'phpdoc.php' => 'data'), 'ignore' => array('package.xml', "{$packagedir}/phpdoc", 'phpdoc.bat', 'LICENSE', '*docbuilder/actions.php', '*docbuilder/builder.php', '*docbuilder/config.php', '*docbuilder/file_dialog.php', '*docbuilder/top.php', 'utilities.php', 'Converter.inc', 'IntermediateParser.inc', '*templates/PEAR/*', 'phpDocumentor/Smarty-2.5.0/*', '*CSV*', 'Setup.inc.php', 'makedocs.ini', 'common.inc.php', 'publicweb-PEAR-1.2.1.patch.txt'), 'installas' => array('pear-phpdoc' => 'phpdoc', 'pear-phpdoc.bat' => 'phpdoc.bat', 'docbuilder/pear-actions.php' => 'docbuilder/actions.php', 'docbuilder/pear-builder.php' => 'docbuilder/builder.php', 'docbuilder/pear-config.php' => 'docbuilder/config.php', 'docbuilder/pear-file_dialog.php' => 'docbuilder/file_dialog.php', 'docbuilder/pear-top.php' => 'docbuilder/top.php', 'docbuilder/includes/pear-utilities.php' => 'docbuilder/includes/utilities.php', 'phpDocumentor/pear-IntermediateParser.inc' => 'phpDocumentor/IntermediateParser.inc', 'phpDocumentor/pear-Converter.inc' => 'phpDocumentor/Converter.inc', 'phpDocumentor/pear-Setup.inc.php' => 'phpDocumentor/Setup.inc.php', 'phpDocumentor/pear-common.inc.php' => 'phpDocumentor/common.inc.php', 'user/pear-makedocs.ini' => 'user/makedocs.ini'), 'installexceptions' => array('pear-phpdoc' => '/', 'pear-phpdoc.bat' => '/', 'scripts/makedoc.sh' => '/')));
if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
$e = $test->addPlatformException('pear-phpdoc.bat', 'windows');
if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
$e = $test->addDependency('php', '4.1.0', 'ge', 'php');
if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
// just to make sure people don't try to install this with a broken Archive_Tar
$e = $test->addDependency('Archive_Tar', '1.1', 'ge');
if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
    echo $e->getMessage();