Beispiel #1

define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'fpdf/font/');
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$pdf->SetMargins(1, 1, 1);
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$pdf->Row(array("1", "Buku Tulis Matematika Kualitas ABCD Kiki 80 gram 1 Lusin ", "Lusin", "100"));

Beispiel #2
	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
require_once '../../include/';
define('FPDF_FONTPATH', '../../include/font/');
define('EUR', chr(128));
require_once 'mc_table.php';
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->SetFont($PDFFont, '', $PDFFontsize1);
require_once '';
$pdf->SetFont($PDFFont, '', $PDFFontsize2);
$pdf->SetWidths(array(50, 30));
$pdf->SetAligns(array('L', 'R'));
// Total amount
if (isset($CompanyCurrency) && $CompanyCurrency == 'EUR') {
    $Currency = EUR;
} else {
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if (isset($Type) && $Type == 'Booking_Details' or $Type == 'Customer_Booking_Details') {
    $pdf->SetFont($PDFFont, 'BU');
    $pdf->Row(array($a['invoice_amount'] . ':', Format_Number($TotalAmount) . ' ' . $Currency));
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        $prezzoSenzaProvvigioni2[$k] = $prezzoSenzaProvvigioni / (($iva + 100) / 100);
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        $nome[$k] = $item->getName();
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define('EURO', chr(128));
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$rs = $venta->ventas_listar_fecha($_REQUEST['fecha'], $_REQUEST['fecha2']);
if ($rs) {
    $j = 1;
    $suma_cantidad = 0;
    $suma_precio = 0;
    $suma_importe = 0;
    while ($campo = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
        //cargamos a las variables los campos de la bd
 list($anio, $mes, $dia, $semana, $sdia) = explode(':', date('Y:m:d:W:w'));
 $inicio = strtotime("{$anio}-{$mes}-{$dia} 12:00am");
 $inicio += (1 - $sdia) * 86400;
 $fin = $inicio + 6 * 86400;
 $inicio = date('d-m-Y', $inicio);
 $fin = date('d-m-Y', $fin);
 // Consultamos el tutor del grupo
 $result = mysqli_query($db_con, "SELECT TUTOR FROM FTUTORES WHERE unidad='{$unidad}'");
 $tutor = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
 // Impresi�n de la cabecera
 $pdf->SetFont('NewsGotT', 'B', 10);
 $pdf->Cell(96, 5, "PARTE DE FALTAS DEL GRUPO {$unidad}", 0, 0, 'L');
 $pdf->Cell(81, 5, "SEMANA: _______________________", 0, 0, 'C');
 $pdf->Cell(96, 5, "TUTOR/A: {$tutor['0']}", 0, 1, 'R');
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$pdf->Row(array('LINEA', 'MARCA', 'DESCRIPCION', 'STOCK'));
$rs = $producto->producto_listar($_REQUEST['linea'], '0', $_REQUEST['marca']);
//$rs= mysql_query($rs,$cargo->con->cn);
if ($rs) {
    $j = 1;
    $suma_cantidad = 0;
    while ($campo = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
        //cargamos a las variables los campos de la bd
        $linea = $campo['lin_descripcion'];
        $marca = $campo['mar_descripcion'];
        $cantidad = $campo['pro_stock'];
        $producto = $campo['pro_descripcion'];
        $pdf->Row(array($linea, $marca, $producto, $cantidad));
$pdf->Write(5, "Location");
$pdf->SetXY(75, 50);
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$pdf->SetXY(105, 50);
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$query = "select * from reports order by report_id asc";
$result = odbc_exec($conn, $query);
$counter = 1;
$total = 0;
while ($data = odbc_fetch_array($result)) {
    $report_id = $data['report_id'];
    $report_date = $data['report_date'];
    $report_location = $data['report_location'];
    $machine = $data['machine'];
    $serial_no = $data['serial_no'];
    $program = $data['program'];
    $problem = $data['problem'];
    $diagnosis = $data['diagnosis'];
    $work_done = $data['work_done'];
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$cabecera = "Nutley Terrace, London NW3 5SA\nTel: 020 7435 8888 (Director); 020 7472 5720 (Residents)\nFax: 020 7472 5721\nE-Mail:\nWeb:";
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$pdf->Write(5, "Location");
$pdf->SetXY(75, 50);
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$pdf->SetXY(105, 50);
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$pdf->Write(5, "System Engr.");
for ($index = 0; $index < 7; $index++) {
    $total_no += $value[$index];
    $array_list += array($days[$index] => $value[$index]);
    $query = "select * from reports where report_date = \n\t\t\t\tDATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,'" . $date_display . "'), " . $counter . ")\n\t\t\t\torder by day(report_date) asc";
    $result = odbc_exec($conn, $query);
    while ($data = odbc_fetch_array($result)) {
        $report_id = $data['report_id'];
        $report_date = $data['report_date'];
        $report_location = $data['report_location'];
        $machine = $data['machine'];
        $serial_no = $data['serial_no'];
        $program = $data['program'];
        $problem = $data['problem'];