public function chooseShippingWay($skuList, $weightP, $outside, $zone)
     $culModel = new OwShippingFeeCulModel();
     $weight = $weightP;
     //重量 KG
     $L = $outside['L'];
     //长 CM
     $W = $outside['W'];
     //宽 CM
     $H = $outside['H'];
     //高 CM
     $shipsetting = $culModel->getShipSettings();
     $rate = $shipsetting['firerate'];
     $home = $shipsetting['homeshipfee'];
     $exchange = $shipsetting['usdexchange'];
     $result = array();
     //可成立的运输方式列表    格式 array(运输方式名称=>运费)
      $usps_fix   = $culModel->uspsShipfee_fix($length,$width, $hight, 'fix', 'inside');                     //usps 固定运费
     if ($usps_fix) {
     $result['usps_fix']    = $usps_fix;
     $usps_A     = $culModel->usps_serviceA($length,$width, $hight,$weight);
     if ($usps_A) {                                                                                         //usps 套餐A
     $result['usps_A']    = $usps_A;
     $usps_B     = $culModel->usps_serviceB($length,$width, $hight, $weight);                               //usps 套餐B
     if ($usps_B) {
     $result['usps_B']    = $usps_B;
     $usps_C     = $culModel->usps_serviceC($length,$width, $hight, $weight);
     if ($usps_C) {
     $result['usps_C']    = $usps_C;
     $ground_re = $culModel->ground_re($weight, $zone);
     if ($ground_re) {
         $result['ground_re'] = $ground_re + $ground_re * $rate;
         //运费加燃油附加费 + 住宅运送费
     $ground_co = $culModel->ground_co($weight, $zone);
     if ($ground_co) {
         $result['ground_co'] = $ground_co + $ground_co * $rate + $home;
              $SurePost   = $culModel->SurePost($length, $width, $hight, $weight, $zone);                            //SurePost运费
             if ($SurePost) {
             $result['SurePost']    = ($SurePost + ($SurePost*$rate));                                          //运费加燃油附加费
      $ups        = $culModel->upsShipfee($weight);                                                          //ups运费计算
     if ($ups) {
     $result['UPS Ground']    = $ups + ($ups*$rate) + $home;
     $usps_gel = $culModel->uspsGeneral($weight, $zone);
     if ($usps_gel) {
         $result['USPS'] = $usps_gel;
     //         	print_r($result);exit;
     $mini = array('ship' => '', 'fee' => 10000);
     foreach ($result as $key => $fee) {
         if ($fee < $mini['fee']) {
             $mini['ship'] = $key;
             $mini['fee'] = $fee;
     // 	print_r($mini);
     // 	exit;
      if($weight_oz <= 13){//重量小于13盎司直接选USPS运输方式
     $getUspsCost = "SELECT cost FROM ow_usps_calcfree WHERE weight = '{$weight_oz}' AND unit = 'oz'";
     $getUspsCost = $dbcon->execute($getUspsCost);
     $getUspsCost = $dbcon->fetch_one($getUspsCost);
     $shipCost    = $getUspsCost['cost'];
     $carrier     = 'USPS';
     $getUspsCost = "SELECT cost FROM ow_usps_calcfree WHERE weight = '{$weight_lbs}' AND zone = '{$zone}' AND unit = 'lbs'";
     $getUspsCost = $dbcon->execute($getUspsCost);
     $getUspsCost = $dbcon->fetch_one($getUspsCost);
     $uspsCost    = $getUspsCost['cost'];//USPS运费
     $getUpsCost  = "SELECT cost FROM ow_ups_calcfree WHERE weight = '{$weight_lbs}' AND zone = '{$zone}' AND unit = 'lbs'";
     $getUpsCost  = $dbcon->execute($getUpsCost);
     $getUpsCost  = $dbcon->fetch_one($getUpsCost);
     $upsCost     = $getUpsCost['cost'];//UPS运费
     $upsCost     = $upsCost*(1+0.07) + 2.8; //添加 燃油附加费 和住宅配送费
     if($uspsCost <= $upsCost){//运费对比
     $shipCost = $uspsCost;
     $carrier  = 'USPS';
     $shipCost = $upsCost;
     $carrier  = 'UPS Ground';
     $shipCost = $upsCost;
     $carrier  = 'UPS Ground';
     /*------------- 运输方式选择 -------------- */
     $carrier = $culModel->carrerMap($mini['ship']);
     $shipCost = $mini['fee'];
     $extensionInfo = array();
     $returnData = array('shippingCode' => '', 'fee' => 0, 'extensionInfo' => $extensionInfo);
     if ($carrier == 'USPS') {
         //如果是usps 则需要计算对应的 packageType 和 mailClass
         $extensionInfo = $culModel->generateUSPSExtensionInfo($skuList, $weight);
         if (FALSE === $extensionInfo) {
             self::$errMsg = OwShippingFeeCulModel::$errMsg;
             return FALSE;
     if ($shipCost != '' && $carrier != '') {
         $returnData['shippingCode'] = $carrier;
         $returnData['fee'] = $shipCost;
         $returnData['extensionInfo'] = $extensionInfo;
     return $returnData;
 public function generateUSPSExtensionInfo($skuList, $weight)
     $returnData = array('mailclass' => '', 'packageType' => '');
     $weight_oz = $this->Kg2Oz($weight);
     $packageType = 'Parcel';
     if ($weight_oz <= 13) {
         $mailclass = 'First';
         $packageType = '';
     } else {
         $mailclass = 'Priority';
     $letterSkus = $this->getLorFSku('Letter');
     $flatSkus = $this->getLorFSku('Flat');
     $pureSku = array_keys($skuList);
     //         print_r($pureSku);
     $letter_count = count(array_intersect($pureSku, $letterSkus));
     $flat_count = count(array_intersect($pureSku, $flatSkus));
     $skuCount = count($skuList);
     //         echo $letter_count, "==",$flat_count;
      * 若果包含letter料号 或 flat料号 但是多于一种料号 则需要拆分订单
     if ($skuCount > 1 && ($letter_count > 0 || $flat_count > 0)) {
         self::$errMsg = '包含flat/letter料号的多料号订单';
         return FALSE;
     if ($letter_count > 0 && 1 == $skuCount) {
         $packageType = 'Letter';
     } else {
         if ($flat_count > 0 && 1 == $skuCount) {
             $packageType = 'Flat';
     $returnData = array('mailclass' => $mailclass, 'packageType' => $packageType);
     return $returnData;