 * track vks with flag, if 20 to start, put messages to all admins
 * run every 1 minutes
require_once '../../_OBSERVER/bot_const.php';
//bot constants
require_once '../config/bot_redefined_config.php';
//local bot config
require_once CORE_APP_PATH . 'config/bot_redefined_config.php';
//central bot config
require_once '../config/autoloader.php';
//local autoloader
require_once '../config/config.php';
//local config
require_once CORE_REPOSITORY_REAL_PATH . 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = App::get_instance($params);
require_once '../init.php';
$app->user = new Auth();
$app->tbId = CAAttendance::where('name', 'like', '%' . TB_PATTERN . '%')->where('is_tb', 1)->first()->id;
//start schedule here
$otlCalCtrl = new OutlookCalendarRequest_controller();
//end schedule here
 public function publicStatusChange($vksId)
     try {
         $vks = Vks::findorFail($vksId);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->error("404", $e->getMessage());
     if (!$this->isThisUserCanEdit($vks)) {
     $vks->is_private = $vks->is_private ? 0 : 1;
     $m = $vks->is_private ? 'Скрыт' : 'Виден всем';
     App::$instance->MQ->setMessage("Вкс {$vks->id}, видимость кода изменена, теперь код - " . $m);
     OutlookCalendarRequest_controller::changeRequestTypeAndPutToResend($vks->id, OutlookCalendarRequest::REQUEST_TYPE_UPDATE);