public function action_init() { $class_name = strtolower(get_class($this)); $this->config['provider'] = Options::get($class_name . '__provider'); $this->config['identity'] = Options::get($class_name . '__identity'); $this->config['is2'] = Options::get($class_name . '__is2'); }
public function __construct(Options $options) { $this->token = $options->get('token'); if (empty($this->token)) { SS_Envato_API()->notices->add_warning('Please, set up your Envato API token.', true); } }
/** * Upload Proccess Function. * This will do the upload proccess. This function need some variables, eg: * @param string $input This is the input field name. * @param string $path This is the path the file will be stored. * @param array $allowed This is the array of the allowed file extension. * @param false $uniq Set to true if want to use a unique name. * @param int $size File size maximum allowed. * @param int $width The width of the dimension. * @param int $height The height of the dimension. * * @return array * * @author Puguh Wijayanto ( * @since 0.0.1 */ public static function go($input, $path, $allowed = '', $uniq = false, $size = '', $width = '', $height = '') { $filename = Typo::cleanX($_FILES[$input]['name']); $filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $filename); if (isset($_FILES[$input]) && $_FILES[$input]['error'] == 0) { if ($uniq == true) { $site = Typo::slugify(Options::get('sitename')); $uniqfile = $site . '-' . sha1(microtime() . $filename) . '-'; } else { $uniqfile = ''; } $extension = pathinfo($_FILES[$input]['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $filetmp = $_FILES[$input]['tmp_name']; $filepath = GX_PATH . $path . $uniqfile . $filename; if (!in_array(strtolower($extension), $allowed)) { $result['error'] = 'File not allowed'; } else { if (move_uploaded_file($filetmp, $filepath)) { $result['filesize'] = filesize($filepath); $result['filename'] = $uniqfile . $filename; $result['path'] = $path . $uniqfile . $filename; $result['filepath'] = $filepath; $result['fileurl'] = Site::$url . $path . $uniqfile . $filename; } else { $result['error'] = 'Cannot upload to directory, please check if directory is exist or You had permission to write it.'; } } } else { //$result['error'] = $_FILES[$input]['error']; $result['error'] = ''; } return $result; }
public static function check_posts($nolimit = false) { $autoclosed = array(); $age_in_days = Options::get('autoclose__age_in_days'); if (is_null($age_in_days)) { return; } $age_in_days = abs(intval($age_in_days)); $search = array('content_type' => 'entry', 'before' => HabariDateTime::date_create()->modify('-' . $age_in_days . ' days'), 'nolimit' => true, 'status' => 'published'); if (!$nolimit) { $search['after'] = HabariDateTime::date_create()->modify('-' . ($age_in_days + 30) . ' days'); } $posts = Posts::get($search); foreach ($posts as $post) { if (!$post->info->comments_disabled && !$post->info->comments_autoclosed) { $post->info->comments_disabled = true; $post->info->comments_autoclosed = true; $post->info->commit(); $autoclosed[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $post->permalink, htmlspecialchars($post->title)); } } if (count($autoclosed)) { if (count($autoclosed) > 5) { Session::notice(sprintf(_t('Comments autoclosed for: %s and %d other posts', 'autoclose'), implode(', ', array_slice($autoclosed, 0, 5)), count($autoclosed) - 5)); } else { Session::notice(sprintf(_t('Comments autoclosed for: %s', 'autoclose'), implode(', ', $autoclosed))); } } else { Session::notice(sprintf(_t('Found no posts older than %d days with comments enabled.', 'autoclose'), $age_in_days)); } return true; }
/** * Add some variables to the template output */ public function add_template_vars() { if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('pages')) { $this->assign('pages', Posts::get(array('content_type' => 'page', 'status' => Post::status('published'), 'nolimit' => 1))); } $page = Controller::get_var('page'); $page = isset($page) ? $page : 1; if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('page')) { $this->assign('page', $page); } $this->assign('show_previously', false); $this->assign('show_latest', false); $action = Controller::get_action(); if ($action == 'display_home' || $action == 'display_entries') { $offset = (int) (($page + 1 - 1) * Options::get('pagination')); $this->assign('previously', Posts::get(array('status' => 'published', 'content_type' => 'entry', 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => self::PREVIOUSLY_ITEMS))); $this->assign('show_previously', true); } if ($action != 'display_home') { $this->assign('latest', Posts::get(array('status' => 'published', 'content_type' => 'entry', 'offset' => 0, 'limit' => self::LATEST_ITEMS))); $this->assign('show_latest', true); } $this->assign('controller_action', $action); parent::add_template_vars(); }
/** * Determine if the database needs to be updated based on the source database version being newer than the schema last applied to the database * * @return boolean True if an update is needed */ public static function requires_upgrade() { if ( Options::get( 'db_version' ) < Version::DB_VERSION ) { return true; } return false; }
public function __construct() { $this->connection = @mysqli_connect(Options::get("mysql_host"), Options::get("mysql_user"), Options::get("mysql_password"), Options::get("mysql_db")); if (!$this->connection) { throw new Exception("Couldn't connect to database.", 1); } }
function action_add_template_vars($theme) { $username = Options::get('freshsurf__username'); $password = Options::get('freshsurf__password'); $count = Options::get('freshsurf__count'); if ($username != '' && $password != '') { if (Cache::has('freshsurf__' . $username)) { $response = Cache::get('freshsurf__' . $username); } else { $request = new RemoteRequest("https://{$username}:{$password}@" . self::BASE_URL . "posts/recent?count={$count}", 'GET', 20); $request->execute(); $response = $request->get_response_body(); Cache::set('freshsurf__' . $username, $response); } $delicious = @simplexml_load_string($response); if ($delicious instanceof SimpleXMLElement) { $theme->delicious = $delicious; } else { $theme->delicious = @simplexml_load_string('<posts><post href="#" description="Could not load feed from delicious. Is username/password correct?"/></posts>'); Cache::expire('freshsurf__' . $username); } } else { $theme->delicious = @simplexml_load_string('<posts></posts>'); } }
/** * Runs this job. * * Executes the Cron Job callback. Deletes the Cron Job if end_time is reached * or if it failed to execute the last # consecutive attempts. Also sends notification * by email to specified address. * Note: end_time can be null, ie. "The Never Ending Cron Job". * * Callback is passed a param_array of the Cron Job fields and the execution time * as the 'now' field. The 'result' field contains the result of the last execution; either * 'executed' or 'failed'. * * @todo send notification of execution/failure. */ public function execute() { $paramarray = array_merge(array('now' => $this->now), $this->to_array()); // this is an ugly hack that we could probably work around better by forking each cron into its own process // we increment the failure count now so that if we don't return after calling the callback (ie: a fatal error) it still counts against it, rather than simply never running // and preventing all those queued up after it from running $this->failures = $this->failures + 1; // check to see if we have failed too many times before we update, we might go ahead and skip this one if ($this->failures > Options::get('cron_max_failures', 10)) { EventLog::log(_t('CronJob %s has failed %d times and is being deactivated!', array($this->name, $this->failures - 1)), 'alert', 'cron'); $this->active = 0; } // update before we run it $this->update(); // if the check has been deactivated, just return if ($this->active == 0) { return; } if (is_callable($this->callback)) { // this is a callable we can actually call, so do it $result = call_user_func($this->callback, $paramarray); } else { if (!is_string($this->callback) && is_callable($this->callback, true, $callable_name)) { // this looks like a callable to PHP, but it cannot be called at present and should not be assumed to be a plugin filter name // there is nothing for us to do, but it was a specifically-named function for us to call, so assume this is a failure $result = false; } else { // this is not callable and doesn't look like one - it should simply be a textual plugin filter name // is this plugin filter actually implemented? if (Plugins::implemented($this->callback, 'filter')) { // then run it and use that result $result = true; $result = Plugins::filter($this->callback, $result, $paramarray); } else { // the filter isn't implemented, consider that a failure $result = false; } } } if ($result === false) { $this->result = 'failed'; // simply increment the failure counter. if it's over the limit it'll be deactivated on the next go-around $this->failures = $this->failures + 1; EventLog::log(_t('CronJob %s failed.', array($this->name)), 'err', 'cron'); } else { $this->result = 'executed'; // reset failures, we were successful $this->failures = 0; EventLog::log(_t('CronJob %s completed successfully.', array($this->name)), 'debug', 'cron'); // it ran successfully, so check if it's time to delete it. if (!is_null($this->end_time) && $this->now >= $this->end_time) { EventLog::log(_t('CronJob %s is not scheduled to run again and is being deleted.', array($this->name)), 'debug', 'cron'); $this->delete(); return; } } $this->last_run = $this->now; $this->next_run = $this->now->int + $this->increment; $this->update(); }
public function embed_gists($content) { $gists_regex = '/<script[^>]+src="(http:\\/\\/\\/[^"]+)"[^>]*><\\/script>/i'; // remove gists from multiple-post templates if (Options::get('gistextras__removefrommultiple')) { if (!in_array(URL::get_matched_rule()->name, array('display_entry', 'display_page'))) { return preg_replace($gists_regex, '', $content); } } preg_match_all($gists_regex, $content, $gists); for ($i = 0, $n = count($gists[0]); $i < $n; $i++) { if (Options::get('gistextras__cachegists')) { if (Cache::has($gists[1][$i])) { $gist = Cache::get($gists[1][$i]); } else { if ($gist = RemoteRequest::get_contents($gists[1][$i])) { $gist = $this->process_gist($gist); Cache::set($gists[1][$i], $gist, 86400); // cache for 1 day } } } else { $gist = RemoteRequest::get_contents($gists[1][$i]); $gist = $this->process_gist($gist); } // replace the script tag $content = str_replace($gists[0][$i], $gist, $content); } return $content; }
/** * Build a selection input of paginated paths to be used for pagination. * * @param string The RewriteRule name used to build the links. * @param array Various settings used by the method and the RewriteRule. * @return string Collection of paginated URLs built by the RewriteRule. */ function theme_page_dropdown($theme, $rr_name = NULL, $settings = array()) { $output = ""; $current = $theme->page; $items_per_page = isset($theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit']) ? $theme->posts->get_param_cache['limit'] : Options::get('pagination'); $total = Utils::archive_pages($theme->posts->count_all(), $items_per_page); // Make sure the current page is valid if ($current > $total) { $current = $total; } else { if ($current < 1) { $current = 1; } } $output = '<select onchange="location.href=options[selectedIndex].value">'; for ($page = 1; $page < $total; ++$page) { $settings['page'] = $page; $caption = $page == $current ? $current : $page; // Build the path using the supplied $settings and the found RewriteRules arguments. $url = URL::get($rr_name, $settings, false, false, false); // Build the select option. $output .= '<option value="' . $url . '"' . ($page == $current ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $caption . '</option>' . "\n"; } $output .= "</select>"; return $output; }
/** * Add additional template variables to the template output. * * This function gets executed *after* regular data is assigned to the * template. So the values here, unless checked, will overwrite any existing * values. */ public function add_template_vars() { parent::add_template_vars(); if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('pages')) { $this->assign('pages', Posts::get('page_list')); } if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('asides')) { //For Asides loop in sidebar.php $this->assign('asides', Posts::get('asides')); } if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('recent_comments')) { //for recent comments loop in sidebar.php $this->assign('recent_comments', Comments::get(array('limit' => 5, 'status' => Comment::STATUS_APPROVED, 'orderby' => 'date DESC'))); } if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('more_posts')) { //Recent posts in sidebar.php //visiting page/2 will offset to the next page of posts in the footer /3 etc $pagination = Options::get('pagination'); $this->assign('more_posts', Posts::get(array('content_type' => 'entry', 'status' => 'published', 'vocabulary' => array('tags:not:tag' => 'asides'), 'offset' => $pagination * $this->page, 'limit' => 5))); } if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('all_tags')) { // List of all the tags $this->assign('all_tags', Tags::vocabulary()->get_tree()); } if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('all_entries')) { // List of all the entries $this->assign('all_entries', Posts::get(array('content_type' => 'entry', 'status' => 'published', 'nolimit' => 1))); } }
/** * Ouputs the default menu in the template footer, and runs the 'habmin_bar' plugin filter. * You can add menu items via the filter. See the 'filter_habminbar' method for * an example. */ public function action_template_footer() { if ( User::identify()->loggedin ) { $bar = '<div id="habminbar"><div>'; $bar.= '<div id="habminbar-name"><a href="' . Options::get('base_url') . '">' . Options::get('title') . '</a></div>'; $bar.= '<ul>'; $menu = array(); $menu['dashboard']= array( 'Dashboard', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=dashboard' ), "view the admin dashboard" ); $menu['write']= array( 'Write', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=publish' ), "create a new entry" ); $menu['option']= array( 'Options', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=options' ), "configure site options" ); $menu['comment']= array( 'Moderate', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=comments' ),"moderate comments" ); $menu['user']= array( 'Users', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=users' ), "administer users" ); $menu['plugin']= array( 'Plugins', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=plugins' ), "activate and configure plugins" ); $menu['theme']= array( 'Themes', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=themes' ), "select a theme" ); $menu = Plugins::filter( 'habminbar', $menu ); $menu['logout']= array( 'Logout', URL::get( 'user', 'page=logout' ), "logout" ); foreach ( $menu as $name => $item ) { list( $label, $url, $tooltip )= array_pad( $item, 3, "" ); $bar.= "\n\t<li><a href=\"$url\" class=\"$name\"" . ( ( $tooltip ) ? " title=\"$tooltip\"" : "" ) .">$label</a></li>"; } $bar.= '</ul><br style="clear:both;" /></div></div>'; echo $bar; } }
public function filter_template_where_filters($where_filters) { if (Options::get('customquery__' . URL::get_matched_rule()->name)) { $where_filters['limit'] = Options::get('customquery__' . URL::get_matched_rule()->name); } return $where_filters; }
/** * On plugin init **/ public function action_init() { $this->class_name = strtolower(get_class($this)); foreach (self::default_options() as $name => $value) { $this->config[$name] = Options::get($this->class_name . '__' . $name); } }
/** * Customize comment form layout with fieldsets. */ public function action_form_comment($form) { //My custom comment form $form->append('fieldset', 'cf_commentbox', _t('Who Are You')); $form->cf_commentbox->class = "form-part-1"; //move the Name ( cf_commenter) into the fieldset $form->cf_commenter->move_into($form->cf_commentbox); $form->cf_commenter->caption = _t('Name:') . '<span class="required">' . (Options::get('comments_require_id') == 1 ? ' *' . _t('Required') : '') . '</span></label>'; //move the Email ( cf_email) into the Fieldset $form->cf_email->move_into($form->cf_commentbox); $form->cf_email->caption = _t('Email Address:') . '<span class="required">' . (Options::get('comments_require_id') == 1 ? ' *' . _t('Required') : '') . '</span></label>'; //add a disclaimer/message $form->append('static', 'cf_disclaimer', _t('<p><em><small>Email address is not published</small></em></p>')); //move the disclaimer into the fieldset $form->cf_disclaimer->move_into($form->cf_commentbox); //remove the url piece $form->cf_url->remove(); //add a second fieldset for the next two fields $form->append('fieldset', 'cf_contentsubmit', _t('Leave A Message')); $form->cf_contentsubmit->class = "form-part-2"; //move the textarea into a second fieldset $form->cf_content->move_into($form->cf_contentsubmit); $form->cf_content->caption = _t('Message: (Required)'); //move the submit button in too $form->cf_submit->move_into($form->cf_contentsubmit); $form->cf_submit->caption = _t('Submit'); }
public function filter_default_rewrite_rules($rules) { if ($this->current_load() > self::KILL_LOAD) { foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) { if (strpos($rule['build_str'], 'admin') !== false) { $rules[$key]['handler'] = 'UserThemeHandler'; $rules[$key]['action'] = 'display_throttle'; } } if (Options::get('throttle') == '') { EventLog::log(sprintf(_t('Kill - Load is %s'), $this->current_load())); Options::set('throttle', 'kill'); } } elseif ($this->current_load() > self::MAX_LOAD) { foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) { if ($rule['name'] == 'search') { unset($rules[$key]); } } $rules[] = array('name' => 'search', 'parse_regex' => '%^search(?:/(?P<criteria>[^/]+))?(?:/page/(?P<page>\\d+))?/?$%i', 'build_str' => 'search(/{$criteria})(/page/{$page})', 'handler' => 'UserThemeHandler', 'action' => 'display_throttle', 'priority' => 8, 'description' => 'Searches posts'); if (Options::get('throttle') == '') { EventLog::log(sprintf(_t('Restrict - Load is %s'), $this->current_load())); Options::set('throttle', 'restrict'); } } else { if (Options::get('throttle') != '') { EventLog::log(sprintf(_t('Normal - Load is %s'), $this->current_load())); Options::set('throttle', ''); } } return $rules; }
/** * Открытие сокета. * * @return boolean * @throws IO_Stream_Spark_Socket_Exception */ public function ignite() { $url = sprintf('%s://%s:%d', $this->_opts->get('transport'), $this->_opts->get('host'), $this->_opts->get('port')); $timeout = $this->_opts->get('connect_timeout'); /** * @todo Попробовать сделать подключение асинхронным * (STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT). */ $this->_stream = stream_socket_client($url, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if (false === $this->_stream) { $e = 'Error connecting %s: %s - %s'; $e = sprintf($url, $errno, $errstr, $e); throw new IO_Stream_Spark_Socket_Exception($e); } return true; }
/** * Add additional template variables to the template output. * * You can assign additional output values in the template here, instead of * having the PHP execute directly in the template. The advantage is that * you would easily be able to switch between template types (RawPHP/Smarty) * without having to port code from one to the other. * * You could use this area to provide "recent comments" data to the template, * for instance. * * Note that the variables added here should possibly *always* be added, * especially 'user'. * * Also, this function gets executed *after* regular data is assigned to the * template. So the values here, unless checked, will overwrite any existing * values. */ public function add_template_vars() { //Theme Options $this->assign('home_tab', 'Home'); //Set to whatever you want your first tab text to be. $this->assign('show_author', false); //Display author in posts if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('pages')) { $this->assign('pages', Posts::get(array('content_type' => 'page', 'status' => Post::status('published'), 'nolimit' => 1))); } if (!$this->template_engine->assigned('page')) { $page = Controller::get_var('page'); $this->assign('page', isset($page) ? $page : 1); } parent::add_template_vars(); //from mzingi //visiting page/2, /3 will offset to the next page of posts in the sidebar $page = Controller::get_var('page'); $pagination = Options::get('pagination'); if ($page == '') { $page = 1; } $this->assign('more_posts', Posts::get(array('status' => 'published', 'content_type' => 'entry', 'offset' => $pagination * $page, 'limit' => 5))); //from mzingi //for recent comments loop in sidebar.php $this->assign('recent_comments', Comments::get(array('limit' => 5, 'status' => Comment::STATUS_APPROVED, 'orderby' => 'date DESC'))); }
public function action_comment_insert_after($comment) { // we should only execute on comments, not pingbacks // and don't bother if the comment is know to be spam if ($comment->type != Comment::COMMENT || $comment->status == Comment::STATUS_SPAM) { return; } $post = Post::get(array('id' => $comment->post_id)); $author = User::get_by_id($post->user_id); $status = $comment->status == Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED ? ' UNAPPROVED' : ' approved'; $title = sprintf(_t('[%1$s] New%3$s comment on: %2$s'), Options::get('title'), $post->title, $status); $message = <<<MESSAGE The following comment was added to the post "%1\$s". %2\$s Author: %3\$s <%4\$s> URL: %5\$s %6\$s ----- Moderate comments: %7\$s MESSAGE; $message = _t($message); $message = sprintf($message, $post->title, $post->permalink, $comment->name, $comment->email, $comment->url, $comment->content, URL::get('admin', 'page=comments')); $headers = array('MIME-Version: 1.0', 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit', 'From: ' . $this->mh_utf8($comment->name) . ' <' . $comment->email . '>'); mail($author->email, $this->mh_utf8($title), $message, implode("\r\n", $headers)); }
/** * parse the request URL * * @return array Matched route */ public static function parseRequest() { $routes = array('index' => array('url' => '/\\A\\z/', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_sites'), 'site' => array('url' => '%^site/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_site'), 'cron_run' => array('url' => '%^cron/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'CronTab', 'action' => 'act_poll_cron'), 'site_create' => array('url' => '%^site/create/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_site_create'), 'site_update' => array('url' => '%^site/update/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'site_update'), 'site_delete' => array('url' => '%^site/delete/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_site_delete'), 'site_create_from_page' => array('url' => '%^site/from-page/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_site_create_from_page'), 'site_create_from_sitemap' => array('url' => '%^site/from-sitemap/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_site_create_from_sitemap'), 'site_page' => array('url' => '%^site/page/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_site_page'), 'site_keyword_add' => array('url' => '%^site/keyword/add/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_site_keyword_add'), 'site_page_update' => array('url' => '%^site/page/update/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'site_page_update'), 'site_page_inlink_update' => array('url' => '%^site/page/inlink/update/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'site_page_inlink_update'), 'settings' => array('url' => '%^settings/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_settings'), 'logs' => array('url' => '%^logs/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_logs'), 'login' => array('url' => '%^login/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_login'), 'logout' => array('url' => '%^logout/?\\z%', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'do_logout'), '404' => array('url' => '/\\A.*$/', 'controller' => 'SiteHandler', 'action' => 'display_404')); // get the request parts, 404 on error if (!($request_parts = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))) { trigger_error('Unable to parse the request URI.', E_USER_ERROR); return $routes['404']; } // format the request url before matching $base_path = parse_url(Options::get('base_url'), PHP_URL_PATH); $request_url = substr($request_parts['path'], strlen($base_path)); // match a route foreach ($routes as $route) { if (preg_match($route['url'], $request_url, $route['params']) == 1) { // remove numeric keys foreach (array_keys($route['params']) as $k) { if (is_int($k)) { unset($route['params'][$k]); } } if (isset($request_parts['query'])) { parse_str($request_parts['query'], $query_params); $route['params'] = array_merge($route['params'], $query_params); } return $route; } } return $routes['404']; }
/** * Create the bookmarklet that is appropriate for the client's User Agent * * @return array The array of actions to attach to the specified $plugin_id */ private function get_bookmarklet() { $admin_url = Site::get_url('admin'); $link_name = Options::get('title'); $bookmarklet = "\n\t\t<p>Bookmark this link to leave the page when quoting:\n\t\t<a href=\"javascript:var w=window,d=document,gS='getSelection';location.href='{$admin_url}/publish?quote='+encodeURIComponent((''+(w[gS]?w[gS]():d[gS]?d[gS]():d.selection.createRange().text)).replace(/(^\\s+|\\s+\$)/g,''))+'&url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(d.title);\">Quote on {$link_name}</a>\n\t\t<br>\n\t\tBookmark this link to open a new tab or window when quoting:\n\t\t<a href=\"javascript:var w=window,d=document,gS='getSelection';'{$admin_url}/publish?quote='+encodeURIComponent((''+(w[gS]?w[gS]():d[gS]?d[gS]():d.selection.createRange().text)).replace(/(^\\s+|\\s+\$)/g,''))+'&url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(d.title));void(0);\">Quote on {$link_name}</a>\n\t\t</p>"; return $bookmarklet; }
public function filter_dash_module_123linkit($module, $module_id, $theme) { $module['title'] = _t('123LinkIt', 'linkit'); $theme->status_data = Options::get('linkit__stats', array(_t('Status', 'linkit') => _t('Queued', 'linkit'))); $module['content'] = $theme->fetch('dash_status'); return $module; }
/** * Plugin init action, executed when plugins are initialized. */ public function action_init() { $this->class_name = strtolower(get_class($this)); foreach ($this->default_options as $name => $unused) { $this->config[$name] = Options::get($this->class_name . '__' . $name); } }
/** * Do any wrapper-like things to the Atom feed proper. * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml the Atom feed document * @return SimpleXMLElement the modified Atom feed document */ public function action_atom_create_wrapper($xml) { if ($iconurl = Options::get('atomicon_iconurl')) { $xml->addChild('icon', $iconurl); } return $xml; }
/** * Handles get requests for the dashboard * @todo update check should probably be cron'd and cached, not re-checked every load */ public function get_dashboard() { // Not sure how best to determine this yet, maybe set an option on install, maybe do this: $firstpostdate = DB::get_value('SELECT min(pubdate) FROM {posts} WHERE status = ?', array(Post::status('published'))); $this->theme->active_time = HabariDateTime::date_create($firstpostdate); // get the active theme, so we can check it // @todo this should be worked into the main Update::check() code for registering beacons $active_theme = Themes::get_active(); $active_theme = $active_theme->name . ':' . $active_theme->version; // check to see if we have updates to display $this->theme->updates = Options::get('updates_available', array()); // collect all the stats we display on the dashboard $this->theme->stats = array('author_count' => Users::get(array('count' => 1)), 'page_count' => Posts::get(array('count' => 1, 'content_type' => Post::type('page'), 'status' => Post::status('published'))), 'entry_count' => Posts::get(array('count' => 1, 'content_type' => Post::type('entry'), 'status' => Post::status('published'))), 'comment_count' => Comments::count_total(Comment::STATUS_APPROVED, false), 'tag_count' => Tags::vocabulary()->count_total(), 'page_draft_count' => Posts::get(array('count' => 1, 'content_type' => Post::type('page'), 'status' => Post::status('draft'), 'user_id' => User::identify()->id)), 'entry_draft_count' => Posts::get(array('count' => 1, 'content_type' => Post::type('entry'), 'status' => Post::status('draft'), 'user_id' => User::identify()->id)), 'unapproved_comment_count' => User::identify()->can('manage_all_comments') ? Comments::count_total(Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED, false) : Comments::count_by_author(User::identify()->id, Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED), 'spam_comment_count' => User::identify()->can('manage_all_comments') ? Comments::count_total(Comment::STATUS_SPAM, false) : Comments::count_by_author(User::identify()->id, Comment::STATUS_SPAM), 'user_entry_scheduled_count' => Posts::get(array('count' => 1, 'content_type' => Post::type('any'), 'status' => Post::status('scheduled'), 'user_id' => User::identify()->id))); $this->fetch_dashboard_modules(); // check for first run $u = User::identify(); if (!isset($u->info->experience_level)) { $this->theme->first_run = true; $u->info->experience_level = 'user'; $u->info->commit(); } else { $this->theme->first_run = false; } $this->display('dashboard'); }
public function filter_post_content_out($content, $post) { $option = Options::get('acronyms__acronyms'); // if option is empty, populate it with the defaults if (empty($option)) { $this->action_plugin_activation(null); $option = Options::get('acronyms__acronyms'); } $option = explode("\n", $option); $acronyms = array(); foreach ($option as $line) { $line = explode('||', $line); if (count($line) < 2) { continue; } $acronyms[$line[0]] = $line[1]; } $content = " {$content} "; foreach ($acronyms as $acronym => $text) { $text = trim($text); $preg_acronym = preg_quote($acronym, '|'); $content = preg_replace('|(?!<[^<>]*?)(?<![?.&])\\b' . $preg_acronym . '(?!\\w)(?!:)(?![^<>]*?>)|msU', "<abbr title=\"{$text}\">{$acronym}</abbr>", $content); } $content = trim($content); return $content; }
/** * Failsafe, if $theme->switcher() was not called, display the template in the footer. * If you enabled it. */ function theme_footer($theme) { if (!$this->shown && Options::get('themeswitcher__show')) { $this->shown = true; return $theme->fetch('switcher'); } }
public function action_post_update_before($post) { $aliases = self::get_aliases(); if (Options::get('tagrewriter__plurals') != NULL && Options::get('tagrewriter__plurals') == 1) { $pluralize = true; } else { $pluralize = false; } $tags = array(); foreach ($post->tags as $tag) { if (isset($aliases[$tag])) { $tags[] = $aliases[$tag]; continue; } if ($pluralize) { if (Tags::get_by_slug($tag . 's') != false) { $tags[] = $tag . 's'; continue; } elseif (Tags::get_by_slug(rtrim($tag, 's')) != false) { $tags[] = rtrim($tag, 's'); continue; } } $tags[] = $tag; } $post->tags = $tags; }
public function filter_post_content($content, Post $post) { if ($post->info->password) { // if user logged in, show post // make sure it's not just the anonymous user! $user = User::identify(); if ($user instanceof User && $user != User::anonymous()) { return $content; } $session = Session::get_set('post_passwords', false); $token = Utils::crypt('42' . $post->info->password . $post->id . Options::get('GUID')); // if password was submitted verify it if (Controller::get_var('post_password') && Controller::get_var('post_password_id') == $post->id) { $pass = InputFilter::filter(Controller::get_var('post_password')); if (Utils::crypt($pass, $post->info->password)) { Session::add_to_set('post_passwords', $token, $post->id); $session[$post->id] = $token; } else { Session::error(_t('That password was incorrect.', 'postpass')); } } // if password is stored in session verify it if (isset($session[$post->id]) && $session[$post->id] == $token) { return $content; } else { $theme = Themes::create(); $theme->post = $post; return $theme->fetch('post_password_form'); } } else { return $content; } }