Beispiel #1
  * This function is executed by the compiler during the third compilation stage,
  * linking.
 public function preLink(Opt_Compiler_Class $compiler)
     if ($this->get('cdata')) {
         $compiler->appendOutput($this->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEFORE) . '<![CDATA[' . $this . ']]>' . $this->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_AFTER));
     $tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
     // We strip the white spaces at the linking level.
     if ($tpl->stripWhitespaces) {
         // The CDATA composed of white characters only is reduced to a single space.
         if (ctype_space((string) $this)) {
             // TODO: Wtf is this? Compare with OPT 2.0 code...
             			$output .= ' ';
         } else {
             // In the opposite case reduce all the groups of the white characters
             // to single spaces in the text.
             if ($this->get('noEntitize') === true) {
                 $compiler->appendOutput(preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', (string) $this));
             } else {
                 $compiler->appendOutput($compiler->parseSpecialChars(preg_replace('/(\\s){1,}/', ' ', (string) $this)));
     } else {
         $compiler->appendOutput($this->get('noEntitize') ? (string) $this : $compiler->parseSpecialChars($this));
     //	$this->_closeComments($item, $output);