Beispiel #1
define('ONE_PANEL_DEBUG_MODE', 2);
// Define Constants
define('ROOTDIR', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'));
define('ONE_PANEL_VERSION', '2.1');
define('ONE_PANEL_VERSION_DATE', 1250544340);
define('ONE_PANEL_DIR', realpath(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/OnePanel'));
define('ONE_PANEL_ACTIVE', true);
// XXX Remove?
define('ONE_PANEL_AJAX_PREFIX', 'opcp_');
// Start the test harness
require_once realpath(ONE_PANEL_DIR . '/debug/onepaneldebug.php');
require_once realpath(ONE_PANEL_DIR . '/debug/onepanelentry.php');
require_once realpath(ONE_PANEL_DIR . '/debug/onepaneltracker.php');
 * Load OnePanelLib
 * This will be the last time we use require_once in favor of
 * OnePanelLib::RequireFileOnce
require_once realpath(ONE_PANEL_DIR . '/onepanellib.php');
// Include Installer File
OnePanelLib::RequireFileOnce(ONE_PANEL_DIR . '/onepanelinstaller.php');
 *  Include Language File
 *  No need to start it here, it will be started and put into use when required
 *  TODO consider allowing language terms of One Panel to be editable in future,
 *  the object will need to be started here at that point.