Beispiel #1
	 * IPN_Handler
	 * This trigger is invoked whenever a new notification needs to be processed,
	 * and will call the IPN API
	private function ipn () {
		// ERP mode turns off all automated authorization and capture functionality
		// as well as IPN reception and / or polling, and disables any admin UI functionality that may trigger
		//If the authorization is done by ERP then the IPN URL set in amazon should not be this one.
		// we keep it anyway, for testing purposes
		if ($this->isERPModeEnabled() and $this->isAuthorizationDoneByErp()) {
		// Fetch all HTTP request headers
		$headers = getallheaders();
		$body = file_get_contents('php://input');

		$this->debugLog($headers, 'AMAZON IPN HEADERS debug', 'debug');
		$this->debugLog($body, 'AMAZON IPN BODY debug', 'debug');

		$this->loadVmClass('VirtueMartModelOrders', JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orders.php');

		try {
			$client = new OffAmazonPaymentsNotifications_Client();
			$notification = $client->parseRawMessage($headers, $body);
		} catch (OffAmazonPaymentsNotifications_InvalidMessageException $e) {
			$this->debugLog($e->getMessage() . __FUNCTION__ . ' $body', 'error');
			header("HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable");
		$notificationType = $notification->getNotificationType();
		$this->debugLog($notificationType, 'ipn', 'debug');

		if (!$this->isValidNotificationtype($notificationType)) {
			$this->debugLog($notificationType, 'ipn NOT isValidNotificationtype', 'error');

		$notificationClass = 'amazonHelper' . $notificationType;
		$notificationFile = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'vmpayment' . DS . 'amazon' . DS  . 'helpers' . DS . strtolower($notificationType . '.php');
		if (!file_exists($notificationFile)) {
			$this->debugLog("Unknown notification Type: " . $notificationType, __FUNCTION__, 'error');
			return false;
		if (!class_exists($notificationClass)) {
			require(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'vmpayment' . DS . 'amazon' . DS  . 'helpers' . DS . 'helper.php');

		$this->debugLog($notificationType, 'ipn', 'debug');

		$notificationResponse = new $notificationClass($notification, $this->_currentMethod);
		$this->debugLog("<pre>" . var_export($notificationResponse->amazonData, true) . "</pre>", __FUNCTION__, 'debug');

		if (!($order_number = $notificationResponse->getReferenceId())) {
			$this->debugLog('no ReferenceId IPN received', $notificationClass, 'error');
			return true;

		if (!($virtuemart_order_id = VirtueMartModelOrders::getOrderIdByOrderNumber($order_number))) {
			$this->debugLog('Received a ' . $notificationClass . ' with order number ' . $order_number . ' but no order in DB with that number', $notificationClass, 'error');
			return true;
		$orderModel = VmModel::getModel('orders');
		$order = $orderModel->getOrder($virtuemart_order_id);

		if (!($payments = $this->getDatasByOrderId($virtuemart_order_id))) {
			// we ignore it because we receive also notification when refund/capture is done in the Amazon BE, and there is no valid reference
			//$this->debugLog('Received a ' . $newClass . ' with order number ' . $order_number . 'but no order in DB with that number in AMAZON payment table', $newClass, 'error');
			return true;

		$amazonState = $notificationResponse->onNotificationUpdateOrderHistory($order, $payments);
		$this->storeAmazonInternalData($order, NULL, NULL, $notification, NULL, $notificationResponse->getStoreInternalData());

		$nextOperation = $notificationResponse->onNotificationNextOperation($order, $payments, $amazonState);
		if ($nextOperation === false) {
		if (!function_exists($nextOperation)) {
			//$this->debugLog('Trying to call ' . $nextOperation .  ' but the function does not exists: Programming error', $notificationClass, 'error');

		$this->$nextOperation($payments, $order);
Beispiel #2
 * This file is invoked whenever a new notification needs to be processed,
 * and will call the IPN API
 * Note that if the IPN Client throws an exception, the IPH_Handler routine is
 * expected to throw a HTTP error response to signal that there has been an issue
 * with the message
 * This class logs information to an error logs, 
 * and places the last received notification
 * into the session context as a way to pass to other pages
$headers = getallheaders();
$body = file_get_contents('php://input');
try {
    $client = new OffAmazonPaymentsNotifications_Client();
    $result = $client->parseRawMessage($headers, $body);
} catch (OffAmazonPaymentsNotifications_InvalidMessageException $ex) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable");
try {
} catch (Exception $ex) {
 * Return the identifier for this notification
 * @param OffAmazonPaymentsNotifications_Notification $notification to extract 
Beispiel #3
  * IPN_Handler
  * This trigger is invoked whenever a new notification needs to be processed,
  * and will call the IPN API
 private function ipn()
     // ERP mode turns off all automated authorization and capture functionality
     // as well as IPN reception and / or polling, and disables any admin UI functionality that may trigger
     //If the authorization is done by ERP then the IPN URL set in amazon should not be this one.
     // we keep it anyway, for testing purposes
     if ($this->isERPModeEnabled() and $this->isAuthorizationDoneByErp()) {
     // Fetch all HTTP request headers
     $headers = $this->getallheaders();
     $body = file_get_contents('php://input');
     $this->debugLog($headers, 'AMAZON IPN HEADERS debug', 'debug');
     $this->debugLog($body, 'AMAZON IPN BODY debug', 'debug');
     				$fp = fopen("/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/VM2/VM2024/AMAZON-ipnhandler.php", 'a+');
     				   fwrite($fp, var_export($headers, true));
     				  fwrite($fp, var_export($body, true));
     		$headers=array (
     			'x-amz-sns-message-type' => 'Notification',
     			'x-amz-sns-message-id' => '2c9311b0-7bb2-58e9-9fcb-5cfdf71809aa',
     			'x-amz-sns-topic-arn' => 'arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:291180941288:A3M3RRFO9XDT2GAA3KB5JD2CWIH',
     			'x-amz-sns-subscription-arn' => 'arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:291180941288:A3M3RRFO9XDT2GAA3KB5JD2CWIH:cf4843ce-a0e5-4f7f-892e-c013c91c4402',
     			'Content-Length' => '2701',
     			'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
     			'Host' => '',
     			'Connection' => 'Keep-Alive',
     			'User-Agent' => 'Amazon Simple Notification Service Agent',
     			'Cookie' => '53369989722c841763ad3ab697b54ad2=ba355be2a8b664b26fe73fff94c42d58',
     			'Cookie2' => '$Version=1',
     			'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip,deflate',
       "Type" : "Notification",
       "MessageId" : "2c9311b0-7bb2-58e9-9fcb-5cfdf71809aa",
       "TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:291180941288:A3M3RRFO9XDT2GAA3KB5JD2CWIH",
       "Message" : "{\\"NotificationReferenceId\\":\\"f7d81c82-4cfa-4cdf-b9f2-1c0a41189698\\",\\"MarketplaceID\\":\\"136291\\",\\"NotificationType\\":\\"PaymentAuthorize\\",\\"SellerId\\":\\"AA3KB5JD2CWIH\\",\\"ReleaseEnvironment\\":\\"Sandbox\\",\\"Version\\":\\"2013-01-01\\",\\"NotificationData\\":\\"<?xml version=\\\\\\"1.0\\\\\\" encoding=\\\\\\"UTF-8\\\\\\"?><AuthorizationNotification xmlns=\\\\\\"\\\\\\">\\\\n    <AuthorizationDetails>\\\\n        <AmazonAuthorizationId>S02-5813777-8476477-A004132<\\\\/AmazonAuthorizationId>\\\\n        <AuthorizationReferenceId>9a0f027<\\\\/AuthorizationReferenceId>\\\\n        <AuthorizationAmount>\\\\n            <Amount>445.74<\\\\/Amount>\\\\n            <CurrencyCode>GBP<\\\\/CurrencyCode>\\\\n        <\\\\/AuthorizationAmount>\\\\n        <CapturedAmount>\\\\n            <Amount>445.74<\\\\/Amount>\\\\n            <CurrencyCode>GBP<\\\\/CurrencyCode>\\\\n        <\\\\/CapturedAmount>\\\\n        <AuthorizationFee>\\\\n            <Amount>0.0<\\\\/Amount>\\\\n            <CurrencyCode>GBP<\\\\/CurrencyCode>\\\\n        <\\\\/AuthorizationFee>\\\\n        <IdList>\\\\n            <Id>S02-5813777-8476477-C004132<\\\\/Id>\\\\n        <\\\\/IdList>\\\\n        <CreationTimestamp>2015-02-05T15:16:38.719Z<\\\\/CreationTimestamp>\\\\n        <ExpirationTimestamp>2015-03-07T15:16:38.719Z<\\\\/ExpirationTimestamp>\\\\n        <AuthorizationStatus>\\\\n            <State>Closed<\\\\/State>\\\\n            <LastUpdateTimestamp>2015-02-05T15:21:13.685Z<\\\\/LastUpdateTimestamp>\\\\n            <ReasonCode>MaxCapturesProcessed<\\\\/ReasonCode>\\\\n        <\\\\/AuthorizationStatus>\\\\n        <OrderItemCategories/>\\\\n        <CaptureNow>false<\\\\/CaptureNow>\\\\n        <SoftDescriptor/>\\\\n    <\\\\/AuthorizationDetails>\\\\n<\\\\/AuthorizationNotification>\\",\\"Timestamp\\":\\"2015-02-05T03:21:14Z\\"}",
       "Timestamp" : "2015-02-05T15:21:14.625Z",
       "SignatureVersion" : "1",
       "Signature" : "r1L77iTDBFZelBurw3K1jR9zmXqknxtPv/e7zVWu85GiHn+pB3T4pbZVkoeOnwiNDsdkviNSwqWWVyrVsQM/6lilUbWMo8lFrkIgyRrwWObTLxAOpIgPtjIqGjVzrThSIlmJrcmrrIjr4FrCfqflqsmxoxFbVUJKzs3n9IQjTGUS18vBmH/Zc/VgqFjpm1VbyKSJUyPoYQwXBNSim+A5IaP8sKJ/qlOfuAOuV/EjPN1CBrSTiuFz5IGybEHYkzdebtuIi9s4zO/z2YQYHchgkSoaM5zmgwL50yYT7Hy7kmIriok3OCb5k9wWLVwA1iUDBDaTDI8lRlS8JglsZ1D3Yg==",
       "SigningCertURL" : "",
       "UnsubscribeURL" : ""
     $this->loadVmClass('VirtueMartModelOrders', JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'orders.php');
     try {
         $client = new OffAmazonPaymentsNotifications_Client();
         $notification = $client->parseRawMessage($headers, $body);
     } catch (OffAmazonPaymentsNotifications_InvalidMessageException $e) {
         $this->debugLog($e->getMessage() . __FUNCTION__ . ' $body', 'error');
         header("HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable");
     $notificationType = $notification->getNotificationType();
     $this->debugLog($notificationType, 'ipn', 'debug');
     if (!$this->isValidNotificationtype($notificationType)) {
         $this->debugLog($notificationType, 'ipn NOT isValidNotificationtype', 'error');
     $notificationClass = 'amazonHelper' . $notificationType;
     $notificationFile = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'vmpayment' . DS . 'amazon' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . strtolower($notificationType . '.php');
     if (!file_exists($notificationFile)) {
         $this->debugLog("Unknown notification Type: " . $notificationType, __FUNCTION__, 'error');
         return false;
     if (!class_exists($notificationClass)) {
         require JPATH_SITE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'vmpayment' . DS . 'amazon' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'helper.php';
         require $notificationFile;
     $this->debugLog($notificationType, 'ipn', 'debug');
     $notificationResponse = new $notificationClass($notification, $this->_currentMethod);
     $this->debugLog("<pre>" . var_export($notificationResponse->amazonData, true) . "</pre>", __FUNCTION__, 'debug');
     if (!($order_number = $notificationResponse->getReferenceId())) {
         			// it is not really an error, orderReferenceNotification do not send a ReferenceId
         			if ($amazonReferenceId=$notificationResponse->getAmazonReferenceId()) {
         				if (!$payments) {
         					$this->debugLog('no ReferenceId IPN received', $notificationClass, 'error');
         				$orderModel = VmModel::getModel('orders');
         				$order = $orderModel->getOrder($payments[0]->virtuemart_order_id);
         				$this->storeAmazonInternalData($order, NULL, NULL, $notification, NULL, $notificationResponse->getStoreInternalData());
         $this->debugLog('no ReferenceId IPN received', $notificationClass, 'error');
         return true;
     if (!($virtuemart_order_id = VirtueMartModelOrders::getOrderIdByOrderNumber($order_number))) {
         $this->debugLog('Received a ' . $notificationClass . ' with order number ' . $order_number . ' but no order in DB with that number', $notificationClass, 'error');
         return true;
     $orderModel = VmModel::getModel('orders');
     $order = $orderModel->getOrder($virtuemart_order_id);
     if (!($payments = $this->getDatasByOrderId($virtuemart_order_id))) {
         // we ignore it because we receive also notification when refund/capture is done in the Amazon BE, and there is no valid reference
         //$this->debugLog('Received a ' . $newClass . ' with order number ' . $order_number . 'but no order in DB with that number in AMAZON payment table', $newClass, 'error');
         return true;
     $amazonState = $notificationResponse->onNotificationUpdateOrderHistory($order, $payments);
     $this->storeAmazonInternalData($order, NULL, NULL, $notification, NULL, $notificationResponse->getStoreInternalData());
     $nextOperation = $notificationResponse->onNotificationNextOperation($order, $payments, $amazonState);
     if ($nextOperation === false) {
     if (!function_exists($nextOperation)) {
         //$this->debugLog('Trying to call ' . $nextOperation .  ' but the function does not exists: Programming error', $notificationClass, 'error');
     $this->{$nextOperation}($payments, $order);