public function __construct(Oedipus_Scene $scene, $name) { parent::__construct('form', NULL); $method = 'POST'; $this->set_attribute_str('name', $name); $this->set_attribute_str('method', $method); $this->set_attribute_str('class', 'scene-form'); $this->input_lis = array(); $this->scene = $scene; # action $this_action = $this->get_scene_editor_form_action_url(); $this->set_action($this_action); // # cancel // $this_cancel = $this->get_scene_editor_form_cancel_url(); // $this->set_cancel_location($this_cancel); # Hidden Inputs $this->add_hidden_input('scene_id', $scene->get_id()); /* *If we're on the edit_scene section of Drama Page, * pass this on to set the return to correctly */ if (isset($_GET['edit_scene'])) { $this->add_hidden_input('return_to_get', 'edit_scene'); } $this->set_submit_text('Save'); }
public static function get_frame_tree_div(Oedipus_Scene $scene) { $div = new HTMLTags_Div(); $div->set_attribute_str('class', 'frame-tree'); $html = self::get_tree_ul(self::get_root_frame_id_for_scene_id($scene->get_id()), $scene->get_id(), $scene->is_editable()); // print_r($html);exit; $div->append($html); return $div; }
public function __construct($drama_id, Oedipus_Scene $scene) { parent::__construct('add-scene-note'); # Note Text Input $this->add_textarea_with_value('note_text', '', 'Note'); # action $this_action = $this->get_scene_note_editor_form_action_url(); $this->set_action($this_action); # Hidden Inputs $this->add_hidden_input('drama_id', $drama_id); $this->add_hidden_input('scene_id', $scene->get_id()); $this->add_hidden_input('add_note', 1); }
public function add_scene(Oedipus_Scene $scene) { // $this->scenes[$scene->get_name()] = $scene; $this->scenes[$scene->get_id()] = $scene; }
public function get_scene_by_id($scene_id) { $dbh = DB::m(); $query = <<<SQL SELECT \t* \tFROM \t\toedipus_scenes \tWHERE \t\tid = {$scene_id} SQL; // print_r($query);exit; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); // print_r($row);exit; $scene = new Oedipus_Scene($row['id'], $row['name'], $row['added'], $row['act_id']); // print_r($scene);exit; // Add the scenes to this Act // Get all frames for this drama $frames_query = <<<SQL SELECT \t* \tFROM \t\toedipus_frames \tWHERE \t\tscene_id = {$scene_id} SQL; // print_r($frames_query);exit; $frames_result = mysql_query($frames_query, $dbh); // print_r($frames_result);exit; // Add the frames to the drama object // if ($frames_result) { while ($frame_result = mysql_fetch_array($frames_result)) { // print_r($frame_result);exit; $frame_id = $frame_result['id']; $frame = self::get_frame_by_id($frame_id); $scene->add_frame($frame); } } // print_r($scene);exit; return $scene; }
public static function add_note_to_scene(Oedipus_Scene $scene, $note_text) { // ADD NOTE TO DATABASE $dbh = DB::m(); $note_sql = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_notes SET \tnote_text = '{$note_text}', \tadded = NOW() SQL; // print_r($sql);exit; $note_result = mysql_query($note_sql, $dbh); $note_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); // ADD LINK TO DATABASE $scene_id = $scene->get_id(); $link_sql = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_scene_to_note_links SET \tscene_id = '{$scene_id}', \tnote_id = '{$note_id}' SQL; // print_r($link_sql);exit; $link_result = mysql_query($link_sql, $dbh); $link_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); return new Oedipus_Note($note_id, $note_text, date()); }
protected function get_scene_div(Oedipus_Scene $scene) { /* *Pass Editing Priviliges */ if ($this->get_drama()->is_editable()) { $scene->make_editable(); } if (isset($_GET['frame_id'])) { /* * Return the normal frame */ return new Oedipus_FrameViewSceneDiv($scene, $_GET['frame_id']); } /* * Return the Tree */ return new Oedipus_TreeViewSceneDiv($scene); }
public function add_child_frame_as_duplicate_of_parent(Oedipus_Scene $scene, $parent_frame_id) { $parent_frame = $scene->get_frame($parent_frame_id); $frame_name = Oedipus_DramaHelper::get_incremented_name($parent_frame->get_name()); //print_r($frame_name);exit; $scene_id = $scene->get_id(); // ADD TABLE TO DATABASE $dbh = DB::m(); $sql = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_frames SET \tname = '{$frame_name}', \tscene_id = {$scene_id}, \tadded = NOW() SQL; //print_r($sql);exit; $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbh); $frame_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); /* *Set Frame Name */ $characters = array(); $parent_characters = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($parent_frame->get_characters() as $parent_character) { // ADD Duplicate ACTOR tO DATABASE $character_name = $parent_character->get_name(); $character_color = $parent_character->get_color(); $sql2 = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_characters SET \tname = '{$character_name}', \tcolor = '{$character_color}', \tframe_id = {$frame_id}, \tadded = NOW() SQL; // print_r($sql);exit; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $dbh); $character_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); $character = new Oedipus_Character($character_id, $character_name, $character_color); $characters[$i] = $character; $parent_characters[$i] = $parent_character; $i++; } //print_r($parent_characters);exit; $i = 0; foreach ($parent_characters[$i]->get_options() as $parent_option) { $parent_si = $parent_option->get_stated_intention(); //print_r($parent_si);exit; // ADD DEFAULT stated_intention tO DATABASE $stated_intention_position = $parent_si->get_tile(); $stated_intention_doubt = $parent_si->get_doubt(); $sql3 = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_stated_intentions SET \tposition = '{$stated_intention_position}', \tdoubt = '{$stated_intention_doubt}' SQL; //print_r($sql3);exit; $result3 = mysql_query($sql3, $dbh); $stated_intention_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); // ADD DEFAULT option tO DATABASE $character_id = $characters[$i]->get_id(); $option_name = $parent_option->get_name(); $sql4 = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_options SET \tname = '{$option_name}', \tcharacter_id = {$character_id}, \tstated_intention_id = {$stated_intention_id}, \tadded = NOW() SQL; // print_r($sql);exit; $result4 = mysql_query($sql4, $dbh); $option_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); $stated_intention = new Oedipus_StatedIntention($stated_intention_id, $stated_intention_position, $stated_intention_doubt); $characters_option = new Oedipus_Option($option_id, $option_name, $stated_intention); $characters[$i]->add_option($characters_option); $i++; } // Create default positions foreach ($characters as $character) { foreach ($character->get_options() as $option) { $positions = array(); foreach ($characters as $position_character) { // ADD DEFAULT position tO DATABASE $position_position = '1'; $position_doubt = ''; $option_id = $option->get_id(); $character_id = $position_character->get_id(); $sql5 = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_positions SET \tposition = '{$position_position}', \tdoubt = '{$position_doubt}', \toption_id = {$option_id}, \tcharacter_id = {$character_id} SQL; // print_r($sql5);exit; $result5 = mysql_query($sql5, $dbh); $position_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); $positions[$position_character->get_name()] = new Oedipus_Position($position_id, $position_position, $position_doubt, $position_character); } $option->add_positions($positions); } } $frame = new Oedipus_Frame($frame_id, $frame_name, date(), $scene_id, $characters); //__construct($id, $name, $added, $scene_id, $characters // Add Frame to Tree Oedipus_FrameTreeHelper::add_frame_to_tree($frame, $parent_frame_id); return $frame; }