 } else {
     if ($collId && file_exists('includes/config/occurVarColl' . $collId . '.php')) {
         //Specific to particular collection
         include 'includes/config/occurVarColl' . $collId . '.php';
     } elseif (file_exists('includes/config/occurVarDefault.php')) {
         //Specific to Default values for portal
         include 'includes/config/occurVarDefault.php';
     if ($crowdSourceMode && file_exists('includes/config/crowdSourceVar.php')) {
         //Specific to Crowdsourcing
         include 'includes/config/crowdSourceVar.php';
 if ($isAdmin || $collId && array_key_exists("CollAdmin", $userRights) && in_array($collId, $userRights["CollAdmin"])) {
     $isEditor = 1;
 } else {
     if ($isGenObs) {
         if (!$occId && array_key_exists("CollEditor", $userRights) && in_array($collId, $userRights["CollEditor"])) {
             //Approved General Observation editors can add records
             $isEditor = 2;
         } elseif ($action) {
             //Lets assume that Edits where submitted and they remain on same specimen, user is still approved
             $isEditor = 2;
         } elseif ($occManager->getObserverUid() == $symbUid) {
             //Users can edit their own records
             $isEditor = 2;