Beispiel #1
  * The constructor generates a Captcha image.
  * @param int $dotNoise  The dot noise level. Default: 100.
  * @param int $lineNoise The line noise level. Default: 5.
  * @param int $wordLen   The length of the Captcha word. Default: 6.
  * @param int $timeout   The timeout in seconds. Default: 1800.
  * @return OSS_Captcha_Image
 public function __construct($dotNoise = 100, $lineNoise = 5, $wordLen = 6, $timeout = 1800)
     $captchaDir = OSS_Utils::getTempDir() . '/captchas';
     if (!file_exists($captchaDir)) {
         mkdir($captchaDir, 0777, true);
     if (strpos(dirname(__FILE__), 'src/') === false) {
         $font = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../data/font/freeserif.ttf';
     } else {
         $font = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../data/font/freeserif.ttf';
     return $this;
Beispiel #2
  * Converts a HTML file to PDF using htmldoc. Please note that the current stable version of htmldoc (v1.8.27) does not support CSS. Make sure PHP has write permission in the
  * output directory. Also don't forget that relative paths are relative to the currently executing PHP script (include() and require() doesn't count in that).
  * Using command line OpenOffice might be a better solution (a necessary macro and a tiny, one line shell script are available on the internet), as it supports everything in the HTML,
  * CSS, images, etc, while the htmldoc 1.9.x is still in "developer snapshot" state.
  * @param string $html the input HTML file name
  * @param string $pdf the output PDF file name
  * @param bool $embedFonts default false embed the used fonts to the genereated PDF or not - can save 100's of kBytes even in a plain PDF (think of email sending)
  * @return bool
 public static function HtmlToPdf($html, $pdf, $embedFonts = false)
     $tempFile = OSS_Utils::getTempDir() . '/html_to_pdf_' . md5(mt_rand()) . '.html';
     $res = file_put_contents($tempFile, mb_convert_encoding(file_get_contents($html), 'HTML-ENTITIES'));
     if (!$res) {
         return false;
     // a ' &> /dev/null' at the end of the command should work, but it doesn't
     $command = 'htmldoc --webpage --continuous --compression=9' . ($embedFonts == false ? ' --no-embedfonts' : '') . ' --fontsize 10 --size A4 --top 2cm --bottom 2cm --left 2cm --right 2cm -t pdf14 -f ' . escapeshellarg($pdf) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($tempFile);
     //print "\n\n" . $vCommand . "\n\n"; die();
     //file_put_contents('../var/tmp/command.txt', $vCommand);
     $res = @exec($command);
     if (!$res) {
         return false;
     return @file_exists($pdf);
Beispiel #3
  * Takes an id as a parameter, and prints the matching CAPTCHA image as a binary raw string to the output,
  * or prints nothing if no matching CAPTCHA found.
 public function captchaImageAction()
     $captchaId = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z]+/u", '', strtolower(basename($this->_getParam('id'))));
     $captchaFile = OSS_Utils::getTempDir() . "/captchas/{$captchaId}.png";
     if (@file_exists($captchaFile)) {
         header('Content-type: image/png');
     } else {
         $this->_forward('error-404', 'error');