  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see app/modules/AppKit/lib/auth/AppKitIAuthProvider#doAuthenticate()
 public function doAuthenticate(NsmUser $user, $password, $username = null, $authid = null)
     $authid = $user->getAuthId();
     $username = $user->user_name;
     $this->log('Auth.Provider.LDAP Trying authenticate (authkey=%s,user=%s)', $authid, $username, AgaviLogger::DEBUG);
     if ($password == '') {
         $this->log('Auth.Provider.LDAP Empty password given, bind aborted', AgaviLogger::DEBUG);
         return false;
     try {
         // Check if user always is available
         $filter = $this->getSearchFilter($user->user_name);
         if (!$filter) {
             return false;
         $search_record = $this->getLdaprecord($filter);
         if (isset($search_record['dn'])) {
             // Check bind
             $this->log('Auth.Provider.LDAP Trying bind with dn=%s', $search_record['dn'], AgaviLogger::DEBUG);
             $conn = $this->getLdapConnection(false);
             $re = @ldap_bind($conn, $search_record['dn'], $password);
             if ($this->isLdapError($conn) == false && $re === true && ldap_errno($conn) === 0) {
                 $this->log('Auth.Provider.LDAP Successfull bind (dn=%s,user=%s)', $search_record['dn'], $username, AgaviLogger::DEBUG);
                 return true;
     } catch (AgaviSecurityException $e) {
         // PASS
     $this->log('Auth.Provider.LDAP Bind failed (authkey=%s,user=%s)', $authid, $username, AgaviLogger::WARN);
     return false;
 public function __construct()
     if (file_exists($this->icingaWebDir . '/app/config.php')) {
         require $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/agavi/src/agavi.php';
         require $this->icingaWebDir . '/app/config.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Exception.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Locator/Injectable.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Access.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Record.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Record/Iterator.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Null.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Core.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Manager/Exception.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/lib/doctrine/lib/Doctrine/Manager.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/app/modules/AppKit/lib/database/models/generated/BaseNsmUser.php';
         require_once $this->icingaWebDir . '/app/modules/AppKit/lib/database/models/NsmUser.php';
         AgaviConfig::set('core.default_context', 'web');
         AgaviConfig::set('core.context_implementation', 'AppKitAgaviContext');
         $icingWebUser = new NsmUser('nsm_user');
         //                $icingWebUser->
  * Applies user principals to the cache of the model.
  * Public to the world for testing
 public function refreshUser()
     $this->agaviUser = $this->getContext()->getUser();
     if ($this->agaviUser->isAuthenticated() === true) {
         $this->user = $this->agaviUser->getNsmUser();
         $this->principals = $this->user->getPrincipalsArray();
 public function extend(IcingaDoctrine_Query $query, array $params)
     // target, host or service
     $target = $params["target"];
     // alias for the table to join from
     $alias = $params["alias"];
     $this->user = $this->getContext()->getUser()->getNsmUser();
     $aliasAbbr = "cv";
     $impl = ++Api_Views_Extender_CustomVariableExtenderModel::$impl;
     switch ($target) {
         case 'host':
             $aliasAbbr = "h_cv_{$impl}";
             $target = IcingaIPrincipalConstants::TYPE_CUSTOMVAR_HOST;
         case 'service':
             $aliasAbbr = "s_cv_{$impl}";
             $target = IcingaIPrincipalConstants::TYPE_CUSTOMVAR_SERVICE;
     $targetVals = $this->user->getTargetValues($target, true)->toArray();
     if (empty($targetVals)) {
     $keymap = array("cv_name" => "varname", "cv_value" => "varvalue");
     $pairs = array();
     $CVcredentials = array();
     // build correct array with the data we need
     foreach ($targetVals as $targetData) {
         if (isset($targetData["tv_pt_id"]) and isset($targetData["tv_key"])) {
             $tvid = $targetData["tv_pt_id"];
             if ($targetData["tv_key"] == "cv_name") {
                 $CVcredentials[$tvid]["name"] = $targetData["tv_val"];
             } else {
                 if ($targetData["tv_key"] == "cv_value") {
                     $CVcredentials[$tvid]["value"] = $targetData["tv_val"];
     // make a join for each CV permission
     $query->leftJoin("{$alias}.customvariables " . $aliasAbbr);
     // now we build the sql data
     foreach ($CVcredentials as $tvid => $cvdata) {
         // skip incomplete sets
         if (!isset($cvdata["name"]) || !isset($cvdata["value"])) {
         $pairs[] = "({$aliasAbbr}.varname LIKE '" . $cvdata["name"] . "' and {$aliasAbbr}.varvalue LIKE '" . $cvdata["value"] . "')";
     if ($target == IcingaIPrincipalConstants::TYPE_CUSTOMVAR_SERVICE) {
         $pairs[] = $params["alias"] . '.service_object_id IS NULL';
     $query->orWhere(join(" OR ", $pairs));
 private function getCredentialValues($target)
     if (!$this->user->hasTarget($target, true)) {
         return array();
     if ($target != IcingaIPrincipalConstants::TYPE_CONTACTGROUP) {
         return $this->user->getTargetValues($target, true)->toArray();
     $targetValue = new NsmTargetValue();
     $targetValue->tv_key = 'contactname';
     $targetValue->tv_val = $this->user->user_name;
     return array($targetValue);
  * Return a list of cronks defined in xml
  * @param boolean $all
  * @return array
 private function getXmlCronks($all = false)
     // pull cronk xml data from the cache
     $cached = $this->user->getStorage()->read("icinga.cronks.cache.xml");
     // get me a timestamp for our xml disk cache for cronks
     $configcache_ts = filemtime(AgaviConfigCache::checkConfig(AgaviConfig::get('core.config_dir') . '/cronks.xml'));
     // do we have any cache?
     if (isset($cached) and isset($cached["data"])) {
         // is the cached data newer than that in the xml cache on disk?
         if (isset($cached["timestamp"]) and $cached["timestamp"] > $configcache_ts) {
             // return cache
             return $cached["data"];
     $out = array();
     foreach (self::$xml_cronk_data as $uid => $cronk) {
          * Database credentials overwrite xml credentials
         if ($this->getSecurityModel()->hasDatabaseRoles()) {
             $cronk['groupsonly'] = $this->getSecurityModel()->getRoleNamesAsString();
         if (isset($cronk['groupsonly']) && $this->checkGroups($cronk['groupsonly']) !== true && $this->agaviUser->hasCredential('icinga.cronk.admin') === false) {
         } elseif (isset($cronk['principalsonly']) && $this->checkPrincipals($cronk['principalsonly']) !== true) {
         } elseif (isset($cronk['disabled']) && $cronk['disabled'] == true) {
         } elseif (!isset($cronk['action']) || !isset($cronk['module'])) {
             $this->getContext()->getLoggerManager()->log('No action or module for cronk: ' . $uid, AgaviLogger::ERROR);
         $out[$uid] = array('cronkid' => $uid, 'module' => $cronk['module'], 'action' => $cronk['action'], 'hide' => isset($cronk['hide']) ? (bool) $cronk['hide'] : false, 'description' => isset($cronk['description']) ? $cronk['description'] : null, 'name' => isset($cronk['name']) ? $cronk['name'] : null, 'categories' => isset($cronk['categories']) ? $cronk['categories'] : null, 'image' => isset($cronk['image']) ? $cronk['image'] : self::DEFAULT_CRONK_IMAGE, 'disabled' => isset($cronk['disabled']) ? (bool) $cronk['disabled'] : false, 'groupsonly' => isset($cronk['groupsonly']) ? $cronk['groupsonly'] : null, 'state' => isset($cronk['state']) ? $cronk['state'] : null, 'ae:parameter' => isset($cronk['ae:parameter']) ? $cronk['ae:parameter'] : null, 'system' => true, 'owner' => false, 'position' => isset($cronk['position']) ? $cronk['position'] : 0, 'owner_name' => self::DEFAULT_CRONK_OWNER, 'owner_id' => self::DEFAULT_CRONK_OWNERID);
     // write data to the cache, with a timestamp
     $this->user->getStorage()->write("icinga.cronks.cache.xml", array("timestamp" => time(), "data" => $out));
     return $out;
 private function importUser($username)
     $this->log('Auth.Dispatch: User %s not found, try to import', $username, AgaviLogger::DEBUG);
     $padmin = $this->getContext()->getModel('PrincipalAdmin', 'AppKit');
     foreach ($this->provider_keys as $pid) {
         $provider = $this->getProvider($pid);
         if ($provider->canCreateProfile()) {
             $this->log('Auth.Dispatch/import: %s will provide the user profile', $provider->getProviderName(), AgaviLogger::DEBUG);
             try {
                 $data = $provider->getUserdata($username, false);
                 if (is_array($data)) {
                     $user = new NsmUser();
                     $user->fromArray($data, false);
                     // Write a random password.
                     // @todo Change this to let providers can do that later
                     $groups = $provider->getDefaultGroups();
                     if (is_array($groups)) {
                         foreach ($groups as $group_name) {
                             $group = Doctrine::getTable('NsmRole')->findOneBy('role_name', $group_name);
                             if ($group instanceof NsmRole) {
                                 $user->NsmRole[] = $group;
                             } else {
                                 $this->log('Auth.Dispatch/import: Could not assign group %s', $group_name, AgaviLogger::WARN);
                     if (count($user->NsmRole) > 0) {
                     } else {
                         $this->log('Auth.Dispatch/import: No groups available for user, ABORT!', AgaviLogger::FATAL);
                         return null;
                     $padmin->updatePrincipalValueData($user->principal, array(), array());
                     $this->log('Auth.Dispatch/import: user %s successfully imported (user_id=%d, provider=%s)', $username, $user->user_id, $provider->getProviderName(), AgaviLogger::DEBUG);
                     return $user;
             } catch (AgaviSecurityException $e) {
                 $this->log('Auth.Dispatch/import: Import failed (provider=%s,msg=%s)', $provider->getProviderName(), $e->getMessage(), AgaviLogger::ERROR);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->log('Auth.Dispatch/import failed: Import failed: (provider=%s, msg=%s)', $provider->getProviderName(), $e->getMessage(), AgaviLogger::ERROR);
  * Updates the user password, this is only a smart reference
  * @param $user
  * @param $user_password
  * @return unknown_type
  * @throws AppKitException
  * @author Marius Hein
 public function updateUserPassword(NsmUser &$user, $user_password)
     return true;
  * Adding credential from database to the rbac user
  * @param NsmUser $user
 private function getCredentialsFromDB(NsmUser &$user)
     foreach ($user->NsmRole as $role) {
         $this->roles[] = $role;
         $next = $role;
         while ($next->hasParent()) {
             $next = $next->getParent();
             $this->roles[] = $next;
     foreach ($user->getTargets("credential") as $credential) {
Beispiel #10
 public function getPreferences($shortenBlob = false, $ignoreDefaults = false)
     if (!empty(self::$cachedPreferences)) {
         $res = self::$cachedPreferences;
     } else {
         $res = AppKitDoctrineUtil::createQuery()->select('p.upref_val, p.upref_key, p.upref_longval')->from('NsmUserPreference p INDEXBY p.upref_key')->where('p.upref_user_id=?', array($this->user_id))->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
         self::$cachedPreferences = $res;
     $out = array();
     foreach ($res as $key => $d) {
         $out[$key] = $d['upref_longval'] ? $shortenBlob ? 'BLOB' : $d['upref_longval'] : $d['upref_val'];
     // Adding defaults
     if (!$ignoreDefaults) {
         foreach (AgaviConfig::get('modules.appkit.user_preferences_default', array()) as $k => $v) {
             if (!array_key_exists($k, $out)) {
                 $out[$k] = $v;
     return $out;