public function getContent() { global $sql; //Lang::load('blocks/shoutbox/lang.*.php'); $err = new Error(); $note = new Notifier('note-shoutbox'); $form['author'] = LOGGED ? User::$nickname : ''; $form['message'] = ''; if (isset($_POST['reply-shoutbox'])) { $form['author'] = LOGGED ? User::$nickname : filter($_POST['author-shoutbox'], 100); $form['message'] = filter($_POST['message-shoutbox'], Kio::getConfig('message_max', 'shoutbox')); $err->setError('author_empty', t('Author field is required.'))->condition(!$form['author']); $err->setError('author_exists', t('Entered nickname is registered.'))->condition(!LOGGED && is_registered($form['author'])); $err->setError('message_empty', t('Message field is required.'))->condition(!$form['message']); // No errors if ($err->noErrors()) { $sql->exec(' INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'shoutbox (added, author, message, author_id, author_ip) VALUES ( ' . TIMESTAMP . ', "' . $form['author'] . '", "' . cut($form['message'], Kio::getConfig('message_max', 'shoutbox')) . '", ' . UID . ', "' . IP . '")'); $sql->clearCache('shoutbox'); $note->success(t('Entry was added successfully.')); redirect(HREF . PATH . '#shoutbox'); } else { $note->error($err->toArray()); } } // If cache for shoutbox doesn't exists if (!($entries = $sql->getCache('shoutbox'))) { $query = $sql->query(' SELECT u.nickname, u.group_id, s.added,, s.author_id, s.message FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'shoutbox s LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u ON = s.author_id ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ' . Kio::getConfig('limit', 'shoutbox')); while ($row = $query->fetch()) { if ($row['author_id']) { $row['author'] = User::format($row['author_id'], $row['nickname'], $row['group_id']); $row['message'] = parse($row['message'], Kio::getConfig('parser', 'shoutbox')); } $entries[] = $row; } $sql->putCacheContent('shoutbox', $entries); } try { $tpl = new PHPTAL('blocks/shoutbox/shoutbox.tpl.html'); $tpl->entries = $entries; $tpl->err = $err->toArray(); $tpl->form = $form; $tpl->note = $note; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e->getMessage()); //echo Note::error($e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Save/reset/load component values. */ private function update() { $errors = array(); switch (State::get('action')) { case 'save': $errors = $this->save(); Notifier::success('Settings saved.'); break; case 'reset-section': $section = $this->config->get_section_by_slug(State::get('active_section')); $this->reset($section); Notifier::success('<strong>' . $section->title . '</strong> section was reset to its default settings.'); break; case 'reset-all': $this->reset(); Notifier::success('All sections were reset to their default settings.'); break; // No submission (simple request) // No submission (simple request) default: $this->load(); } $this->set_errors($errors); }
public function getContent() { global $sql; if (!LOGGED) { return no_access('By mieć dostęp do edycji profilu musisz się zalogować.'); } $note = new Notifier(); $err = new Error(); $edit = isset($_POST['edit']) ? true : false; $countries = (include 'lang/countries.php'); asort($countries); //Edit user by ID if (ctype_digit(u1)) { $profile = $sql->query(' SELECT u.* FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u WHERE = ' . u1)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($profile) { Kio::addTitle(t('Users')); Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Users'), 'users'); Kio::addTitle($profile['nickname'] . ' - ' . t('Edit profile')); Kio::addBreadcrumb($profile['nickname'], 'profile/' . u1); Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Edit profile'), 'edit_profile/' . u1); $form = $profile; } else { return not_found(t('Selected user doesn't exists.'), array(t('This person was deleted from database.'), t('Entered URL is invalid.'))); } } else { $profile = User::toArray(); Kio::addTitle(t('Edit profile')); Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Edit profile'), 'edit_profile'); } $form = $profile; $form['password'] = ''; $form['password2'] = ''; $form['birthdate'] = explode('-', $profile['birthdate']); $form['newsletter'] = $profile['newsletter'] ? 1 : 0; $form['pm_notify'] = $profile['pm_notify'] ? 1 : 0; $form['hide_email'] = $profile['hide_email'] ? 1 : 0; if (!u1 || $profile) { // Edit profile if (!empty($edit)) { $form = array('nickname' => Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile') ? filter($_POST['nickname'], 100) : User::$nickname, 'password' => filter($_POST['password'], 100), 'password2' => filter($_POST['password2'], 100), 'email' => strtolower(filter($_POST['email'], 100)), 'forename' => $_POST['forename'], 'surname' => $_POST['surname'], 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'locality' => $_POST['locality'], 'country' => !empty($countries[$_POST['country']]) ? $_POST['country'] : '', 'communicator' => $_POST['communicator'], 'website' => $_POST['website'], 'birthdate' => array_map('intval', (array) $_POST['birthdate']), 'newsletter' => isset($_POST['newsletter']) ? 1 : 0, 'pm_notify' => isset($_POST['pm_notify']) ? 1 : 0, 'hide_email' => isset($_POST['hide_email']) ? 1 : 0, 'avatar' => $_FILES['avatar']['error'] == 0 && !$_POST['delete_avatar'] ? $_FILES['avatar'] : array(), 'delete_avatar' => isset($_POST['delete_avatar']) ? 1 : 0, 'photo' => isset($_FILES['photo']) ? $_FILES['photo'] : null, 'delete_photo' => isset($_POST['delete_photo']) ? 1 : 0, 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'interests' => $_POST['interests'], 'signature' => $_POST['signature']); $allowed_types = array('image/png' => 'png', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/gif' => 'gif'); // Nickname $err->setError('nickname_empty', t('ERROR_NICKNAME_EMPTY'))->condition(!$form['nickname']); $err->setError('nickname_exists', t('ERROR_NICKNAME_EXISTS'))->condition(Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile') && $form['nickname'] && strtolower($form['nickname']) != strtolower($profile['nickname']) && is_registered($form['nickname'])); // Password $err->setError('password_differ', t('ERROR_PASSWORD_DIFFER'))->condition($form['password'] != $form['password2']); // E-mail $err->setError('email_empty', t('ERROR_EMAIL_EMPTY'))->condition(!$form['email']); if ($form['email']) { $err->setError('email_invalid', t('ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID'))->condition($form['email'] && !is_email($form['email'])); $err->setError('email_exists', t('ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS'))->condition($form['email'] != $profile['email'] && is_email($form['email']) && is_registered($form['email'], 'email')); } // Birthdate $err->setError('birthdate_invalid', t('ERROR_BIRTHDATE'))->condition(array_sum($form['birthdate']) > 0 && !is_date('Y-n-j', $form['birthdate'][0] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][1] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][2])); // Avatar if ($form['avatar']) { $err->avatar_invalid_type(t('ERROR_ava'))->condition(!in_array($form['avatar']['type'], array_keys($allowed_types))); $err->avatar_exceeded_max_size(t('ERROR_ava'))->condition(Kio::getConfig('avatar_size_max', 'edit_profile') && !$err->isError('avatar_invalid_type') && $form['avatar']['size'] > Kio::getConfig('avatar_size_max', 'edit_profile')); } // No errors if ($err->noErrors()) { if ($form['delete_avatar']) { unlink(ROOT . 'images/avatars/' . $profile['id'] . '.' . User::$avatar); } if ($form['avatar']) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], ROOT . 'images/avatars/' . $profile['id'] . '.' . $allowed_types[$form['avatar']['type']]); if ($allowed_types[$form['avatar']['type']] != User::$avatar) { unlink(ROOT . 'images/avatars/' . $profile['id'] . '.' . User::$avatar); } } $form['birthdate'] = array_sum($form['birthdate']) > 0 ? $form['birthdate'][0] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][1] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][2] : ''; $sql->exec(' UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users SET nickname = "' . (Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile') ? $form['nickname'] : User::$nickname) . '", ' . ($form['password'] ? 'pass = "******",' : '') . ' email = "' . $form['email'] . '", forename = "' . $form['forename'] . '", surname = "' . $form['surname'] . '", gender = ' . ($form['gender'] == 1 || $form['gender'] == 2 ? (int) $form['gender'] : 0) . ', locality = "' . $form['locality'] . '", country = "' . $form['country'] . '", communicator = "' . $form['communicator'] . '", website = "' . $form['website'] . '", birthdate = "' . $form['birthdate'] . '", newsletter = ' . $form['newsletter'] . ', pm_notify = ' . $form['pm_notify'] . ', hide_email = ' . $form['hide_email'] . ', ' . ($form['avatar'] ? 'avatar = "' . $allowed_types[$form['avatar']['type']] . '",' : ($form['delete_avatar'] ? 'avatar = "",' : '')) . ' title = "' . $form['title'] . '", interests = "' . $form['interests'] . '", signature = "' . $form['signature'] . '" WHERE id = ' . $profile['id']); $note->success(t('Your profile was modified successfully.')); redirect(HREF . 'edit_profile'); } else { $note->error($err->toArray()); } } try { $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/edit_profile/edit_profile.tpl.html'); $tpl->profile = $profile; $tpl->countries = $countries; $tpl->allow_change_nick = Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile'); $tpl->form = $form; $tpl->err = $err->toArray(); $tpl->note = $note; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e); } } }
<?php // KioCMS - Kiofol Content Managment System // modules/guestbook/admin/settings.php $note = new Notifier(); $err = new Errors(); $save = $_POST['save'] ? true : false; $form = $save ? $_POST['form'] : $guestbook; $form['bbcode'] = $save ? $_POST['bbcode'] : $guestbook['bbcode'] ? 1 : 0; $form['allow_signatures'] = $save ? $_POST['allow_signatures'] : $guestbook['allow_signatures'] ? 1 : 0; $form['blocks'] = $save ? array_diff($blocks, $_POST['blocks']) : ($guestbook['blocks'] ? explode(',', trim($guestbook['blocks'])) : ''); if ($save) { // Errors $err->message_max_empty(t('ERROR_MESSAGE_MAX_EMPTY'), !$form['message_max'])->limit_empty(t('ERROR_ERROR_LIMIT_EMPTY'), !$form['limit'])->order_by_empty(t('ERROR_ORDER_BY_EMPTY'), $form['order_by']); if (!$err->count()) { Settings::update('guestbook'); Cache::clear('contact.txt'); $note->success(t('SAVED_SUCCESSFUL')); redirect(HREF . 'admin/modules/guestbook/settings'); } else { $note->error($err); } } else { $note->error(array(t('MODULE_SETTINGS'), t('REQUIRED_FIELDS'))); } $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/guestbook/admin/settings.html'); $tpl->form = $form; $tpl->note = $note; $tpl->columns = Settings::formColumns(); $tpl->blocks = Settings::formBlocks(); echo $tpl->execute();
public function getContent() { global $sql, $user, $cfg; //Lang::load('blocks/shoutbox/lang.*.php'); $err = new Error(); $note = new Notifier('note-shoutbox'); $form = array(); $form['author'] = $user->nickname; if ($_POST['reply-shoutbox']) { $form['author'] = LOGGED ? $user->nickname : filter($_POST['author-shoutbox'], 100); $form['message'] = filter($_POST['message-shoutbox'], $cfg->shoutbox['message_max']); $err->author_empty(t('Field <strong>author</strong> can not be empty.'), !$form['author']); $err->author_exists(t('Entered <strong>nickname</strong> is registered.'), !LOGGED && is_registered($form['author'])); $err->message_empty(t('Field <strong>message</strong> can not be empty.'), !$form['message']); // No errors if (!$err->count()) { $sql->exec(' INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'shoutbox (added, author, message, author_id, author_ip) VALUES ( ' . TIMESTAMP . ', "' . $form['author'] . '", "' . cut($form['message'], $cfg->shoutbox['message_max']) . '", ' . $user->id . ', "' . IP . '")', 'shoutbox.txt'); $note->success(t('Entry was added successfully.')); redirect(HREF . PATH . '#shoutbox'); } else { $note->error($err); } } // If cache for shoutbox doesn't exists if (!($entries = $sql->getCache('shoutbox'))) { $query = $sql->query(' SELECT u.nickname, u.group_id, s.added,, s.author_id, s.message FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'shoutbox s, ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u WHERE = s.author_id ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ' . $cfg->shoutbox['limit']); while ($row = $query->fetch()) { if ($row['author_id']) { $row['author'] = User::format($row['author_id'], $row['nickname'], $row['group_id']); $row['message'] = parse($row['message'], $cfg->shoutbox['parser']); } $entries[] = $row; } $sql->putCacheContent('shoutbox', $entries); } try { $tpl = new PHPTAL('blocks/shoutbox/sbox_overall.html'); $tpl->cfg = $cfg; $tpl->entries = $entries; $tpl->err = $err->toArray(); $tpl->form = $form; $tpl->note = $note; $tpl->user = $user; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e->getMessage()); //echo Note::error($e->getMessage()); } }
private function getComposeForm() { global $sql; Kio::addTitle(t('Compose message')); Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Compose message'), 'pm/write'); $err = new Error(); $note = new Notifier(); if ((u2 == 'resend' || u2 == 'reply') && ctype_digit(u3)) { if (u2 == 'reply') { $message = $sql->query(' SELECT connector_id, subject FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'pm WHERE id = ' . u3 . ' AND folder != 1')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $form['subject'] = 'Re: ' . $message['subject']; } else { $message = $sql->query(' SELECT connector_id, subject, message FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'pm WHERE id = ' . (int) u3 . ' AND folder = 1')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $form['subject'] = $message['subject']; $form['message'] = $message['message']; } $form['receiver'] = User::getNickname(BY_ID, $message['connector_id']); } else { if (ctype_digit(u2)) { $form['receiver'] = User::getNickname(BY_ID, u2); } } if (isset($_POST['send'])) { // Form values $form = array('receiver' => filter($_POST['receiver'], 100), 'subject' => filter($_POST['subject'], 100), 'save' => $_POST['save'], 'bbcode' => $_POST['bbcode'] ? BBCODE : 0, 'emoticons' => $_POST['emoticons'] ? EMOTICONS : 0, 'autolinks' => $_POST['autolinks'] ? AUTOLINKS : 0, 'message' => filter($_POST['message'], 250)); $err->setError('receiver_empty', t('ERROR_RECEIVER_EMPTY'))->condition(!$form['receiver']); $err->setError('receiver_not_exists', t('ERROR_RECEIVER_NOT_EXISTS'))->condition($form['receiver'] && !User::getId(BY_NICKNAME, $form['receiver'])); $err->setError('subject_empty', t('ERROR_SUBJECT_EMPTY'))->condition(!$form['subject']); $err->setError('message_empty', t('ERROR_MESSAGE_EMPTY'))->condition(!$form['message']); // No errors if ($err->noErrors()) { $form['receiver'] = User::getId(BY_NICKNAME, $form['receiver']); $form['message'] = cut($form['message'], Kio::getConfig('message_max', 'pm')); $form['parsers'] = $form['bbcode'] . $form['autolinks'] . $form['emoticons'] . CENSURE . PRE; $stmt = $sql->prepare(' INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'pm (sent, owner_id, connector_id, subject, message, folder, is_read, parsers) VALUES (:sent, :owner_id, :connector_id, :subject, :message, :folder, :is_read, :parsers)' . ($form['save'] ? ', (:sent, :owner_id, :connector_id, :subject, :message, :folder, :is_read, :parsers)' : '')); $stmt->execute(array('sent' => TIMESTAMP, 'owner_id' => $form['receiver'], 'connector_id' => UID, 'subject' => $form['subject'], 'message' => $form['message'], 'folder' => 0, 'is_read' => 0, 'parsers' => $form['parsers'])); setcookie(COOKIE . '-pm', 'true', TIMESTAMP + Kio::getConfig('flood_interval', 'pm') + 1, '/'); $note->success('Wiadomość została wysłana.'); redirect(HREF . 'pm/inbox'); } else { $note->error($err->toArray()); } } else { $note->info(array(t('WELCOME_MESSAGE'), t('REQUIRED'))); } try { $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/pm/write.tpl.html'); $tpl->err = $err->toArray(); $tpl->form = $form; $tpl->note = $note; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e); } }