Beispiel #1
         if ($j > $to) {
             $li = "key:'{$key}', page:'{$nextpage}', isFolder:true, isLazy:true, icon:'../../pixmaps/theme/net_group.png', title:'" . _("next") . " {$maxresults} " . _("net groups") . "'";
             $buffer .= ",{ {$li} }\n";
     $buffer .= "]";
     if ($buffer == "" || $buffer == "[]") {
         echo "[{title:'" . _("No Network groups Found") . "', noLink:true}]";
     } else {
         echo $buffer;
 } else {
     if (preg_match("/netgroup_(.*)/", $key, $found)) {
         $html = "";
         $k = 0;
         $nets = Net_group::get_networks($conn, base64_decode($found[1]));
         $buffer .= "[";
         foreach ($nets as $net) {
             if ($k >= $from && $k < $to) {
                 $net_name = $net->get_net_name();
                 $net_title = Util::htmlentities($net_name);
                 $net_key = utf8_encode($key . $k);
                 $ips_data = $net->get_net_ips($conn);
                 $ips = "<font style=\"font-size:80%\">(" . $ips_data . ")</font>";
                 $title = strlen($net_name) > $length_name ? substr($net_name, 0, $length_name) . "..." : $net_name;
                 $title = Util::htmlentities($title) . " " . $ips;
                 $tooltip = $net_title . " (" . $ips_data . ")";
                 $html .= "{ key:'{$net_key}', url:'{$ips_data}', icon:'../../pixmaps/theme/net.png', title:'{$title}', tooltip:'{$tooltip}' },\n";
Beispiel #2
        $conn->Execute($query, $params);
        // BP ASSET
        if ($rs->fields['type_name'] != '' && $rs->fields['type'] != '') {
            $rs->fields['type'] = fix_type($rs->fields['type']);
            $params = array($rs->fields['type_name'], $rs->fields['type']);
            $sql = 'SELECT member, type FROM bp_asset_member WHERE member = UNHEX(?) AND type=?';
            if ($ri =& $conn->Execute($sql, $params)) {
                if ($ri && $ri->EOF) {
                    // check if asset exist
                    $sql = 'INSERT INTO bp_asset_member (member, type) VALUES (UNHEX(?), ?)';
                    $conn->Execute($sql, $params);
            // For net_group insert all related networks
            if ($rs->fields['type'] == 'net_group' || $rs->fields['type'] == 'netgroup') {
                $networks = Net_group::get_networks($conn, $rs->fields['type_name']);
                foreach ($networks as $network) {
                    $sql = 'SELECT member, type FROM bp_asset_member WHERE member = UNHEX(?) AND type=?';
                    $rn = $conn->Execute($sql, array($network->get_net_id(), 'net'));
                    if ($rn && $rn->EOF) {
                        $sql = 'INSERT INTO bp_asset_member (member, type) VALUES (UNHEX(?), ?)';
                        $conn->Execute($sql, array($network->get_net_id(), 'net'));
    } else {
        $delete_list[] = array($rs->fields['id'], $rs->fields['type'], $rs->fields['type_name']);
Beispiel #3
     $rs = $conn->Execute($sql, $params);
     if (!$rs) {
         Av_exception::write_log(Av_exception::DB_ERROR, $conn->ErrorMsg());
     if ($rs->RecordCount() == "0") {
         // check if asset exist
         $sql = "INSERT INTO bp_asset_member (id, member, type) VALUES (0, UNHEX(?), ?)";
         $rs = $conn->Execute($sql, $params);
         if (!$rs) {
             Av_exception::write_log(Av_exception::DB_ERROR, $conn->ErrorMsg());
         // For net_group insert all related networks
         if ($asset_type == 'net_group' || $asset_type == 'netgroup') {
             $networks = Net_group::get_networks($conn, $asset_id);
             foreach ($networks as $network) {
                 $net_id = $network->get_net_id();
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO bp_asset_member (id, member, type) VALUES (0, UNHEX(?), ?)";
                 $conn->Execute($sql, array($net_id, "net"));
 // Random position to prevent overlaping
 $x = rand(50, 250);
 $y = rand(50, 150);
 $params = array($alarm_name, $map, $url, $asset_type, $asset_id, $icon, $x, $y, $iconsize);
 $sql = "INSERT INTO risk_indicators (name, map, url, type, type_name, icon, x, y, w, h, size) VALUES (?,UNHEX(?),?,?,?,?,?,?,80,70,?)";
 $rs = $conn->Execute($sql, $params);
 if (!$rs) {
Beispiel #4
$conn = $db->connect();
$id = GET('id');
$msg = GET('msg');
ossim_valid($id, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Network Group ID'));
if (ossim_error()) {
$networks = array();
$descr = '';
if ($id != '') {
    if ($net_group_list = Net_group::get_list($conn, " = UNHEX('{$id}')")) {
        $net_group = $net_group_list[0];
        $ngname = $net_group->get_name();
        $ctx = $net_group->get_ctx();
        $descr = $net_group->get_descr();
        $obj_networks = Net_group::get_networks($conn, $net_group->get_id());
        foreach ($obj_networks as $net) {
            $net_id = $net->get_net_id();
            $filters = array('where' => "id = UNHEX('" . $net_id . "')");
            $_aux_net_list = Asset_net::get_list($conn, '', $filters);
            $networks[$net->get_net_id()] = $_aux_net_list[0][$net_id];
        $rrd_profile = $net_group->get_rrd_profile();
        if (!$rrd_profile) {
            $rrd_profile = 'None';
if (GET('id') != '' || GET('clone') == 1) {
    $action = 'modifynetgroup.php';
} else {
Beispiel #5
function show_form()
    global $sensor_list;
    global $net_group_list;
    global $host_group_list;
    global $hosts_list;
    global $nets_list;
    global $conn;
    global $sensor_index;
    global $net_group_index;
    global $host_group_index;
    global $hosts_index;
    global $nets_index;
    $global_i = 0;
    $num = count($sensor_list);
    if ($num > 20) {
        $cols = 5;
    } else {
        $cols = 3;
    $rows = intval($num / $cols) + 1;
    $num_ng = count($net_group_list);
    if ($num_ng > 20) {
        $cols = 5;
    } else {
        $cols = 3;
    $rows_ng = intval($num_ng / $cols) + 1;
    $num_hg = count($host_group_list);
    if ($num_hg > 20) {
        $cols = 5;
    } else {
        $cols = 3;
    $rows_hg = intval($num_hg / $cols) + 1;
    $num_hs = count($hosts_list);
    if ($num_hs > 20) {
        $cols = 5;
    } else {
        $cols = 3;
    $rows_hs = intval($num_hs / $cols) + 1;
    $num_ns = count($nets_list);
    if ($num_ns > 20) {
        $cols = 5;
    } else {
        $cols = 3;
    $rows_ns = intval($num_ns / $cols) + 1;
    if ($num_ns + $num_hs + $num_hg + $num_ng > 20) {
        $cols_full = 5;
    } else {
        $cols_full = 3;
	<h3><center> <?php 
    echo _("Select sensors for this scan");
    $group_scan_list = Net_group_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = " . NESSUS);
    foreach ($group_scan_list as $group_scan) {
        $net_group_sensors = Net_group::get_sensors($conn, $group_scan->get_net_group_name());
        echo "\n<script>\n";
        echo "var " . $group_scan->get_net_group_name() . " = true;\n";
        echo "</script>\n";
        $sensor_string = "";
        foreach ($net_group_sensors as $ng_sensor => $name) {
            if ($sensor_string == "") {
                $sensor_string .= $sensor_index[$name];
            } else {
                $sensor_string .= "," . $sensor_index[$name];
        $nets_string = "";
        $nets = Net_group::get_networks($conn, $group_scan->get_net_group_name(), NESSUS);
        foreach ($nets as $net) {
            $name = $net->get_net_name();
            if ($nets_string == "") {
                $nets_string .= $nets_index[$name];
            } else {
                $nets_string .= "," . $nets_index[$name];
        print "<li><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"return selectSomeNets('" . $group_scan->get_net_group_name() . "','" . $sensor_string . "','" . $nets_string . "');\">" . $group_scan->get_net_group_name() . "</a>";
    $group_scan_list = Host_group_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = " . NESSUS);
    foreach ($group_scan_list as $group_scan) {
        $host_group_sensors = Host_group::get_sensors($conn, $group_scan->get_host_group_name());
        echo "\n<script>\n";
        echo "var " . $group_scan->get_host_group_name() . " = true;\n";
        echo "</script>\n";
        $sensor_string = "";
        foreach ($host_group_sensors as $hg_sensor) {
            $name = $hg_sensor->get_sensor_name();
            if ($sensor_string == "") {
                $sensor_string .= $sensor_index[$name];
            } else {
                $sensor_string .= "," . $sensor_index[$name];
        $hosts_string = "";
        $hosts = Host_group::get_hosts($conn, $group_scan->get_host_group_name(), NESSUS);
        foreach ($hosts as $host) {
            $name = $host->get_host_name($conn);
            if ($hosts_string == "") {
                $hosts_string .= $hosts_index[$name];
            } else {
                $hosts_string .= "," . $hosts_index[$name];
        print "<li><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"return selectSomeHosts('" . $group_scan->get_host_group_name() . "','" . $sensor_string . "','" . $hosts_string . "');\">" . $group_scan->get_host_group_name() . "</a>";
	<form action="<?php 
    echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
" method="POST">
    echo _("Please adjust incident creation threshold, incidents will only be created for vulnerabilities whose risk level exceeds the threshold.");
    echo _("It is recommended to set a high level at the beginning in order to concentrate on more critical vulnerabilities first, lowering it after having solved/tagged them as false positivies.");
    echo _("Threshold configuration can be found at Configuration->Main, \"vulnerability_incident_threshold\".");
    echo _("Current risk threshold is:");
    require_once '';
    $conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"];
    print $conf->get_conf("vulnerability_incident_threshold");
	<h4><center> (<?php 
    echo _("Empty means all");
) </center></h4>
	<center><a href="#" onClick="return selectAll();"><?php 
    echo _("Select / Unselect all");

<table width="100%" border="0" align="center"><tr><td>
	<input type="radio" name="groupType" value="sensor" checked onClick="selectGroup('sensor');"> Sensor &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
	<input type="radio" name="groupType" value="host" onClick="selectGroup('host');"> NetGroup / Nets / HostGroup / Hosts
        <div id="rowSensor">
        <table width="100%" align="left" border="0"><tr>
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $rows; $i++) {
        for ($a = 0; $a < $cols && $global_i < $num; $a++) {
            $sensor = $sensor_list[$global_i];
            echo "<td width=\"" . intval(100 / $cols) . "%\">";
            $all['sensors'][] = "sensor" . $global_i;
		<div align="left">
	        <input align="left" type="checkbox" id="<?php 
            echo "sensor" . $global_i;
" name="<?php 
            echo "sensor" . $global_i;
            echo $sensor->get_ip();
" /><?php 
            echo $sensor->get_name();
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";

	<div id="rowHost" style="display: none">
        <table width="100%" align="left" border="0">
	<th colspan="3">NetGroups</th></tr><tr>
    $global_ng = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $rows_ng; $i++) {
        for ($a = 0; $a < $cols_full && $global_ng < $num_ng; $a++) {
            $netgroup = $net_group_list[$global_ng];
            echo "<td width=\"" . intval(100 / $cols_full) . "%\">";
            $all['netgroups'][] = "netgroup" . $global_ng;
            <div align="left">
            <input align="left" type="checkbox" id="<?php 
            echo "netgroup" . $global_ng;
" name="netgroupList[]"
            echo $netgroup->get_name();
" /><?php 
            echo $netgroup->get_name($conn);
        echo "</tr>\n";

	<th colspan="3">HostGroups</th></tr><tr>

    $global_hg = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $rows_hg; $i++) {
        for ($a = 0; $a < $cols_full && $global_hg < $num_hg; $a++) {
            $hostgroup = $host_group_list[$global_hg];
            echo "<td width=\"" . intval(100 / $cols_full) . "%\">";
            $all['hostgroups'][] = "hostgroup" . $global_hg;
                <div align="left">
                <input align="left" type="checkbox" id="<?php 
            echo "hostgroup" . $global_hg;
" name="hostgroupList[]"
            echo $hostgroup->get_name();
" /><?php 
            echo $hostgroup->get_name($conn);
        echo "</tr>\n";

	<th colspan="3">Nets</th></tr><tr>
    $global_ns = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $rows_ns; $i++) {
        for ($a = 0; $a < $cols_full && $global_ns < $num_ns; $a++) {
            $nets = $nets_list[$global_ns];
            echo "<td width=\"" . intval(100 / $cols_full) . "%\">";
            $all['nets'][] = "net" . $global_ns;
                <div align="left">
                <input align="left" type="checkbox" id="<?php 
            echo "net" . $global_ns;
" name="netList[]"
            echo $nets->get_name();
" /><?php 
            echo $nets->get_name($conn);
        echo "</tr>\n";

	<th colspan="3">Hosts</th></tr><tr>

    $global_hs = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $rows_hs; $i++) {
        for ($a = 0; $a < $cols_full && $global_hs < $num_hs; $a++) {
            $hosts = $hosts_list[$global_hs];
            echo "<td width=\"" . intval(100 / $cols_full) . "%\">";
            $all['hosts'][] = "host" . $global_hs;
                <div align="left">
                <input align="left" type="checkbox" id="<?php 
            echo "host" . $global_hs;
" name="hostList[]"
            echo $hosts->get_host_ip();
" /><?php 
            echo $hosts->get_name($conn);
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";

<input type="hidden" name="nsensors" value="<?php 
    echo $global_i;
" />
<input type="Submit" class="button" value="<?php 
    echo _("Submit");
<center><a href="index.php"> <?php 
    echo gettext("Back");
var check_sensors = true;
var check_nethost = true;
var scanType = 'sensor';

function selectAll()

if (scanType  == 'sensor') {
    if (count($all['sensors']) != 0) {
        foreach ($all['sensors'] as $id) {
            echo $id;
').checked = check_sensors;
        check_sensors = check_sensors == false ? true : false;
else {
    if (count($all['netgroups']) != 0) {
        foreach ($all['netgroups'] as $id) {
            echo $id;
').checked = check_nethost;
    if (count($all['hostgroups']) != 0) {
        foreach ($all['hostgroups'] as $id) {
            echo $id;
').checked = check_nethost;
    if (count($all['nets']) != 0) {
        foreach ($all['nets'] as $id) {
            echo $id;
').checked = check_nethost;
    if (count($all['hosts']) != 0) {
        foreach ($all['hosts'] as $id) {
            echo $id;
').checked = check_nethost;
        check_nethost = check_nethost == false ? true : false;
return false;

function selectSomeNets(name, identifiersSensors, identifiersNets)

if (identifiersSensors.length != 0) {
	arrayOfStringsSensor = identifiersSensors.split(",");
	for (var i=0; i < arrayOfStringsSensor.length; i++) {
	document.getElementById("sensor" + arrayOfStringsSensor[i]).checked = window[name];

if (identifiersNets.length != 0) {
	arrayOfStringsNets = identifiersNets.split(",");
	for (var i=0; i < arrayOfStringsNets.length; i++) {
	document.getElementById("net" + arrayOfStringsNets[i]).checked = window[name];

window[name] = window[name] == false ? true : false;
return false;


function selectSomeHosts(name, identifiersSensors, identifiersHosts)

if (identifiersSensors.length != 0) {
	arrayOfStringsSensor = identifiersSensors.split(",");
	for (var i=0; i < arrayOfStringsSensor.length; i++) {
	document.getElementById("sensor" + arrayOfStringsSensor[i]).checked = window[name];

if (identifiersHosts.length != 0) {
	arrayOfStringsHosts = identifiersHosts.split(",");
	for (var i=0; i < arrayOfStringsHosts.length; i++) {
	document.getElementById("host" + arrayOfStringsHosts[i]).checked = window[name];

window[name] = window[name] == false ? true : false;
return false;


function selectGroup(category)

    if (category == 'sensor') {
	document.getElementById("rowHost").style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById("rowSensor").style.display = 'block';
    } else {
        document.getElementById("rowHost").style.display = 'block';
        document.getElementById("rowSensor").style.display = 'none';

scanType = category;
Beispiel #6
 $group_scan_list = Net_group_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = " . NESSUS);
 foreach ($group_scan_list as $group_scan) {
     $net_group_sensors = Net_group::get_sensors($conn, $group_scan->get_net_group_name());
     echo "\n<script>\n";
     echo "var " . $group_scan->get_net_group_name() . " = true;\n";
     echo "</script>\n";
     $sensor_string = "";
     foreach ($net_group_sensors as $ng_sensor => $name) {
         if ($sensor_string == "") {
             $sensor_string .= $sensor_index[$name];
         } else {
             $sensor_string .= "," . $sensor_index[$name];
     $nets_string = "";
     $nets = Net_group::get_networks($conn, $group_scan->get_net_group_name(), NESSUS);
     foreach ($nets as $net) {
         $name = $net->get_net_name();
         if ($nets_string == "") {
             $nets_string .= $nets_index[$name];
         } else {
             $nets_string .= "," . $nets_index[$name];
     print "<li><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"return selectSomeNets('" . $group_scan->get_net_group_name() . "','" . $sensor_string . "','" . $nets_string . "');\">" . $group_scan->get_net_group_name() . "</a>";
 $group_scan_list = Host_group_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE plugin_id = " . NESSUS);
 foreach ($group_scan_list as $group_scan) {
     $host_group_sensors = Host_group::get_sensors($conn, $group_scan->get_host_group_name());
     echo "\n<script>\n";
     echo "var " . $group_scan->get_host_group_name() . " = true;\n";
Beispiel #7
        $total = count($net_group_list);
} else {
    $total = 0;
$xml .= "<rows>\n";
$xml .= "<page>{$page}</page>\n";
$xml .= "<total>{$total}</total>\n";
foreach ($net_group_list as $net_group) {
    $name = $net_group->get_name();
    $id = $net_group->get_id();
    $xml .= "<row id='" . $id . "'>";
    $link_modify = "<a class='a_name' style='font-weight:bold;' href=\"./netgroup_form.php?id=" . $id . "\">" . Util::htmlentities($name) . "</a>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $link_modify . "]]></cell>";
    $nets = "";
    if ($network_list = Net_group::get_networks($conn, $net_group->get_id())) {
        foreach ($network_list as $network) {
            $net_id = $network->get_net_id();
            $filters = array('where' => "id = UNHEX('" . $net_id . "')");
            $_aux_net_list = Asset_net::get_list($conn, '', $filters);
            $aux_net_list = $_aux_net_list[0];
            $nets .= ($nets == '' ? '' : ', ') . Util::htmlentities($aux_net_list[$net_id]['name']);
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $nets . "]]></cell>";
    /* Nessus
       if ($scan_list = Net_group_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE net_group_name = '$name' AND plugin_id = 3001")) {
           $scan_types = "<img src='../pixmaps/tables/tick.png'>";
       } else {
           $scan_types = "<img src='../pixmaps/tables/cross.png'>";