  * Sets up the fixture.
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     if (!class_exists('Net_Growl')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped("Need Net_Growl installed to test");
     $this->configureProject(PHING_TEST_BASE . '/etc/tasks/ext/growl/build.xml');
     $name = '';
     $gntpMock = Net_Growl::singleton($name, array(), '', array('protocol' => 'gntpMock'));
         Should be the right response in real condition (without mock)
         "GNTP/1.0 -ERROR NONE\r\n" .
         "Error-Code: 303\r\n" .
         "Error-Description: Required header missing"
     $gntpMock->addResponse("GNTP/1.0 -OK NONE\r\n" . "Response-Action: REGISTER\r\n" . "");
     $gntpMock->addResponse("GNTP/1.0 -OK NONE\r\n" . "Response-Action: NOTIFY\r\n" . "");
     $this->mockTask = new GrowlNotifyTask($gntpMock);
     $targets = $this->project->getTargets();
  * Sets up the fixture.
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     $object = $this;
     $this->markTestSkippedException(function () use($object) {
         $object->delegate('configureProject', array(PHING_TEST_BASE . '/etc/tasks/ext/growl/build.xml'));
     }, 'BuildException', 'Net_Growl not present', 'Net_Growl');
     $name = '';
     $gntpMock = Net_Growl::singleton($name, array(), '', array('protocol' => 'gntpMock'));
         Should be the right response in real condition (without mock)
         "GNTP/1.0 -ERROR NONE\r\n" .
         "Error-Code: 303\r\n" .
         "Error-Description: Required header missing"
     $gntpMock->addResponse("GNTP/1.0 -OK NONE\r\n" . "Response-Action: REGISTER\r\n" . "");
     $gntpMock->addResponse("GNTP/1.0 -OK NONE\r\n" . "Response-Action: NOTIFY\r\n" . "");
     $this->mockTask = new GrowlNotifyTask($gntpMock);
     $targets = $this->project->getTargets();
 * PEAR_Error callback function
 * @param object $error PEAR_Error instance
 * @return void
function growlErrors($error)
    static $app;
    if (!isset($app)) {
        $app = new Net_Growl_Application('Net_Growl', array(GROWL_NOTIFY_PEARERROR));
    $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($app, null);
    $growl->publish(GROWL_NOTIFY_PEARERROR, get_class($error), $error->message . ' in ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], array('sticky' => true));
Beispiel #4
  * Sets up the fixture.
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     $this->configureProject(PHING_TEST_BASE . '/etc/tasks/ext/growl/build.xml');
     $name = '';
     $gntpMock = Net_Growl::singleton($name, array(), '', array('protocol' => 'gntpMock'));
     $gntpMock->addResponse("GNTP/1.0 -OK NONE\r\n" . "Response-Action: REGISTER\r\n" . "");
     $gntpMock->addResponse("GNTP/1.0 -OK NONE\r\n" . "Response-Action: NOTIFY\r\n" . "");
     $this->mockTask = new GrowlNotifyTask($gntpMock);
     $targets = $this->project->getTargets();
  * Sets up the fixture.
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     $object = $this;
     $this->markTestSkippedException(function () use($object) {
         $object->delegate('configureProject', array(PHING_TEST_BASE . '/etc/tasks/ext/growl/build.xml'));
     }, 'BuildException', 'Net_Growl not present', 'Net_Growl');
     $name = '';
     $gntpMock = Net_Growl::singleton($name, array(), '', array('protocol' => 'gntpMock'));
     $gntpMock->addResponse("GNTP/1.0 -OK NONE\r\n" . "Response-Action: REGISTER\r\n" . "");
     $gntpMock->addResponse("GNTP/1.0 -OK NONE\r\n" . "Response-Action: NOTIFY\r\n" . "");
     $this->mockTask = new GrowlNotifyTask($gntpMock);
     $targets = $this->project->getTargets();
Beispiel #6
 public static function onAutoload($class)
     static $growlApp;
     $ref = new ReflectionClass($class);
     $file = $ref->getFileName();
     if (!$growlApp) {
         $growlApp = new Net_Growl_Application(__CLASS__, array("Growl_Notify"));
     $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($growlApp, null, null);
     if (BEAR::exists($class)) {
         $config = BEAR::get($class)->getConfig();
     $growl->notify("Growl_Notify", $class, $class);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function __construct($growl, $level = Logger::DEBUG, $bubble = true)
     parent::__construct($level, $bubble);
     if (is_array($growl)) {
         if (isset($growl['name'])) {
             $name = $growl['name'];
         } else {
             $name = 'Growl for Monolog';
         if (isset($growl['notifications'])) {
             $notifications = $growl['notifications'];
         } else {
             $notifications = array();
         if (empty($notifications)) {
             // default growl channels
             $notifications = array(self::DEBUG, self::INFO, self::NOTICE, self::WARNING, self::ERROR, self::CRITICAL, self::ALERT, self::EMERGENCY);
         if (isset($growl['password'])) {
             $password = $growl['password'];
         } else {
             $password = '';
         if (isset($growl['options'])) {
             $options = $growl['options'];
         } else {
             $options = array();
         if (!isset($options['protocol'])) {
             // changed from default udp protocol to gntp
             $options['protocol'] = 'gntp';
         $this->growl = \Net_Growl::singleton($name, $notifications, $password, $options);
     } elseif ($growl instanceof \Net_Growl) {
         $this->growl = $growl;
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Expect to be either an array or a Net_Growl instance. ' . gettype($growl) . ' provided.');
     $response = $this->growl->register();
     if ($response->getStatus() != 'OK') {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Growl Error ' . $response->getErrorCode() . ' - ' . $response->getErrorDescription());
Beispiel #8
  * test notify message with publish() method, alias of notify()
 public function testNotificationWithPublishMethod()
     $appName = 'Net_Growl UT';
     $notifications = array('GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS' => array());
     $password = '';
     $options = array('protocol' => 'gntpMock');
     $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($appName, $notifications, $password, $options);
     $growl->addResponse(fopen(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/_files/response_gntp_register_ok', 'rb'));
     $growl->addResponse(fopen(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/_files/response_gntp_notify_ok', 'rb'));
     try {
         $name = 'GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS';
         $title = 'Congratulation';
         $description = 'You have successfully installe PEAR/Net_Growl.';
         $options = array();
         $response = $growl->publish($name, $title, $description, $options);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->fail('Not Expected Net_Growl_Exception was thrown: ' . $e->getMessage());
     $this->assertEquals(array('OK', 'NOTIFY'), array($response->getStatus(), $response->getResponseAction()));
Beispiel #9
  * Build a Growl listener
  * @param string $appName       Application name
  * @param array  $notifications List of notification types
  * @param string $password      Password for Growl client
  * @param array  $options       List of options for Growl client
  * @return object PHP_CompatInfo_Listener_Growl
 public function __construct($appName = null, $notifications = null, $password = null, $options = null)
     if ($appName === null) {
         $appName = 'PHP_CompatInfo';
     $defaultNotifications = array(self::GROWL_NOTIFY_INFO => array('display' => 'Info'), self::GROWL_NOTIFY_WARN => array('display' => 'Warning'));
     if ($notifications === null) {
         $notifications = $defaultNotifications;
     if ($password === null) {
         $password = '';
     $defaultOptions = array('host' => '', 'protocol' => 'gntp', 'timeout' => 15);
     if ($options === null) {
         $options = $defaultOptions;
     } else {
         $options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
     $this->growl = Net_Growl::singleton($appName, $notifications, $password, $options);
     $this->setHash($appName, $notifications, $password, $options);
Beispiel #10
  * Send the message to Growl
  * @param string $message
  * @return ChannelAbstract|void
  * @throws \Net_Growl_Exception
 public function write($message)
     if ($this->functional) {
         if ($this->enabled) {
             $growl_options = array('host' => $this->growl_host, 'protocol' => $this->growl_protocol, 'port' => $this->growl_port, 'timeout' => $this->growl_timeout);
             try {
                 $growl = @\Net_Growl::singleton($this->applicationName, $this->growl_notifications, $this->growl_password, $growl_options);
                 $growl_name = GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS;
                 $growl->notify($growl_name, $this->applicationName, $message, $growl_options);
                 $growl = null;
             } catch (\Net_Growl_Exception $ex) {
                 $this->functional = false;
Beispiel #11
  * Class constructor
  * @param string $application   (optional) Identify an application by a string
  * @param array  $notifications (optional) Options to configure the 
  *                               notification channels
  * @param string $password      (optional) Password to protect your Growl client
  *                               for notification spamming
  * @param array  $options       (optional) Options to configure the Growl comm.
  *                               Choose either UDP or GNTP protocol,
  *                               host URL, and more ...
 public function __construct($application = 'sismo', $notifications = array(), $password = '', $options = array())
     $this->format = "[%STATUS%]\n%message%\n%author%";
     $notifications = array_merge(array(self::NOTIFY_SUCCESS => array(), self::NOTIFY_FAILURE => array()), $notifications);
     $this->growl = \Net_Growl::singleton($application, $notifications, $password, $options);
Beispiel #12
 * @license  http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php  BSD
 * @version  SVN: Release: 2.7.0
 * @link     http://growl.laurent-laville.org/
 * @since    File available since Release 0.9.0
require_once 'Net/Growl/Autoload.php';
// Notification Type definitions
// define a PHP application that sends notifications to Growl
$appName = 'PEAR/Net_Growl ' . basename(__FILE__, '.php');
$notifications = array(GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS => array('display' => 'Status'), GROWL_NOTIFY_PHPERROR => array('icon' => 'http://www.laurent-laville.org/growl/images/firephp.png', 'display' => 'Error-Log'));
$password = '';
$options = array('protocol' => 'gntp', 'timeout' => 15, 'AppIcon' => 'http://www.laurent-laville.org/growl/images/Help.png', 'debug' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.log');
try {
    $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($appName, $notifications, $password, $options);
    $title = 'Congratulation';
    $description = 'You have successfully installed PEAR/Net_Growl.';
    $growl->publish($name, $title, $description);
    $title = 'New Error';
    $description = 'You have a new PHP error in your script.';
    $options = array('priority' => Net_Growl::PRIORITY_HIGH);
    $growl->publish($name, $title, $description, $options);
    $title = 'Welcome';
    $description = "Welcome in PHP/GNTP world ! \n" . "New GNTP protocol add icon support.";
    $options = array('icon' => 'http://www.laurent-laville.org/growl/images/unknown.png', 'sticky' => false);
    $growl->publish($name, $title, $description, $options);
 * @package  Net_Growl
 * @author   Laurent Laville <*****@*****.**>
 * @author   Bertrand Mansion <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php  BSD
 * @version  SVN: Release: 2.7.0
 * @link     http://growl.laurent-laville.org/
 * @since    File available since Release 2.0.0b2
require_once 'Net/Growl/Autoload.php';
// Notification Type definitions
// define a PHP application that sends notifications to Growl
$app = new Net_Growl_Application('PEAR/Net_Growl ' . basename(__FILE__, '.php'), array(GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS => array('display' => 'Status'), GROWL_NOTIFY_PHPERROR => array('icon' => 'http://www.laurent-laville.org/growl/images/firephp.png', 'display' => 'Error-Log')), 'mamasam');
try {
    $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($app, null, null, array('protocol' => 'gntp', 'AppIcon' => 'http://www.laurent-laville.org/growl/images/Help.png', 'encryptionAlgorithm' => 'AES', 'passwordHashAlgorithm' => 'SHA256', 'debug' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.log'));
    $title = 'Congratulation';
    $description = "You have successfully installed PEAR/Net_Growl.";
    $options = array('ID' => 123456, 'CallbackContext' => 'this is my context', 'CallbackContextType' => 'STRING', 'CallbackTarget' => 'http://growl.laurent-laville.org/parseUrl.php' . '?hello=world', 'sticky' => true);
    $growl->publish($name, $title, $description, $options);
    $title = 'New Error';
    $description = 'You have a new PHP error in your script.';
    $options = array('priority' => Net_Growl::PRIORITY_HIGH);
    $growl->publish($name, $title, $description, $options);
    $title = 'Welcome';
    $description = "Welcome in PHP/GNTP world ! \n" . "New GNTP protocol add icon support.";
    $options = array('icon' => 'http://www.laurent-laville.org/growl/images/unknown.png', 'sticky' => false);
Beispiel #14
  * Growl notify
  * This needs.
  * 1) Growl installation.
  * 2) Growl setting for remote application acception.
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $description
 public static function growlNotify($title, $description)
     static $growlApp;
     if (self::CONFIG_GROWL !== true) {
     if (!$growlApp) {
         $growlApp = new Net_Growl_Application('Panda', array('Panda_Growl_Notify'));
     $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($growlApp, null, null);
     $result = $growl->notify('Panda_Growl_Notify', $title, $description);
  * The main entry point method
  * @return void
  * @throws BuildException
 public function main()
     if (empty($this->message)) {
         throw new BuildException('"message" attribute cannot be empty');
     $notifications = array($this->notification);
     $options = array('host' => $this->host, 'protocol' => $this->protocol);
     if (!empty($this->appicon)) {
         $options['AppIcon'] = $this->appicon;
     try {
         if ($this->growl instanceof Net_Growl) {
             $growl = $this->growl;
         } else {
             $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($this->name, $notifications, $this->password, $options);
         $response = $growl->register();
         if ($this->protocol == 'gntp') {
             if ($response->getStatus() != 'OK') {
                 throw new BuildException('Growl Error ' . $response->getErrorCode() . ' - ' . $response->getErrorDescription());
         $this->log('Application ' . $this->name . ' registered', Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
         $logRequest = array('Application-Name' => $this->name, 'Application-Icon' => $this->appicon, 'Notification-Name' => $this->notification, 'Notification-Title' => $this->title, 'Notification-Text' => $this->message, 'Notification-Priority' => $this->priority, 'Notification-Icon' => $this->icon, 'Notification-Sticky' => $this->sticky);
         foreach ($logRequest as $key => $value) {
             $this->log($key . ': ' . $value, Project::MSG_DEBUG);
         $options = array('sticky' => $this->sticky, 'priority' => $this->priority, 'icon' => $this->icon);
         $response = $growl->publish($this->notification, $this->title, $this->message, $options);
         if ($this->protocol == 'gntp') {
             if ($response->getStatus() != 'OK') {
                 throw new BuildException('Growl Error ' . $response->getErrorCode() . ' - ' . $response->getErrorDescription());
         $this->log('Notification was sent to remote host ' . $this->host);
     } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) {
         throw new BuildException('Growl Exception : ' . $e->getMessage());
Beispiel #16
 private function _Register($host, $protocol = 'udp', $password = '')
     $icon = $this->conf['urls']['static'] . '/global/img/app_icon128.png';
     $notifications = array('Notification' => array('display' => 'Notification'));
     $appName = $this->conf['app']['name'];
     $options = array('AppIcon' => $icon, 'debug' => '/tmp/netgrowl.log', 'host' => $host, 'protocol' => $protocol, 'timeout' => $this->timeout);
     try {
         $this->o_growl = Net_Growl::singleton($appName, $notifications, $password, $options);
         if ($this->do_register) {
             $this->log['ok_register'][] = "Registered {$protocol} {$host}";
         } else {
             $this->log['ok_register'][] = "Instancied {$protocol} {$host}";
         return true;
     } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) {
         $this->log['err_register'][] = "Register {$protocol} {$host} : " . $e->getMessage();
Beispiel #17
 * @author   Laurent Laville <*****@*****.**>
 * @author   Bertrand Mansion <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php  BSD
 * @version  SVN: Release: 2.7.0
 * @link     http://growl.laurent-laville.org/
 * @since    File available since Release 0.9.0
require_once 'Net/Growl/Autoload.php';
// Notification Type definitions
// define a PHP application that sends notifications to Growl
$appName = 'PEAR/Net_Growl ' . basename(__FILE__, '.php');
$notifications = array(GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS => array(), GROWL_NOTIFY_PHPERROR => array());
try {
    $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($appName, $notifications);
    $title = 'Congratulation';
    $description = 'You have successfully installed PEAR/Net_Growl.';
    $growl->publish($name, $title, $description);
    $title = 'New Error';
    $description = 'You have a new PHP error in your script.';
    $options = array('sticky' => true, 'priority' => Net_Growl::PRIORITY_HIGH);
    $growl->publish($name, $title, $description, $options);
    $title = 'Welcome';
    $description = "Welcome in PHP/Growl world ! \n" . "Old UDP protocol did not support icons.";
    $growl->publish($name, $title, $description);
  * Registers Growl to send notification from PHPUnit test listener
  * @throws RuntimeException When an error occurs with Growl registering
  * @return void
 protected function registerGrowl()
     $name = 'Growl for PHPUnit';
     $notifications = array(self::SUCCESS => array('display' => 'Successful tests'), self::INCOMPLETE => array('display' => 'Incomplete tests'), self::FAILURE => array('display' => 'Failure tests'));
     if ($this->successIcon) {
         $notifications[self::SUCCESS]['icon'] = $this->successIcon;
     if ($this->incompleteIcon) {
         $notifications[self::INCOMPLETE]['icon'] = $this->incompleteIcon;
     if ($this->failureIcon) {
         $notifications[self::FAILURE]['icon'] = $this->failureIcon;
     $options = array('host' => $this->host, 'protocol' => 'gntp');
     $this->growl = Net_Growl::singleton($name, $notifications, $this->password, $options);
     try {
         $response = $this->growl->register();
         if ($response->getStatus() != 'OK') {
             throw new RuntimeException('Growl Error ' . $response->getErrorCode() . ' - ' . $response->getErrorDescription());
     } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Growl Exception : ' . $e->getMessage());
Beispiel #19
  * test Protocol option expected external class resource loaded and defined
 public function testProtocolOptionCannotFindClass()
     $appName = 'PHP GNTP Test';
     $password = '******';
     $options = array('protocol' => 'foo');
     $notifications = array('GROWL_NOTIFY_STATUS' => array(), 'GROWL_NOTIFY_PHPERROR' => array());
     $registerException = 'Cannot find class "Net_Growl_Foo"';
     ini_set('include_path', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/_files' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));
     try {
         $mock = Net_Growl::singleton($appName, $notifications, $password, $options);
     } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($registerException, $e->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->fail('Not Expected Exception was thrown: ' . $e->getMessage());
     $this->fail('Expected Net_Growl_Exception was not thrown');
Beispiel #20
  * test invalid response
 public function testResponseInvalid()
     $appName = 'PHP GNTP Test';
     $password = '******';
     $options = array('protocol' => 'gntpMock');
     $notifications = array();
     $mock = Net_Growl::singleton($appName, $notifications, $password, $options);
     try {
     } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) {
         $this->assertEquals('Parameter is not a valid response', $e->getMessage());
     $this->fail('Expected Net_Growl_Exception was not thrown');
Beispiel #21

require_once 'Net/Growl.php';
// Basic usage
$growl =& Net_Growl::singleton('Net_Growl', array('Messages'));
$growl->notify('Messages', 'Hello', 'How are you ?');
Beispiel #22
         $pass_fail = true;
 if (!$host_fail && !$pass_fail && $vars['growl_password'] != '' & $vars['growl_host'] != '') {
     $spl = explode(':', $vars['growl_host'], 2);
     $spl[0] = gethostbyname($spl[0]);
     include_once 'includes/Net/Growl.php';
     $options = array('host' => $spl[0], 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'port' => array_key_exists(1, $spl) ? $spl[1] : Net_Growl::GNTP_PORT, 'timeout' => 10, 'AppIcon' => 'http://www.growlforwindows.com/gfw/images/plugins/googlevoice.png', 'debug' => true);
     $notifications = array(GROWL_NOTIFY_VOICEMAIL => array('display' => 'New Voicemail', 'sticky' => true), GROWL_NOTIFY_SMS => array('display' => 'New SMS', 'sticky' => true), GROWL_NOTIFY_INBOX_ITEM => array('display' => 'New Inbox Item', 'sticky' => true));
     for ($tries = 0; $tries <= 5; $tries++) {
     try {
         $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($z = 'Google Voice', $notifications, $vars['growl_password'], $options);
         $tries = 6;
     } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) {
         // Helps for temporary problems
         if ($tries == 5) {
             $growl_exception = '<div class="notice">' . $e->getMessage();
             $growl_exception .= '<br />I\'ll still try and send you notifications, though.<br />Make sure you double check your password!</div>';
 if ($vars['prowl_api_key'] != '') {
     include_once 'includes/ProwlPHP.php';
     include_once 'includes/prowl.inc.php';
Beispiel #23
 echo 'Trying type: ', $gtype, PHP_EOL;
 if ($gtype == 0) {
     $options['port'] = array_key_exists(1, $spl) ? $spl[1] : Net_Growl::GNTP_PORT;
     $options['protocol'] = 'tcp';
 } elseif ($gtype == 1) {
     $options['port'] = array_key_exists(1, $spl) ? $spl[1] : Net_Growl::UDP_PORT;
     $options['protocol'] = 'udp';
 echo 'Port: ', $options['port'], "\n";
 echo 'Protocol: ', $options['protocol'], "\n";
 for ($tries = 0; $tries < 4; $tries++) {
     try {
         $z = $type == 'SMS' ? $fmt['growl_sms_application'] : $fmt['growl_voicemail_application'];
         $gp = $row['growl_password'];
         $growl = Net_Growl::singleton($z, $notifications, $gp, $options);
         if ($mute) {
             echo 'Would\'ve growled' . "\n" . var_export($options, true), PHP_EOL;
             echo 'Title: ', $type == 'SMS' ? $fmt['growl_sms_title'] : $fmt['growl_voicemail_title'], PHP_EOL;
             echo 'Description: ', $type == 'SMS' ? $fmt['growl_sms_description'] : $fmt['growl_voicemail_description'], PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $growl->notify(GROWL_NOTIFY_SMS, $type == 'SMS' ? $fmt['growl_sms_title'] : $fmt['growl_voicemail_title'], $type == 'SMS' ? $fmt['growl_sms_description'] : $fmt['growl_voicemail_description'], array());
         $tries = 6;
     } catch (Net_Growl_Exception $e) {
         echo 'Result: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
         // Helps for temporary/network problems
Beispiel #24
//ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
ini_set('mbstring.language', 'Japanese');
//ini_set('mbstring.encoding_translation', 'Off');
//ini_set('mbstring.internal_encoding', 'UTF-8');
//ini_set('mbstring.http_input', 'auto');
//ini_set('mbstring.http_output', 'auto');
//ini_set('mbstring.detect_order', 'auto');
//ini_set('mbstring.substitute_character', 'none');
require_once 'Net/Growl/Autoload.php';
$opt = array('protocol' => 'gntp', 'timeout' => 15, 'AppIcon' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/info.png', 'debug' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.log');
// notification multibyte test(asian languages)
$notify = array('ja' => array('display' => 'テスト通知(japanese)'), 'ch' => array('display' => '测验通报(chinese)'), 'kr' => array('display' => '테스트 통지(korean)'));
// application name multibyte test(asian languages)
$application = 'アプリケーション/应用程序/어플리케이션';
$password = '******';
$growl = Net_Growl::singleton($application, $notify, $password, $opt);
// garbage characters application name. / not garbage characters notification type display(GNTP).
$ja_tit = '日本語タイトル(Japanese title)';
$ja_msg = '日本語メッセージ(Japanese message)';
$ch_tit = '中文大标题(Chinese title)';
$ch_msg = '中文留言(Chinese message)';
$kr_tit = '한국어 타이틀(korean title)';
$kr_msg = '한국어 메세지(Korean message)';
 * UTF-8 input parameter.
 * garbage characters title and messages.
$growl->notify('ja', $ja_tit, $ja_msg);
$growl->notify('ch', $ch_tit, $ch_msg);
$growl->notify('kr', $kr_tit, $kr_msg);