  *Preparing contents from database to be rendered
  *with replacing of the template variables
  *@author NT
 public static function _templatePrepare($outputDB, $content = null, $lang = null, $pageInfo = null)
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
     $title = Zend_Registry::get('pageTitle');
     $langCode = self::$lang;
     $langCode = Zend_Registry::get('langCode');
     if ($langCode == "") {
         //OVO MORA DA SE SKLONI!!!!!
         $langCode = "sr";
     $replaceThis = preg_match_all('/[{].+[}]/', $outputDB, $matches);
     foreach ($matches[0] as $part) {
         $parts = explode(":", $part);
         $Tvars[] = $parts;
     if (count(@$Tvars)) {
         foreach ($Tvars as $Tvarss) {
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($Tvarss as $TV) {
                 $module = trim($TV, "{}");
                 $build2[] = $module;
             $build[] = $build2;
             $build2 = array();
     $count = 0;
     $cHI = 0;
     if (count(@$build)) {
         foreach ($build as $build_) {
             @($pattern = $matches[$count]);
             //TITLE OF THE PAGE
             //if (@preg_match("/{title}/", "{" . $build_[0] . "}" )) {
             if (@strstr("{" . $build_[0] . "}", "{title}")) {
                 $output = $title;
                 $outputDB = str_replace('{title}', $output, $outputDB);
             //PAGE INFO HANDLE
             //if (@preg_match("/{searchform}/", "{" . $build_[0] . "}" )) {
             if (@strstr("{" . $build_[0] . "}", "{pageinfo}")) {
                 $output = ViewController::pageInfo($pageInfo);
                 $outputDB = str_replace('{pageinfo}', $output, $outputDB);
             if (@strstr("{" . $build_[0] . "}", "{adminurl}")) {
                 $outputDB = str_replace('{adminurl}', '<a href="' . NetActionController::$hostRW . NetActionController::$adminUrl . '" target="_blank">Admin (FF!/Safari/Chrome)</a>', $outputDB);
             //SEARCH HANDLE
             //if (@preg_match("/{searchform}/", "{" . $build_[0] . "}" )) {
             if (@strstr("{" . $build_[0] . "}", "{searchform}")) {
                 $output = SearchController::showSearchForm();
                 $outputDB = str_replace('{searchform}', $output, $outputDB);
             //HTML PART HANDLE
             if (@strstr("{" . $build_[0], "{html")) {
                 //$codeAll = $build_[1] . ":" . $build_[2];
                 //$countBuild = count($build_);
                 $codeA = "";
                 foreach ($build_ as $countedB) {
                     $codeA .= $countedB . ":";
                 $codeA = ltrim($codeA, "html:");
                 $codeA = rtrim($codeA, ":");
                 $output = htmlspecialchars_decode($codeA);
                 $output = str_replace('<br />', "", $output);
                 $output = str_replace('<br>', "\n", $output);
                 //$output = '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(' ."\n" . $output . ');</script>';
                 $outputDB = str_replace('{html:' . $codeA . '}', $output, $outputDB);
                 //$outputDB = str_replace('{html' , $output, $outputDB);
             //xHTML PART HANDLE - if this code block is to be xhtml purified
             if (@strstr("{" . $build_[0], "{x-html")) {
                 $codeA = "";
                 foreach ($build_ as $countedB) {
                     $codeA .= $countedB . ":";
                 $codeA = ltrim($codeA, "x-html:");
                 $codeA = rtrim($codeA, ":");
                 $output = htmlspecialchars_decode($codeA);
                 $output = str_replace('<br />', "", $output);
                 $output = str_replace('<br>', "\n", $output);
                 //$output = '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(' ."\n" . $output . ');</script>';
                 $outputDB = str_replace('{x-html:' . $codeA . '}', $output, $outputDB);
                 //$outputDB = str_replace('{html' , $output, $outputDB);
             //LANGUAGE chooser
             //if (@preg_match("/{language:flags}/", "{" . $build_[0] . ":flags}" )) {
             if (@strstr("{" . $build_[0] . ":flags}", "{language:flags}")) {
                 $langsEnabled = NetActionController::getEnabledLanguages();
                 $langQ = $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM languages WHERE enabled = '1'");
                 foreach ($langQ as $lang) {
                     $langsEnabled[] = $lang['code'];
                 $output = ViewController::showLanguageChooser($langsEnabled);
                 $outputDB = str_replace('{language:flags}', $output, $outputDB);
             //MENU HANDLE
             //if (@preg_match("/menu:display/", "{" . $build_[0] . ":" . $build_[1])) {
             if (@strstr($build_[0] . ":" . $build_[1], "menu:display")) {
                 $menuId = trim($build_[2], '""');
                 @($orientation = $build_[3]);
                 //if ($orientation =! "slide") {
                 //$menuQ = $db->fetchAll("SELECT *, url_en as url,name_en as name,description_en as description FROM menu_items  WHERE menu_id = ?", array($menuId));
                 //} else {
                 $menuQ = $db->fetchAll("SELECT *, menu_items.check_access as chkAccess, menu_items.content_id as cid, url_{$langCode} as url, name_{$langCode} as name, description_{$langCode} as description FROM menu_items LEFT JOIN pages_{$langCode} ON menu_items.content_id = pages_{$langCode}.id WHERE menu_id = ? AND pages_{$langCode}.published = '1' ORDER BY weight ASC", array($menuId));
                 //print_r($menuQ );
                 if (!empty($menuQ)) {
                     $output = ViewController::displayMenu($menuQ, $orientation);
                     if ($orientation == "") {
                         $orient = "";
                     } elseif ($orientation == "vertical") {
                         $orient = ":vertical";
                     } elseif ($orientation == "tree") {
                         $orient = ":tree";
                     } elseif ($orientation == "slide") {
                         $orient = ":slide";
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{menu:display:' . $build_[2] . @$orient . '}', $output, $outputDB);
                 } else {
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{menu:display:' . $build_[2] . @$orient . '}', '<b style="color:red;">{menu:' . $build_[2] . '}Doesn\'t exist or it is empty!</b>', $outputDB);
             //if (@preg_match("/category:display/", "{" . $build_[0] . ":" . $build_[1])) {
             if (@strstr($build_[0] . ":" . $build_[1], "category:display")) {
                 $catId = trim($build_[2], '""');
                 @($orientation = $build_[3]);
                 $catQ = $db->fetchAll("SELECT id, title, alias, category, image, description, check_access  FROM pages_{$langCode}  WHERE category = ? AND pages_{$langCode}.published = '1'", array($catId));
                 //$catQ = $db->fetchAll("SELECT id, title, alias, category, image, description, check_access  FROM pages_$langCode WHERE category = ? AND pages_$langCode.published = '1'", array($catId));
                 //$catQ = array();
                 $catItemsArray2 = $db->fetchAll("SELECT DISTINCT *, pages_{$langCode}.id as id, pages_{$langCode}.title as title, pages_{$langCode}.alias as alias, pages_{$langCode}.category as category, pages_{$langCode}.image, pages_{$langCode}.description, pages_{$langCode}.check_access as check_access FROM category_items LEFT JOIN  pages_{$langCode}  ON pages_{$langCode}.id = category_items.content_id WHERE category_items.category_id = ? AND pages_{$langCode}.published = '1' GROUP BY pages_{$langCode}.id DESC ", array($catId));
                 $catQ = array_merge($catQ, $catItemsArray2);
                 //$catQ = $catQ + $catItemsArray2;
                 //print_r($menuQ );
                 if (!empty($catQ)) {
                     $output = ViewController::displayCategory($catQ, $orientation);
                     if ($orientation == "") {
                         $orient = "";
                     } elseif ($orientation == "oldest") {
                         $orient = ":oldest";
                     } elseif ($orientation == "latest") {
                         $orient = ":latest";
                     } elseif ($orientation == "desc") {
                         $orient = ":desc";
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{category:display:' . $build_[2] . @$orient . '}', $output, $outputDB);
                 } else {
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{category:display:' . $build_[2] . @$orient . '}', '<b style="color:red;">{category:' . $build_[2] . '}Doesn\'t exist or it is empty!</b>', $outputDB);
             //SLIDE cu3er
             if (@strstr("{" . $build_[0] . "}", "{cu3er}")) {
                 $output = ViewController::slides();
                 $outputDB = str_replace('{cu3er}', $output, $outputDB);
             //DISPLAY IMAGES
             //if (@preg_match("/images:display/", "{" . $build_[0] . ":" . $build_[1])) {
             if (@strstr($build_[0] . ":" . $build_[1], "images:display")) {
                 $folder = trim($build_[2], '""');
                 $folder = trim($folder, "''");
                 @($image = trim($build_[3], "''"));
                 //$menuQ = $db->fetchAll("SELECT *, url_en as url,name_en as name,description_en as description FROM menu_items  WHERE menu_id = ?", array($menuId));
                 //print_r($menuQ );
                 if (!empty($folder)) {
                     if (empty($image)) {
                         $output = ViewController::displayImages($folder);
                         $imageOut = "";
                     } else {
                         $output = ViewController::displayImage($folder, $image);
                         $imageOut = ":'" . $image . "'";
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{images:display:' . $build_[2] . $imageOut . '}', $output, $outputDB);
                     //$outputDB = str_replace('{images:display:' . $build_[2]  . '}', "AAAAA", $outputDB);
                 } else {
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{images:display:' . $build_[2] . $imageOut . '}', '<b style="color:red;">{images:' . $build_[2] . '}Doesn\'t exist or it is empty!</b>', $outputDB);
             //EXTERN Joomla!!
             if (@preg_match("/extern:joomla/", "{" . $build_[0] . ":" . $build_[1])) {
                 $folder = trim($build_[2], '""');
                 $folder = trim($folder, "''");
                 $type = trim($build_[2], '""');
                 //print_r($menuQ );
                 if (!empty($type)) {
                     $output = ViewController::displayExternJoomla($type);
                     $imageOut = "";
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{extern:joomla:' . $build_[2] . $imageOut . '}', $output, $outputDB);
                 } else {
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{extern:joomla:' . $build_[2] . $imageOut . '}', '<b style="color:red;">{images:' . $build_[2] . '}Doesn\'t exist or it is empty!</b>', $outputDB);
             //MODULE 'FORM'
             if (@preg_match("/module:forms/", "{" . $build_[0] . ":" . $build_[1])) {
                 $contactFormName = trim($build_[2], "''");
                 $contactFormId = $db->fetchAll("SELECT *, mod_forms.name as formName FROM mod_forms LEFT JOIN mod_forms_fields ON mod_forms.id = mod_forms_fields.form_id WHERE enabled = '1' AND mod_forms.name = ?", array($contactFormName));
                 if (!empty($contactFormId)) {
                     $formId = $contactFormId;
                     $output = FormsController::showForm($formId);
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{module:forms:' . $build_[2] . '}', $output, $outputDB);
                 } else {
                     $outputDB = str_replace('{module:forms:' . $build_[2] . '}', '<b style="color:red;">{module:forms:' . $build_[2] . '}Doesn\'t exist!</b>', $outputDB);
             $outputString = "";
     } else {
         //$output = ViewController::setDefaultHeaderImage();
         //$outputDB .= $output;
     $outputDB = str_replace('{content}', $content, $outputDB);
     return $outputDB;