getDevices() public method

public getDevices ( $type = DEVICE_TYPE_THERMOSTAT )
require_once 'nest.class.php';
// Your Nest username and password.
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
// The timezone you're in.
// See for the possible values.
// Here's how to use this class:
$nest = new Nest($username, $password);
echo "Location information:\n";
$locations = $nest->getUserLocations();
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Devices list (thermostats):\n";
$devices_serials = $nest->getDevices();
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Devices list (Nest Protect):\n";
$protects_serials = $nest->getDevices(DEVICE_TYPE_PROTECT);
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Device information:\n";
$infos = $nest->getDeviceInfo($devices_serials[0]);
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Current temperature:\n";
printf("%.02f degrees %s\n", $infos->current_state->temperature, $infos->scale);
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Setting target temperature...\n";
// Note: setting temperatures will use the units you set on the device. I'm using celsius on my device, so I'm using celsius here.
     $user_long = $geocord_array->results['0']->geometry->location->lng;
     $timestamp = time();
     // Google maps api URL
     // This is required to get the timezone offset from the current user's location
     $google_json = "" . $user_lat . "," . $user_long . "&timestamp=" . $timestamp;
     $google_time = json_decode(file_get_contents($google_json));
     $dst_offset = $google_time->dstOffset;
     $raw_offset = $google_time->rawOffset;
     $timestamp_offset = ($dst_offset + $raw_offset) / 60 / 60;
     $update_statement = $db_connect->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE users\n\t\t\t\tSET nest_username = :nest_username,\n\t\t\t\t  nest_password = :nest_password,\n\t\t\t\t  user_location = :user_location,\t\t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t  timestamp_offset = :timestamp_offset\n\t\t\t\tWHERE user_id = :user_id\n\t\t\t");
     $update_statement->execute(array('nest_username' => $nest_username, 'nest_password' => $nest_password_encrypt, 'user_location' => $nest_location, 'timestamp_offset' => $timestamp_offset, 'user_id' => $user_id));
     define('USERNAME', $nest_username);
     define('PASSWORD', $nest_password);
     $nest = new Nest();
     $nest_devices = $nest->getDevices();
     foreach ($nest_devices as $device) {
         $device_info = $nest->getDeviceInfo($device);
         $insert_statement = $db_connect->prepare("\n\t\t        REPLACE INTO devices\n\t\t        SET device_serial_number = :device_serial_number,\n\t\t          user_id = :user_id,\n\t\t          device_location = :device_location,\n\t\t          device_name = :device_name\n\t\t      ");
         $insert_statement->execute(array('device_serial_number' => $device, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'device_location' => $nest_location, 'device_name' => $device_info->name));
     $user_location = $nest_location;
     $message = isset($message) ? $message : '';
     $success_message = $message . "Updated user preferences";
     $tpl_success = new Template("../includes/templates/success.tpl");
     $tpl_success->set("success_text", $success_message);
     echo $tpl_success->fetch();
 $tpl_head = new Template("../includes/templates/head.tpl");
 $tpl_nav = new Template("../includes/templates/nav-user.tpl");
 $tpl_foot = new Template("../includes/templates/foot.tpl");