Beispiel #1

function rumbins()
    //do nothing right now
    return false;
// Path to Guardian
include '../../NG/NG.php';
$Guard = new NarniaGD();
//Set options in a bunch
$Guard->setOption(array('logLevel' => 'error', 'longLine' => 800, 'memoryLimit' => 512, 'loopStart' => 5, 'loopEnd' => 5));
	Some testing functions, you can use them while testing on copy of files, because them will
	somehow corrupt, delete or skip them.
// $Guard->cleanLineBreaks(true);
// $Guard->setLoopLimiter(10);
// $Guard->develop = true; //Will delete all other files than PHP for iterator optimization USE WITH SUPER CAUTION
	Advanced usage - if above options are not enough, you can register your own Regular Express
	pattern. Regex patterns could be overridden and I will be creative and just slightly change
	existing pattern:
$Guard->registerRegexPattern('tonOfSpace', '/(\\s){99}/');
	Even further - you can register custom filter function, which tells whether given $string
	is good or bad. As bonus, you can use current $offset (in file) and $path, but don't rely
	on $offset as constant, because if there is more than one bad <?php ... ?> section, after
	first clean-up, $offset for rest will change.
Beispiel #2

/* THIS you should include into your root index file, so script could be run on load of domain.
 * Or you can move anywhere you want - this script is safe of corrupting itself, as it does not include searched malware script parts.
 * If Narnia Guardian files will get corrupted - it will clean up itself.
// Import and setup Guardian script
include '../NarniaGuardian/NarniaGuardian.php';
$Guard = new NarniaGD();
// Clean files within this $root to search. $root is relative to index.php not NarniaGuardian.php
// If you have parked multiple domains on one host, you would like to do clean up for each separately, because then
// 1: logs will be splitted
// 2: You can test and fine tune script on copy of infected files and then apply on working directory
// Stop execute futher into website, when everything is safe, you can remove this
if (true) {
 * Front to the WordPress application. This file doesn't do anything, but loads
 * wp-blog-header.php which does and tells WordPress to load the theme.
 * @package WordPress
 * Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
 * @var bool
define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */