private static function GetSingleLine($filePath, $overriddenMin = -1, $overriddenMax = -1)
     $lines = NameGenerator::GetLinesFromFile($filePath);
     $min = 0;
     $max = count($lines) - 1;
     if ($overriddenMin > 0 && $overriddenMax > 0) {
         // Use overridden values, but stay in bounds.
         $min = min($max, $overriddenMin);
         $max = min($overriddenMax, $max);
     $idx = rand($min, $max);
     $line = $lines[$idx];
     $line = rtrim($line);
     return $line;
Beispiel #2
  * @test
  * @expectedException Fiche\Domain\Service\Exceptions\ValueIsTooShort
 public function tooShortEmailShouldThrownError()
     new Email(NameGenerator::correct(Email::EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH - 1));
 private function InitRandomEquipment($playerLevel, $distance)
     // e.g. 0 at 0 distance, 10 at max distance
     $mapHalfSize = floor(ProcGen::GetMapSize() / 2);
     // 50
     $boundary = floor($mapHalfSize / 10);
     // 10
     $distanceFactor = floor($distance / $boundary);
     // NB: Can spawn both armour AND weapon.
     // Weapon
     $oneInHundred = rand(1, 100);
     if (true || $oneInHundred > 50) {
         $weaponName = NameGenerator::Weapon($playerLevel);
         $randomFactor = rand(-2, 2);
         $weaponLvl = rand($playerLevel, $playerLevel + $distanceFactor + $randomFactor);
         $weaponLvl = max(1, $weaponLvl);
         $this->addEquipment($weaponName, $weaponLvl, ShopEquipment::Weapon);
     // Armour
     $oneInHundred = rand(1, 100);
     if ($oneInHundred > 50) {
         $armourName = NameGenerator::Armour($playerLevel);
         $randomFactor = rand(-2, 2);
         $armourLvl = rand($playerLevel, $playerLevel + $distanceFactor + $randomFactor);
         $armourLvl = max(1, $armourLvl);
         $this->addEquipment($armourName, $armourLvl, ShopEquipment::Armour);
Beispiel #4
function moveToRoom($x, $y, $xDelta, $yDelta, $mapData, $charData, $moveText)
    global $procGen;
    $newX = $x + $xDelta;
    $newY = $y + $yDelta;
    if (!checkBounds($newX, $newY)) {
        echo "Looks like there's nothing that way...\n";
    // Cache the current position, for running away.
    $mapData->lastPlayerX = $mapData->playerX;
    $mapData->lastPlayerY = $mapData->playerY;
    $mapData->playerX = $newX;
    $mapData->playerY = $newY;
    $room = $mapData->map->GetRoom($newX, $newY);
    $seenBefore = isset($room);
    if (!$seenBefore) {
        $room = $procGen->GenerateRoomForMap($mapData->map, $mapData->playerX, $mapData->playerY, $charData->level);
    $containsMonster = isset($room->occupant) && get_class($room->occupant) == "Monster";
    $containsShop = isset($room->occupant) && get_class($room->occupant) == "Shop";
    if ($containsMonster) {
        $monster = $room->occupant;
        $monsterName = $monster->name;
        $article = NameGenerator::GetArticle($monsterName);
        $connedName = $monster->getConnedNameStr($charData->level);
        if (!$seenBefore) {
            $moveText .= "and encounter a Level {$monster->level} {$connedName}! It attacks!\n";
            // Combat!
            StateManager::ChangeState($charData, GameStates::Combat);
        } else {
            $moveText .= "and encounter the Level {$monster->level} {$connedName} again! It attacks again!\n";
            // Combat!
            StateManager::ChangeState($charData, GameStates::Combat);
    } else {
        if ($containsShop) {
            $moveText .= "and discover a small shop. \"Feel free to br(o)wse!\", the shopkeeper yells.\n";
        } else {
            $moveText .= "but this room appears to be empty.\n";
    echo $moveText;
Beispiel #5

include 'NameGenerator.class.php';
$gender = 'boy';
$request = 'His';
if (rand(0, 100) > 50) {
    $gender = 'girl';
if ($gender == 'girl') {
    $request = 'Her';
$baby = new NameGenerator($gender);
echo 'Your baby is a ' . $gender . '<br>' . $request . ' name is ' . $baby->generate_name($gender) . '.<br>';
  * @test
  * @expectedException Fiche\Domain\Service\Exceptions\ValueIsTooLong
 public function tooLongValueShouldThrownError()
     new $this->className(NameGenerator::greaterThan($this->maxLength));
Beispiel #7
function giveLoot($monster, &$charData)
    $textOutput = "";
    $monsterLevel = $monster->level;
    $chanceInSix = rand(1, 6);
    // 5,6: Weapon
    if ($chanceInSix >= 5) {
        $textOutput = giveWeapon($monster, $charData);
    } else {
        if ($chanceInSix >= 3) {
            // Barbarian trait: :D
            global $traitMap;
            $isBarbarian = $traitMap->ClassHasTrait($charData, TraitName::DualWield);
            if (!$isBarbarian) {
                $armourName = NameGenerator::Armour($monsterLevel);
                $armourLvl = lootLevel($monsterLevel);
                $currentAmrVal = $charData->armourVal;
                // Only equip armour that is better.
                if ($armourLvl > $currentAmrVal) {
                    $textOutput = "The monster was armoured! You steal the {$armourName} and equip it immediately! ";
                    $charData->armour = $armourName;
                    $charData->armourVal = $armourLvl;
                } else {
                    $textOutput = giveGold($monster, $charData);
            } else {
                $textOutput = giveWeapon($monster, $charData);
        } else {
            // Check if we CAN award a spell.
            global $spellDrops;
            $currentSpells = $charData->spellbook;
            $possibleSpells = array();
            foreach ($spellDrops as $dropSpell) {
                if (!in_array($dropSpell, $currentSpells)) {
                    $possibleSpells[] = $dropSpell;
            $canAwardSpell = !empty($possibleSpells);
            if ($canAwardSpell) {
                $spellIdx = rand(0, count($possibleSpells) - 1);
                $newSpell = $possibleSpells[$spellIdx];
                $textOutput = "You find a scroll of {$newSpell} on the body! Lucky you! ";
                $charData->spellbook[] = $newSpell;
            } else {
                $textOutput = giveGold($monster, $charData);
    return $textOutput;
 public function getMapName()
     return NameGenerator::generateMapName($this->getSeedNumeric($this->ov->getPostSeed()) + $this->ov->getPostSlider2Value() * 10 + $this->ov->getPostSlider4Value() * 10 + 14);