// redirect to execute backup. $page = new page("Logging"); if (value("action") == $lang->get("reset_logs")) { resetNXLogs(); } $go = "UPDATE"; $form = new Form($lang->get("logfile", "View System Logs")); $form->buttonbar->add("action", $lang->get("reset_logs", "Reset Logs")); $form->add(new Label("lbl", $lang->get("logs_info", "The list below shows you logs made while running N/X."), "informationheader", 2)); $form->add(new Hidden("action", "")); $grid = new NXGrid("grid", 3); $grid->setRatio(array ( 150, 350, 100 )); $grid->addTitleRow($lang->get("date", "Date"), $lang->get("message", "Message"), $lang->get("category", "Category")); $sql = "Select * FROM log WHERE 1 ORDER BY LOG_TIME DESC"; $query = new query($db, $sql); while ($query->getrow()) { $grid->addRow(array ( new Label("lbl", $query->field("LOG_TIME"), "standardwhite"), new Label("lbl", $query->field("MESSAGE"), "standardwhite"), new Label("lbl", $query->field("CATEGORY"), "standardwhite") ));
<?php require_once "../../config.inc.php"; $auth = new auth("ANALYSE_RATINGS"); $page_action = "update"; $go = "update"; $page = new Page("Rating Results"); $form = new EditForm($lang->get("rateres", "Rate Results")); $interval = array(); $count = countRows("pgn_rating", "RATINGID", "COMMENT <>''"); $steps = $count / 50; for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) { $interval[$i][0] = $i * 50 . " - " . (($i + 1) * 50 - 1); $interval[$i][1] = $i; } $form->add(new Label("lbl", $lang->get("display", "Display"), "standard")); $form->add(new Select("display", $interval, "standardlight", value("display"), 1)); $grid = new NXGrid("grid", 3); $grid->setRatio(array(150, 350, 100)); $grid->addRow(array(new Label("lbl", "<b>" . $lang->get("page", "Page") . "</b>"), new Label("lbl", "<b>" . $lang->get("comment", "Comment") . "</b>"), new Label("lbl", "<b>" . $lang->get("date", "Date") . "</b>"))); $thisInterval = value("interval"); $sql = "SELECT SOURCEID, COMMENT, TIMESTAMP FROM pgn_rating WHERE COMMENT <> '' ORDER BY TIMESTAMP DESC"; $query = new query($db, $sql); while ($query->getrow()) { $grid->addRow(array(new Label("lbl", resolvePageToLink($query->field("SOURCEID"))), new Label("lbl", str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $query->field("COMMENT"))), new Label("lbl", formatDBTimestamp($query->field('TIMESTAMP'))))); } $query->free(); $form->add($grid); $page->add($form); $page->draw();
/** * Draws the objects and their corresponding buttons. * makes use of draw_dispatcher. */ function draw_objects() { global $lang; $grid = new NXGrid("grid", 7); $grid->setRatio(array ( 140, 140, 150, 20, 30, 70, 70)); $grid->addTitleRow(array( $lang->get("name"), $lang->get("type"), $lang->get("status"), " ", " ", " ", " ")); for ($i=1; $i <= count( $this->objects ); $i++) { $grid->addRow( array( new Label("lbl", "<b>".$i.". ".$this->objects[$i]["name"]."</b>", "cwhite_small" ), new Label("lbl", $this->getType($i), "cwhite_small"), new Label("lbl", $this->getInformation($i), "cwhite_small"), new LinkButtonInCell("s".$this->objects[$i]["id"], $lang->get("up"), "navelement", "submit"), new LinkButtonInCell("s".$this->objects[$i]["id"], $lang->get("down"), "navelement", "submit"), new LinkButtonInCell("s".$this->objects[$i]["id"], $lang->get("config"), "navelement", "submit"), new LinkButtonInCell("s".$this->objects[$i]["id"], $lang->get("delete"), "navelement", "submit"))); retain("s".$this->objects[$i]["id"], ""); } echo '<tr><td colspan="2" class="informationheader">'; $lbi = new ButtonInline("neu", $lang->get("new"), "navelement", "submit"); echo $lbi->draw().'<br><br>'; retain("neu", ""); echo '<tr>'; $cl = new Cell("clc", "standardwhite", 2, 600, 1); $cl->draw(); echo '</tr>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr>'; $grid->draw(); echo '</tr>'; }