Beispiel #1
	protected function getInput()
		$this->params = $this->element->attributes();

		$label = $this->get('label');
		$format = $this->get('format');

		$date = JFactory::getDate();

		$tz = new DateTimeZone(JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('offset'));

		if ($format)
			if (strpos($format, '%') !== false)
				require_once JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/nnframework/helpers/text.php';
				$format = NNText::dateToDateFormat($format);
			$html = $date->format($format, 1);
			$html = $date->format('', 1);

		if ($label)
			$html = JText::sprintf($label, $html);

		return '<div class="nn_block nn_title">' . $html . '</div>';
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     JHtml::stylesheet('nnframework/style.min.css', false, true);
     require_once __DIR__ . '/toggler.php';
     $toggler = new nnFieldToggler();
     $this->value = (int) $this->value;
     $label = $this->def('label');
     $param_name = $this->def('name');
     $noshow = $this->def('noshow', 0);
     $showclose = $this->def('showclose', 0);
     $html = array();
     if ($label) {
         $label = NNText::html_entity_decoder(JText::_($label));
         $html[] = '</div>';
         if (!$noshow) {
             $html[] = $toggler->getInput(array('div' => 1, 'param' => 'show_assignments|' . $param_name, 'value' => '1|1,2'));
         $class = 'well well-small nn_well';
         if ($this->value === 1) {
             $class .= ' alert-success';
         } else {
             if ($this->value === 2) {
                 $class .= ' alert-error';
         $html[] = '<div class="' . $class . '">';
         if ($showclose && JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.admin')) {
             $html[] = '<button type="button" class="close nn_remove_assignment">&times;</button>';
         $html[] = '<div class="control-group">';
         $html[] = '<div class="control-label">';
         $html[] = '<label><h4 class="nn_assignmentselection-header">' . $label . '</h4></label>';
         $html[] = '</div>';
         $html[] = '<div class="controls">';
         $html[] = '<fieldset id="' . $this->id . '"  class="radio btn-group">';
         $onclick = ' onclick="nnScripts.setToggleTitleClass(this, 0)"';
         $html[] = '<input type="radio" id="' . $this->id . '0" name="' . $this->name . '" value="0"' . (!$this->value ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . $onclick . '/>';
         $html[] = '<label class="nn_btn-ignore" for="' . $this->id . '0">' . JText::_('NN_IGNORE') . '</label>';
         $onclick = ' onclick="nnScripts.setToggleTitleClass(this, 1)"';
         $html[] = '<input type="radio" id="' . $this->id . '1" name="' . $this->name . '" value="1"' . ($this->value === 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . $onclick . '/>';
         $html[] = '<label class="nn_btn-include" for="' . $this->id . '1">' . JText::_('NN_INCLUDE') . '</label>';
         $onclick = ' onclick="nnScripts.setToggleTitleClass(this, 2)"';
         $onclick .= ' onload="nnScripts.setToggleTitleClass(this, ' . $this->value . ', 7)"';
         $html[] = '<input type="radio" id="' . $this->id . '2" name="' . $this->name . '" value="2"' . ($this->value === 2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . $onclick . '/>';
         $html[] = '<label class="nn_btn-exclude" for="' . $this->id . '2">' . JText::_('NN_EXCLUDE') . '</label>';
         $html[] = '</fieldset>';
         $html[] = '</div>';
         $html[] = '</div>';
         $html[] = '<div class="clearfix"> </div>';
         $html[] = $toggler->getInput(array('div' => 1, 'param' => $param_name, 'value' => '1,2'));
         $html[] = '<div><div>';
     } else {
         if (!$noshow) {
             $html[] = $toggler->getInput(array('div' => 1));
         $html[] = $toggler->getInput(array('div' => 1));
     return '</div>' . implode('', $html);
Beispiel #3
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     $this->db = JFactory::getDbo();
     if (!is_array($this->value)) {
         $this->value = explode(',', $this->value);
     $group = $this->def('group', 'countries');
     $options = array();
     foreach ($this->{$group} as $key => $val) {
         if (!$val) {
             $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-', '&nbsp;', 'value', 'text', true);
         } else {
             if ($key['0'] == '-') {
                 $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-', $val, 'value', 'text', true);
             } else {
                 $val = NNText::prepareSelectItem($val);
                 $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $key, $val);
     $attr = '';
     $attr .= $this->def('size') ? ' size="' . (int) $this->def('size') . '"' : '';
     $attr .= $this->def('multiple') ? ' multiple="multiple"' : '';
     return JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $options, $this->name . '[]', trim($attr), 'value', 'text', $this->value, $this->id);
Beispiel #4
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     if (!is_array($this->value)) {
         $this->value = explode(',', $this->value);
     $group = $this->get('group', 'countries');
     $options = array();
     foreach ($this->{$group} as $key => $val) {
         if (!$val) {
             $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-', '&nbsp;', 'value', 'text', true);
         } else {
             if ($key['0'] == '-') {
                 $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-', $val, 'value', 'text', true);
             } else {
                 $val = NNText::prepareSelectItem($val);
                 $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $key, $val);
     $size = (int) $this->get('size');
     $multiple = $this->get('multiple');
     require_once JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/nnframework/helpers/html.php';
     return NNHtml::selectlistsimple($options, $this->name, $this->value, $this->id, $size, $multiple);
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     $root = $this->def('root', 'USERS');
     $size = (int) $this->def('size');
     $multiple = $this->def('multiple');
     $show_all = $this->def('show_all');
     $attribs = 'class="inputbox"';
     $groups = $this->getUserGroups();
     $options = array();
     if ($show_all) {
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->value = -1;
         $option->text = '- ' . JText::_('JALL') . ' -';
         $option->disable = '';
         $options[] = $option;
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->value = $group->id;
         $option->text = $group->title;
         $repeat = $show_all ? $group->level + 1 : $group->level;
         $option->text = str_repeat('- ', $repeat) . $option->text;
         $option->text = NNText::prepareSelectItem($option->text);
         $option->disable = '';
         $options[] = $option;
     require_once JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/nnframework/helpers/html.php';
     return nnHtml::selectlist($options, $this->name, $this->value, $this->id, $size, $multiple, $attribs);
Beispiel #6
 public function fixLanguageStringSyntax($string = '')
     $string = trim(NNText::html_entity_decoder($string));
     $string = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $string);
     $string = str_replace('span style="font-family:monospace;"', 'span class="nn_code"', $string);
     return $string;
Beispiel #7
 public function onAfterRender()
     // only in html and feeds
     if (JFactory::getDocument()->getType() !== 'html' && JFactory::getDocument()->getType() !== 'feed') {
     $html = JResponse::getBody();
     if ($html == '') {
     if (JFactory::getDocument()->getType() != 'html') {
         $this->helpers->get('replace')->replaceTags($html, 'body');
     // only do stuff in body
     list($pre, $body, $post) = NNText::getBody($html);
     $this->helpers->get('replace')->replaceTags($body, 'body');
     $html = $pre . $body . $post;
     // replace head with newly generated head
     // this is necessary because the plugins might have added scripts/styles to the head
Beispiel #8
	protected function getInput()
		$this->params = $this->element->attributes();

		require_once __DIR__ . '/toggler.php';
		$toggler = new nnFieldToggler;

		$this->value = (int) $this->value;
		$label = $this->get('label');
		$param_name = $this->get('name');

		$html = array();

		if ($label)
			$label = NNText::html_entity_decoder(JText::_($label));

			$html[] = '<div style="clear: both;"></div>';

			$class = 'nn_panel nn_panel_title nn_panel_toggle';
			$checked = '';
			if ($this->value === 1)
				$class .= ' nn_panel_include';
				$checked = ' checked="checked"';
			else if ($this->value === 2)
				$class .= ' nn_panel_exclude';
				$checked = ' checked="checked"';
			$html[] = '<div class="' . $class . '"><label class="nn_block nn_title" for="cb_' . $param_name . '">';
			$html[] = '<input id="' . $this->id . '" name="' . $this->name . '" value="1" type="checkbox" class="checkbox"'
				. ' onclick="nnScripts.setToggleTitleClass(this, this.checked, 2);"' . $checked . '>';
			$html[] = $label;
			$html[] = '<div style="clear: both;"></div>';
			$html[] = '</label></div>';

			$html[] = $toggler->getInput(array('div' => 1, 'param' => $param_name, 'value' => '1,2'));
			$html[] = '<div class="nn_panel nn_panel"><div class="nn_block">';

			$html[] = '<ul class="adminformlist"><li>';
			$html[] = '<div style="clear: both;"></div>';
			$html[] = '</li></ul>';

			$html[] = '<div style="clear: both;"></div>';
			$html[] = '</div></div>';

			$html[] = $toggler->getInput(array('div' => 1));

		return implode($html);
Beispiel #9
 function getCategories()
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true)->select('COUNT(*)')->from('#__zoo_category AS c')->where('c.published > -1');
     $total = $this->db->loadResult();
     if ($total > $this->max_list_count) {
         return -1;
     $options = array();
     if ($this->get('show_ignore')) {
         if (in_array('-1', $this->value)) {
             $this->value = array('-1');
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-1', '- ' . JText::_('NN_IGNORE') . ' -', 'value', 'text', 0);
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-', '&nbsp;', 'value', 'text', 1);
     $query->clear()->select(',')->from('#__zoo_application AS a')->order(',');
     $apps = $this->db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($apps as $i => $app) {
         $query->clear()->select(', c.parent AS parent_id, AS title, c.published')->from('#__zoo_category AS c')->where('c.application_id = ' . (int) $app->id)->where('c.published > -1')->order('c.ordering,');
         $items = $this->db->loadObjectList();
         if ($i) {
             $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-', '&nbsp;', 'value', 'text', 1);
         // establish the hierarchy of the menu
         // TODO: use node model
         $children = array();
         if ($items) {
             // first pass - collect children
             foreach ($items as $v) {
                 $pt = $v->parent_id;
                 $list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array();
                 array_push($list, $v);
                 $children[$pt] = $list;
         // second pass - get an indent list of the items
         $list = JHtml::_('menu.treerecurse', 0, '', array(), $children, 9999, 0, 0);
         // assemble items to the array
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 'app' . $app->id, '[' . $app->name . ']', 'value', 'text', 0);
         foreach ($list as $item) {
             $item->treename = '  ' . str_replace('&#160;&#160;- ', '  ', $item->treename);
             $item->treename = NNText::prepareSelectItem($item->treename, $item->published);
             $option = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, $item->treename, 'value', 'text', 0);
             $option->level = 1;
             $options[] = $option;
     return $options;
Beispiel #10
 function getLevels()
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true)->select('l.akeebasubs_level_id as id, l.title AS name, l.enabled as published')->from('#__akeebasubs_levels AS l')->where('l.enabled > -1')->order('l.title, l.akeebasubs_level_id');
     $list = $this->db->loadObjectList();
     // assemble items to the array
     $options = array();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $item->name = NNText::prepareSelectItem($item->name, $item->published);
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, $item->name, 'value', 'text', 0);
     return $options;
Beispiel #11
 protected function getLabel()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     $label = NNText::html_entity_decoder(JText::_($this->get('label')));
     $html = '<label id="' . $this->id . '-lbl" for="' . $this->id . '"';
     if ($this->description) {
         $html .= ' class="hasTooltip" title="<strong>' . $label . '</strong><br />' . JText::_($this->description) . '">';
     } else {
         $html .= '>';
     $html .= $label . '</label>';
     return $html;
Beispiel #12
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     JHtml::stylesheet('nnframework/style.min.css', false, true);
     $label = NNText::html_entity_decoder(JText::_($this->get('label')));
     $description = $this->prepareText($this->get('description'));
     $lang_file = $this->get('language_file');
     $html = '</td></tr></table></div></div>';
     $html .= '<div class="panel"><h3 class="jpane-toggler title" id="advanced-page"><span>';
     $html .= $label;
     $html .= '</span></h3>';
     $html .= '<div class="jpane-slider content"><table width="100%" class="paramlist admintable" cellspacing="1"><tr><td colspan="2" class="paramlist_value">';
     if ($lang_file) {
         // Include extra language file
         $lang = str_replace('_', '-', JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag());
         $inc = '';
         $lang_path = 'language/' . $lang . '/' . $lang . '.' . $lang_file . '.inc.php';
         if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/' . $lang_path)) {
             $inc = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/' . $lang_path;
         } else {
             if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . '/' . $lang_path)) {
                 $inc = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $lang_path;
         if (!$inc && $lang != 'en-GB') {
             $lang = 'en-GB';
             $lang_path = 'language/' . $lang . '/' . $lang . '.' . $lang_file . '.inc.php';
             if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/' . $lang_path)) {
                 $inc = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/' . $lang_path;
             } else {
                 if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . '/' . $lang_path)) {
                     $inc = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $lang_path;
         if ($inc) {
             include $inc;
     if ($description) {
         if ($description['0'] != '<') {
             $description = '<p>' . $description . '</p>';
         $class = 'nn_panel nn_panel_description';
         $html .= '<div class="' . $class . '"><div class="nn_block nn_title">';
         $html .= $description;
         $html .= '<div style="clear: both;"></div></div></div>';
     return $html;
 private function getTitleBlock($title = '', $description = '', $start = 0)
     $nostyle = $this->def('nostyle', 0);
     if ($title) {
         $title = NNText::html_entity_decoder(JText::_($title));
     if ($description) {
         // variables
         $v1 = JText::_($this->def('var1'));
         $v2 = JText::_($this->def('var2'));
         $v3 = JText::_($this->def('var3'));
         $v4 = JText::_($this->def('var4'));
         $v5 = JText::_($this->def('var5'));
         $description = NNText::html_entity_decoder(trim(JText::sprintf($description, $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5)));
         $description = str_replace('span style="font-family:monospace;"', 'span class="nn_code"', $description);
     $html = array();
     if ($title) {
         if ($nostyle) {
             $html[] = '<div style="clear:both;"><div>';
         } else {
             $class = 'nn_panel nn_panel_title';
             if ($start || $description) {
                 $class .= ' nn_panel_top';
             $html[] = '<div class="' . $class . '"><div class="nn_block nn_title">';
         $html[] = $title;
         $html[] = '<div style="clear: both;"></div>';
         $html[] = '</div></div>';
     if ($description) {
         if ($nostyle) {
             $html[] = '<div style="clear:both;"><div>';
         } else {
             $class = 'nn_panel nn_panel_description';
             if ($start) {
                 $class .= ' nn_panel_top';
             if ($title) {
                 $class .= ' nn_panel_hastitle';
             $html[] = '<div class="' . $class . '"><div class="nn_block nn_title">';
         $html[] = $description;
         $html[] = '<div style="clear: both;"></div>';
         $html[] = '</div></div>';
     return implode('', $html);
Beispiel #14
 function getItems()
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true)->select(', i.title as name, c.title as cat, i.access as published')->from('#__content AS i')->join('LEFT', '#__categories AS c ON = i.catid')->where('i.access > -1')->order('i.title, i.ordering,');
     $list = $this->db->loadObjectList();
     // assemble items to the array
     $options = array();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $item->name = $item->name . ' [' . $item->id . ']' . ($item->cat ? ' [' . $item->cat . ']' : '');
         $item->name = NNText::prepareSelectItem($item->name, $item->published);
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, $item->name, 'value', 'text', 0);
     return $options;
Beispiel #15
 public function replace(&$string, &$match, $art = null)
     $groups = explode('|', $match['4']);
     $match['4'] = trim(array_shift($groups));
     $ignores = array();
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         if (strpos($group, '=') === false) {
         $this->helpers->get('process')->getIgnoreSetting($ignores, $group);
     $html = $this->helpers->get('process')->processMatch($string, $art, $match, $ignores);
     $string = NNText::strReplaceOnce($match['0'], $html, $string);
 private function prepareText($str = '')
     if ($str == '') {
         return '';
     // variables
     $v1 = JText::_($this->def('var1'));
     $v2 = JText::_($this->def('var2'));
     $v3 = JText::_($this->def('var3'));
     $v4 = JText::_($this->def('var4'));
     $v5 = JText::_($this->def('var5'));
     $str = JText::sprintf(JText::_($str), $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5);
     $str = trim(NNText::html_entity_decoder($str));
     $str = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $str);
     $str = str_replace('span style="font-family:monospace;"', 'span class="nn_code"', $str);
     return $str;
Beispiel #17
 private function prepareText($string = '')
     $string = trim($string);
     if ($string == '') {
         return '';
     // variables
     $var1 = JText::_($this->get('var1'));
     $var2 = JText::_($this->get('var2'));
     $var3 = JText::_($this->get('var3'));
     $var4 = JText::_($this->get('var4'));
     $var5 = JText::_($this->get('var5'));
     $string = JText::sprintf(JText::_($string), $var1, $var2, $var3, $var4, $var5);
     $string = trim(NNText::html_entity_decoder($string));
     $string = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $string);
     $string = str_replace('span style="font-family:monospace;"', 'span class="nn_code"', $string);
     return $string;
 protected function getLabel()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     $resize = $this->get('resize', 0);
     $label = NNText::html_entity_decoder(JText::_($this->get('label')));
     $html = '<label id="' . $this->id . '-lbl" for="' . $this->id . '"';
     if ($this->description) {
         $html .= ' class="hasTooltip" title="<strong>' . $label . '</strong><br />' . JText::_($this->description) . '">';
     } else {
         $html .= '>';
     $html .= $label;
     if ($resize) {
         NNFrameworkFunctions::addScriptVersion(JUri::root(true) . '/media/nnframework/js/script.min.js');
         JHtml::stylesheet('nnframework/style.min.css', false, true);
         $html .= '<br /><span role="button" class="nn_resize_textarea nn_maximize"' . ' data-id="' . $this->id . '"  data-min="' . $this->get('height', 80) . '" data-max="' . $resize . '">' . '<span class="nn_resize_textarea_maximize">' . '[ + ]' . '</span>' . '<span class="nn_resize_textarea_minimize">' . '[ - ]' . '</span>' . '</span>';
     $html .= '</label>';
     return $html;
Beispiel #19
 public function replace(&$string, &$match, $art = null)
     // Check for categories...
     $groups = explode('|', $match['4']);
     $data = array();
     $ignores = array();
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         if (!($set_data = $this->getDataByGroup($group, $ignores))) {
         $data[] = $set_data;
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($data as $dat) {
         $ids = array_merge($ids, $this->getArticleIdsByData($dat, $ignores));
     $html = array();
     $total = count($ids);
     $this->helpers->get('tags')->data->article = $art;
     $this->helpers->get('tags')->data->total = $total;
     // Process empty category to allow for {if:empty} result
     if (!$total) {
         $data = $match;
         $data['4'] = 0;
         $html[] = $this->processMatch($string, $art, $data, $ignores);
     // Process articles from category
     foreach ($ids as $i => $id) {
         $data = $match;
         $data['4'] = trim($id);
         $count = $i + 1;
         $this->helpers->get('tags')->data->count = $count;
         $this->helpers->get('tags')->data->even = !($count % 2);
         $this->helpers->get('tags')->data->uneven = $count % 2;
         $this->helpers->get('tags')->data->first = $count == 1;
         $this->helpers->get('tags')->data->last = $count >= $total;
         $html[] = $this->processMatch($string, $art, $data, $ignores);
     $string = NNText::strReplaceOnce($match['0'], implode('', $html), $string);
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     $label = $this->get('label');
     $format = $this->get('format');
     $date = JFactory::getDate();
     $tz = new DateTimeZone(JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('offset'));
     if ($format) {
         if (strpos($format, '%') !== false) {
             require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/helpers/text.php';
             $format = NNText::dateToDateFormat($format);
         $html = $date->format($format, true);
     } else {
         $html = $date->format('', true);
     if ($label) {
         $html = JText::sprintf($label, $html);
     return '</div><div>' . $html;
Beispiel #21
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     JHtml::stylesheet('nnframework/style.min.css', false, true);
     $title = $this->get('label');
     $description = $this->get('description');
     $class = $this->get('class');
     $start = $this->get('start', 0);
     $end = $this->get('end', 0);
     $html = array();
     if ($start || !$end) {
         $html[] = '</div>';
         if (!(strpos($class, 'alert') === false)) {
             $html[] = '<div class="alert ' . $class . '">';
         } else {
             $html[] = '<div class="well well-small ' . $class . '">';
         if ($title) {
             $title = NNText::html_entity_decoder(JText::_($title));
             $html[] = '<h4>' . $title . '</h4>';
         if ($description) {
             // variables
             $v1 = JText::_($this->get('var1'));
             $v2 = JText::_($this->get('var2'));
             $v3 = JText::_($this->get('var3'));
             $v4 = JText::_($this->get('var4'));
             $v5 = JText::_($this->get('var5'));
             $description = NNText::html_entity_decoder(trim(JText::sprintf($description, $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5)));
             $description = str_replace('span style="font-family:monospace;"', 'span class="nn_code"', $description);
             $html[] = '<div>' . $description . '</div>';
         $html[] = '<div><div>';
     if (!$start && !$end) {
         $html[] = '</div>';
     return '</div>' . implode('', $html);
Beispiel #22
 function passDate()
     if (!$this->params->publish_up && !$this->params->publish_down) {
         // no date range set
         return $this->assignment == 'include';
     require_once JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/nnframework/helpers/text.php';
     $now = strtotime($this->date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true));
     $tz = new DateTimeZone(JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('offset'));
     $up = JFactory::getDate($this->params->publish_up)->setTimeZone($tz);
     $down = JFactory::getDate($this->params->publish_down)->setTimeZone($tz);
     if (isset($this->params->recurring) && $this->params->recurring) {
         if (!(int) $this->params->publish_up || !(int) $this->params->publish_down) {
             // no date range set
             return $this->assignment == 'include';
         $up = strtotime(date('Y') . $up->format('-m-d H:i:s', true));
         $down = strtotime(date('Y') . $down->format('-m-d H:i:s', true));
         // pass:
         // 1) now is between up and down
         // 2) up is later in year than down and:
         // 2a) now is after up
         // 2b) now is before down
         if ($up < $now && $down > $now || $up > $down && ($up < $now || $down > $now)) {
             return $this->assignment == 'include';
         // outside date range
         return $this->pass(false);
     if ((int) $this->params->publish_up && strtotime($up->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true)) > $now || (int) $this->params->publish_down && strtotime($down->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true)) < $now) {
         // outside date range
         return $this->pass(false);
     // pass
     return $this->assignment == 'include';
 function passDate()
     if (!$this->params->publish_up && !$this->params->publish_down) {
         // no date range set
         return $this->assignment == 'include';
     require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/text.php';
     $now = $this->getNow();
     $up = $this->getDate($this->params->publish_up);
     $down = $this->getDate($this->params->publish_down);
     if (isset($this->params->recurring) && $this->params->recurring) {
         if (!(int) $this->params->publish_up || !(int) $this->params->publish_down) {
             // no date range set
             return $this->assignment == 'include';
         $up = strtotime(date('Y') . $up->format('-m-d H:i:s', true));
         $down = strtotime(date('Y') . $down->format('-m-d H:i:s', true));
         // pass:
         // 1) now is between up and down
         // 2) up is later in year than down and:
         // 2a) now is after up
         // 2b) now is before down
         if ($up < $now && $down > $now || $up > $down && ($up < $now || $down > $now)) {
             return $this->assignment == 'include';
         // outside date range
         return $this->pass(false);
     if ((int) $this->params->publish_up && strtotime($up->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true)) > $now || (int) $this->params->publish_down && strtotime($down->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true)) < $now) {
         // outside date range
         return $this->pass(false);
     // pass
     return $this->assignment == 'include';
 function getProducts()
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true)->select('COUNT(*)')->from('#__virtuemart_products AS p')->where('p.published > -1');
     $total = $this->db->loadResult();
     if ($total > $this->max_list_count) {
         return -1;
     $lang = $this->getActiveLanguage();
     $query->clear()->select('p.virtuemart_product_id as id, l.product_name AS name, p.product_sku as sku, cl.category_name AS cat, p.published')->from('#__virtuemart_products AS p')->join('LEFT', '#__virtuemart_products_' . $lang . ' AS l ON l.virtuemart_product_id = p.virtuemart_product_id')->join('LEFT', '#__virtuemart_product_categories AS x ON x.virtuemart_product_id = p.virtuemart_product_id')->join('LEFT', '#__virtuemart_categories AS c ON c.virtuemart_category_id = x.virtuemart_category_id')->join('LEFT', '#__virtuemart_categories_' . $lang . ' AS cl ON cl.virtuemart_category_id = c.virtuemart_category_id')->where('p.published > -1')->order('l.product_name, p.product_sku');
     $list = $this->db->loadObjectList();
     // assemble items to the array
     $options = array();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $item->name = $item->name . ' [' . $item->sku . ']' . ($item->cat ? ' [' . $item->cat . ']' : '');
         $item->name = NNText::prepareSelectItem($item->name, $item->published);
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, $item->name, 'value', 'text', 0);
     return $options;
Beispiel #25
 public function convertDateToString($string, $extra)
     // Check if string could be a date
     if (strpos($string, '-') == false || preg_match('#[a-z]#i', $string) || !strtotime($string)) {
         return $string;
     if (!$extra) {
         $extra = JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2');
     if (strpos($extra, '%') !== false) {
         $extra = NNText::dateToDateFormat($extra);
     return JHtml::_('date', $string, $extra);
Beispiel #26
 function getProducts()
     $query = $this->db->getQuery(true)->select('p.product_id as id, p.product_name AS name, p.product_number as number, c.category_name AS cat, p.published')->from('#__redshop_product AS p')->join('LEFT', '#__redshop_product_category_xref AS x ON x.product_id = p.product_id')->join('LEFT', '#__redshop_category AS c ON c.category_id = x.category_id')->where('p.published > -1')->order('p.product_name, p.product_number');
     $list = $this->db->loadObjectList();
     // assemble items to the array
     $options = array();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $item->name = $item->name . ' [' . $item->number . ']' . ($item->cat ? ' [' . $item->cat . ']' : '');
         $item->name = NNText::prepareSelectItem($item->name, $item->published);
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, $item->name, 'value', 'text', 0);
     return $options;
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     JHtml::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal');
     $size = (int) $this->def('size');
     $multiple = $this->def('multiple');
     $showtype = $this->def('showtype');
     $showid = $this->def('showid');
     $showinput = $this->def('showinput');
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // load the list of modules
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select(', m.title, m.position, m.module, m.published')->from('#__modules AS m')->where('m.client_id = 0')->order('m.position, m.title, m.ordering,');
     $modules = $db->loadObjectList();
     // assemble menu items to the array
     $options = array();
     $p = 0;
     foreach ($modules as $item) {
         if ($p !== $item->position) {
             $pos = $item->position;
             if ($pos == '') {
                 $pos = ':: ' . JText::_('JNONE') . ' ::';
             $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-', '[ ' . $pos . ' ]', 'value', 'text', true);
         $p = $item->position;
         $item->title = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $item->title;
         if ($showtype) {
             $item->title .= ' [' . $item->module . ']';
         if ($showinput || $showid) {
             $item->title .= ' [' . $item->id . ']';
         $item->title = NNText::prepareSelectItem($item->title, $item->published);
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->id, $item->title);
     if ($showinput) {
         array_unshift($options, JHtml::_('select.option', '-', '&nbsp;', 'value', 'text', true));
         array_unshift($options, JHtml::_('select.option', '-', '- ' . JText::_('Select Item') . ' -'));
         if ($multiple) {
             $onchange = 'if ( this.value ) { if ( ' . $this->id . '.value ) { ' . $this->id . '.value+=\',\'; } ' . $this->id . '.value+=this.value; } this.value=\'\';';
         } else {
             $onchange = 'if ( this.value ) { ' . $this->id . '.value=this.value;' . $this->id . '_text.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].innerHTML.replace( /^((&|&amp;|&#160;)nbsp;|-)*/gm, \'\' ).trim(); } this.value=\'\';';
         $attribs = 'class="inputbox" onchange="' . $onchange . '"';
         $html = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="padding: 0px;">' . "\n";
         if (!$multiple) {
             $val_name = $this->value;
             if ($this->value) {
                 foreach ($modules as $item) {
                     if ($item->id == $this->value) {
                         $val_name = $item->title;
                         if ($showtype) {
                             $val_name .= ' [' . $item->module . ']';
                         $val_name .= ' [' . $this->value . ']';
             $html .= '<input type="text" id="' . $this->id . '_text" value="' . $val_name . '" class="inputbox" size="' . $size . '" disabled="disabled" />';
             $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $this->value . '" />';
         } else {
             $html .= '<input type="text" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $this->value . '" class="inputbox" size="' . $size . '" />';
         $html .= '</td><td style="padding: 0px;"padding-left: 5px;>' . "\n";
         $html .= JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $options, '', $attribs, 'value', 'text', '', '');
         $html .= '</td></tr></table>' . "\n";
         return preg_replace('#>\\[\\[\\:(.*?)\\:\\]\\]#si', ' style="\\1">', $html);
     } else {
         require_once JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/nnframework/helpers/html.php';
         return nnHtml::selectlist($options, $this->name, $this->value, $this->id, $size, $multiple, 'style="max-width:360px"');
Beispiel #28
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     JHtml::stylesheet('nnframework/style.min.css', false, true);
     $title = $this->get('label');
     $description = $this->get('description');
     $xml = $this->get('xml');
     $url = $this->get('url');
     if ($description) {
         // variables
         $v1 = $this->get('var1');
         $v2 = $this->get('var2');
         $v3 = $this->get('var3');
         $v4 = $this->get('var4');
         $v5 = $this->get('var5');
         $description = NNText::html_entity_decoder(trim(JText::sprintf($description, $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5)));
     if ($title) {
         $title = JText::_($title);
     if ($description) {
         $description = str_replace('span style="font-family:monospace;"', 'span class="nn_code"', $description);
         if ($description['0'] != '<') {
             $description = '<p>' . $description . '</p>';
     if (!$xml && $this->form->getValue('element')) {
         if ($this->form->getValue('folder')) {
             $xml = 'plugins/' . $this->form->getValue('folder') . '/' . $this->form->getValue('element') . '/' . $this->form->getValue('element') . '.xml';
         } else {
             $xml = 'administrator/modules/' . $this->form->getValue('element') . '/' . $this->form->getValue('element') . '.xml';
     if ($xml) {
         $xml = JApplicationHelper::parseXMLInstallFile(JPATH_SITE . '/' . $xml);
         $version = 0;
         if ($xml && isset($xml['version'])) {
             $version = $xml['version'];
         if ($version) {
             if (strpos($version, 'PRO') !== false) {
                 $version = str_replace('PRO', '', $version);
                 $version .= ' <small style="color:green">[PRO]</small>';
             } else {
                 if (strpos($version, 'FREE') !== false) {
                     $version = str_replace('FREE', '', $version);
                     $version .= ' <small style="color:green">[FREE]</small>';
             if ($title) {
                 $title .= ' v';
             } else {
                 $title = JText::_('Version') . ' ';
             $title .= $version;
     $html = array();
     if ($title) {
         if ($url) {
             $title = '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" title="' . preg_replace('#<[^>]*>#', '', $title) . '">' . $title . '</a>';
         $html[] = '<h4>' . NNText::html_entity_decoder($title) . '</h4>';
     if ($description) {
         $html[] = $description;
     if ($url) {
         $html[] = '<p><a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" title="' . JText::_('NN_MORE_INFO') . '">' . JText::_('NN_MORE_INFO') . '...</a></p>';
     return '</div><div>' . implode('', $html);
Beispiel #29
  * combine attribute values in a tag string
 public static function combineAttributes($string1, $string2)
     $attribs1 = is_array($string1) ? $string1 : NNText::getAttributes($string1);
     $attribs2 = is_array($string2) ? $string2 : NNText::getAttributes($string2);
     $dublicate_attribs = array_intersect_key($attribs1, $attribs2);
     // Fill $attribs with the unique ids
     $attribs = array_diff_key($attribs1, $attribs2) + array_diff_key($attribs2, $attribs1);
     // Add/combine the duplicate ids
     $single_value_attributes = array('id', 'href');
     foreach ($dublicate_attribs as $key => $val) {
         if (in_array($key, $single_value_attributes)) {
             $attribs[$key] = $attribs2[$key];
         // Combine strings, but remove duplicates
         // "aaa bbb" + "aaa ccc" = "aaa bbb ccc"
         // use a ';' as a concatenated for javascript values (keys beginning with 'on')
         $glue = substr($key, 0, 2) == 'on' ? ';' : ' ';
         $attribs[$key] = implode($glue, array_merge(explode($glue, $attribs1[$key]), explode($glue, $attribs2[$key])));
     foreach ($attribs as $key => &$val) {
         $val = $key . '="' . $val . '"';
     return implode(' ', $attribs);
Beispiel #30
 protected function getInput()
     $this->params = $this->element->attributes();
     $label = NNText::html_entity_decoder(JText::_($this->def('label')));
     $description = $this->def('description');
     $lang_file = $this->def('language_file');
     $html = '</td></tr></table></div></div>';
     $html .= '<div class="panel"><h3 class="jpane-toggler title" id="advanced-page"><span>';
     $html .= $label;
     $html .= '</span></h3>';
     $html .= '<div class="jpane-slider content"><table width="100%" class="paramlist admintable" cellspacing="1"><tr><td colspan="2" class="paramlist_value">';
     if ($description) {
         // variables
         $v1 = $this->def('var1');
         $v2 = $this->def('var2');
         $v3 = $this->def('var3');
         $v4 = $this->def('var4');
         $v5 = $this->def('var5');
         $description = NNText::html_entity_decoder(trim(JText::sprintf($description, $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5)));
     if ($lang_file) {
         // Include extra language file
         $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
         $lang = str_replace('_', '-', $language->getTag());
         $inc = '';
         $lang_path = 'language/' . $lang . '/' . $lang . '.' . $lang_file . '.inc.php';
         if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/' . $lang_path)) {
             $inc = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/' . $lang_path;
         } else {
             if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . '/' . $lang_path)) {
                 $inc = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $lang_path;
         if (!$inc && $lang != 'en-GB') {
             $lang = 'en-GB';
             $lang_path = 'language/' . $lang . '/' . $lang . '.' . $lang_file . '.inc.php';
             if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/' . $lang_path)) {
                 $inc = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/' . $lang_path;
             } else {
                 if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . '/' . $lang_path)) {
                     $inc = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $lang_path;
         if ($inc) {
             include $inc;
     if ($description) {
         $description = str_replace('span style="font-family:monospace;"', 'span class="nn_code"', $description);
         if ($description['0'] != '<') {
             $description = '<p>' . $description . '</p>';
         $class = 'nn_panel nn_panel_description';
         $html .= '<div class="' . $class . '"><div class="nn_block nn_title">';
         $html .= $description;
         $html .= '<div style="clear: both;"></div></div></div>';
     return $html;