public function main()
     $this->layout = 'demo';
     $this->scriptTime = false;
     $phpver = phpversion();
     $sysDir = strtoupper(str_replace('\\', '/', App::$sysroot));
     $appDir = pathinfo($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
     $appDir = strtoupper($appDir['dirname']);
     if (0 === strpos($sysDir, '..') || 0 === strpos($sysDir, '/') || 0 !== strpos($sysDir, $appDir)) {
         $integration = 'Centralized';
     } else {
         $integration = 'Portable';
     if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
         $modules = apache_get_modules();
         $modules = in_array('mod_rewrite', $modules) ? 'ok' : 'failed';
     } else {
         $modules = 'unknown';
     $fallback = function_exists('json_decode') && function_exists('json_encode') ? 5 <= (int) $phpver && 2 <= (int) substr($phpver, 2) ? 'ignored' : 'ok' : 'failed';
     $tmp = new File(App::conf('file.tmp'));
     if (touch(App::conf('file.tmp') . '/demo.txt')) {
         $tempFolder = 'ok';
         unlink(App::conf('file.tmp') . '/demo.txt');
     } else {
         $tempFolder = 'failed';
     $dbs = App::conf('database');
     if (empty($dbs)) {
         $db = 'empty';
     } else {
         list($dbName, $dbConf) = each($dbs);
         $modelMySQL = new MysqlDatabase();
         $modelOracle = new OracleDatabase();
         if ($modelMySQL->connect($dbConf)) {
             $db = 'ok';
         } else {
             $db = 'failed';
     $siteurl = false === App::conf('site_url') ? 'unset' : 'ok';
     $this->show('phpversion', $phpver);
     $this->show('integration', $integration);
     $this->show('rewrite', $modules);
     $this->show('fallback', $fallback);
     $this->show('tempfolder', $tempFolder);
     $this->show('dbname', $dbName);
     $this->show('db', $db);
     $this->show('siteurl', $siteurl);
Beispiel #2
  * Get a singleton instance of the database
  * @return \MysqlDatabase
 public static function getInstance()
     if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
 public function ProcessQueue()
     // empty the queue
     parent::SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `table_queue`,`table_offers` WHERE \n\t\t`table_queue`.`offer_id`=`table_offers`.`offer_id` \n\t\tAND \n\t\t`table_queue`.`status`='0' LIMIT 1");
     $offerData = parent::DoQuery();
     $offerData = $offerData[0];
     parent::SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `table_offerlocations` WHERE \n\t\toffer_id='{$offerData["offer_id"]}'");
     $offerLocations = parent::DoQuery();
     $offer_alert_message = "{$offerData["one_liner"]} .. for only \${$offerData["price"]} (a \${$offerData["value"]} value!)\n\n" . "Expires: " . date("F jS, Y", $offerData["expiration"]) . " at " . date("g:i a") . "\n\n" . "More Information:{$offerData["offer_id"]}\n\n" . "-FMM";
     foreach ($offerLocations as $location) {
         // loop through each offer location
         parent::SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `aggregate_deal_location` WHERE aggregate_deal_location_id='{$location["location_id"]}'");
         $locationData = parent::DoQuery();
         parent::SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `table_subscribers` WHERE \n\t\t\tlocation_id='{$location["location_id"]}'");
         $locationSubscribers = parent::CountDBResults();
         if ($locationSubscribers > 0) {
             // location has subscribers
             $subscribers = parent::DoQuery();
             foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
                 // loop through each location subscriber, sending them an email about the offer
                 mail("{$subscriber["email_address"]}", "FMM Offer Alerts for {$locationData[0]["location"]}!", $offer_alert_message, "From:");
     // update the queue
     parent::SetQuery("UPDATE `table_queue` SET `status`='1', `timestamp`='" . time() . "' WHERE \n\t\toffer_id='{$offerData["offer_id"]}'");
 if ($oauth_token != "") {
     $to = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $session_request_token, $session_request_token_secret);
     $token = $to->getAccessToken();
     /* Save OAuth Access Tokens */
     $_SESSION['oauth_access_token'] = $token['oauth_token'];
     $_SESSION['oauth_access_token_secret'] = $token['oauth_token_secret'];
     /* Create new TwitterOAuth Object to send Requests */
     $to = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret']);
     /* Create a new OAuth Request for User Information. */
     $response = $to->OAuthRequest('', array(), 'GET');
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
     $screen_name = $xml->screen_name[0];
     $name = $xml->name[0];
     $_SESSION["username"] = strip_tags($screen_name);
     $_SESSION["name"] = strip_tags($name);
     $database = new MysqlDatabase(dbHost, dbUser, dbPass, dbName);
     $database->SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `table_messages` WHERE message_name='share_deal_twitter'");
     $share_message = $database->DoQuery();
     $to->OAuthRequest('', array('status' => $share_message[0]["message"]), 'POST');
     $to->OAuthRequest('', array(), 'POST');
     $database->SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `table_credits` WHERE user_id_credited='{$_SESSION["user-data"]["user_id"]}'");
     $check = $database->CountDBResults();
     if (!$check) {
         // user has not been credited $10 yet
         $database->SetQuery("INSERT INTO `table_credits` VALUES ('','{$_SESSION["user-data"]["user_id"]}')");
         $database->SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `table_accountbalance` WHERE user_id='{$_SESSION["user-data"]["user_id"]}'");
         $currentBalance = $database->DoQuery();
         $newBalance = $currentBalance[0]["balance"] += 10.0;
         $database->SetQuery("UPDATE `table_accountbalance` SET balance='{$newBalance}' WHERE\r\n\t\tuser_id='{$_SESSION["user-data"]["user_id"]}'");
Beispiel #5
 public function CreateRSS($query, $title_p, $link_p, $description_p)
     // recent
     $rss_top = new HtmlElement('rss');
     $rss_top->Set('version', '2.0');
     $channel = new HtmlElement('channel');
     $title = new HtmlElement('title');
     $title->Set('text', $title_p);
     $link = new HtmlElement('link');
     $link->Set('text', $link_p);
     $description = new HtmlElement('description');
     $description->Set('text', $description_p);
     $language = new HtmlElement('language');
     $language->Set('text', 'en-us');
     $webmaster = new HtmlElement('webMaster');
     $webmaster->Set('text', '*****@*****.**');
     $exists = parent::CountDBResults();
     if ($exists) {
         // records exist
         $num = 0;
         $results = parent::DoQuery();
         while ($results[$num]) {
             // loop through results
             $item = new HtmlElement('item');
             $title = new HtmlElement('title');
             $title->Set('text', $results[$num]["one_liner"]);
             $link = new HtmlElement('link');
             $append_to_url[] = "offer_id={$results[$num]["offer_id"]}";
             $offer_url = "offer-details";
             if ($this->localData["aff_id"]) {
                 // affiliate set
                 $append_to_url[] = "aff_id={$this->localData["aff_id"]}";
             if ($this->localData["location_id"]) {
                 // location id set
                 //$append_to_url[] = "location_id={$this->localData["location_id"]}";
                 $offer_url = "offer-details";
             if (sizeOf($append_to_url) > 0) {
                 // append parameters to URL
                 $appended_url_string = "?" . join("&amp;", $append_to_url);
             $link->Set('text', '' . $offer_url . $appended_url_string);
             parent::SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `table_offerlocations`,`table_locations` WHERE \r\n\t\t\t\t`table_offerlocations`.`location_id`=`table_locations`.`location_id`\r\n\t\t\t\tAND\r\n\t\t\t\t`table_offerlocations`.`offer_id`='{$results[$num]["offer_id"]}'");
             $offerLocations = parent::DoQuery();
             $locationArr = array();
             foreach ($offerLocations as $offerLocation) {
                 // loop through each location
                 $locationArr[] = $offerLocation["location"];
             $locationStr = join(", ", $locationArr);
             $description = new HtmlElement('description');
             $description->Set('text', $results[$num]["description"] . htmlentities("<br/><br/>A <b>\${$results[$num]["value"]} value</b> for <i>only</i> <b>\${$results[$num]["price"]}</b>" . " - Limit: <b>{$results[$num]["limit"]}</b>" . "<br/><br/>Offer Available for these Locations: {$locationStr}<br/><br/>" . "", ENT_QUOTES));
             $pubDate = new HtmlElement('pubDate');
             $pubDate->Set('text', date("M-d-Y H:i:s", time()));
             $num += 1;
         echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
         echo $rss_top->BuildHTML();
 public function GetCustomMessage($message_name)
     # Get Custom Message
     parent::SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `table_messages` WHERE message_name='{$message_name}'");
     $message = parent::DoQuery();
     return $message[0]["message"];