Beispiel #1
             case 'reject':
                 $content->rejected[] = (object) ['errorCode' => 201, 'message' => 'Table reached max rows.', 'record' => $entry];
                 $rejected = true;
                 # Truncating the table (delete and recreate for speed)
             # Truncating the table (delete and recreate for speed)
             case 'truncate':
                 $G_TO_TABLE_DETAILS = recreate_table($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, $G_TO_TABLE_DETAILS);
     # If its not rejected, time to add this row
     if (!$rejected) {
         # Inserting into our partition
         $to_query->set_table($to_partition->data['table_name'], false, false, $to_partition->database);
         $query = $to_query->get_insert_query(isset($_CGET['ignore']), false);
         mysqli_sub_query($to_partition->dblink, $query);
         # Insterted - mysqli_affected_rows = 1
         if (mysqli_affected_rows($to_partition->dblink) == 1) {
             $content->inserted_ids[] = $entry->id;
             $G_TO_TABLE_DETAILS['rows'] = (int) $G_TO_TABLE_DETAILS['rows'] + 1;
         } else {
             $content->update_ids[] = mysqli_insert_id($to_partition->dblink);
 # If we need to remove from the from table
 if (isset($_CGET['delete']) && boolval($_CGET['delete'])) {
Beispiel #2
                     $content->rejected[] = (object) ['errorCode' => 201, 'message' => 'Table reached max rows.', 'record' => $entry];
                     $rejected = true;
                     # Truncating the table (delete and recreate for speed)
                 # Truncating the table (delete and recreate for speed)
                 case 'truncate':
                     $G_TABLE_DETAILS = recreate_table($G_CONTROLLER_DBLINK, $G_TABLE_DETAILS);
 # If its not rejected, time to add this row
 if (!BULK_INSERT && !$rejected) {
     # Inserting into our partition
     $insert_query = $query->get_insert_query(isset($_CGET['ignore']));
     $result = mysqli_sub_query($partition->dblink, $insert_query);
     # If we had a bad insert
     if (!$result) {
         $content->success = false;
         $content->message = 'Not all records were inserted.';
         $content->rejected[] = (object) ['errorCode' => 202, 'message' => 'There was an error inserting the record.', 'record' => $entry];
     } elseif (mysqli_affected_rows($partition->dblink) == 1) {
         $content->insert_ids[] = $entry->id;
         $partitions_affected->{$partition->data['id']}->last_insert_id = max($partitions_affected->{$partition->data['id']}->last_insert_id, $entry->id);
         $G_TABLE_DETAILS['rows'] = (int) $G_TABLE_DETAILS['rows'] + 1;
     } else {
         $content->update_ids[] = mysqli_insert_id($partition->dblink);