  * Carries out the specified action
 function perform()
     // fetch the category we're trying to update
     $this->_categoryId = $this->_request->getValue("linkCategoryId");
     $this->_categoryName = Textfilter::filterAllHTML($this->_request->getValue("linkCategoryName"));
     $categories = new MyLinksCategories();
     $category = $categories->getMyLinksCategory($this->_categoryId, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
     if (!$category) {
         $this->_view = new AdminLinkCategoriesListView($this->_blogInfo);
         return false;
     // update the fields
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_PRE_LINK_CATEGORY_UPDATE, array("linkcategory" => &$category));
     if (!$categories->updateMyLinksCategory($category)) {
         $this->_view = new AdminLinkCategoriesListView($this->_blogInfo);
         return false;
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_POST_LINK_CATEGORY_UPDATE, array("linkcategory" => &$category));
     // clear the cache
     CacheControl::resetBlogCache($this->_blogInfo->getId(), false);
     $this->_view = new AdminLinkCategoriesListView($this->_blogInfo);
     $this->_view->setSuccessMessage($this->_locale->pr("link_category_updated_ok", $category->getName()));
     // better to return true if everything fine
     return true;
  * Carries out the specified action
 function render()
     // get all the link categories but we have to respect the order that the user asked
     $order = $this->getValue("showOrder");
     $linkCategories = new MyLinksCategories();
     $blogLinkCategories = $linkCategories->getMyLinksCategories($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $order);
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_LINK_CATEGORIES_LOADED, array("linkcategories" => &$blogLinkCategories));
     // put the data in the view
     $this->setValue("linkcategories", $blogLinkCategories);
  * Carries out the specified action
  * @static
 function _deleteLinkCategories()
     // delete the link category, but only if there are no links under it
     $categories = new MyLinksCategories();
     $errorMessage = "";
     $successMessage = "";
     $totalOk = 0;
     foreach ($this->_categoryIds as $categoryId) {
         // fetch the category
         $linkCategory = $categories->getMyLinksCategory($categoryId, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
         if ($linkCategory) {
             //if( $categories->getNumMyLinksCategory( $categoryId ) > 0 ) {
             if ($linkCategory->getNumLinks() > 0) {
                 $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("error_links_in_link_category", $linkCategory->getName()) . "<br/>";
             } else {
                 // if all correct, now delete it and check how it went
                 if (!$categories->deleteMyLinksCategory($categoryId, $this->_blogInfo->getId())) {
                     $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("error_removing_link_category", $linkCategory->getName());
                 } else {
                     if ($totalOk < 2) {
                         $successMessage = $this->_locale->pr("link_category_deleted_ok", $linkCategory->getName());
                     } else {
                         $successMessage = $this->_locale->pr("link_categories_deleted_ok", $totalOk);
         } else {
             $errorMessage .= $this->_locale->pr("error_removing_link_category2", $categoryId) . "<br/>";
     $this->_view = new AdminLinkCategoriesListView($this->_blogInfo);
     if ($errorMessage != "") {
     if ($successMessage != "") {
         // clear the cache
         CacheControl::resetBlogCache($this->_blogInfo->getId(), false);
     // better to return true if everything fine
     return true;
  * Carries out the specified action
 function perform()
     // add the new link category to the database
     $this->_linkCategoryName = Textfilter::filterAllHTML($this->_request->getValue("linkCategoryName"));
     $mylinksCategories = new MyLinksCategories();
     $mylinksCategory = new MyLinksCategory($this->_linkCategoryName, $this->_blogInfo->getId(), 0, $this->_properties);
     // the view is the same for both conditions
     $this->_view = new AdminLinkCategoriesListView($this->_blogInfo);
     if (!$mylinksCategories->addMyLinksCategory($mylinksCategory, $this->_blogInfo->getId())) {
         // set an error message
     } else {
         // clear the cache
         CacheControl::resetBlogCache($this->_blogInfo->getId(), false);
         $this->_view->setSuccessMessage($this->_locale->pr("link_category_added_ok", $mylinksCategory->getName()));
     return true;
 function render()
     // get all the link categories
     $blogSettings = $this->_blogInfo->getSettings();
     $linkCategoriesOrder = $blogSettings->getValue("link_categories_order", MYLINKS_CATEGORIES_NO_ORDER);
     // get the link categories
     $linkCategories = new MyLinksCategories();
     $blogLinkCategories = $linkCategories->getMyLinksCategories($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $linkCategoriesOrder, $this->_page, DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
     // get the total number of link categories
     $numLinkCategories = $linkCategories->getNumMyLinksCategories($this->_blogInfo->getId());
     // throw the event
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_LINK_CATEGORIES_LOADED, array("linkcategories" => &$blogLinkCategories));
     // create the pager
     $pager = new Pager("?op=editLinkCategories&amp;page=", $this->_page, $numLinkCategories, DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
     // create the view and fill the template context
     $this->setValue("linkcategories", $blogLinkCategories);
     $this->setValue("pager", $pager);
     // transfer control to the parent class
  * Carries out the specified action
 function perform()
     // fetch all the link categories
     $blogSettings = $this->_blogInfo->getSettings();
     $linkCategoriesOrder = $blogSettings->getValue("link_categories_order", MYLINKS_CATEGORIES_NO_ORDER);
     $linkCategories = new MyLinksCategories();
     $blogLinkCategories = $linkCategories->getMyLinksCategories($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $linkCategoriesOrder);
     // if there is none, we should not be allowed to add any link!
     if (empty($blogLinkCategories)) {
         $this->_view = new AdminTemplatedView($this->_blogInfo, "newlinkcategory");
         return false;
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_LINK_CATEGORIES_LOADED, array("linkcategories" => &$blogLinkCategories));
     // else, put that in the template and continue
     $this->_view = new AdminNewLinkView($this->_blogInfo);
     // better to return true if everything fine
     return true;
  * Carries out the specified action
 function perform()
     // fetch the category
     $this->_categoryId = $this->_request->getValue("categoryId");
     $categories = new MyLinksCategories();
     $category = $categories->getMyLinksCategory($this->_categoryId, $this->_blogInfo->getId());
     // show an error if we couldn't fetch the category
     if (!$category) {
         return false;
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_LINK_CATEGORY_LOADED, array("linkcategory" => &$category));
     // otherwise show the form to edit its fields
     $this->_view = new AdminTemplatedView($this->_blogInfo, "editlinkcategory");
     $this->_view->setValue("linkCategoryName", $category->getName());
     $this->_view->setValue("linkCategoryId", $category->getId());
     // better to return true if everything fine
     return true;
  * Carries out the specified action
 function render()
     // get the parameters
     $order = $this->getValue("showOrder");
     $categoryId = $this->getValue("showCategory");
     // get all the links and throw the event
     $links = new MyLinks();
     $blogLinks = $links->getLinks($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $categoryId, $this->_page, DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_LINKS_LOADED, array("links" => &$blogLinks));
     // get the number of links
     $numLinks = $links->getNumLinks($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $categoryId);
     // get all the link categories but we have to respect the order that the user asked
     $linkCategories = new MyLinksCategories();
     $blogLinkCategories = $linkCategories->getMyLinksCategories($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $order);
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_LINK_CATEGORIES_LOADED, array("linkcategories" => &$blogLinkCategories));
     // prepare the pager
     $pager = new Pager("?op=editLinks&amp;showCategory={$categoryId}&amp;page=", $this->_page, $numLinks, DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
     // put the data in the view
     $this->setValue("links", $blogLinks);
     $this->setValue("linkscategories", $blogLinkCategories);
     $this->setValue("currentcategory", $categoryId);
     $this->setValue("pager", $pager);
  * Updates a link in the database.
  * @param myLink A MyLink object with the information we'd like to update.
  * @return True if successful or false otherwise.
 function updateMyLink($myLink)
     $query = "UPDATE " . $this->getPrefix() . "mylinks SET\n                      name = '" . Db::qstr($myLink->getName()) . "',\n                      description = '" . Db::qstr($myLink->getDescription()) . "',\n                      url = '" . Db::qstr($myLink->getUrl()) . "',\n                      category_id = " . $myLink->getCategoryId() . ",\n                      date = date,\n\t\t\t\t\t  properties = '" . Db::qstr(serialize($myLink->getProperties())) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t  rss_feed = '" . Db::qstr($myLink->getRssFeed()) . "'\n                      WHERE id = " . $myLink->getId() . " AND blog_id = " . $myLink->getBlogId() . ";";
     $result = $this->Execute($query);
     if (!$result) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($result) {
             // mark the corresponding link categories as modified now
             $linkCategories = new MyLinksCategories();
         return true;
  * Removes a blog from the database. It also removes all its posts, its posts categories
  * its links, its links categories, its trackbacks and its comments
  * @param blogId the id of the blog we'd like to delete
 function deleteBlog($blogId)
     // first of all, delete the posts
     $articles = new Articles();
     // next is to remove the article categories
     $articleCategories = new ArticleCategories();
     // next, all the links and links categories
     $myLinks = new MyLinks();
     $myLinksCategories = new MyLinksCategories();
     // the permissions for the blog
     $perms = new UserPermissions();
     // and finally, delete the blog
     $query = "DELETE FROM " . $this->getPrefix() . "blogs WHERE id = {$blogId}";
     $result = $this->Execute($query);
     return $result;
  * Retrieves the links
  * @private
 function _getLinkCategories()
     $blogSettings = $this->_blogInfo->getSettings();
     $linkCategoriesOrder = $blogSettings->getValue('link_categories_order', MYLINKS_CATEGORIES_NO_ORDER);
     $myLinksCategories = new MyLinksCategories();
     $blogLinksCategories = $myLinksCategories->getMyLinksCategories($this->_blogInfo->getId(), $linkCategoriesOrder);
     $this->notifyEvent(EVENT_LINK_CATEGORIES_LOADED, array('linkcategories' => &$blogLinksCategories));
     return $blogLinksCategories;