/** * Factory method * @return MslsContentTypes */ public static function create() { $_request = MslsPlugin::get_superglobals(array('taxonomy')); if ('' != $_request['taxonomy']) { return MslsTaxonomy::instance(); } return MslsPostType::instance(); }
/** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->types = array_merge(array('category', 'post_tag'), get_taxonomies(array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false), 'names', 'and')); $_request = MslsPlugin::get_superglobals(array('taxonomy', 'post_type')); if ('' != $_request['taxonomy']) { $this->request = esc_attr($_request['taxonomy']); $this->post_type = esc_attr($_request['post_type']); } else { $this->request = get_query_var('taxonomy'); } }
/** * There is something wrong? Here comes the message... * @return bool */ public function has_problems() { $message = ''; $options = MslsOptions::instance(); if (1 == count($options->get_available_languages())) { $message = sprintf(__('There are no language files installed. You can <a href="%s">manually install some language files</a> or you could use a <a href="%s">plugin</a> to download these files automatically.'), esc_url('http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress_in_Your_Language#Manually_Installing_Language_Files'), esc_url('http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-native-dashboard/')); } elseif ($options->is_empty()) { $message = sprintf(__('Multisite Language Switcher is almost ready. You must <a href="%s">complete the configuration process</a>.'), esc_url(admin_url('/options-general.php?page=MslsAdmin'))); } return MslsPlugin::message_handler($message, 'updated fade'); }
/** * Constructor * @uses get_post_types */ public function __construct() { $this->types = array_merge(array('post', 'page'), get_post_types(array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false), 'names', 'and')); $_request = MslsPlugin::get_superglobals(array('post_type')); if ('' != $_request['post_type']) { $this->request = esc_attr($_request['post_type']); } else { $this->request = get_post_type(); if (!$this->request) { $this->request = 'post'; } } }
/** * Prints a message that the Multisite Language Switcher needs an * active multisite to work properly. */ function plugin_needs_multisite() { MslsPlugin::message_handler(__('The Multisite Language Switcher needs the activation of the multisite-feature for working properly. Please read <a onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network">this post</a> if you don\'t know the meaning.', 'msls')); }
/** * Verify the static cleanup-method */ function test_cleanup_method() { $this->assertInternalType('boolean', MslsPlugin::cleanup()); }