Beispiel #1
<div class='box'>

$msg = '';
require_once 'functions/MsgMgr.php';
$mess = new MsgMgr();
if (!empty($_POST['to']) && !empty($_POST['text'])) {
    $msg = $mess->msg_send($config, $player->usr_id, $_POST['to'], $_POST['text']);
if (!empty($_GET['m_id']) && !empty($_GET['del']) && !empty($_GET['type'])) {
    $mess->msg_del($config, $player->usr_id, $_GET['type'], $_GET['m_id']);
if (!empty($_GET['del_all']) && !empty($_GET['type'])) {
    $mess->msg_del_all($config, $player->usr_id, $_GET['type']);
if (!empty($_GET['type'])) {
    switch ($_GET['type']) {
        case 1:
            $messages = get_all("select m_id, m_text, m_type, login,  avatar, usr_id,m_date, m_status from messages inner join users on m_from = usr_id where m_to = " . $player->usr_id . " and m_type = 1 order by m_status asc, m_id desc");
            $from = "od ";
        case 2:
            $messages = get_all("select m_id, m_text, m_type, login, avatar, usr_id, m_date from messages inner join users on m_to = usr_id where m_from = " . $player->usr_id . " and m_type = 2 order by m_id desc");
            $from = "do ";
        case 3:
            $messages = get_all("select m_id, m_text, m_type, login, avatar, usr_id, m_date, m_status from messages inner join users on m_from = usr_id where m_to = " . $player->usr_id . " and m_type = 3 order by m_status asc, m_id desc");
            $from = "Raport ";