* Retrieving get vars */ $idMember = intval($_GET["id_member"]); $surname1 = Check::safeText($_GET["surname1"]); $surname2 = Check::safeText($_GET["surname2"]); $firstName = Check::safeText($_GET["first_name"]); /** * Show page */ $title = _("Delete Staff Member"); require_once "../layout/header.php"; /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Admin") => "../admin/index.php", _("Staff Members") => $returnLocation, $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_staff"); unset($links); /** * Form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../admin/staff_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete staff member, %s %s %s?"), $firstName, $surname1, $surname2)); $tbody[] = Form::hidden("id_member", $idMember); $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo Msg::hint('* ' . _("Note: The del function will delete the related user too (if exists).")); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
*/ $setQ->captureError(true); $setQ->select(); if ($setQ->isError()) { echo HTML::para(_("Building OpenClinic tables...")); } else { $set = $setQ->fetch(); if (!$set) { $setQ->close(); Error::fetch($setQ); } if (!isset($_GET["confirm"]) || $_GET["confirm"] != "yes") { echo HTML::para(sprintf(_("OpenClinic (version %s) is already installed."), $set->getVersion())); $setQ->close(); echo Msg::warning(_("Are you sure you want to delete all clinic data and create new OpenClinic tables?")); echo Msg::warning(_("If you continue all data will be lost.")); // @todo use fieldset echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?confirm=yes')); echo HTML::para(Form::button("continue", _("Continue")) . Form::generateToken()); echo HTML::end('form'); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Cancel"), './index.php')); include_once "../layout/footer.php"; exit; } } $setQ->close(); unset($setQ); unset($set); /** * Creating each table listed in the $tables array */
require_once "../lib/Check.php"; /** * Retrieving get vars */ $idUser = intval($_GET["id_user"]); $login = $_GET["login"]; /** * Show page */ $title = _("Delete User"); require_once "../layout/header.php"; /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Admin") => "../admin/index.php", _("Users") => $returnLocation, $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_user"); unset($links); /** * Form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../admin/user_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete user, %s?"), $login)); $row = Form::hidden("id_user", $idUser); $tbody[] = $row; $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
$title = _("Delete Medical Test"); $titlePage = $patient->getName() . ' [' . $problem->getWordingPreview() . '] (' . $title . ')'; require_once "../layout/header.php"; //$returnLocation = "../medical/test_list.php?id_problem=" . $idProblem . "&id_patient=" . $idPatient; // controlling var $returnLocation = "../medical/test_list.php"; // controlling var /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Medical Records") => "../medical/index.php", $patient->getName() => "../medical/patient_view.php", _("Medical Problems Report") => "../medical/problem_list.php", $problem->getWordingPreview() => "../medical/problem_view.php", _("View Medical Tests") => $returnLocation, $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_patient"); unset($links); echo $patient->getHeader(); echo $problem->getHeader(); /** * Confirm form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../medical/test_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete medical test, %s, from list?"), $test->getPathFilename())); $row = Form::hidden("id_problem", $idProblem); $row .= Form::hidden("id_test", $idTest); $row .= Form::hidden("id_patient", $idPatient); $row .= Form::hidden("path_filename", $test->getPathFilename()); $tbody[] = $row; $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
*/ $title = _("Delete Relative from list"); $titlePage = $patient->getName() . ' (' . $title . ')'; require_once "../layout/header.php"; //$returnLocation = "../medical/relative_list.php?id_patient=" . $idPatient; // controlling var $returnLocation = "../medical/relative_list.php"; // controlling var /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Medical Records") => "../medical/index.php", $patient->getName() => "../medical/patient_view.php", _("View Relatives") => $returnLocation, $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_patient"); unset($links); echo $patient->getHeader(); /** * Confirm form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../medical/relative_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $relative = new Patient($idRelative); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete relative, %s, from list?"), $relative->getName())); $row = Form::hidden("id_patient", $idPatient); $row .= Form::hidden("id_relative", $idRelative); $row .= Form::hidden("name", $relative->getName()); $tbody[] = $row; $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
} /** * Show page */ $title = _("Delete Patient"); $titlePage = $patient->getName() . ' (' . $title . ')'; require_once "../layout/header.php"; //$returnLocation = "../medical/patient_view.php?id_patient=" . $idPatient; // controlling var $returnLocation = "../medical/patient_view.php"; // controlling var /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Medical Records") => "../medical/index.php", $patient->getName() => $returnLocation, $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_patient"); unset($links); /** * Confirm form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../medical/patient_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete patient, %s?"), $patient->getName())); $row = Form::hidden("id_patient", $idPatient); $row .= Form::hidden("name", $patient->getName()); $tbody[] = $row; $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
echo HTML::start('body', array('id' => 'top')); echo HTML::start('div', array('id' => 'wrap')); echo HTML::start('div', array('id' => 'header')); echo appLogo(); $array = array(HTML::link(_("Close Window"), '#', null, array('onclick' => 'window.close(); return false;'))); echo HTML::itemList($array, array('id' => 'shortcuts')); echo menuBar($tab); echo HTML::end('div'); // #header echo HTML::start('div', array('id' => 'main')); echo HTML::start('div', array('id' => 'content')); echo HTML::section(1, sprintf(_("This is a preview of the %s theme."), $_POST["theme_name"])); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Sample Link"), '#top')); echo HTML::rule(); echo HTML::section(2, _("Subtitle Sample:")); $thead = array(_("Table Heading") => array('colspan' => 2)); $tbody = array(); $tbody[] = array(sprintf(_("Sample data row %d"), 1)); $tbody[] = array(sprintf(_("Sample data row %d"), 2)); $row = Form::label("sample_text", _("Required Field") . ":", array('class' => 'required')); $row .= OPEN_SEPARATOR; $row .= Form::text("sample_text", _("Sample Input Text"), array('size' => 50, 'readonly' => true)); $tbody[] = explode(OPEN_SEPARATOR, $row); $options = array('tfoot' => array('align' => 'center'), 'r0' => array('colspan' => 2), 'r1' => array('colspan' => 2)); $tfoot = array(Form::button("sample_button", _("Sample Button"), array('type' => 'button'))); echo HTML::table($thead, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo Msg::error(_("Sample Error")); echo Msg::warning(_("Sample Warning")); echo Msg::info(_("Sample Info")); echo Msg::hint(_("Sample Hint")); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
* Error message if not session exists */ if (!is_dir(ini_get('session.save_path')) && ini_get('session.save_handler') == 'files') { echo Msg::error(_("No session support. Authentication process will fail. Check your PHP configuration.")); } /** * Cookies disabled? */ if (!isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { echo Msg::error(_("You must have cookies enabled to access your account.")); } /** * Warning message if loginAttempts == (OPEN_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 1) */ if (OPEN_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS && isset($_SESSION['auth']['login_attempts']) && $_SESSION['auth']['login_attempts'] == OPEN_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 1) { echo Msg::warning(_("Last attempt to type correct password before suspend this user account.")); } /** * Login form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('id' => 'loginForm', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => '../auth/login.php')); $tbody = array(); $row = Form::hidden("md5_session"); $tbody[] = $row; $row = Form::label("login_session", _("Login") . ":"); $row .= Form::text("login_session", isset($formVar["login_session"]) ? $formVar["login_session"] : null, array('size' => 20, 'error' => isset($formError["login_session"]) ? $formError["login_session"] : null)); $tbody[] = $row; $row = Form::label("pwd_session", _("Password") . ":"); $row .= Form::password("pwd_session", isset($formVar["pwd_session"]) ? $formVar["pwd_session"] : null, array('size' => 20, 'error' => isset($formError["pwd_session"]) ? $formError["pwd_session"] : null)); $tbody[] = $row; $tfoot = array(Form::button("login", _("Enter")) . Form::generateToken());
require_once "../lib/Check.php"; /** * Retrieving get vars */ $idTheme = intval($_GET["id_theme"]); $name = Check::safeText($_GET["name"]); /** * Show page */ $title = _("Delete Theme"); require_once "../layout/header.php"; /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Admin") => "../admin/index.php", _("Themes") => $returnLocation, $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_theme"); unset($links); /** * Form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../admin/theme_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete theme, %s?"), $name)); $row = Form::hidden("id_theme", $idTheme); $tbody[] = $row; $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
require_once "../lib/Msg.php"; // include HTML.php /** * Retrieving get var */ $_file = $_GET['file']; /** * XHTML Start (XML prolog, DOCTYPE, title page and meta data) */ $title = sprintf(_("Source file: %s"), $_file); require_once "../layout/xhtml_start.php"; echo HTML::start('link', array('rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'href' => '../css/style.css'), true); echo HTML::end('head'); $array['id'] = 'viewSource'; if (count($_GET) == 0 || empty($_file)) { $array['onload'] = 'window.close();'; } echo HTML::start('body', $array); if (isset($_SESSION['auth']['is_admin'])) { if (is_file($_file)) { highlight_file($_file); } else { echo Msg::error(_("No file found.")); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Close Window"), '#', null, array('onclick' => 'window.close(); return false;'))); } } else { echo Msg::warning(sprintf(_("You are not authorized to use %s tab."), _("Admin"))); // maybe change } echo HTML::end('body'); echo HTML::end('html');
require_once "../layout/header.php"; //$returnLocation = "../medical/connection_list.php?id_problem=" . $idProblem . "&id_patient=" . $idPatient; // controlling var $returnLocation = "../medical/connection_list.php"; // controlling var /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Medical Records") => "../medical/index.php", $patient->getName() => "../medical/patient_view.php", _("Medical Problems Report") => "../medical/problem_list.php", $problem->getWordingPreview() => "../medical/problem_view.php", _("View Connection Problems") => $returnLocation, $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_patient"); unset($links); echo $patient->getHeader(); echo $problem->getHeader(); /** * Form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../medical/connection_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $problem = new Problem($idConnection); $wording = $problem->getWordingPreview(); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete connection, %s, from list?"), $wording)); $row = Form::hidden("id_problem", $idProblem); $row .= Form::hidden("id_connection", $idConnection); $row .= Form::hidden("id_patient", $idPatient); $row .= Form::hidden("wording", $wording); $tbody[] = $row; $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
* Show page */ $title = _("Delete Medical Problem"); $titlePage = $patient->getName() . ' [' . $problem->getWordingPreview() . '] (' . $title . ')'; require_once "../layout/header.php"; //$returnLocation = "../medical/problem_list.php?id_patient=" . $idPatient; // controlling var $returnLocation = "../medical/problem_list.php"; // controlling var /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Medical Records") => "../medical/index.php", $patient->getName() => "../medical/patient_view.php", _("Medical Problems Report") => $returnLocation, $problem->getWordingPreview() => "../medical/problem_view.php", $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_patient"); unset($links); echo $patient->getHeader(); /** * Confirm form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../medical/problem_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $wording = $problem->getWordingPreview(); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete medical problem, %s, from list?"), $wording)); $row = Form::hidden("id_problem", $idProblem); $row .= Form::hidden("id_patient", $idPatient); $tbody[] = $row; $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";