public static function get_link($movieId)
     $link = self::find_by_id($movieId);
     $exists = $link ? true : false;
     if ($link && days_from_now($link->timestamp) < LINK_UPDATE_DAYS) {
         // good
     } else {
         $exists = $link ? true : false;
         $movie = Movie::find_by_id($movieId);
         $link = new YouTube();
         $link->id = $movieId;
         $link->timestamp = gen_timestamp();
         $title = urlencode($movie->title);
         $endpoint = "{$title}&type=video&videoCategoryId=30&key=AIzaSyBOaDIBNUCfbthPQ0XSZScnqI8jyxJ9G5Q";
         $m = self::getData($endpoint);
         foreach ($m->items as $mov) {
             $desc = $mov->snippet->description;
             if (levenshtein($title, $mov->snippet->title) < 2) {
                 foreach ($castArr as $actor) {
                     if (strpos($desc, $actor) !== false) {
                         $link->videoId = $mov->id->videoId;
                         break 2;
                         // break out of both foreach loops
         if ($exists) {
         } else {
     return $link;
 public static function get_link($movieId)
     $link = self::find_by_id($movieId);
     $exists = $link ? true : false;
     if ($link && days_from_now($link->timestamp) < LINK_UPDATE_DAYS) {
         // good
     } else {
         $exists = $link ? true : false;
         $movie = Movie::find_by_id($movieId);
         $link = new Netflix();
         $link->id = $movieId;
         $link->timestamp = gen_timestamp();
         $years_from_search = array();
         $links_from_search = array();
         $titles_from_search = array();
         $html = file_get_contents("" . urlencode($movie->title));
         $matches = strallpos($html, "<span class=\"releaseYear\">");
         $link_matches = strallpos($html, "location.href");
         $title_matches = strallpos($html, "class=\"title-list-item-link");
         if (sizeof($matches) == sizeof($link_matches)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches); $i++) {
                 $years_from_search[] = substr($html, $matches[$i] + 26, 4);
                 $links_from_search[] = str_replace('Player?movieid=', 'Movie/', strstr(substr($html, $link_matches[$i] + 17), "'", true));
                 $titles_from_search[] = substr(strstr(strstr(substr($html, $title_matches[$i]), ">"), "</a>", true), 1);
                 if ($years_from_search[$i] == $movie->year && levenshtein($titles_from_search[$i], $movie->title) < 2) {
                     $link->link = $links_from_search[$i];
         if ($exists) {
         } else {
     return $link;
 public static function get_link($movieId)
     $link = self::find_by_id($movieId);
     $exists = $link ? true : false;
     if ($link && days_from_now($link->timestamp) < LINK_UPDATE_DAYS) {
         // good
     } else {
         $exists = $link ? true : false;
         $movie = Movie::find_by_id($movieId);
         $link = new Amazon();
         $link->id = $movieId;
         $link->timestamp = gen_timestamp();
         require_once LIB_PATH . DS . "amazon_api_class.php";
         $runtime = $movie->runtime;
         $title = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/i', ' ', $movie->title);
         $obj = new AmazonProductAPI();
         try {
             $result = $obj->searchProducts($title, AmazonProductAPI::VIDEO, "TITLE");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
         $cast = Actor::list_of_names($movie->id);
         foreach ($result->Items->Item as $k) {
             if ($k->ItemAttributes->Binding == 'Amazon Instant Video') {
                 if (abs($k->ItemAttributes->RunningTime - $runtime) < 5 && strpos($cast, (string) $k->ItemAttributes->Actor) !== false || abs($k->ItemAttributes->RunningTime - $runtime) < 5 && levenshtein($title, (string) $k->ItemAttributes->Title) <= 3) {
                     $link->link = $k->DetailPageURL;
                     $link->asin = $k->ASIN;
         if (strlen($link->link) > 0) {
             $html = file_get_contents($link->link);
             if (!strpos($html, 'movie is currently unavailable') && strlen($html) > 20) {
                 $html = substr($html, strpos($html, '<ul class="button-list">'), 2000);
                 $matches = array();
                 $rent = "";
                 $buy = "";
                 preg_match_all("/Rent SD [\$][1-9]+[.][1-9][1-9]/", $html, $matches);
                 if (sizeof($matches[0]) > 0) {
                     $rent .= substr($matches[0][0], 8);
                 preg_match_all("/Rent HD [\$][1-9]+[.][1-9][1-9]/", $html, $matches);
                 if (sizeof($matches[0]) > 0) {
                     $rent .= "|" . substr($matches[0][0], 8);
                 preg_match_all("/Buy SD [\$][1-9]+[.][1-9][1-9]/", $html, $matches);
                 if (sizeof($matches[0]) > 0) {
                     $buy .= substr($matches[0][0], 7);
                 preg_match_all("/Buy HD [\$][1-9]+[.][1-9][1-9]/", $html, $matches);
                 if (sizeof($matches[0]) > 0) {
                     $buy .= "|" . substr($matches[0][0], 7);
                 $link->rent = $rent;
                 $link->buy = $buy;
         if ($exists) {
         } else {
     return $link;

require_once "../includes/initialize.php";
// require key and id parameter.
if (empty($_GET['id']) || empty($_GET['key'])) {
    sendResponse(400, "Invalid request. Please provide \"ID\" and \"key\" parameters.");
} else {
    if ($_GET['key'] != API_KEY) {
        sendResponse(403, "Invalid API key.");
    } else {
        $movie = Movie::find_by_id($_GET['id']);
        $result = $movie->export();
        sendResponse(200, json_encode($result));