  * Sends an email with a personal message and the selected
  * review attachements to the author. Also updates the status
  * of the current review round and marks review attachments
  * selected by the editor as "viewable" for the author.
  * @param $seriesEditorSubmission SeriesEditorSubmission
  * @param $status integer One of the REVIEW_ROUND_STATUS_* constants.
  * @param $emailKey string An email template.
 function _sendReviewMailToAuthor(&$seriesEditorSubmission, $status, $emailKey)
     // Retrieve the current review round and update it with the new status.
     $reviewRoundDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ReviewRoundDAO');
     /* @var $reviewRoundDao ReviewRoundDAO */
     $currentReviewRound =& $reviewRoundDao->build($seriesEditorSubmission->getId(), $seriesEditorSubmission->getCurrentReviewType(), $seriesEditorSubmission->getCurrentRound());
     // Send personal message to author.
     $submitter =& $seriesEditorSubmission->getUser();
     $email = new MonographMailTemplate($seriesEditorSubmission, $emailKey);
     $email->addRecipient($submitter->getEmail(), $submitter->getFullName());
     // Retrieve review indexes.
     $reviewAssignmentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ReviewAssignmentDAO');
     /* @var $reviewAssignmentDao ReviewAssignmentDAO */
     $reviewIndexes =& $reviewAssignmentDao->getReviewIndexesForRound($seriesEditorSubmission->getId(), $seriesEditorSubmission->getCurrentRound());
     // Add a review index for review attachments not associated with
     // a review assignment (i.e. attachments uploaded by the editor).
     $lastIndex = end($reviewIndexes);
     $reviewIndexes[-1] = $lastIndex + 1;
     // Attach the selected reviewer attachments to the email.
     $submissionFileDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SubmissionFileDAO');
     /* @var $submissionFileDao SubmissionFileDAO */
     $selectedAttachments = $this->getData('selectedAttachments');
     if (is_array($selectedAttachments)) {
         foreach ($selectedAttachments as $attachmentId) {
             // Split the attachment into file id and file revision.
             $attachment = explode('-', $attachmentId);
             assert(count($attachment) == 2);
             // Retrieve the monograph file.
             $monographFile =& $submissionFileDao->getRevision($attachment[0], $attachment[1]);
             assert(is_a($monographFile, 'MonographFile'));
             // Check the association information.
             if ($monographFile->getAssocType() == ASSOC_TYPE_REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT) {
                 // The review attachment has been uploaded by a reviewer.
                 $reviewAssignmentId = $monographFile->getAssocId();
             } else {
                 // The review attachment has been uploaded by the editor.
                 $reviewAssignmentId = -1;
             // Identify the corresponding review index.
             $reviewIndex = $reviewIndexes[$reviewAssignmentId];
             // Add the attachment to the email.
             $email->addAttachment($monographFile->getFilePath(), String::enumerateAlphabetically($reviewIndex) . '-' . $monographFile->getOriginalFileName());
             // Update monograph file to set viewable as true, so author
             // can view the file on their submission summary page.
     // Send the email.
Beispiel #2
  * Records whether or not the reviewer accepts the review assignment.
  * @param $reviewerSubmission object
  * @param $decline boolean
  * @param $send boolean
 function confirmReview($request, $reviewerSubmission, $decline, $send)
     $reviewAssignmentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ReviewAssignmentDAO');
     $userDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO');
     $reviewId = $reviewerSubmission->getReviewId();
     $reviewAssignment =& $reviewAssignmentDao->getById($reviewId);
     $reviewer =& $userDao->getUser($reviewAssignment->getReviewerId());
     if (!isset($reviewer)) {
         return true;
     // Only confirm the review for the reviewer if
     // he has not previously done so.
     if ($reviewAssignment->getDateConfirmed() == null) {
         $email = new MonographMailTemplate($reviewerSubmission, $decline ? 'REVIEW_DECLINE' : 'REVIEW_CONFIRM');
         // Must explicitly set sender because we may be here on an access
         // key, in which case the user is not technically logged in
         $email->setFrom($reviewer->getEmail(), $reviewer->getFullName());
         if (!$email->isEnabled() || $send && !$email->hasErrors()) {
             HookRegistry::call('ReviewerAction::confirmReview', array(&$request, &$reviewerSubmission, &$email, $decline));
             if ($email->isEnabled()) {
                 $email->setEventType($decline ? MONOGRAPH_EMAIL_REVIEW_DECLINE : MONOGRAPH_EMAIL_REVIEW_CONFIRM);
             // Add log
             $entry = new MonographEventLogEntry();
             $entry->setEventType($decline ? MONOGRAPH_LOG_REVIEW_DECLINE : MONOGRAPH_LOG_REVIEW_ACCEPT);
             MonographLog::logEvent($request, $reviewerSubmission, $decline ? MONOGRAPH_LOG_REVIEW_DECLINE : MONOGRAPH_LOG_REVIEW_ACCEPT, $decline ? 'log.review.reviewDeclined' : 'log.review.reviewAccepted', array('reviewerName' => $reviewer->getFullName(), 'monographId' => $reviewAssignment->getSubmissionId(), 'round' => $reviewAssignment->getRound()));
             return true;
         } else {
             if (!$request->getUserVar('continued')) {
                 $assignedEditors = $email->ccAssignedEditors($reviewerSubmission->getId());
                 $reviewingSeriesEditors = $email->toAssignedReviewingSeriesEditors($reviewerSubmission->getId());
                 if (empty($assignedEditors) && empty($reviewingSeriesEditors)) {
                     $press =& $request->getPress();
                     $email->addRecipient($press->getSetting('contactEmail'), $press->getSetting('contactName'));
                     $editorialContactName = $press->getSetting('contactName');
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($reviewingSeriesEditors)) {
                         $editorialContact = array_shift($reviewingSeriesEditors);
                     } else {
                         $editorialContact = array_shift($assignedEditors);
                     $editorialContactName = $editorialContact->getEditorFullName();
                 // Format the review due date
                 $reviewDueDate = strtotime($reviewAssignment->getDateDue());
                 $dateFormatShort = Config::getVar('general', 'date_format_short');
                 if ($reviewDueDate == -1) {
                     $reviewDueDate = $dateFormatShort;
                 } else {
                     $reviewDueDate = strftime($dateFormatShort, $reviewDueDate);
                 $email->assignParams(array('editorialContactName' => $editorialContactName, 'reviewerName' => $reviewer->getFullName(), 'reviewDueDate' => $reviewDueDate));
             $paramArray = array('reviewId' => $reviewId);
             if ($decline) {
                 $paramArray['declineReview'] = 1;
             $email->displayEditForm($request->url(null, 'reviewer', 'confirmReview'), $paramArray);
             return false;
     return true;
  * Assign user to copyedit the selected files
  * @see Form::execute()
 function execute()
     // Split the selected user value; index 0 is the user id, index 1 is the user groupID
     $userIdAndGroup = explode('-', $this->getData('userId'));
     // Build copyediting signoff for each file
     $signoffDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SignoffDAO');
     /* @var $signoffDao SignoffDAO */
     if ($this->getData('selected-listbuilder-files-copyeditingfileslistbuilder')) {
         $selectedFiles = $this->getData('selected-listbuilder-files-copyeditingfileslistbuilder');
     } else {
         $selectedFiles = array();
     foreach ($selectedFiles as $selectedFileId) {
         $signoff =& $signoffDao->build('SIGNOFF_COPYEDITING', ASSOC_TYPE_MONOGRAPH_FILE, $selectedFileId, $userIdAndGroup[0], WORKFLOW_STAGE_ID_EDITING, $userIdAndGroup[1]);
         /* @var $signoff Signoff */
         // Set the date notified
         // Set the date response due (stored as date underway in signoffs table)
         $dueDateParts = explode('-', $this->getData('responseDueDate'));
         $signoff->setDateUnderway(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dueDateParts[0], $dueDateParts[1], $dueDateParts[2])));
     // Send the message to the user
     $monograph =& $this->getMonograph();
     $email = new MonographMailTemplate($monograph);
     $userDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO');
     /* @var $userDao UserDAO */
     $user =& $userDao->getUser($userIdAndGroup[0]);
     $email->addRecipient($user->getEmail(), $user->getFullName());