file_path() public static method

Find the path to a module's file.
public static file_path ( $module = null, $folder = null, $file = null ) : string
$module string The name of the module to find.
$folder string The folder within the module to search for the file (ie. controllers).
$file string The name of the file to search for.
return string The full path to the file.
Beispiel #1
  * Triggers an individual event.
  * NOTE: The payload sent to the event method is a pointer to the actual data.
  * This means that any operations on the data will affect the original data.
  * Use with care.
  * @param string $event_name A string with the name of the event to trigger. Case sensitive.
  * @param mixed  $payload    (optional) A variable pointer to send to the event method.
  * @return void
 public static function trigger($event_name = null, &$payload = null)
     if (empty($event_name) || !is_string($event_name) || !array_key_exists($event_name, self::$events)) {
     foreach (self::$events[$event_name] as $subscriber) {
         if (strpos($subscriber['filename'], '.php') === false) {
             $subscriber['filename'] .= '.php';
         $file_path = Modules::file_path($subscriber['module'], $subscriber['filepath'], $subscriber['filename']);
         if (!file_exists($file_path)) {
         @(include_once $file_path);
         if (!class_exists($subscriber['class'])) {
             // if class doesn't exist check that the function is callable
             // could be just a helper function
             if (is_callable($subscriber['method'])) {
                 call_user_func($subscriber['method'], $payload);
         $class = new $subscriber['class']();
         if (!is_callable(array($class, $subscriber['method']))) {
  * Return an array of configuration settings from a single config file.
  * @param string  $file           The config file to read.
  * @param boolean $failGracefully Whether to show errors or simply return false.
  * @param string  $module         Name of the module where the config file exists.
  * @param boolean $moduleOnly     Whether to fail if config does not exist in
  * module directory.
  * @return array An array of settings, or false on failure (if $failGracefully
  * is true).
 function read_config($file, $failGracefully = true, $module = '', $moduleOnly = false)
     $file = $file == '' ? 'config' : str_replace('.php', '', $file);
     // Look in module first
     $found = false;
     if ($module) {
         $fileDetails = Modules::file_path($module, 'config', "{$file}.php");
         if (!empty($fileDetails)) {
             $file = str_replace('.php', '', $fileDetails);
             $found = true;
     // Fall back to application directory
     if (!$found && !$moduleOnly) {
         $checkLocations = array();
         if (defined('ENVIRONMENT')) {
             $checkLocations[] = APPPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . "/{$file}";
         $checkLocations[] = APPPATH . "config/{$file}";
         foreach ($checkLocations as $location) {
             if (file_exists($location . '.php')) {
                 $file = $location;
                 $found = true;
     if (!$found) {
         if ($failGracefully === true) {
             return false;
         show_error("The configuration file {$file}.php does not exist.");
     include $file . '.php';
     if (!isset($config) || !is_array($config)) {
         if ($failGracefully === true) {
             return false;
         show_error("Your {$file}.php file does not appear to contain a valid configuration array.");
     return $config;
Beispiel #3
  * Returns the 'module_config' array from a modules config/config.php file.
  * The 'module_config' contains more information about a module, and even
  * provides enhanced features within the UI. All fields are optional.
  * @author Liam Rutherford (
  * <code>
  * $config['module_config'] = array(
  *  'name'          => 'Blog',          // The name that is displayed in the UI
  *  'description'   => 'Simple Blog',   // May appear at various places within the UI
  *  'author'        => 'Your Name',     // The name of the module's author
  *  'homepage'      => 'http://...',    // The module's home on the web
  *  'version'       => '1.0.1',         // Currently installed version
  *  'menu'          => array(           // A view file containing an <ul> that will be the sub-menu in the main nav.
  *      'context'   => 'path/to/view'
  *  )
  * );
  * </code>
  * @param $module_name string  The name of the module.
  * @param $return_full boolean Ignored if the 'module_config' portion exists.
  * Otherwise, if true, will return the entire config array, else an empty array
  * is returned.
  * @return array An array of config settings, or an empty array.
 public static function config($module_name = null, $return_full = false)
     // Get the path of the file and determine whether it exists.
     $config_file = Modules::file_path($module_name, 'config', 'config.php');
     if (!file_exists($config_file)) {
         return array();
     // Include the file and determine whether it contains a config array.
     include $config_file;
     if (!isset($config)) {
         return array();
     // Check for the optional module_config and serialize if exists.
     if (isset($config['module_config'])) {
         return $config['module_config'];
     } elseif ($return_full === true && is_array($config)) {
         // If 'module_config' did not exist, $return_full is true, and $config
         // is an array, return it.
         return $config;
     // 'module_config' was not found and either $return_full is false or $config
     // was not an array.
     return array();
  * Save a language file
  * @param string $filename The name of the file to locate. The file will be found by looking in all modules.
  * @param string $language The language to retrieve.
  * @param array  $settings An array of the language settings
  * @param bool   $return   TRUE to return the contents or FALSE to write to file
  * @param bool   $allowNewValues if true, new values can be added to the file
  * @return mixed A string when the $return setting is true
 function save_lang_file($filename = null, $language = 'english', $settings = null, $return = false, $allowNewValues = false)
     if (empty($filename) || !is_array($settings)) {
         return false;
     // Is it a application lang file? Use the English folder to determine.
     $arFiles = scandir(APPPATH . "language/english/");
     if ($filename == 'application_lang.php' || in_array($filename, $arFiles)) {
         $orig_path = APPPATH . "language/english/{$filename}";
         $path = APPPATH . "language/{$language}/{$filename}";
     } else {
         $module = str_replace('_lang.php', '', $filename);
         $orig_path = Modules::file_path($module, 'language', "english/{$filename}");
         $path = Modules::file_path($module, 'language', "{$language}/{$filename}");
         // If it's still empty, grab the module path
         if (empty($path)) {
             $path = Modules::path($module, 'language');
     // Load the file and loop through the lines
     if (!is_file($orig_path)) {
         return false;
     $contents = file_get_contents($orig_path);
     $contents = trim($contents) . "\n";
     if (!is_file($path)) {
         // Create the folder...
         $folder = basename($path) == 'language' ? "{$path}/{$language}" : dirname($path);
         if (!is_dir($folder)) {
             $path = basename($path) == 'language' ? "{$folder}/{$module}_lang.php" : $path;
     // Save the file.
     foreach ($settings as $name => $val) {
         if ($val !== '') {
             $val = '\'' . addcslashes($val, '\'\\') . '\'';
         // Use strrpos() instead of strpos() so we don't lose data when
         // people have put duplicate keys in the english files
         $start = strrpos($contents, '$lang[\'' . $name . '\']');
         if ($start === false) {
             // Tried to add non-existent value?
             if ($allowNewValues && $val !== '') {
                 $contents .= "\n\$lang['{$name}'] = {$val};";
             } else {
                 return false;
         $end = strpos($contents, "\n", $start) + strlen("\n");
         if ($val !== '') {
             $replace = '$lang[\'' . $name . '\'] = ' . $val . ";\n";
         } else {
             $replace = '// ' . substr($contents, $start, $end - $start);
         $contents = substr($contents, 0, $start) . $replace . substr($contents, $end);
     // Is the produced code OK?
     if (!is_null(eval(str_replace('<?php', '', $contents)))) {
         return false;
     // Make sure the file still has the php opening header in it...
     if (strpos($contents, '<?php') === false) {
         $contents = "<?php defined('BASEPATH') || exit('No direct script access allowed');\n\n{$contents}";
     if ($return) {
         return $contents;
     // Write the changes out...
     if (!function_exists('write_file')) {
         $CI = get_instance();
     if (write_file($path, $contents)) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Finds the path to a module's file.
  * @deprecated since 0.7.1 Use Modules::file_path() instead.
  * @param $module string The name of the module to find.
  * @param $folder string The folder within the module to search for the file (ie. controllers).
  * @param $file string The name of the file to search for.
  * @return string The full path to the file.
 function module_file_path($module = null, $folder = null, $file = null)
     return Modules::file_path($module, $folder, $file);
Beispiel #6
  * Locates file by looping through the active and default themes, then the assets
  * folder (as specified in the config file).
  * Files are searched for in this order...
  *     1 - active_theme/
  *     2 - active_theme/type/
  *     3 - default_theme/
  *     4 - default_theme/type/
  *     5 - asset_base/type
  * Where 'type' is either 'css' or 'js'.
  * If the file is not found, it is removed from the array. If the file is found,
  * a full url is created, using base_path(), unless the path already includes
  * 'http' at the beginning of the filename, in which case it is simply included
  * in the return files.
  * For CSS files, if a script of the same name is found in both the default_theme
  * and the active_theme folders (or their type sub-folder), they are both returned,
  * with the default_theme linked to first, so that active_theme styles can override
  * those in the default_theme without having to recreate the entire stylesheet.
  * @param array   $files              An array of file names to search for.
  * @param string  $type               Either 'css' or 'js'.
  * @param boolean $bypass_inheritance If true, will skip the check for parent
  * theme styles.
  * @return array The complete list of files with url paths.
 private static function find_files($files = array(), $type = 'css', $bypass_inheritance = false)
     // Grab the theme paths from the template library.
     $paths = Template::get('theme_paths');
     $site_path = Template::get('site_path');
     $active_theme = Template::get('active_theme');
     $default_theme = Template::get('default_theme');
     $new_files = array();
     $clean_type = $type;
     $type = ".{$type}";
     if (self::$debug) {
         echo "Active Theme = {$active_theme}<br/>\n                Default Theme = {$default_theme}<br/>\n                Site Path = {$site_path}<br/>\n                File(s) to find: ";
     // Check for HTTPS or HTTP connection
     $http_protocol = is_https() ? 'https' : 'http';
     // Is the language moving right to left?
     $rtl = self::$rtl_postfix;
     $rtl_set = lang('bf_language_direction') == $rtl;
     foreach ($files as &$file) {
         // If it's an array, $file is css and has both 'file' and 'media'
         // keys. Store them for later use.
         if (is_array($file)) {
             if ($type == '.css') {
                 $media = $file['media'];
             $module = isset($file['module']) ? $file['module'] : '';
             $file = $file['file'];
         $file = (string) $file;
         // Strip out the file type for consistency
         // Using strripos and substr because rtrim was giving some odd
         // results (for instance, rtrim('tickets.js', '.js');
         // would return 'ticket')
         $pos = strripos($file, $type);
         if ($pos !== false) {
             $file = substr($file, 0, $pos);
         // If it contains an external URL, there's nothing more to do
         if (strpos($file, $http_protocol . ':') !== false || strpos($file, '//') === 0 || strpos($file, 'https:') !== false || strpos($file, 'http:') !== false) {
             $new_files[] = empty($media) ? $file : array('file' => $file, 'media' => $media);
         $found = false;
         // Non-module files
         if (empty($module)) {
             $media = empty($media) ? '' : $media;
             // Check all possible theme paths
             foreach ($paths as $path) {
                 if (self::$debug) {
                     echo "[Assets] Looking in:\n                            <ul>\n                                <li>{$site_path}{$path}/{$default_theme}{$file}{$type}</li>\n                                <li>{$site_path}{$path}/{$default_theme}{$clean_type}/{$file}{$type}</li>";
                     if (!empty($active_theme)) {
                         echo "\n                                <li>{$site_path}{$path}/{$active_theme}{$file}{$type}</li>\n                                <li>{$site_path}{$path}/{$active_theme}{$clean_type}/{$file}{$type}</li>";
                     echo "\n                                <li>{$site_path}" . self::$directories['base'] . "/{$clean_type}/{$file}{$type}</li>\n                            </ul>" . PHP_EOL;
                 // DEFAULT THEME
                 // First, check the default theme. Add found files to the
                 // array. Anything in the active theme will override it.
                 // If $default_theme and $active_theme are the same,
                 // checking $default_theme would just repeat the
                 // $active_theme section, resulting in duplicates
                 if (!$bypass_inheritance && $default_theme !== $active_theme) {
                     if ($file_array = self::get_file_array($site_path, "{$path}/{$default_theme}", $file, $type, $media)) {
                         $new_files[] = $file_array;
                         $found = true;
                     } elseif ($file_array = self::get_file_array($site_path, "{$path}/{$default_theme}{$clean_type}/", $file, $type, $media)) {
                         // If it wasn't in the root, check the $type sub-folder
                         $new_files[] = $file_array;
                         $found = true;
                 // ACTIVE THEME
                 // By grabbing a copy from both $default_theme and
                 // $active_theme, simple CSS-only overrides for a theme are
                 // supported, completely changing appearance through a
                 // simple child CSS file
                 if (!empty($active_theme)) {
                     // separated this because the elseif below should not run if $active_theme is empty
                     if ($file_array = self::get_file_array($site_path, "{$path}/{$active_theme}", $file, $type, $media)) {
                         $new_files[] = $file_array;
                         $found = true;
                     } elseif ($file_array = self::get_file_array($site_path, "{$path}/{$active_theme}{$clean_type}/", $file, $type, $media)) {
                         // If it wasn't in the root, check the $type sub-folder
                         $new_files[] = $file_array;
                         $found = true;
                 // ASSET BASE
                 // If the file hasn't been found, yet, look in the
                 // 'assets.base_folder'
                 if (!$found) {
                     // Assets/type folder
                     if ($file_array = self::get_file_array($site_path, self::$directories['base'] . "/{$clean_type}/", $file, $type, $media)) {
                         $new_files[] = $file_array;
                     } elseif ($file_array = self::get_file_array($site_path, self::$directories['base'] . '/', $file, $type, $media)) {
                         // ASSETS ROOT
                         // One last check to see if it's under assets without
                         // the type sub-folder. Useful for keeping script
                         // collections together
                         $new_files[] = $file_array;
                 // if (!$found)
             // foreach ($paths as $path)
         } else {
             // Module Files
             $file_path_name = $file;
             // Try the /module/assets folder
             $path = Modules::file_path($module, self::$directories['base'], $file_path_name . $type);
             // If $path is empty, try the /module/assets/type folder
             if (empty($path)) {
                 $file_path_name = "{$clean_type}/{$file}";
                 $path = Modules::file_path($module, self::$directories['base'], $file_path_name . $type);
             // If the language is right-to-left, add -rtl to the file name
             if (!empty($path) && $rtl_set) {
                 $path_rtl = Modules::file_path($module, self::$directories['base'], "{$file_path_name}-{$rtl}{$type}");
                 if (!empty($path_rtl)) {
                     $path = $path_rtl;
             if (self::$debug) {
                 echo "[Assets] Looking for MODULE asset at: {$path}<br/>" . PHP_EOL;
             // If the file was found, add it to the array for output
             if (!empty($path)) {
                 $file = array('file' => '', 'server_path' => $path);
                 if (isset($media)) {
                     $file['media'] = $media;
                 $new_files[] = $file;
     //end foreach
     return $new_files;
Beispiel #7
  * Delete the data for a module
  * Removes migration information, permissions based on the name of the
  * module, and any tables returned by the module's model's get_table()
  * method.
  * @todo Use the migration library instead of doing everything directly.
  * @param string $moduleName The name of the module
  * @return bool    true if the data is removed, false on error
 private function deleteModuleData($moduleName)
     // Drop the migration record - old Migration schema method
     $moduleNameLower = preg_replace("/[ -]/", "_", strtolower($moduleName));
     if ($this->db->field_exists("{$moduleNameLower}_version", 'schema_version')) {
         $this->dbforge->drop_column('schema_version', "{$moduleNameLower}_version");
     // Drop the Migration record - new Migration schema method
     if ($this->db->field_exists('version', 'schema_version')) {
         $this->db->delete('schema_version', array('type' => $moduleNameLower . '_'));
     // Get any permission ids
     $permissionKey = $this->sec_permission_model->get_key();
     $permissionIds = $this->sec_permission_model->select($permissionKey)->like('name', $moduleName . '.', 'after')->find_all();
     // Undo any permissions that exist, from the roles as well
     if (!empty($permissionIds)) {
         foreach ($permissionIds as $row) {
     // Check whether there is a model to drop (a model should have a table
     // which may require dropping)
     $modelName = "{$moduleName}_model";
     if (Modules::file_path($moduleName, 'models', "{$modelName}.php")) {
         // Drop the table
         $this->load->model("{$moduleName}/{$modelName}", 'mt');
         $mtTableName = $this->mt->get_table();
         // If the model has a table and it exists in the database, drop it
         if (!empty($mtTableName) && $this->db->table_exists($mtTableName)) {
     // Complete the database transaction or roll it back
     if ($this->db->trans_status() === false) {
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #8
  * Initialize the library with the configuration settings.
  * @return void
 public function __construct($params = array())
     // Require the abstract Migration class for use by the migrations.
     require_once Modules::file_path('migrations', 'libraries', 'Migration.php');
     $this->_ci =& get_instance();
     $this->coreMigrationsPath = isset($params['migrations_path']) ? $params['migrations_path'] : BFPATH . 'migrations';
     // Add trailing slash if not set
     if (substr($this->coreMigrationsPath, -1) != '/') {
         $this->coreMigrationsPath .= '/';
     // Sanity check
     if (!is_dir($this->coreMigrationsPath)) {
         $this->setError('Migrations Library is loaded but the migrations path is configured incorrectly, or the configured path is not a valid directory.');
     // If the table is missing, create it
     if (!$this->createMigrationsTable(self::MAX_SCHEMA_VERSION)) {
     if (!is_array(self::$schemaVersion)) {
         self::$schemaVersion = array();
  * Save a language file.
  * @param string  $filename         The name of the file to locate. The file will be
  *                                  found by looking in the admin, main and all modules languages folders.
  * @param string  $language         The language to retrieve.
  * @param string  $domain           The domain where the language is located.
  * @param array   $new_values       An array of the language lines to replace.
  * @param boolean $return           True to return the contents or false to write to
  *                                  the file.
  * @param boolean $allow_new_values If true, new values can be added to the file.
  * @return bool|string False if there was a problem loading the file. Otherwise,
  * returns true when $return is false or a string containing the file's contents
  * when $return is true.
 function save_lang_file($filename = NULL, $language = 'english', $domain = 'main', $new_values = array(), $return = FALSE, $allow_new_values = FALSE)
     if (empty($filename) or !is_array($new_values)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Is it a admin, main or module domain lang file?
     if (file_exists(ROOTPATH . "{$domain}/language/{$language}/{$filename}")) {
         $path = ROOTPATH . "{$domain}/language/{$language}/{$filename}";
     } else {
         // Look in modules
         $module = str_replace('_lang.php', '', $filename);
         $path = Modules::file_path($module, 'language', "{$language}/{$filename}");
     // Load the file and loop through the lines
     if (!is_file($path)) {
         return FALSE;
     $contents = file_get_contents($path);
     $contents = trim($contents) . "\n";
     // Save the file.
     foreach ($new_values as $name => $val) {
         if ($val !== '') {
             $val = '\'' . addcslashes($val, '\'\\') . '\'';
         // Use strrpos() instead of strpos() so we don't lose data when
         // people have put duplicate keys in the english files
         $start = strrpos($contents, '$lang[\'' . $name . '\']');
         if ($start === FALSE) {
             // Tried to add non-existent value?
             if ($allow_new_values && $val !== '') {
                 $contents .= "\n\$lang['{$name}'] = {$val};";
             } else {
                 return FALSE;
         $end = strpos($contents, "\n", $start) + strlen("\n");
         if ($val !== '') {
             $replace = '$lang[\'' . $name . '\'] = ' . $val . ";\n";
         } else {
             $replace = '// ' . substr($contents, $start, $end - $start);
         $contents = substr($contents, 0, $start) . $replace . substr($contents, $end);
     // Is the produced code OK?
     if (!is_null(eval(str_replace('<?php', '', $contents)))) {
         return FALSE;
     // Make sure the file still has the php opening header in it...
     if (strpos($contents, '<?php') === FALSE) {
         $contents = "<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct access allowed');\n\n{$contents}";
     if ($return) {
         return $contents;
     // Write the changes out...
     if (!function_exists('write_file')) {
     if (write_file($path, $contents)) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Beispiel #10
  * Returns the 'module_config' array from a modules config/config.php file.
  * The 'module_config' contains more information about a module, and even
  * provide enhanced features within the UI. All fields are optional.
  * @author Liam Rutherford (
  * <code>
  * $config['module_config'] = array(
  *  'name'          => 'Blog',          // The name that is displayed in the UI
  *  'description'   => 'Simple Blog',   // May appear at various places within the UI
  *  'author'        => 'Your Name',     // The name of the module's author
  *  'homepage'      => 'http://...',    // The module's home on the web
  *  'version'       => '1.0.1',         // Currently installed version
  *  'menu'          => array(           // A view file containing an <ul> that will be the sub-menu in the main nav.
  *      'context'   => 'path/to/view'
  *  )
  * );
  * </code>
  * @param $module_name string The name of the module.
  * @param $return_full boolean If true, will return the entire config array.
  * If false, will return only the 'module_config' portion.
  * @return array An array of config settings, or an empty array if empty/not
  * found.
 public static function config($module_name = null, $return_full = false)
     $config_param = array();
     $config_file = Modules::file_path($module_name, 'config', 'config.php');
     if (file_exists($config_file)) {
         include $config_file;
         // Check for the optional module_config and serialize if exists.
         if (isset($config['module_config'])) {
             $config_param = $config['module_config'];
         } elseif ($return_full === true && isset($config) && is_array($config)) {
             $config_param = $config;
     return $config_param;