Beispiel #1
                         if ($tmp_input) {
                             $PROCESSED["qquestion_ids"][] = $tmp_input;
                         } else {
                             add_error("Invalid quiz question ID");
                             application_log("API passed [" . $question_id . "] which is an invalid question ID.");
                 } else {
                     add_error("No question IDs were passed to delete.");
             } else {
                 add_error("Invalid quiz question ID.");
             if (!$ERROR && !empty($PROCESSED["qquestion_ids"])) {
                 foreach ($PROCESSED["qquestion_ids"] as $question_id) {
                     $qquestion = Models_Quiz_Question::fetchRowByID($question_id);
                     if (!$qquestion->fromArray(array("question_active" => "0"))->update()) {
                         add_error("Failed to deactivate question.");
                         applicaiton_log("Failed to deactivate quiz question, DB said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
                 if (!$ERROR) {
                     echo json_encode(array("status" => "success", "data" => array("qquestion_ids" => $PROCESSED["qquestion_ids"])));
                 } else {
                     echo json_encode(array("status" => "error", "data" => array("Failed to delete quiz question.")));
 case "GET":
					<div class="quiz-questions" id="quiz-content-questions-holder">
						<ol class="questions" id="quiz-questions-list">
                    foreach ($questions as $q) {
                        if ($q->getQuestionTypeID() != 3) {
                            $question = $q->toArray();
                            $question_correct = false;
                            $question_feedback = "";
                            echo "<li id=\"question_" . $question["qquestion_id"] . "\" class=\"" . ($question["questiontype_id"] == 4 ? "group" : "") . "\">";
                            echo "\t<div class=\"question noneditable\">\n";
                            echo "\t\t<span id=\"question_text_" . $question["qquestion_id"] . "\" class=\"question\">" . clean_input($question["question_text"], "trim") . "</span>";
                            echo "\t</div>\n";
                            if ($q->getQuestionTypeID() == "4") {
                                $grouped_qquestions = Models_Quiz_Question::fetchGroupedQuestions($q->getQquestionID());
                                if ($grouped_qquestions) {
                                    echo "<ul>";
                                    foreach ($grouped_qquestions as $q) {
                                        $question = $q->toArray();
                                        echo "<li id=\"question_" . $question["qquestion_id"] . "\">";
                                        echo "\t<div class=\"question noneditable\">\n";
                                        echo "\t\t<span id=\"question_text_" . $question["qquestion_id"] . "\" class=\"question\">" . clean_input($question["question_text"], "trim") . "</span>";
                                        echo "\t</div>\n";
                                        $responses = Models_Quiz_Question_Response::fetchAllRecords($q->getQquestionID());
                                        if ($responses) {
                                            echo "\t<ul class=\"responses\">\n";
                                            foreach ($responses as $r) {
                                                $response = $r->toArray();
                                                $response_selected = false;
                                                $response_correct = false;
             $_SESSION[APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER]["tmp"]["post_action"] = "index";
         case "content":
             $_SESSION[APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER]["tmp"]["post_action"] = "content";
 } else {
     $_SESSION[APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER]["tmp"]["post_action"] = "new1";
 if (!$ERROR) {
     if (isset($type) && isset($qquestion_group_id) && $type == 1) {
         $PROCESSED["qquestion_group_id"] = $qquestion_group_id;
     if ($ENTRADA_ACL->amIAllowed(new QuizQuestionResource(null, $quiz_record->getQuizID()), 'create')) {
         $quiz_question = new Models_Quiz_Question($PROCESSED);
         if ($quiz_question->insert()) {
             $qquestion_id = $quiz_question->getQquestionID();
             if ($qquestion_id) {
                  * Add the quiz question responses to the quiz_question_responses table.
                  * Ummm... we really need to switch to InnoDB tables to get transaction support.
                 if (is_array($PROCESSED["quiz_question_responses"]) && count($PROCESSED["quiz_question_responses"])) {
                     foreach ($PROCESSED["quiz_question_responses"] as $quiz_question_response) {
                         $PROCESSED = array("qquestion_id" => $qquestion_id, "response_text" => $quiz_question_response["response_text"], "response_order" => $quiz_question_response["response_order"], "response_correct" => $quiz_question_response["response_correct"], "response_is_html" => $quiz_question_response["response_is_html"], "response_feedback" => $quiz_question_response["response_feedback"]);
                         $quiz_question_response = new Models_Quiz_Question_Response($PROCESSED);
                         if (!$quiz_question_response->insert()) {
                             add_error("There was an error while trying to attach a <strong>Question Response</strong> to this quiz question.<br /><br />The system administrator was informed of this error; please try again later.");
                             application_log("error", "Unable to insert a new quiz_question_responses record while adding a new quiz question [" . $qquestion_id . "] to quiz_id [" . $RECORD_ID . "]. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg());
Beispiel #4
                            <div class="row-fluid">
                                <button href="#delete-quiz-confirmation-box" id="quiz-control-delete" class="btn btn-danger">Delete Quiz</button>
                                <button href="#copy-quiz-confirmation-box" id="quiz-control-copy" class="btn">Copy Quiz</button>
                                <div class="pull-right">
                                    <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Save Changes" />

                    <a name="quiz_questions_section"></a>
                    <h2 id="quiz_questions_section" title="Quiz Content Questions">Quiz Questions</h2>
					<div id="quiz-content-questions">
                    $questions = Models_Quiz_Question::fetchAllRecords($RECORD_ID);
                    if ($ALLOW_QUESTION_MODIFICATIONS) {
                        $question_types = Models_Quiz_QuestionType::fetchAllRecords();
                        if ($question_types) {
                                <div class="row-fluid space-below">
                            if (isset($questions) && $questions) {
                                    <a href="#delete-question-confirmation-box" class="btn btn-danger" id="delete-questions" data-toggle="modal">Delete Selected</a>
                                    <a href="#" class="btn" id="group-questions">Group Selected</a>
                                    <div class="pull-right">
                                        <div class="btn-group">
Beispiel #5
         $q_c = new Models_Quiz_Contact($contact);
         if (!$q_c->insert()) {
 if (!$ERROR) {
     $questions = Models_Quiz_Question::fetchAllRecords($RECORD_ID);
     if ($questions) {
         $new_qquestion_ids = array();
         foreach ($questions as $q) {
             $question = $q->toArray();
             $old_qquestion_id = $question["qquestion_id"];
             $question["quiz_id"] = $new_quiz_id;
             $new_question = new Models_Quiz_Question($question);
             if ($new_question->insert()) {
                 $new_qquestion_id = $new_question->getQquestionID();
                 if ($new_question->getQuestiontypeID() == "1" || $new_question->getQuestiontypeID() == "4") {
                     $responses = Models_Quiz_Question_Response::fetchAllRecords($old_qquestion_id);
                     foreach ($responses as $r) {
                         $response_data = $r->toArray();
                         $response_data["qquestion_id"] = $new_qquestion_id;
                         $response = new Models_Quiz_Question_Response($response_data);
                         if (!$response->insert()) {
             } else {
                                            ol.questions {
                                            $problem_pages = array();
                                            $page_counter = 1;
                                            $counter = 1;
                                            $quiz_markup = "";
                                            $used_qquestion_group_ids = array();
                                            foreach ($questions as $question) {
                                                if ($question->getQquestionGroupID()) {
                                                    if (!in_array($question->getQquestionGroupID(), $used_qquestion_group_ids)) {
                                                        $used_qquestion_group_ids[] = $question->getQquestionGroupID();
                                                        $grouped_qquestions = Models_Quiz_Question::fetchGroupedQuestions($question->getQuizID(), $question->getQquestionGroupID());
                                                        if ($grouped_qquestions) {
                                                            $quiz_markup .= "</ol><ol class=\"questions group\" start=\"" . $counter . "\">";
                                                            foreach ($grouped_qquestions as $question) {
                                                                $quiz_markup .= "<li>" . clean_input($question->getQuestionText(), "trim");
                                                                $responses = Models_Quiz_Question_Response::fetchAllRecords($question->getQquestionID());
                                                                if ($responses) {
                                                                    $quiz_markup .= "<ul class=\"responses\">";
                                                                    foreach ($responses as $r) {
                                                                        $response = $r->toArray();
                                                                        $quiz_markup .= "<li class=\"row-fluid\">";
                                                                        $quiz_markup .= "\t<span class=\"span1\"><input type=\"radio\" id=\"response_" . $question->getQquestionID() . "_" . $response["qqresponse_id"] . "\" name=\"responses[" . $question->getQquestionID() . "]\" value=\"" . $response["qqresponse_id"] . "\"" . ($ajax_load_progress[$question->getQquestionID()] == $response["qqresponse_id"] ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "") . " onclick=\"((this.checked == true) ? storeResponse('" . $question->getQquestionID() . "', '" . $response["qqresponse_id"] . "') : false)\" /></span>";
                                                                        $quiz_markup .= "\t<label class=\"span11\" for=\"response_" . $question->getQquestionID() . "_" . $response["qqresponse_id"] . "\">" . clean_input($response["response_text"], $response["response_is_html"] == 1 ? "trim" : "encode") . "</label>";
                                                                        $quiz_markup .= "</li>\n";
                                                                    $quiz_markup .= "</ul>";
if (!defined("PARENT_INCLUDED") || !defined("IN_QUIZZES")) {
} elseif (!isset($_SESSION["isAuthorized"]) || !$_SESSION["isAuthorized"]) {
    header("Location: " . ENTRADA_URL);
} elseif (!$ENTRADA_ACL->amIAllowed('quizquestion', 'update', false)) {
    $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/" . $MODULE . "\\'', 15000)";
    $ERRORSTR[] = "Your account does not have the permissions required to use this feature of this module.<br /><br />If you believe you are receiving this message in error please contact <a href=\"mailto:" . html_encode($AGENT_CONTACTS["administrator"]["email"]) . "\">" . html_encode($AGENT_CONTACTS["administrator"]["name"]) . "</a> for assistance.";
    echo display_error();
    application_log("error", "Group [" . $_SESSION["permissions"][$ENTRADA_USER->getAccessId()]["group"] . "] and role [" . $_SESSION["permissions"][$ENTRADA_USER->getAccessId()]["role"] . "] does not have access to this module [" . $MODULE . "]");
} else {
    if ($RECORD_ID) {
        $question = Models_Quiz_Question::fetchRowByID($RECORD_ID);
        $quiz_record = Models_Quiz::fetchRowByID($question->getQuizID());
        if ($quiz_record && $ENTRADA_ACL->amIAllowed(new QuizResource($quiz_record->getQuizID()), "update")) {
                $BREADCRUMB[] = array("url" => ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/" . $MODULE . "?section=edit&id=" . $quiz_record->getQuizID(), "title" => limit_chars($quiz_record->getQuizTitle(), 32));
                $BREADCRUMB[] = array("url" => ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/" . $MODULE . "?section=edit-question&id=" . $RECORD_ID, "title" => "Edit Quiz Question");
                 * Load the rich text editor.
                // Error Checking
                switch ($STEP) {
                    case 2:
                         * Required field "questiontype_id" / Question Type
                         * Currently only multile choice questions are supported, although
							<th width="5%">&nbsp;</th>
							<th width="30%">Quiz Title</th>
							<th width="25%">Author</th>
							<th width="15%">Questions</th>
							<th width="25%">Last Updated</th>
            foreach ($delete_quizzes as $quiz) {
                echo "<tr>\n";
                echo "\t<td class=\"modified\"><input class=\"delete-control\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[]\" value=\"" . (int) $quiz->getQuizID() . "\" checked=\"checked\" /></td>\n";
                echo "\t<td class=\"title\"><a href=\"" . ENTRADA_RELATIVE . "/admin/" . $MODULE . "?section=edit&amp;id=" . (int) $quiz->getQuizID() . "\">" . html_encode($quiz->getQuizTitle()) . "</a></td>\n";
                echo "\t<td class=\"author\"><a href=\"" . ENTRADA_RELATIVE . "/admin/" . $MODULE . "?section=edit&amp;id=" . (int) $quiz->getQuizID() . "\">" . html_encode($quiz->getQuizAuthor()->getFullname()) . "</a></td>\n";
                echo "\t<td class=\"questions\"><a href=\"" . ENTRADA_RELATIVE . "/admin/" . $MODULE . "?section=edit&amp;id=" . (int) $quiz->getQuizID() . "\">" . count(Models_Quiz_Question::fetchAllRecords($quiz->getQuizID())) . "</a></td>\n";
                echo "\t<td class=\"updated\"><a href=\"" . ENTRADA_RELATIVE . "/admin/" . $MODULE . "?section=edit&amp;id=" . (int) $quiz->getQuizID() . "\">" . date("Y-m-d g:ia", $quiz->getUpdatedDate()) . "</a></td>\n";
                echo "</tr>\n";
				<div class="row-fluid">
					<a href="<?php 
            echo ENTRADA_RELATIVE . "/admin/" . $MODULE;
" class="btn">Cancel</a>
                    <input id="delete-quizzes" type="submit" class="btn btn-danger pull-right" value="Confirm Delete" />
Beispiel #9
 public function getQuizQuestions()
     return Models_Quiz_Question::fetchAllRecords($this->quiz_id);