Beispiel #1
 * Allows users to begin the password reset process. 
 * @package User
// process the form
    $users = new Model_User();
    $users->where('email = ?', $_REQUEST['email']);
    if (1 == $users->getTotal()) {
        // get userid, resetkey, and set to expire in 1 day
        $user = $users->getFirst();
        $userid = $user->get('userid');
        $resetkey = randomID();
        $expire = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 86400);
        // create an entry in the password reset table
        $reset = Model_UserReset::Create();
        $reset->set('userid', $userid);
        $reset->set('resetkey', $resetkey);
        $reset->set('expire', $expire);
        // construct e-mail body
        $mm = new Pagemill($pm->root()->fork());
        $mm->setVariable('username', $user->get('username'));
        $mm->setVariable('reseturl', sprintf('http://%s%s/password?userid=%d&resetkey=%s', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], TYPEF_WEB_DIR, $userid, $resetkey));
        $body = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $mm->writeString('<pm:include template="/users/reset.eml" />', true));
        // e-mail the user so they can reset their password
        $mailer = new Mailer();
        $mailer->Subject = 'Request to Reset Password for ' . TYPEF_TITLE;
Beispiel #2

 * User new password controller.
 * Allows users to complete the password reset process. 
 * @package User
// delete expired resets
// get userid, resetkey
$userid = trim(@$_REQUEST['userid']);
$resetkey = trim(@$_REQUEST['resetkey']);
// count resets for userid-resetkey; load user
$reset = Model_UserReset::Get(array('userid' => $userid, 'resetkey' => $resetkey));
$user = Model_User::Get($userid);
// if no resets or invalid user, report error
if (!$reset->exists() || !$user->exists()) {
    Typeframe::Redirect('Invalid reset key.', TYPEF_WEB_DIR . '/', -1);
// process form
    // get password and password2
    $password = trim(@$_POST['password']);
    $password2 = trim(@$_POST['password2']);
    // check for errors
    if (!strlen($password) && !strlen($password2)) {
        $pm->addLoop('errors', array('message' => 'A password is required.'));
    } elseif ($password != $password2) {
        $pm->addLoop('errors', array('message' => 'The passwords you entered did not match.'));