public function RenderFileBrowser($parentId, $depth = 1, $level = 0, $basePath = null, $id = 'fileTree') { // @todo: deal with selected menu items if ($level <= $depth - 1) { $links = array(); $menu = new Model_Menu(); $children = $menu->getMenuItems($parentId); foreach ($children as $child) { if (!empty($child->label)) { $label = $child->label; } else { $label = $child->title; } $children = $menu->getMenuItems($child->id); if ($children->count() > 0) { $class = 'dir'; $newLevel = $level + 1; $submenu = $this->view->RenderFileBrowser($child->id, $depth, $newLevel, $link); } else { $class = 'page'; $submenu = false; } $linkId = Digitalus_Toolbox_String::addUnderscores($menu->path, true); $links[] = "<li class='menuItem'><a href='/admin/page/open/id/{$child->id}' class='{$class}' id='page-{$child->id}'>{$label}</a>" . $submenu . '</li>'; } } if (is_array($links)) { if ($level == 0) { $strId = "id='{$id}'"; } return "<ul {$strId}>" . implode(null, $links) . '</ul>'; } }
public function updateAction() { $id = $this->_request->getParam('id'); // fetch the current item $mdlMenuItem = new Model_MenuItem(); $currentMenuItem = $mdlMenuItem->find($id)->current(); // fetch its menu $mdlMenu = new Model_Menu(); $this->view->menu = $mdlMenu->find($currentMenuItem->menu_id)->current(); // create and populate the form instance $frmMenuItem = new Form_MenuItem(); $frmMenuItem->setAction('/menuitem/update'); // process the postback if ($this->_request->isPost()) { if ($frmMenuItem->isValid($_POST)) { $data = $frmMenuItem->getValues(); $mdlMenuItem->updateItem($data['id'], $data['label'], $data['page_id'], $data['link']); $this->_request->setParam('menu', $data['menu_id']); return $this->_forward('index'); } } else { $frmMenuItem->populate($currentMenuItem->toArray()); } $this->view->form = $frmMenuItem; }
public function deleteAction() { $id = $this->_request->getParam('id'); $mdlMenu = new Model_Menu(); $mdlMenu->deleteMenu($id); $this->_forward('index'); }
if ($this->bCheckLogin) { // 当前用户 $aCookie = Util_Cookie::get(Yaf_G::getConf('authkey', 'cookie')); if (empty($aCookie)) { return $this->redirect('/admin/login'); } $this->aCurrUser = $aCookie; // 当前城市 $this->iCurrCityID = Util_Cookie::get('city'); if (empty($this->iCurrCityID)) { $this->iCurrCityID = $this->aCurrUser['iCityID']; } $this->aCurrCity = Model_City::getDetail($this->iCurrCityID); } $this->assign('sStaticRoot', 'http://' . Yaf_G::getConf('static', 'domain')); } /** * 执行Action后的操作 * * @see Yaf_Controller::actionAfter() */ public function actionAfter() { if ($this->autoRender() == true) { if (!empty($this->aCurrUser)) { $this->assign('aCurrUser', $this->aCurrUser);
/** * * @return <type> */ public function pages($pModule) { $pages = array(); $req = Zend_Controller_front::getInstance()->getRequest(); $active_module = $req->getModuleName(); $active_controller = $req->getControllerName(); $sql = array('(required = 1) OR (active = 1)', 'sort_by'); $modules = Administer_Model_Modules::getInstance()->find_from_sql($sql, TRUE, FALSE); foreach ($modules as $module) { $module->menu(); $module_names[] = '"' . $module->folder . '"'; } $module_is_active = sprintf(' (module = "%s") ', $active_module); $mm = Model_Menu::getInstance(); $sql = sprintf('(module in (%s)) AND (parent = 0)', join(',', $module_names)); //// at this point have selected all the menus of this module $sql .= sprintf(' AND ((if_module = 0) OR (%s)) ', $module_is_active); // if the menu only viewable in the context of the current menu, // require the module to be current error_log(__METHOD__ . ': menu sql = ' . $sql); foreach ($mm->find_from_sql(array($sql, array('sort_by', 'label'))) as $menu) { $new_pages = $menu->pages(); $pages = array_merge($pages, $new_pages); } return new Zend_Navigation($pages); }
public static function getInstance() { if (null === self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
public function indexAction() { $aMenus = Model_Menu::getMenus(); $this->assign('aData', $aMenus); $this->_frame = 'frame.phtml'; //return $this->redirect($sUrl); }
/** * * @param boolean $pReload * @return Model_Menu */ static function getInstance($pReload = FALSE) { if ($pReload || is_null(self::$_Instance)) { // process self::$_Instance = new self(Zupal_Domain_Abstract::STUB); } return self::$_Instance; }
public function RenderMenuBrowser($parentId, $basePath = null, $id = 'menuTree') { $menu = new Model_Menu(); $children = $menu->getMenuItems($parentId, true); foreach ($children as $child) { $label = $child->title; if (!empty($child->label)) { $label = $child->label . ' / ' . $label; } $class = 'menu'; $submenu = $this->view->RenderMenuBrowser($child->id, $link); $linkId = Digitalus_Toolbox_String::addUnderscores($menu->path, true); $links[] = "<li class='menuItem'><a href='/admin/navigation/open/id/{$child->id}' class='{$class}' id='page-{$child->id}'>{$label}</a>" . $submenu . '</li>'; } if (is_array($links)) { if ($level == 0) { $strId = "id='{$id}'"; } return "<ul {$strId}>" . implode(null, $links) . '</ul>'; } }
public function renderMenuBrowser($parentId, $basePath = null, $id = 'menuTree') { $menu = new Model_Menu(); $children = $menu->getMenuItems($parentId, true); foreach ($children as $child) { $label = $child->title; if (!empty($child->label)) { $label = $child->label . ' / ' . $label; } $class = 'menu'; $submenu = $this->view->renderMenuBrowser($child->id, $link); $linkId = Digitalus_Toolbox_String::addUnderscores($menu->path, true); $links[] = '<li class="menuItem"><a href="/admin/navigation/open/id/' . $child->id . '" class="' . $class . '" id="page-' . $child->id . '">' . $label . '</a>' . $submenu . '</li>'; } if (is_array($links)) { if ($level == 0) { $strId = 'id="' . $id . '"'; } return '<ul ' . $strId . '>' . implode(null, $links) . '</ul>'; } }
/** * this function loads the current menu and is run automatically by the constructor * */ protected function _load() { $cache = Zend_Registry::get('cache'); $children = $cache->load(self::CACHE_ID); $mdlMenu = new Model_Menu(); if ($children === false) { $children = $mdlMenu->getChildren($this->_parentId); $cache->save($children, self::CACHE_ID); } if ($children != null && $children->count() > 0) { foreach ($children as $child) { $this->pages[] = new Digitalus_Menu_Item(null, $child); } $container = new Zend_Navigation($this->pages); // set container, acl and role for view helper $acl = new Digitalus_Acl(); $this->view->navigation($container); $this->view->navigation()->setAcl($acl); $this->view->navigation()->setRole($this->_identity->role); } // write Zend_Navigation into registry Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Navigation', $container); }
/** * 增加角色 * @return NULL|boolean */ public function addAction() { if ($this->isPost()) { $aRole = $this->_checkData(); if (empty($aRole)) { return null; } if (Model_Role::addData($aRole) > 0) { return $this->showMsg('角色增加成功!', true); } else { return $this->showMsg('角色增加失败!', false); } } else { $this->assign('aPermissionList', Model_Permission::getAllPermissions()); $this->assign('aMenuList', Model_Menu::getMenus()); } }
public function permissionAction() { $aMenuList = Model_Menu::getMenus(); $aCtrClass = array(); $aMenuAction = array(); foreach ($aMenuList as $aMenu) { if ($aMenu['bIsLeaf']) { $aRoute = Yaf_G::getRoute($aMenu['sUrl']); $aMenuAction[$aRoute['module'] . '_' . $aRoute['controller'] . '_' . $aRoute['action']] = $aMenu['sMenuName']; $aCtrClass[$aRoute['module'] . '_' . $aRoute['controller']] = array('iMenuID' => $aMenu['iMenuID'], 'sMenuName' => $aMenu['sMenuName'], 'sUrl' => $aMenu['sUrl']); } } $aPermission = array(); foreach ($aCtrClass as $sCtrClass => $aMenu) { try { $sCtrClass = 'Controller_' . $sCtrClass; if (class_exists($sCtrClass)) { $oCtr = new ReflectionClass($sCtrClass); $aMethod = $oCtr->getMethods(); foreach ($aMethod as $oMethod) { $sAction = $oMethod->getName(); if (substr($sAction, -6) === 'Action') { $sAction = substr($sAction, 0, -6); $aRow = array($aMenu['iMenuID']); $aRow[] = Yaf_G::routeToUrl($sCtrClass . '_' . $sAction); $sDoc = $oMethod->getDocComment(); $matches = null; if (preg_match('/\\s+\\*\\s+(.+)/i', $sDoc, $matches)) { $aRow[] = $matches[1]; } elseif (isset($aMenuAction[$sCtrClass . '_' . $sAction])) { $aRow[] = $aMenuAction[$sCtrClass . '_' . $sAction]; } else { $aRow[] = $aMenu['sMenuName'] . '::' . $sAction; } $aPermission[] = $aRow; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { $aPermission[] = array($aMenu['iMenuID'], Yaf_G::getUrl($aMenu['sUrl']), $aMenu['sMenuName']); } } $this->showMsg($aPermission, true); }
/** * * @return void */ public function _parent_menu($panel, $parent = NULL, $pDepth = 0) { $out = array(); if ($parent) { $mt = new Model_Menu($parent); $found = $mt->children(); } else { $mt = Model_Menu::getInstance(); $params = array('parent' => 0, 'panel' => $panel); $found = $mt->find($params, 'sort_by'); } foreach ($found as $m) { $out[$m->identity() . '_' . $panel] = $this->_pm_prefix($pDepth) . $m->label; foreach ($this->_parent_menu($panel, $m->identity(), $pDepth + 1) as $k => $v) { $out[$k] = $v; } } return $out; }
/** * Edit action * * Edit a menu * * @return void */ public function editAction() { if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $m = new Model_Menu(); $ids = Digitalus_Filter_Post::raw('id'); $labels = Digitalus_Filter_Post::raw('label'); $visibility = Digitalus_Filter_Post::raw('show_on_menu'); $m->updateMenuItems($ids, $labels, $visibility); $menuId = Digitalus_Filter_Post::get('menuId'); $url = 'admin/navigation/open/id/' . $menuId; $this->_redirect($url); } }
/** * Get Page data as array * * @return array Returns an array of the page data, otherwise an empty array */ protected function _getPageAsArray($item = null) { if (empty($item)) { $item = $this->getItem(); } $baseUrl = $this->view->baseUrl(); $mdlMenu = new Model_Menu(); $page = array('active' => $this->isActive(false), 'class' => 'menuItem', 'id' => $item->id, 'label' => Digitalus_Toolbox_Page::getLabel($item), 'name' => $item->name, 'resource' => strtolower(Digitalus_Toolbox_String::replaceEmptySpace($item->name)), 'title' => Digitalus_Toolbox_Page::getLabel($item), 'uri' => $baseUrl . '/' . Digitalus_Toolbox_String::replaceEmptySpace(Digitalus_Toolbox_Page::getUrl($item)), 'visible' => $this->isVisible($item)); $subPages = array(); if ($mdlMenu->hasChildren($this->id)) { $children = $mdlMenu->getChildren($this->id); foreach ($children as $child) { $subPages[] = new Digitalus_Menu_Item(null, $child); } $page['pages'] = $subPages; } return $page; }
public function ussdProgress($user, $message) { $menu_item_id = $user->menu_item_id; // print_r($menu_item_id); // exit; $step = $user->step; $menuModel = new Model_Menu(); $menu = $menuModel->getMenu($menu_item_id); // print_r($menu); // exit; if ($menu['id'] == 0) { $reply = "We could not understand your response"; $output = $this->mainMenu($user, $user['phoneno']); return $reply . PHP_EOL . $output; } // $menuType = $menu->type; // print_r($menuType); // exit; // print_r($step); // exit; if ($menuType == 2) { //no verification but feed it response and update step as you move on if ($step > 0) { $message = strtolower($message); //feed the response to the table // print_r($message); // exit; $valid = 1; $valid = $this->validateResponse($menu->id, $message, $step); // print_r($valid); // exit; if (is_array($valid) && $valid['valid'] == 0) { $output = $valid['message']; //print_r($output); return $output; } $dataa = array('user_id' => $user['id'], 'menu_id' => $menu_item_id, 'step' => $step, 'response' => $message); //print_r($dataa); //exit; $Response_Model = new Model_Response(); $result = $Response_Model->createResponse($dataa); // print_r($result); // exit; if ($result) { //check if we have another step, if we do, request, if we dont, compile the summary and confirm $next_step = $step + 1; // print_r($step); // exit; $menuItemsModel = new Model_MenuItems(); $menuItem = $menuItemsModel->getNextMenuStep($menu_item_id, $next_step); // print_r($menuItem); // exit; if ($menuItem['id'] != 0) { //update user data and next request and send back $userModel = new Model_User(); $result = $userModel->updateUserMenuStep($user['id'], $next_step); //$menuItem = $menuItemsModel -> getNextMenuStep($menu_item_id,$step); return $menuItem->description; //exit; } else { //compile summary for confirmation //$menuItemsModel = new Model_MenuItems(); $MenuItems = $menuItemsModel->getMenuItems($menu_item_id); //print_r($MenuItems); //exit; //build up the responses $confirmation = "Confirm?: " . $menu->description; foreach ($MenuItems as $key => $value) { // print_r($value); // exit; //print_r($confirmation); //exit; //select the corresponding response if ($value[4] != 'PIN') { $phrase = $value[4]; //print_r($value[4]); //$menu_item_id = $value[''] $response = $Response_Model->getResponse($user['id'], $menu_item_id, $value[3]); //print_r($response['response']."<br>"); if ($value[4] == 'Gender') { if ($response['response'] == 1) { $response['response'] = 'Male'; } elseif ($response['response'] == 2) { $response['response'] = 'Female'; } } elseif ($value[4] == 'Language') { if ($response['response'] == 1) { $response['response'] = 'English'; } elseif ($response['response'] == 2) { $response['response'] = 'Kiswahili'; } } elseif ($value[4] == 'Card') { if ($response['response'] == 1) { $response['response'] = 'Bebapay'; } elseif ($response['response'] == 2) { $response['response'] = 'Abiria'; } elseif ($response['response'] == 3) { $response['response'] = '1963'; } } $confirmation = $confirmation . PHP_EOL . $value[4] . ": " . $response['response']; //print_r($response['response']); //exit; } } // print_r($confirmation); // exit; //update the status to waiting for confirmation $userModel = new Model_User(); $data = array('session' => 2, 'confirm_from' => $menu->id); //print_r($user['id']); //exit; $result = $userModel->updateUserData($data, $user['id']); //print_r($result); //exit; //$result = $userModel -> updateUserSession($user['id'],2); return $confirmation . PHP_EOL . "1. Yes" . PHP_EOL . "2. No"; //exit; } //print_r($menuItem); //exit; } } else { //when the user has not started the steps $userModel = new Model_User(); $result = $userModel->updateUserMenuStep($user['id'], 1); $menuItemsModel = new Model_MenuItems(); $menuItem = $menuItemsModel->getNextMenuStep($menu_item_id, 1); return $menuItem->description; //exit; } } else { //verify response $menuItemsModel = new Model_MenuItems(); $MenuItems = $menuItemsModel->getMenuItems($menu_item_id); //now we have the menu items it is time to create the USSD Menu // print_r($message); // exit; if (empty($MenuItems)) { $selected_option = $message; } else { // echo "hapa"; // exit; $message = strtolower($message); // print_r($message); // exit; foreach ($MenuItems as $key => $value) { //check if they are equal // print_r($value); // exit; if (trim(strtolower($key)) == $message) { //foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { $selected_option = $key; $next_menu_id = $value[2]; //check for the type of menu_item_id if ($value[5] == 3) { //survey $output = $this->takeSurvey($user, $message); return $output; } } if (empty($selected_option)) { foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { //print_r($value1); //exit; if (trim(strtolower($value1)) == $message) { $selected_option = $value1; } } } } } // print_r($selected_option); // exit; // if (empty($selected_option)) { $selected_option = 0; } if (empty($next_menu_id)) { $next_menu_id = 0; } //update the progress with the next menu id $userModel = new Model_User(); $no = $user['phoneno']; $result = $userModel->updateUser($next_menu_id, $no); if ($result) { $menuModel = new Model_Menu(); $reply = ""; //print_r($user); //exit; if ($next_menu_id == 0) { //if ($menu['id'] == 0) { $reply = "We could not understand your response"; $next_menu_id = $user['menu_item_id']; //$output = $this->mainMenu($user, $user['phoneno']); //return $reply.PHP_EOL.$output; //} } //print_r($next_menu_id); //exit; $menu = $menuModel->getMenu($next_menu_id); //print_r($menu); //exit; $menu_id = $menu['id']; $menuType = $menu['type']; // print_r($step); // exit; if ($menuType == 2) { //$menu // print_r($menu); // exit; $output = $this->singleProcess($menu_id, $user); //$output = $this->singleProcess($menu_item_id); return $output; } else { //get the description $description = $menu->description; //build up the options $menuItemsModel = new Model_MenuItems(); $menuOptions = $menuItemsModel->getMenuOptions($menu_id); return $description . PHP_EOL . $menuOptions; //exit; } } } }
/** * * @param Model_Menu $pMenu * @return array */ public function _menu_ini(Model_Menu $pMenu) { $out = $pMenu->toArray(); unset($out['parent']); unset($out['id']); unset($out['path']); foreach (array('href', 'callback_class', 'parameters') as $param) { if (!$out[$param]) { unset($out[$param]); } } foreach ($pMenu->children() as $i => $child) { $data = $this->_menu_ini($child); $data['sort_by'] = $i + 1; $out['pages'][$child->name] = $data; } return $out; }
/** * 增加菜单 */ public function addAction() { if ($this->isPost()) { $aMenu = $this->_checkData(); if (empty($aMenu)) { return null; } $aMenu['iOrder'] = Model_Menu::getNextOrder($aMenu['iParentID']); if (Model_Menu::addData($aMenu) > 0) { return $this->showMsg('菜单增加成功!', true); } else { return $this->showMsg('菜单增加失败!', false); } } else { $aTree = Model_Menu::getMenus(); $this->assign('aTree', $aTree); } }
public function actionEditPrem() { if ($this->_isPost()) { $roleValue = strtolower($_POST['role_value']); $selectIds = $_POST['Id']; if (!$selectIds) { $selectIds = array(); } $dataList = $this->_modelAct->findAll(); foreach ($dataList as &$value) { if ($value['allow'] == RBAC_EVERYONE) { continue; } //如果是所有用户将跳过不执行 if (empty($value['allow'])) { $roles = array(); } else { $roles = explode(',', $value['allow']); //获取当前模板的所有角色 } $key = array_search($value['Id'], $selectIds); //搜索用户是否选中此模块 if ($key === false) { //如果没有找到,就表示用户让角色对此模块没有权限,将更新此模块删除allow字段里这个角色 $rolesKey = array_search($roleValue, $roles); if ($rolesKey !== false) { unset($roles[$rolesKey]); } //如果有这个角色,将删除这个角色 $roles = implode(',', $roles); $updateArr = array('allow' => $roles); } else { //否则将加上这个角色,并且更新allow字段 $rolesKey = array_search($roleValue, $roles); if ($rolesKey !== false) { continue; } //如果找到此值,就说明此模块已经有这个角色,不用做操作. array_push($roles, $roleValue); $roles = implode(',', $roles); $updateArr = array('allow' => $roles); } $this->_modelAct->update($updateArr, "Id={$value['Id']}"); } $rbac = $this->_getGlobalData('Util_Rbac', 'object'); $rbac->createAct(); $this->_utilMsg->showMsg('更新成功', 1); } else { #------获得菜单项一维数组------# $this->_modelMenu = $this->_getGlobalData('Model_Menu', 'object'); $menuList = $this->_modelMenu->findAll(); $menuArr = array(); foreach ($menuList as $value) { $menuArr[$value['value']] = $value['name']; } #------获得菜单项一维数组------# $roleValue = strtolower($_GET['role_value']); $dataList = $this->_modelAct->findAll(); $controlList = array(); $actionList = array(); $selectedList = array(); foreach ($dataList as &$value) { $value['value'] = "{$menuArr[$value['value']]}.{$value['value']}"; $roles = explode(',', $value['allow']); if (in_array($roleValue, $roles) || $value['allow'] == RBAC_EVERYONE) { array_push($selectedList, $value['Id']); } if ($value['parent_id'] == 0) { array_push($controlList, $value); } else { array_push($actionList, $value); } } $controlList = $this->_modelAct->getTtwoArrConvertOneArr($controlList, 'Id', 'value'); $checkBox = ''; foreach ($controlList as $key => $value) { $checkBox .= '<tr><td align="left">'; $checked = in_array($key, $selectedList) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $checkBox .= "<input type='checkbox' value={$key} name='Id[]' {$checked} /><b>{$value}</b><hr />"; foreach ($actionList as $childValue) { if ($childValue['parent_id'] == $key) { $checked = in_array($childValue['Id'], $selectedList) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $checkBox .= " →<input type='checkbox' value={$childValue['Id']} name='Id[]' {$checked} />{$childValue['value']}<br/>"; } } $checkBox .= '</td></tr>'; } $this->_view->assign('checkBox', $checkBox); $this->_view->assign('roleValue', $roleValue); $this->_view->assign('css', $this->_view->get_curCss()); $this->_utilMsg->createNavBar(); $this->_view->display(); } }
/** * 请求数据检测 * * @return mixed */ public function _checkData($sType = 'add') { $sPermissionName = $this->getParam('sPermissionName'); $sPath = $this->getParam('sPath'); $iMenuID = $this->getParam('iMenuID'); if (!Util_Validate::isLength($sPermissionName, 2, 30)) { return $this->showMsg('权限名长度范围为2到30个字!', false); } if (!Util_Validate::isLength($sPath, 2, 50)) { return $this->showMsg('权限点长度范围为2到30个字符!', false); } if (empty($iMenuID)) { return $this->showMsg('请选择权限点的归属模块!', false); } $iCnt = Model_Menu::getCnt(array('where' => array('iParentID' => $iMenuID))); if ($iCnt > 0) { return $this->showMsg('归属模块只能选择最底层的模块!', false); } $aRow = array('sPermissionName' => $sPermissionName, 'sPath' => $sPath, 'iMenuID' => $iMenuID); return $aRow; }
public function blogAction() { $ispost = $this->_getParam('idpost', false); $this->view->pageTitle = $this->view->tr(NULL, $this->view->lang, 'Наш Блог'); if ($ispost) { $this->view->token = new Zend_Service_ReCaptcha($this->config->capcha->pub, $this->config->capcha->priv); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $filter = new Zend_Filter(); $filter = $filter->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_StripTags())->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities()); $name = $filter->filter($this->_getParam('name', '')); $email = $filter->filter($this->_getParam('email', '')); $message = $filter->filter($this->_getParam('message', '')); $token = $this->_getParam('token', ''); $data = array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'message' => $message, 'idpage' => $ispost); $recaptcha_challenge_field = $this->_getParam('recaptcha_challenge_field', 'default'); $recaptcha_response_field = $this->_getParam('recaptcha_response_field', 'default'); $result = $this->view->token->verify($recaptcha_challenge_field, $recaptcha_response_field); //var_dump($recaptcha_challenge_field, $recaptcha_response_field); if ($result->isValid()) { Model_Comment::updatepage($data); // send mail try { $mail = new Zend_Mail($charset = 'utf-8'); $mail->addTo($this->view->config->resources->mail->admin); $mail->setFrom($this->view->config->resources->mail->sender); $text = $this->view->config->resources->mail->template; $text = "Був доданий коментар до сторінки " . $this->view->config->baseurl . $this->getRequest()->getRequestUri() . "\n"; $text .= "Дата: " . $this->view->localDate(time(), $this->view->lang) . "\n"; $text .= "Имя: {$name} \n"; $text .= "Email: {$email} \n"; $text .= "Текст: {$message} \n"; $mail->setSubject('Коментар на сайті Party Zone'); $mail->setBodyText($text); $t = $mail->send(); } catch (Zend_Mail_Exception $e) { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'msg' => $e->getMessages())); // exit; } $this->_redirect($this->getRequest()->getRequestUri()); } } $this->view->comments = Model_Comment::getAll($ispost, 'asc'); $this->view->post = Model_Blogentry::getById($ispost, $this->view->lang); if (is_object($this->view->post)) { $this->view->pageTitle = $this->view->post->title; $this->view->headMeta()->appendName('keywords', $this->view->post->keyword); $this->view->headMeta()->appendName('description', $this->view->post->description); } return $this->renderScript('/index/blogentry.phtml'); } $this->view->blogs = $this->setPaginator(Model_Blogentry::getBlogs($this->view->lang)); $this->view->blogmenu = Model_Menu::getById(16, $this->view->lang); }
* This file was automatically generated By Code Smith * Modifications will be overwritten when code smith is run * * PLEASE DO NOT MAKE MODIFICATIONS TO THIS FILE * Date Created 5/6/2012 * */ /// <summary> /// Implementations of slmenus represent a Menu /// /// </summary> chdir(".."); /* TODO: Add code here */ require 'config/globalconfig.php'; include_once 'class/model_menu.php'; $objMenu = new Model_Menu($objConnection); if ($_pgR["act"] == model_Menu::ACT_ADD) { if (global_common::isCLogin()) { //get user info //$c_userInfo = $_SESSION[consts::SES_C_USERINFO]; //if ($objMenu->getMenuByName($_pgR['name'])) { // echo global_common::convertToXML($arrHeader, array("rs",'info'), array(0,global_common::STRING_NAME_EXIST), array(0,1)); // return; //} $menuID = $_pgR['MenuID']; $menuID = global_editor::rteSafe(html_entity_decode($menuID, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); $menuName = $_pgR['MenuName']; $menuName = global_editor::rteSafe(html_entity_decode($menuName, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); $link = $_pgR['Link']; $link = global_editor::rteSafe(html_entity_decode($link, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); $numOrder = $_pgR['NumOrder'];
/** * 用户权限分配 */ private function _userAct() { if ($this->_isPost()) { $userId = $_POST['user_id']; $idArr = $_POST['Id']; if ($idArr) { $idArr = implode(',', $idArr); } else { $idArr = null; } $this->_modelUser->update(array('act' => $idArr), "Id={$userId}"); $this->_utilMsg->showMsg('增加权限成功', 1, Tools::url(CONTROL, ACTION)); } else { $moudlesUrl = $this->_getMoudlesUrl(); $this->_view->assign('moudlesUrl', $moudlesUrl); #------获得菜单项一维数组------# $this->_modelMenu = $this->_getGlobalData('Model_Menu', 'object'); $menuList = $this->_modelMenu->findAll(); $menuArr = array(); foreach ($menuList as $value) { $menuArr[$value['value']] = $value['name']; } #------获得菜单项一维数组------# $userId = Tools::coerceInt($_GET['user_id']); $this->_modelAct = $this->_getGlobalData('Model_Act', 'object'); $dataList = $this->_modelAct->getUseRoleAct($userId); $controlList = array(); $actionList = array(); $selectedList = array(); foreach ($dataList as &$value) { if ($value['selected']) { $selectedList[$value['Id']] = $value['selected']; } if ($value['parent_id'] == 0) { array_push($controlList, $value); } else { array_push($actionList, $value); } } $checkBox = ''; foreach ($controlList as $key => $value) { $checkBox .= '<tr><td align="left">'; $checked = array_key_exists($value['Id'], $selectedList) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; if ($checked != '') { if ($selectedList[$value['Id']] == 1) { $checked .= " disabled='disabled'' "; } //如果等于1就表示这个选中的按钮是通过角色选中的 } $checkBox .= "<input type='checkbox' value='{$value['value']}' name='Id[]' {$checked} /><b>{$menuArr[$value['value']]}.{$value['value']}</b><hr />"; foreach ($actionList as $childValue) { if ($childValue['parent_id'] == $value['Id']) { $checked = array_key_exists($childValue['Id'], $selectedList) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; if ($checked != '') { if ($selectedList[$childValue['Id']] == 1) { $checked .= " disabled='disabled'' "; } //如果等于1就表示这个选中的按钮是通过角色选中的 } $checkBox .= " →<input type='checkbox' value='{$childValue['value']}' name='Id[]' {$checked} />{$menuArr[$childValue['value']]}.<a href='javascript:;' val_data='{$childValue['value']}' name='user_act'>{$childValue['value']}</a><br/>"; } } $checkBox .= '</td></tr>'; } $this->_view->assign('checkBox', $checkBox); $this->_utilMsg->createNavBar(); $this->_view->set_tpl(array('body' => 'User/UserAct.html')); $this->_view->display(); } }
/** * * @return Zend_Navigation */ public function pages($pPanel = 'main') { return Model_Menu::getInstance()->pages($pPanel); }
private function _delMain() { $this->_modelMenu->execute("delete from {$this->_modelMenu->tName()} where Id={$_GET['Id']}"); $this->_modelMenu->execute("delete from {$this->_modelMenu->tName()} where parent_id={$_GET['Id']}"); $this->_utilMsg->showMsg(Tools::getLang('DEL_SUCESS', 'Common'), 1); }
private function _delMain() { $this->_modelMenu->execute("delete from {$this->_modelMenu->tName()} where Id={$_GET['Id']}"); $this->_modelMenu->execute("delete from {$this->_modelMenu->tName()} where parent_id={$_GET['Id']}"); $this->_utilMsg->showMsg('删除成功', 1); }
protected function prep_props(array $props) { // Skip tree fields and primary keys $skip_fields = \Arr::merge(Model_Menu::primary_key(), Model_Menu::tree_config(), array('children')); \Arr::delete($skip_fields, array('read-only', 'title_field')); // Model properties $properties = \Arr::filter_keys($props, array_keys(Model_Menu::properties())); $properties = \Arr::filter_keys($properties, $skip_fields, true); //Model 'fields' property fields $fields = \Arr::filter_keys($props, array_keys($properties), true); $fields = \Arr::filter_keys($fields, $skip_fields, true); is_array($properties['fields']) or $properties['fields'] = array(); $properties['fields'] = \Arr::merge($properties['fields'], $fields); return $properties; }
public function savemenuAction() { if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $t = Model_Menu::getById($this->_getParam('idmenu')); if ($t->blockedit == $this->_getParam('blockedit') && $t->blockedit == 'block') { $this->_redirect('/admin/menu/item/' . $this->_getParam('idmenu')); } //var_dump($_POST);exit; $input = $this->menuvalid($_POST); if ($input->isValid()) { $res = Model_Menu::updatemenu($input); if ($res[0] > 0) { // Якщо це створення нового обєкта та збережено з мовою по запиту, // зберігаємо варіант для інших мов //if ($_POST['idmenu'] == 'new') { $ll = $input->lang; foreach ($this->view->langs as $key) { $t = Model_Menu::getById($this->_getParam('idmenu'), $key); if (!is_null($t->idmenu)) { continue; } if ($key !== $ll) { $data = $_POST; $data['idmenu'] = $res[1]; $data['lang'] = $key; $input = $this->menuvalid($data); Model_Menu::updatemenu($input); } } //} // Якщо ні просто переходимо до редактування обєкту $this->_redirect('/admin/menu/item/' . $res[1] . '/lang/' . $_POST['lang']); } else { if (count($res[1]) > 1) { echo "Ошибка! " . $res[1]; exit; } else { echo "Редагування цього запису заблоковано."; exit; } } } $t = $input->getMessages(); if (count($t) > 0) { echo "Ошибка! " . var_dump($t); exit; } else { echo "Редагування цього запису заблоковано2."; exit; } } }
/** * * @return void */ public function load_menus($pReload = FALSE) { if ($pReload || !$this->menu_loaded) { if ($config = $this->menu_data()) { $mm = Model_Menu::getInstance(); $crit = $mm->table()->getAdapter()->quoteInto('created_by_module = ?', $this->folder); $mm->table()->delete($crit); $data = $config->toArray(); $mm->add_menus($data, $this->folder); } $this->menu_loaded = TRUE; $this->save(); } }