Beispiel #1
  * creates a new ad
  * @param  array $data 
  * @param  model_user $user 
  * @return array       
 public static function new_ad($data, $user)
     $return_message = '';
     $checkout_url = '';
     //akismet spam filter
     if (isset($data['title']) and isset($data['description']) and core::akismet($data['title'], $user->email, $data['description']) == TRUE) {
         // is user marked as spammer? Make him one :)
         if (core::config('general.black_list')) {
         return array('error' => __('This post has been considered as spam! We are sorry but we can not publish this advertisement.'), 'error_type' => Alert::ALERT);
     $ad = new Model_Ad();
     $ad->id_user = $user->id_user;
     $ad->seotitle = $ad->gen_seo_title($ad->title);
     $ad->created = Date::unix2mysql();
     try {
     } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
         return array('validation_errors' => $e->errors('ad'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return array('error' => $e->getMessage(), 'error_type' => Alert::ALERT);
     /////////// NOTIFICATION Emails,messages to user and Status of the ad
     // depending on user flow (moderation mode), change usecase
     $moderation = core::config('general.moderation');
     //calculate how much he needs to pay in case we have payment on
     if ($moderation == Model_Ad::PAYMENT_ON or $moderation == Model_Ad::PAYMENT_MODERATION) {
         // check category price, if 0 check parent
         if ($ad->category->price == 0) {
             $cat_parent = new Model_Category($ad->category->id_category_parent);
             //category without price
             if ($cat_parent->price == 0) {
                 //swapping moderation since theres no price :(
                 if ($moderation == Model_Ad::PAYMENT_ON) {
                     $moderation = Model_Ad::POST_DIRECTLY;
                 } elseif ($moderation == Model_Ad::PAYMENT_MODERATION) {
                     $moderation = Model_Ad::MODERATION_ON;
             } else {
                 $amount = $cat_parent->price;
         } else {
             $amount = $ad->category->price;
     //where and what we say to the user depending ont he moderation
     switch ($moderation) {
         case Model_Ad::PAYMENT_ON:
         case Model_Ad::PAYMENT_MODERATION:
             $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_NOPUBLISHED;
             $order = Model_Order::new_order($ad, $user, Model_Order::PRODUCT_CATEGORY, $amount, NULL, Model_Order::product_desc(Model_Order::PRODUCT_CATEGORY) . ' ' . $ad->category->name);
             // redirect to invoice
             $return_message = __('Please pay before we publish your advertisement.');
             $checkout_url = Route::url('default', array('controller' => 'ad', 'action' => 'checkout', 'id' => $order->id_order));
         case Model_Ad::EMAIL_MODERATION:
         case Model_Ad::EMAIL_CONFIRMATION:
             $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_UNCONFIRMED;
             $url_ql = $user->ql('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'myads', 'action' => 'confirm', 'id' => $ad->id_ad));
             $user->email('ads-confirm', array('[URL.QL]' => $url_ql, '[AD.NAME]' => $ad->title));
             $return_message = __('Advertisement is posted but first you need to activate. Please check your email!');
         case Model_Ad::MODERATION_ON:
             $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_NOPUBLISHED;
             $url_ql = $user->ql('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'myads', 'action' => 'update', 'id' => $ad->id_ad));
             $user->email('ads-notify', array('[URL.QL]' => $url_ql, '[AD.NAME]' => $ad->title));
             // email to notify user of creating, but it is in moderation currently
             $return_message = __('Advertisement is received, but first administrator needs to validate. Thank you for being patient!');
         case Model_Ad::POST_DIRECTLY:
             $ad->status = Model_Ad::STATUS_PUBLISHED;
             $ad->published = $ad->created;
             $url_cont = $user->ql('contact');
             $url_ad = $user->ql('ad', array('category' => $ad->category->seoname, 'seotitle' => $ad->seotitle));
             $user->email('ads-user-check', array('[URL.CONTACT]' => $url_cont, '[URL.AD]' => $url_ad, '[AD.NAME]' => $ad->title));
             $return_message = __('Advertisement is posted. Congratulations!');
     //save the last changes on status
     //notify admins new ad
     return array('message' => $return_message, 'checkout_url' => $checkout_url, 'ad' => $ad);