Beispiel #1
 protected static function getConnection()
     if (self::$db === null) {
         try {
             $model = new Model();
             self::$db = $model->getDb();
         } catch (\PDOException $e) {
             throw new JobException("Job couldn't connect to the database. PDO said [{$e->getMessage()}]");
     return self::$db;
Beispiel #2
function M($n = Null)
    return Model::getDb($n);
Beispiel #3
  * hydrates model with hierarchical data from request
  * if primary keys are set, the model is loaded, otherwise a new object is created
  * @param  Model  $model     model instance to be filled
  * @param  array  $data      hierarchical data from request
  * @param  array  $config    used for recursion
  * @param  boolean $first     used for recursion
  * @param  Model  $modeldata used for recursion
  * @return boolean             ok
 public function hydrate(&$model, $data, $config = null, $first = true, &$modeldata = null)
     $db = $model->getDb();
     $config = empty($config) ? $this->config : $config;
     $formName = ArrayHelper::getValue($config, 'formName', $model->formName());
     $data = empty($formName) ? $data : $data[$formName];
     // begin transaction at root level
     if ($first) {
         $transaction = $db->beginTransaction();
         if ($ok = $this->loadModel($model, $data)) {
         } else {
             return false;
     $relations = ArrayHelper::getValue($config, 'relations', []);
     // preload non-incremental relations at once
     if ($modeldata === null && count($relations) > 0) {
         $withs = $this->loadRelations(null, $config);
         if (!empty($withs)) {
             $find = $model::find();
             $keys = $this->getPrimaryKeyFor(get_class($model), $model);
             $q = [];
             foreach ($keys as $key => $value) {
                 $q[] = sprintf('%s=%s', $key, $db->quoteValue($model->{$key}));
             $find->where(implode(' AND ', $q));
             foreach ($withs as $value) {
             $modeldata = $find->one();
     // assign relational data
     foreach ($relations as $relation => $subconfig) {
         $rel = $model->getRelation($relation);
         $class = $rel->modelClass;
         $subdata = ArrayHelper::getValue($data, $relation, []);
         $subconfig['formName'] = ArrayHelper::getValue($subconfig, 'formName', false);
         $incremental = $subconfig['incremental'] = ArrayHelper::getValue($subconfig, 'incremental', false);
         $delete = $subconfig['delete'] = ArrayHelper::getValue($subconfig, 'delete', false);
         if (empty($modeldata)) {
             $submodeldata = null;
         } else {
             $submodeldata = $modeldata->{$relation};
         // 1:n relations
         if ($rel->multiple) {
             $submodel = new $class();
             $db = $submodel->getDb();
             $keys = $this->getPrimaryKeyFor($class, $submodel);
             //	apply updates to existing models
             //	do not delete associated child items, if incremental = true
             if (!$incremental) {
                 $composite = count($keys) > 1;
                 $akeys = array_keys($keys);
                 if (!empty($submodeldata)) {
                     foreach ($submodeldata as $kkk => $existing) {
                         $existingKey = $existing->getAttributes($akeys);
                         // update already linked and existing models
                         $found = false;
                         foreach ($subdata as $key => $subitemdata) {
                             $pk = array_filter(array_intersect_key($subitemdata, $keys));
                             if (!empty($pk)) {
                                 if (count(array_diff_assoc($existingKey, $pk)) == 0) {
                                     $existing->load($subitemdata, false);
                                     $this->hydrate($existing, $subitemdata, $subconfig, false, $existing);
                                     $found = true;
                         if (!$found) {
                             if ($rel->via !== null) {
                                 $model->unlink($relation, $existing, true);
                             if ($delete) {
                                 $this->delete($existing, $subconfig);
             foreach ($subdata as $subitemdata) {
                 $submodel = new $class();
                 $ok = $this->loadModel($submodel, $subitemdata, $class);
                 if (!$ok) {
                 if ($rel->via !== null && $submodel->isNewRecord) {
                     $model->link($relation, $submodel);
                 } else {
                     if ($rel->via !== null) {
                         $keys = array_keys($this->getPrimaryKeyFor($class, $submodel));
                         $keyValues = $submodel->getAttributes($keys);
                         $a = array_map(function ($a, $b) use($db) {
                             return sprintf('%s=%s', $a, $db->quoteValue($b));
                         }, $keys, $keyValues);
                         $b = implode(' AND ', $a);
                         $find = $model->getRelation($relation)->andWhere($b)->exists();
                         if (!$find) {
                             $model->link($relation, $submodel);
                     } else {
                         $model->link($relation, $submodel);
                 $this->hydrate($submodel, $subitemdata, $subconfig, false, $submodeldata);
         } else {
             // 1:1 relations
             if (!empty($subdata)) {
                 if (empty($model->{$relation})) {
                     $submodel = new $class();
                     $ok = $this->loadModel($submodel, $subdata, $class);
                     if ($rel->via !== null) {
                         $ok = $submodel->save();
                     if ($ok && $submodel->isNewRecord) {
                         $ok = $model->link($relation, $submodel);
                 } else {
                     $submodel = $model->{$relation};
                     $ok = $submodel->load($subdata, false);
                     if ($ok) {
                         $ok = $submodel->save();
                 if (!$ok) {
                 $this->hydrate($submodel, $subdata, $subconfig, false, $submodeldata);
     if ($first) {
         $ok ? $transaction->commit() : $transaction->rollback();
     return true;