Beispiel #1

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../Phpmodbus/ModbusMasterTcp.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
// Create Modbus object
$modbus = new ModbusMasterTcp($test_host_ip);
// Data to be writen - BYTE
$data = array(0, 1, 1, pow(2, 8) - 1, pow(2, 8) - 1);
$dataTypes = array("BYTE", "BYTE", "BYTE", "BYTE", "BYTE");
// Write data - FC 16
$modbus->writeMultipleRegister(0, 12288, $data, $dataTypes);
// Read data - FC3
$recData = $modbus->readMultipleRegisters(0, 12288, 5);
// Data to be writen - INT
$data = array(0, 1, -1, pow(2, 15) - 1, -pow(2, 15));
$dataTypes = array("INT", "INT", "INT", "INT", "INT");
// Write data - FC 16
$modbus->writeMultipleRegister(0, 12288, $data, $dataTypes);
// Read data - FC3
$recData = $modbus->readMultipleRegisters(0, 12288, 5);
// Data to be writen - DINT
$data = array(0, 1, -1, pow(2, 31) - 1, -pow(2, 31));
$dataTypes = array("DINT", "DINT", "DINT", "DINT", "DINT");
// Write data - FC 16
$modbus->writeMultipleRegister(0, 12288, $data, $dataTypes);
// Read data - FC3
$recData = $modbus->readMultipleRegisters(0, 12288, 10);
// Data to be writen - REAL
Beispiel #2
    echo 'Available runmodes:' . "\n";
    foreach ($runmode as $runmod => $val) {
        echo ' --' . $runmod . "\n";
// Make it possible to test in source directory
// This is for PEAR developers only
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ':..');
// Include Class
require_once "System/Daemon.php";
include 'https/Connections/GLTSERVER.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/https/Phpmodbus/ModbusMasterTcp.php';
// Create Modbus object
$modbus = new ModbusMasterTcp($sps, 'TCP');
// Setup
$options = array('appName' => 'modbusd', 'appDir' => dirname(__FILE__), 'appDescription' => 'Parses modbus data in rrd', 'authorName' => 'Michael Penzkofer', 'authorEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'sysMaxExecutionTime' => '0', 'sysMaxInputTime' => '0', 'sysMemoryLimit' => '1024M');
// This program can also be run in the forground with runmode --no-daemon
if (!$runmode['no-daemon']) {
    // Spawn Daemon
// With the runmode --write-initd, this program can automatically write a
// system startup file called: 'init.d'
// This will make sure your daemon will be started on reboot
if (!$runmode['write-initd']) {
    System_Daemon::info('not writing an init.d script this time');
} else {
    if (($initd_location = System_Daemon::writeAutoRun()) === false) {
Beispiel #3

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../Phpmodbus/ModbusMasterTcp.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
// Create Modbus object
$modbus = new ModbusMasterTcp($test_host_ip);
// Data to be writen
$data = array(1000, 2000, 1.25, 1.25);
$dataTypes = array("REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL");
// FC23
$recData = $modbus->readWriteRegisters(0, 12288, 6, 12288, $data, $dataTypes);
if (!$recData) {
    // Print error information if any
    echo "</br>Error:</br>" . $modbus->errstr . "</br>";
// Print status information
echo "writeMultipleRegister (FC26): DONE";