# Make page frame, banner and menu. MTS('Header loaded, login auth, html frame generated'); // Check if a menu-link was picked, and execute section code from sections.php accordingly. switch ($_GET['section']) { case 'login': sec_login(); break; case 'matches': Match_HTMLOUT::userSched(); break; case 'management': $teamId = Mobile_HTMLOUT::getSelectedTeamId(); Team_HTMLOUT::teamManagementBox($teamId); break; default: Mobile_HTMLOUT::sec_mobile_main(); } } else { HTMLOUT::frame_begin(isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) ? $coach->settings['theme'] : $settings['stylesheet']); # Make page frame, banner and menu. MTS('Header loaded, login auth, html frame generated'); // Check if a menu-link was picked, and execute section code from sections.php accordingly. switch ($_GET['section']) { case 'login': sec_login(); break; case 'admin': sec_admin(); break; case 'teamlist': sec_teamlist();
private static function matchSummaryView($recentMatches, $upcomingMatches) { global $lng; ?> <div id="Games"> <table id="GamesTable"> <tbody> <tr><td colspan="4"><h3><?php echo $lng->getTrn("common/recentmatches"); ?> </h3></td></tr> <?php Mobile_HTMLOUT::outputMatchesRows($recentMatches); ?> <tr><td colspan="4"><h3><?php echo $lng->getTrn("common/upcomingmatches"); ?> </h3></td></tr> <?php Mobile_HTMLOUT::outputMatchesRows($upcomingMatches); ?> </tbody> </table> <div> <a href="index.php?mobile=1§ion=matches&type=usersched"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched'); ?> </a> </div> <div id="MatchDialog" data-bind="with: matchDialogViewModel"> <div data-bind="if: matchIsLocked"> <?php Mobile_HTMLOUT::readonlyMatchView(); ?> </div> <div data-bind="ifnot: matchIsLocked"> <?php Mobile_HTMLOUT::editableMatchView(); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php }