public static function isUserAgentMobile() { if (class_exists('MobileWikihow')) { return MobileWikihow::isUserAgentMobile(); } else { return false; } }
protected function getDefaultHeaderVars() { global $wgRequest, $wgLanguageCode, $wgSSLsite, $wgUser; $t = $this->t; $articleName = $t->getText(); $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action', 'view'); $deviceOpts = $this->getDevice(); $pageExists = $t->exists(); $randomUrl = '/' . wfMsg('special-randomizer'); $isMainPage = $articleName == wfMsg('mainpage'); $titleBar = $isMainPage ? wfMsg('mobile-mainpage-title') : wfMsg('pagetitle', $articleName); $canonicalUrl = 'http://' . MobileWikihow::getNonMobileSite() . '/' . $t->getPartialURL(); $js = $wgLanguageCode == 'en' && class_exists('BounceTimeLogger') ? array('mjq', 'stu') : array('mjq'); if ($wgUser->getID() > 0) { $login_link = '/Special:Mypage'; $login_text = wfMsg('me'); } else { $login_link = '/Special:Userlogin'; $login_text = wfMsg('log_in'); } if (SSL_LOGIN_DOMAIN && !$wgSSLsite) { $login_link = 'https://' . SSL_LOGIN_DOMAIN . $login_link; } $headerVars = array('isMainPage' => $isMainPage, 'title' => $titleBar, 'css' => $this->cssScriptsCombine, 'js' => $js, 'randomUrl' => $randomUrl, 'deviceOpts' => $deviceOpts, 'canonicalUrl' => $canonicalUrl, 'pageExists' => $pageExists, 'jsglobals' => Skin::makeGlobalVariablesScript(array('skinname' => 'mobile'), $t), 'lang' => $wgLanguageCode, 'loginlink' => $login_link, 'logintext' => $login_text); return $headerVars; }
public static function getXPath(&$bodyHtml, &$r) { global $wgWikiHowSections, $IP, $wgTitle; $lang = MobileWikihow::getSiteLanguage(); // munge steps first $opts = array('no-ads' => true); require_once "{$IP}/skins/WikiHowSkin.php"; $oldTitle = $wgTitle; $wgTitle = $r->getTitle(); $vars['bodyHtml'] = WikihowArticleHTML::postProcess($bodyHtml, $opts); $vars['lang'] = $lang; EasyTemplate::set_path(dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); $html = EasyTemplate::html('thumb_html.tmpl.php', $vars); require_once "{$IP}/extensions/wikihow/mobile/JSLikeHTMLElement.php"; $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $doc->registerNodeClass('DOMElement', 'JSLikeHTMLElement'); $doc->strictErrorChecking = false; $doc->recover = true; @$doc->loadHTML($html); $doc->normalizeDocument(); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $wgTitle = $oldTitle; return $xpath; }
public static function isValidPage() { global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgRequest; if (is_null(self::$allowAnonFeedback)) { // Allow anon feedback on ~5% of articles self::$allowAnonFeedback = mt_rand(1, 100) <= 5; } $allowAnonFeedback = self::$allowAnonFeedback; return $wgUser && (!$wgUser->isAnon() || $allowAnonFeedback) && !MobileWikihow::isMobileDomain() && $wgTitle && $wgTitle->exists() && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && $wgRequest && $wgRequest->getVal('create-new-article') == '' && !self::isMainPage(); }
public function execute($par) { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser; global $wgCookiePrefix, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure; // get user ID $userid = $wgUser->getID(); // if user is anon, assign them a cookie and give them // a random, negative user ID if ($userid <= 0) { $cookieName = $wgCookiePrefix . self::COOKIE_NAME; $cookieVal = intval(@$_COOKIE[$cookieName]); if ($cookieVal <= 0) { $newid = mt_rand(1, mt_getrandmax()); $thirty_days = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60; setcookie($cookieName, $newid, time() + $thirty_days, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure); $userid = -$newid; } else { $userid = -$cookieVal; } } $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action'); if ($action) { print json_encode(array('error' => 'This tool is not available')); exit; $pageid = $wgRequest->getInt('pageid'); if (!$pageid) { exit; } $hillary = new Hillary($userid, $pageid); if ($action == 'fetch') { $result = $hillary->getPageDetails(); if ($result) { $result['pageid'] = $pageid; } else { $result = array('pageid' => 0); } // find next article to show list($next_id, $next_url) = $hillary->getNextPage(); $result['next_id'] = $next_id; $result['next_url'] = $next_url; } elseif ($action == 'vote') { $vote = $wgRequest->getInt('vote'); $voted = $hillary->vote($vote); $result['voted'] = intval($voted); } $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly(true); $json = json_encode($result); $wgOut->addHTML($json); } else { // If user has never voted with this tool before, show them // a splash page $hillary = new Hillary($userid); $votes = $hillary->getUserVotes(); list($next_id, $next_url) = $hillary->getNextPage(); $utmParamsStr = ''; if (is_array($_GET)) { $utmParams = array(); foreach ($_GET as $param => $val) { if (preg_match('@^utm@', $param)) { $utmParams[] = $param . '=' . $val; } } if ($utmParams) { $utmParamsStr = '?' . join('&', $utmParams); } } $toolURL = MobileWikihow::getMobileSite() . '/' . $next_url . $utmParamsStr . '#review'; if (!$votes) { $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly(true); $html = $hillary->getSplashPage($toolURL); $html = 'This tool is currently unavailable'; $wgOut->addHTML($html); } else { $wgOut->redirect($toolURL); } } }
/** * Parse and transform the document from the old HTML for NS_MAIN articles to the new mobile * style. This should probably be pulled out and added to a subclass that can then be extended for * builders that focus on building NS_MAIN articles */ protected function parseNonMobileArticle(&$article) { global $IP, $wgContLang, $wgLanguageCode; $sectionMap = array(wfMsg('Intro') => 'intro', wfMsg('Ingredients') => 'ingredients', wfMsg('Steps') => 'steps', wfMsg('Video') => 'video', wfMsg('Tips') => 'tips', wfMsg('Warnings') => 'warnings', wfMsg('relatedwikihows') => 'relatedwikihows', wfMsg('sourcescitations') => 'sources', wfMsg('thingsyoullneed') => 'thingsyoullneed', wfMsg('article_info') => 'article_info'); $lang = MobileWikihow::getSiteLanguage(); $imageNsText = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_IMAGE); $device = $this->getDevice(); // munge steps first $opts = array('no-ads' => true); $article = WikihowArticleHTML::postProcess($article, $opts); // Make doc correctly formed $articleText = <<<DONE <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="{$lang}" lang="{$lang}"> <head> \t<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='utf-8'" /> </head> <body> {$article} </body> </html> DONE; require_once "{$IP}/extensions/wikihow/mobile/JSLikeHTMLElement.php"; $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $doc->registerNodeClass('DOMElement', 'JSLikeHTMLElement'); $doc->strictErrorChecking = false; $doc->recover = true; //$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; //$wgOut->setarticlebodyonly(true); @$doc->loadHTML($articleText); $doc->normalizeDocument(); //echo $doc->saveHtml();exit; $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); // Delete #featurestar node $node = $doc->getElementById('featurestar'); if (!empty($node)) { $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } $node = $doc->getElementById('newaltmethod'); if (!empty($node)) { $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } // Remove all "Edit" links $nodes = $xpath->query('//a[@id = "gatEditSection"]'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } // Resize youtube video $nodes = $xpath->query('//embed'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $url = ''; $src = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('src')->nodeValue; if (!$device['show-youtube'] || stripos($src, '') === false) { $parent = $node->parentNode; $grandParent = $parent->parentNode; if ($grandParent && $parent) { $grandParent->removeChild($parent); } } else { foreach (array(&$node, &$node->parentNode) as $node) { $widthAttr = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('width'); $oldWidth = (int) $widthAttr->nodeValue; $newWidth = $device['max-video-width']; if ($newWidth < $oldWidth) { $widthAttr->nodeValue = (string) $newWidth; $heightAttr = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('height'); $oldHeight = (int) $heightAttr->nodeValue; $newHeight = (int) round($newWidth * $oldHeight / $oldWidth); $heightAttr->nodeValue = (string) $newHeight; } } } } // Remove templates from intro so that they don't muck up // the text and images we extract $nodes = $xpath->query('//div[@class = "template_top"]'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } // Grab intro text $intro = ''; $nodes = $xpath->query('//body/div/p'); foreach ($nodes as $i => $node) { $text = $node->textContent; if (!empty($text) && $i == 0) { $introNode = $node; $intro = Wikitext::removeRefsFromFlattened($text); break; } } if ($introNode) { // Grab first image from article $imgs = $xpath->query('.//img', $introNode->parentNode); $firstImage = ''; foreach ($imgs as $img) { // parent is an <a> tag $parent = $img->parentNode; if ($parent->nodeName == 'a') { $href = $parent->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->nodeValue; if (preg_match('@(Image|' . $imageNsText . '):@', $href)) { $firstImage = preg_replace('@^.*(Image|' . $imageNsText . '):([^:]*)([#].*)?$@', '$2', $href); $firstImage = urldecode($firstImage); break; } } } // Remove intro node $parent = $introNode->parentNode; $parent->removeChild($introNode); } // Get rid of the <span> element to standardize the html for the // next dom query $nodes = $xpath->query('//div/span/a[@class = "image"]'); foreach ($nodes as $a) { $parent = $a->parentNode; $grandParent = $parent->parentNode; $grandParent->replaceChild($a, $parent); } // Resize all resize-able images $nodes = $xpath->query('//div/a[@class = "image"]/img'); $imgNum = 1; foreach ($nodes as $img) { $srcNode = $img->attributes->getNamedItem('src'); $widthNode = $img->attributes->getNamedItem('width'); $width = (int) $widthNode->nodeValue; $heightNode = $img->attributes->getNamedItem('height'); $height = (int) $heightNode->nodeValue; $imageClasses = $img->parentNode->parentNode->attributes->getNamedItem('class')->nodeValue; /* if (!stristr($imageClasses, "tcenter")) { $img->parentNode->parentNode->parentNode->attributes->getNamedItem('class')->nodeValue = ''; $img->parentNode->parentNode->parentNode->attributes->getNamedItem('style')->nodeValue = ''; } */ if (stristr($imageClasses, "tcenter") !== false) { $newWidth = $device['full-image-width']; $newHeight = (int) round($device['full-image-width'] * $height / $width); } else { $newWidth = $device['max-image-width']; $newHeight = (int) round($device['max-image-width'] * $height / $width); } $a = $img->parentNode; $href = $a->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->nodeValue; if (!$href) { $onclick = $a->attributes->getNamedItem('onclick')->nodeValue; $onclick = preg_replace('@.*",[ ]*"@', '', $onclick); $onclick = preg_replace('@".*@', '', $onclick); $imgName = preg_replace('@.*(Image|' . $imageNsText . '|' . urlencode($imageNsText) . '):@', '', $onclick); } else { $imgName = preg_replace('@^/(Image|' . $imageNsText . '|' . urlencode($imageNsText) . '):@', '', $href); } $title = Title::newFromURL($imgName, NS_IMAGE); if (!$title) { $imgName = urldecode($imgName); $title = Title::newFromURL($imgName, NS_IMAGE); } if ($title) { $image = RepoGroup::singleton()->findFile($title); if ($image) { list($thumb, $newWidth, $newHeight) = self::makeThumbDPI($image, $newWidth, $newHeight, $device['enlarge-thumb-high-dpi']); $url = wfGetPad($thumb->getUrl()); $srcNode->nodeValue = $url; $widthNode->nodeValue = $newWidth; $heightNode->nodeValue = $newHeight; // change surrounding div width and height $div = $a->parentNode; $styleNode = $div->attributes->getNamedItem('style'); //removing the set width/height $styleNode->nodeValue = ''; //$div->attributes->getNamedItem('class')->nodeValue = ''; /* if (preg_match('@^(.*width:)[0-9]+(px;\s*height:)[0-9]+(.*)$@', $styleNode->nodeValue, $m)) { $styleNode->nodeValue = $m[1] . $newWidth . $m[2] . $newHeight . $m[3]; } */ //default width/height for the srcset $bigWidth = 600; $bigHeight = 800; // change grandparent div width too $grandparent = $div; if ($grandparent && $grandparent->nodeName == 'div') { $class = $grandparent->attributes->getNamedItem('class'); if ($class) { $isThumb = stristr($class->nodeValue, 'mthumb') !== false; $isRight = stristr($class->nodeValue, 'tright') !== false; $isLeft = stristr($class->nodeValue, 'tleft') !== false; $isCenter = stristr($class->nodeValue, 'tcenter') !== false; if ($isThumb) { if ($isRight) { $style = $grandparent->attributes->getNamedItem('style'); $style->nodeValue = 'width:' . $newWidth . 'px;height:' . $newHeight . 'px;'; $bigWidth = 300; $bigHeight = 500; } elseif ($isCenter) { $style = $grandparent->attributes->getNamedItem('style'); $style->nodeValue = 'width:' . $newWidth . 'px;height:' . $newHeight . 'px;'; $bigWidth = 600; $bigHeight = 800; } elseif ($isLeft) { //if its centered or on the left, give it double the width if too big $style = $grandparent->attributes->getNamedItem('style'); $oldStyle = $style->nodeValue; $matches = array(); preg_match('@(width:\\s*)[0-9]+@', $oldStyle, $matches); if ($matches[0]) { $curSize = intval(substr($matches[0], 6)); //width: = 6 if ($newWidth * 2 < $curSize) { $existingCSS = preg_replace('@(width:\\s*)[0-9]+@', 'width:' . $newWidth * 2, $oldStyle); $style->nodeValue = $existingCSS; } } $bigWidth = 300; $bigHeight = 500; } } } } list($thumb, $newWidth, $newHeight) = self::makeThumbDPI($image, $bigWidth, $bigHeight, $device['enlarge-thumb-high-dpi']); $url = wfGetPad($thumb->getUrl()); $img->setAttribute('srcset', $url . ' ' . $newWidth . 'w'); //if we couldn't make it big enough, let's add a class if ($newWidth < $bigWidth) { $imgclass = $img->getAttribute('class'); $img->setAttribute('class', $imgclass . ' not_huge'); } //add the hidden info /* $newDiv = new DOMElement( 'div', htmlentities('test') ); $a->appendChild($newDiv); $newDiv->setAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); */ $a->setAttribute('id', 'image-zoom-' . $imgNum); $a->setAttribute('class', 'image-zoom'); $a->setAttribute('href', '#'); global $wgServerName; $href = $wgServerName . $href; if (!preg_match("/^http:\\/\\//", $href)) { $href = "http://" . $serverName . $href; } $href = preg_replace("/\\m\\./", "", $href); $href = preg_replace("/^http:\\/\\/wikihow\\.com/", "", $href); $details = array('url' => $url, 'width' => $newWidth, 'height' => $newHeight, 'credits_page' => $href); $newDiv = new DOMElement('div', htmlentities(json_encode($details))); $a->appendChild($newDiv); $newDiv->setAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); $newDiv->setAttribute('id', 'image-details-' . $imgNum); $imgNum++; } else { //huh? can't find it? well, then let's not display it $img->parentNode->parentNode->parentNode->parentNode->setAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); } } else { //huh? can't find it? well, then let's not display it $img->parentNode->parentNode->parentNode->parentNode->setAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); } } // Remove template from images, add new zoom one $nodes = $xpath->query('//img'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $src = $node->attributes ? $node->attributes->getNamedItem('src') : null; $src = $src ? $src->nodeValue : ''; if (stripos($src, 'magnify-clip.png') !== false) { $parent = $node->parentNode; $parent->parentNode->removeChild($parent); } } //get rid of the corners and watermarks $nodes = $xpath->query('//div[@class = "corner top_left" or @class = "corner bottom_left" or @class = "corner top_right" or @class = "corner bottom_right" or @class = "wikihow_watermark"]'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $parent = $node->parentNode; $parent->removeChild($node); } //gotta swap in larger images if the client's width is big enough //(i.e. tablet et al) $nodes = $xpath->query('//img[@class = "mwimage101" or @class = "mwimage101 not_huge"]'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { //make a quick unique id for this $id = md5($node->attributes->getNamedItem('src')->nodeValue) . rand(); $node->setAttribute('id', $id); //pass it to our custom function for swapping in larger images $swap_it = 'if (isBig)"' . $id . '");'; $scripttag = new DOMElement('script', htmlentities($swap_it)); $node->appendChild($scripttag); } // Change the width attribute from any tables with a width set. // This often happen around video elements. $nodes = $xpath->query('//table/@width'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $width = preg_replace('@px\\s*$@', '', $node->nodeValue); if ($width > $device['screen-width'] - 20) { $node->nodeValue = $device['screen-width'] - 20; } } // Surround step content in its own div. We do this to support other features like checkmarks $nodes = $xpath->query('//div[@id="steps"]/ol/li'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $node->innerHTML = '<div class="step_content">' . $node->innerHTML . '</div>'; } //remove quiz $nodes = $xpath->query('//div[@class = "quiz_cta"]'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } //remove quiz header $nodes = $xpath->query('//h3/span[text()="Quiz"]'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $parentNode = $node->parentNode; $parentNode->parentNode->removeChild($parentNode); } //pull out the first 6 related wikihows and format them $nodes = $xpath->query('//div[@id="relatedwikihows"]/ul/li'); $count = 0; $related_boxes = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($count > 6) { break; } //grab the title preg_match('@href=\\"\\/(.*?)?\\"@', $node->innerHTML, $m); $title = Title::newFromText($m[1]); if (!$title) { continue; } $temp_box = $this->makeRelatedBox($title); if ($temp_box) { $related_boxes[] = $temp_box; $last_node = $node; $parent = $node->parentNode; $last_parent = $parent; $parent->removeChild($node); $count++; } } //only 1? not enough. throw it back if ($count == 1) { $related_boxes = array(); $last_parent->appendChild($last_node); } // Inject html into the DOM tree for specific features (ie thumb ratings, ads, etc) $this->mobileParserBeforeHtmlSave($xpath); //self::walkTree($doc->documentElement, 1); $html = $doc->saveXML(); $sections = array(); $sectionsHtml = explode('<h2>', $html); unset($sectionsHtml[0]); // remove leftovers from intro section foreach ($sectionsHtml as $i => &$section) { $section = '<h2>' . $section; if (preg_match('@^<h2[^>]*>\\s*<span[^>]*>\\s*([^<]+)@i', $section, $m)) { $heading = trim($m[1]); $section = preg_replace('@^<h2[^>]*>\\s*<span[^>]*>\\s*([^<]+)</span>(\\s|\\n)*</h2>@i', '', $section); if (isset($sectionMap[$heading])) { $key = $sectionMap[$heading]; $sections[$key] = array('name' => $heading, 'html' => $section); } } } // Remove Video section if there is no longer a youtube video if (isset($sections['video'])) { if (!preg_match('@<object@i', $sections['video']['html'])) { unset($sections['video']); } } // Add the related boxes if (isset($sections['relatedwikihows']) && !empty($related_boxes)) { $sections['relatedwikihows']['boxes'] = $related_boxes; } // Add article info $sections['article_info']['name'] = wfMsg('article_info'); $sections['article_info']['html'] = $this->getArticleInfo($title); // Remove </body></html> from html if (count($sections) > 0) { $keys = array_keys($sections); $last =& $sections[$keys[count($sections) - 2]]['html']; $last = preg_replace('@</body>(\\s|\\n)*</html>(\\s|\\n)*$@', '', $last); } // Add a simple form for uploading images of completed items to the article if ($wgLanguageCode == 'en' && isset($sections['steps']) && isset($device['show-upload-images']) && $device['show-upload-images']) { require_once "{$IP}/extensions/wikihow/mobile/MobileUciHtmlBuilder.class.php"; $userCompletedImages = new MobileUciHtmlBuilder(); $sections['steps']['html'] .= $userCompletedImages->createByHtml($this->t); } return array($sections, $intro, $firstImage); }
public function getSiteLanguage() { global $wgServerName; if (!empty(self::$language)) { return self::$language; } else { if (preg_match('@^([a-z]{2})\\.m\\.wikihow\\.com$@i', $wgServerName, $m)) { self::$language = strtolower($m[1]); } else { self::$language = 'en'; } } }
/** * Template filter callback for wikiHow skin. * Takes an associative array of data set from a SkinTemplate-based * class, and a wrapper for MediaWiki's localization database, and * outputs a formatted page. * * @access private */ public function execute() { global $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgTitle, $wgRequest, $wgParser, $wgGoogleSiteVerification; global $wgOut, $wgScript, $wgStylePath, $wgLanguageCode, $wgForumLink; global $wgContLang, $wgXhtmlDefaultNamespace, $wgContLanguageCode; global $wgWikiHowSections, $IP, $wgServer, $wgServerName, $wgIsDomainTest; global $wgSSLsite, $wgSpecialPages; $prefix = ""; if (class_exists('MobileWikihow')) { $mobileWikihow = new MobileWikihow(); $result = $mobileWikihow->controller(); // false means we stop processing template if (!$result) { return; } } $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action', 'view'); if (count($wgRequest->getVal('diff')) > 0) { $action = 'diff'; } $isMainPage = $wgTitle && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && $wgTitle->getText() == wfMessage('mainpage')->inContentLanguage()->text() && $action == 'view'; $isArticlePage = $wgTitle && !$isMainPage && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && $action == 'view'; $isDocViewer = $wgTitle->getText() == "DocViewer"; $isBehindHttpAuth = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']); // determine whether or not the user is logged in $isLoggedIn = $wgUser->getID() > 0; $isTool = false; wfRunHooks('getToolStatus', array(&$isTool)); $sk = $this->getSkin(); wikihowAds::setCategories(); if (!$isLoggedIn && $action == "view") { wikihowAds::getGlobalChannels(); } $showAds = wikihowAds::isEligibleForAds(); $isIndexed = RobotPolicy::isIndexable($wgTitle); $pageTitle = SkinWikihowSkin::getHTMLTitle($wgOut->getHTMLTitle(), $this->data['title'], $isMainPage); // set the title and what not $avatar = ''; $namespace = $wgTitle->getNamespace(); if ($namespace == NS_USER || $namespace == NS_USER_TALK) { $username = $wgTitle->getText(); $usernameKey = $wgTitle->getDBKey(); $avatar = $wgLanguageCode == 'en' ? Avatar::getPicture($usernameKey) : ""; $h1 = $username; if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK) { $h1 = $wgLang->getNsText(NS_USER_TALK) . ": {$username}"; } elseif ($username == $wgUser->getName()) { //user's own page $profileBoxName = wfMessage('profilebox-name')->text(); $h1 .= "<div id='gatEditRemoveButtons'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='/Special:Profilebox' id='gatProfileEditButton'>Edit</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t | <a href='#' onclick='removeUserPage(\"{$profileBoxName}\");'>Remove {$profileBoxName}</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t </div>"; } $this->set("title", $h1); } $logoutPage = $wgLang->specialPage("Userlogout"); $returnTarget = $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL(); $returnto = strcasecmp(urlencode($logoutPage), $returnTarget) ? "returnto={$returnTarget}" : ""; $login = ""; if (!$wgUser->isAnon()) { $uname = $wgUser->getName(); if (strlen($uname) > 16) { $uname = substr($uname, 0, 16) . "..."; } $login = wfMessage('welcome_back', $wgUser->getUserPage()->getFullURL(), $uname)->text(); if ($wgLanguageCode == 'en' && $wgUser->isFacebookUser()) { $login = wfMessage('welcome_back_fb', $wgUser->getUserPage()->getFullURL(), $wgUser->getName())->text(); } elseif ($wgLanguageCode == 'en' && $wgUser->isGPlusUser()) { $gname = $wgUser->getName(); if (substr($gname, 0, 3) == 'GP_') { $gname = substr($gname, 0, 12) . '...'; } $login = wfMessage('welcome_back_gp', $wgUser->getUserPage()->getFullURL(), $gname)->text(); } } else { if ($wgLanguageCode == "en") { $login = wfMessage('signup_or_login', $returnto)->text() . " " . wfMessage('social_connect_header')->text(); } else { $login = wfMessage('signup_or_login', $returnto)->text(); } } //XX PROFILE EDIT/CREAT/DEL BOX DATE - need to check for pb flag in order to display this. $pbDate = ""; $pbDateFlag = 0; $profilebox_name = wfMessage('profilebox-name')->text(); if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER) { if ($u = User::newFromName($wgTitle->getDBKey())) { if (UserPagePolicy::isGoodUserPage($wgTitle->getDBKey())) { $pbDate = ProfileBox::getPageTop($u); $pbDateFlag = true; } } } $heading = ''; if (!$sk->suppressH1Tag()) { if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && $wgTitle->exists() && $action == "view") { if (Microdata::showRecipeTags() && Microdata::showhRecipeTags()) { $itemprop_name1 = " fn'"; $itemprop_name2 = ""; } else { $itemprop_name1 = "' itemprop='name'"; $itemprop_name2 = " itemprop='url'"; } $heading = "<h1 class='firstHeading" . $itemprop_name1 . "><a href=\"" . $wgTitle->getFullURL() . "\"" . $itemprop_name2 . ">" . wfMessage('howto', $this->data['title'])->text() . "</a></h1>"; } else { if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER && UserPagePolicy::isGoodUserPage($wgTitle->getDBKey()) || $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK) { $heading = "<h1 class=\"firstHeading\" >" . $this->data['title'] . "</h1> " . $pbDate; if ($avatar) { $heading = $avatar . "<div id='avatarNameWrap'>" . $heading . "</div><div style='clear: both;'> </div>"; } } else { if ($this->data['title'] && strtolower(substr($wgTitle->getText(), 0, 9)) != 'userlogin') { $heading = "<h1 class='firstHeading'>" . $this->data['title'] . "</h1>"; } } } } // get the breadcrumbs / category links at the top of the page $catLinksTop = $sk->getCategoryLinks(true); wfRunHooks('getBreadCrumbs', array(&$catLinksTop)); $mainPageObj = Title::newMainPage(); $isPrintable = false; if (MWNamespace::isTalk($wgTitle->getNamespace()) && $action == "view") { $isPrintable = $wgRequest->getVal("printable") == "yes"; } // QWER links for everyone on all pages //$helplink = Linker::link(Title::makeTitle(NS_PROJECT_TALK, 'Help-Team'), wfMessage('help')->text()); $logoutlink = Linker::link(Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'Userlogout'), wfMessage('logout')->text()); $rsslink = "<a href='" . $wgServer . "/feed.rss'>" . wfMessage('rss')->text() . "</a>"; $rplink = Linker::link(Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Randompage"), wfMessage('randompage')->text()); if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && !$isMainPage && $wgTitle->userCan('edit')) { $links[] = array(Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Recentchangeslinked")->getFullURL() . "/" . $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL(), wfMessage('recentchangeslinked')->text()); } //Editing Tools $uploadlink = ""; $freephotoslink = ""; $uploadlink = Linker::link(Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Upload"), wfMessage('upload')->text()); $freephotoslink = Linker::link(Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "ImportFreeImages"), wfMessage('imageimport')->text()); $relatedchangeslink = ""; if ($isArticlePage) { $relatedchangeslink = "<li> <a href='" . Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Recentchangeslinked")->getFullURL() . "/" . $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL() . "'>" . wfMessage('recentchangeslinked')->text() . "</a></li>"; } //search $searchTitle = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "LSearch"); $otherLanguageLinks = array(); $translationData = array(); if ($this->data['language_urls']) { foreach ($this->data['language_urls'] as $lang) { if ($lang['code'] == $wgLanguageCode) { continue; } $otherLanguageLinks[$lang['code']] = $lang['href']; $langMsg = $sk->getInterWikiCTA($lang['code'], $lang['text'], $lang['href']); if (!$langMsg) { continue; } $encLangMsg = json_encode($langMsg); $translationData[] = "'{$lang['code']}': {'msg':{$encLangMsg}}"; } } if (!$isMainPage && !$isDocViewer && (!isset($_COOKIE['sitenoticebox']) || !$_COOKIE['sitenoticebox'])) { $siteNotice = $sk->getSiteNotice(); } else { $siteNotice = ''; } // Right-to-left languages $dir = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? "rtl" : "ltr"; $head_element = "<html xmlns:fb=\"\" xmlns=\"{$wgXhtmlDefaultNamespace}\" xml:lang=\"{$wgContLanguageCode}\" lang=\"{$wgContLanguageCode}\" dir='{$dir}'>\n"; $rtl_css = ""; if ($wgContLang->isRTL()) { $rtl_css = "<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\">/*<![CDATA[*/ @import \\a" . wfGetPad("/extensions/min/f/skins/WikiHow/rtl.css") . "\"; /*]]>*/</style>"; $rtl_css .= "\n <!--[if IE]>\n <style type=\"text/css\">\n BODY { margin: 25px; }\n </style>\n <![endif]-->"; } $printable_media = "print"; if ($wgRequest->getVal('printable') == 'yes') { $printable_media = "all"; } $top_search = ""; $footer_search = ""; if ($wgLanguageCode == 'en') { //INTL: Search options for the english site are a bit more complex if (!$isLoggedIn) { $top_search = GoogSearch::getSearchBox("cse-search-box"); } else { $top_search = ' <form id="bubble_search" name="search_site" action="' . $searchTitle->getFullURL() . '" method="get"> <input type="text" class="search_box" name="search" x-webkit-speech /> <input type="submit" value="Search" id="search_site_bubble" class="search_button" /> </form>'; } } else { //INTL: International search just uses Google custom search $top_search = GoogSearch::getSearchBox("cse-search-box"); } $text = $this->data['bodytext']; // Remove stray table under video section. Probably should eventually do it at // the source, but then have to go through all articles. if (strpos($text, '<a name="Video">') !== false) { $vidpattern = "<p><br /></p>\n<center>\n<table width=\"375px\">\n<tr>\n<td><br /></td>\n<td align=\"left\"></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</center>\n<p><br /></p>"; $text = str_replace($vidpattern, "", $text); } $this->data['bodytext'] = $text; // hack to get the FA template working, remove after we go live $fa = ''; if ($wgLanguageCode != "nl" && strpos($this->data['bodytext'], 'featurestar') !== false) { $fa = '<p id="feature_star">' . wfMessage('featured_article')->text() . '</p>'; //$this->data['bodytext'] = preg_replace("@<div id=\"featurestar\">(.|\n)*<div style=\"clear:both\"></div>@mU", '', $this->data['bodytext']); } $body = ''; if ($wgTitle->userCan('edit') && $action != 'edit' && $action != 'diff' && $action != 'history' && ($isLoggedIn && !in_array($wgTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_USER, NS_USER_TALK, NS_IMAGE, NS_CATEGORY)) || !in_array($wgTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_USER, NS_USER_TALK, NS_IMAGE, NS_CATEGORY)))) { //INTL: Need bigger buttons for non-english sites $editlink_text = $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN ? wfMessage('editarticle')->text() : wfMessage('edit')->text(); $heading = '<a href="' . $wgTitle->getLocalURL($sk->editUrlOptions()) . '" class="editsection">' . $editlink_text . '</a>' . $heading; } if ($isArticlePage || $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_PROJECT && $action == 'view' || $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY && !$wgTitle->exists()) { if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_PROJECT && ($wgTitle->getDbKey() == 'RSS-feed' || $wgTitle->getDbKey() == 'Rising-star-feed')) { $list_page = true; $sticky = false; } else { $list_page = false; $sticky = true; } $body .= $heading . ArticleAuthors::getAuthorHeader() . $this->data['bodytext']; $body = '<div id="bodycontents">' . $body . '</div>'; $wikitext = ContentHandler::getContentText($this->getSkin()->getContext()->getWikiPage()->getContent(Revision::RAW)); $magic = WikihowArticleHTML::grabTheMagic($wikitext); $this->data['bodytext'] = WikihowArticleHTML::processArticleHTML($body, array('sticky-headers' => $sticky, 'ns' => $wgTitle->getNamespace(), 'list-page' => $list_page, 'magic-word' => $magic)); } else { if ($action == 'edit') { $heading .= WikihowArticleEditor::grabArticleEditLinks($wgRequest->getVal("guidededitor")); } $this->data['bodyheading'] = $heading; $body = '<div id="bodycontents">' . $this->data['bodytext'] . '</div>'; if (!$isTool) { $this->data['bodytext'] = WikihowArticleHTML::processHTML($body, $action, array('show-gray-container' => $sk->showGrayContainer())); } else { // a little hack to style the no such special page messages for special pages that actually // exist if (false !== strpos($body, 'You have arrived at a "special page"')) { $body = "<div class='minor_section'>{$body}</div>"; } $this->data['bodytext'] = $body; } } // post-process the Steps section HTML to get the numbers working if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && !$isMainPage && ($action == 'view' || $action == 'purge')) { // for preview article after edit, you have to munge the // steps of the previewHTML manually $body = $this->data['bodytext']; $opts = array(); if (!$showAds) { $opts['no-ads'] = true; } //$this->data['bodytext'] = WikihowArticleHTML::postProcess($body, $opts); } // insert avatars into discussion, talk, and kudos pages if (MWNamespace::isTalk($wgTitle->getNamespace()) || $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER_KUDOS) { $this->data['bodytext'] = Avatar::insertAvatarIntoDiscussion($this->data['bodytext']); 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$showSliderWidget = class_exists('Slider') && $wgTitle->exists() && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && !$wgTitle->isProtected() && !$isPrintable && !$isMainPage && $isIndexed && $wgLanguageCode == 'en' && $wgRequest->getVal('oldid') == '' && ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == '' || $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'view'); $showTopTenTips = $wgTitle->exists() && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && $wgLanguageCode == 'en' && !$isPrintable && !$isMainPage && $wgRequest->getVal('oldid') == '' && ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == '' || $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'view'); $showAltMethod = false; if (class_exists('AltMethodAdder')) { $showAltMethod = true; } $showExitTimer = $wgLanguageCode == 'en' && class_exists('BounceTimeLogger') && !$isSlowSpeedUser; $showRUM = false; //($isArticlePage || $isMainPage) && !$isBehindHttpAuth && !$isSlowSpeedUser; $showGoSquared = ($isArticlePage || $isMainPage) && !$isLoggedIn && !$isBehindHttpAuth && mt_rand(1, 100) <= 30; // 30% chance $showClickIgniter = !$isLoggedIn && !$isBehindHttpAuth && !$wgSSLsite; 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$showWikivideo = class_exists('WHVid') && ($wgTitle->exists() && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && strpos($this->data['bodytext'], 'whvid_cont') !== false || $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL) && !$isPrintable && !$isMainPage; $showStaffStats = !$isMainPage && $isLoggedIn && (in_array('staff', $wgUser->getGroups()) || in_array('staff_widget', $wgUser->getGroups())) && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && class_exists('Pagestats'); $showThumbsUp = class_exists('ThumbsNotifications'); $postLoadJS = $isArticlePage; // add present JS files to extensions/min/groupsConfig.php $fullJSuri = '/extensions/min/g/whjs' . 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($showTextScroller ? ',tsc' : '') . ($isMainPage ? ',hpc' : '') . ($showImageFeedback ? ',iic' : '') . ($showUserCompletedImages ? ',ucic' : '') . ($isSpecialPage ? ',spc' : ''); if ($wgOut->mCSSminCodes) { $fullCSSuri .= ',' . join(',', $wgOut->mCSSminCodes); } $fullCSSuri .= '&r=' . WH_SITEREV . $cachedParam . '&e=.css'; $tabsArray = $sk->getTabsArray($showArticleTabs); wfRunHooks('JustBeforeOutputHTML', array(&$this)); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <?php echo $head_element; ?> <head prefix="og: fb: article:"> <title><?php echo $pageTitle; ?> </title> <?php /*Hack to add variable WH as a global variable before loading script. This is need because load.php creates a closure when loading wikibits.js Add by Gershon Bialer on 12/2/2013*/ ?> <script> <!-- var WH = WH || {}; //--> </script> <?php if ($showRUM) { ?> <script> <!-- window.UVPERF = {}; UVPERF.authtoken = 'b473c3f9-a845-4dc3-9432-7ad0441e00c3'; UVPERF.start = new Date().getTime(); //--> </script> <?php } ?> <?php if ($wgIsDomainTest) { ?> <base href="" /> <?php } ?> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="verify-v1" content="/Ur0RE4/QGQIq9F46KZyKIyL0ZnS96N5x1DwQJa7bR8=" /> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="Jb3uMWyKPQ3B9lzp5hZvJjITDKG8xI8mnEpWifGXUb0" /> <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="CFD80128CAD3E726220D4C2420D539BE" /> <meta name="y_key" content="1b3ab4fc6fba3ab3" /> <meta name="p:domain_verify" content="bb366527fa38aa5bc27356b728a2ec6f" /> <?php if ($isArticlePage || $isMainPage) { ?> <link rel="alternate" media="only screen and (max-width: 640px)" href="http://<?php if ($wgLanguageCode != 'en') { echo $wgLanguageCode . "."; } ?><?php echo $wgTitle->getPartialUrl(); ?> "> <?php } ?> <?php // add CSS files to extensions/min/groupsConfig.php ?> <style type="text/css" media="all">/*<![CDATA[*/ @import "<?php echo $fullCSSuri; ?> "; /*]]>*/</style> <?php // below is the minified ?> <style type="text/css" media="<?php echo $printable_media; ?> ">/*<![CDATA[*/ body{background-color:#FFF;font-size:1.2em}#header_outer{background:0 0;position:relative}#header{text-align:center;height:63px!important;width:242px!important;background:url(/skins/owl/images/logo_lightbg_242.jpg) no-repeat center center;margin-top:15px}#article_shell{margin:0 auto;float:none;padding-bottom:2em}.sticking{position:absolute!important;top:0!important}#actions,#article_rating,#article_tabs,#breadcrumb,#bubble_search,#cse-search-box,#end_options,#footer_outer,#header_space,#logo_link,#notification_count,#originators,#sidebar,#sliderbox,.edit,.editsection,.mwimg,.section.relatedwikihows,,.whvid_cont,.altadder_section{display:none!important} /*]]>*/</style> <?php // Bootstapping certain javascript functions: // A function to merge one object with another; stub funcs // for button swapping (this should be done in CSS anyway); // initialize the timer for bounce stats tracking. ?> <script> <!-- var WH = WH || {}; WH.lang = WH.lang || {}; button_swap = button_unswap = function(){}; WH.exitTimerStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); WH.mergeLang = function(A){for(i in A){v=A[i];if(typeof v==='string'){WH.lang[i]=v;}}}; //--> </script> <?php if (!$postLoadJS) { ?> <?php echo $this->html('headscripts'); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $fullJSuri; ?> "></script> <?php } ?> <?php $this->html('headlinks'); ?> <?php if (!$wgIsDomainTest) { ?> <link rel='canonical' href='<?php echo $wgTitle->getFullURL(); ?> '/> <link href="" rel="publisher" /> <?php } ?> <?php if ($sk->isUserAgentMobile()) { ?> <link media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" href="<?php echo wfGetPad('/extensions/min/f/skins/WikiHow/iphone.css'); ?> " type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <?php } else { ?> <!-- not mobile --> <?php } ?> <!--<![endif]--> <?php echo $rtl_css; ?> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="wikiHow: How-to of the Day" href=""/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<?php echo wfGetPad('/skins/WikiHow/safari-large-icon.png'); ?> " /> <?php //= wfMessage('Test_setup')->text() ?> <?php if (class_exists('CTALinks') && trim(wfMessage('cta_feature')->inContentLanguage()->text()) == "on") { echo CTALinks::getGoogleControlScript(); } ?> <?php echo $wgOut->getHeadItems(); ?> <?php if ($wgTitle && $wgTitle->getText() == "Get Caramel off Pots and Pans") { echo wfMessage('Adunit_test_top')->text(); } ?> <?php $userdir = $wgLang->getDir(); $sitedir = $wgContLang->getDir(); ?> <?php foreach ($otherLanguageLinks as $lang => $url) { ?> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="<?php echo $lang; ?> " href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($url); ?> " /> <?php } ?> </head> <body <?php if (isset($this->data['body_ondblclick']) && $this->data['body_ondblclick']) { ?> ondblclick="<?php $this->text('body_ondblclick'); ?> "<?php } ?> <?php if (isset($this->data['body_onload']) && $this->data['body_onload']) { ?> onload="<?php $this->text('body_onload'); ?> "<?php } ?> class="mediawiki <?php echo $userdir; ?> sitedir-<?php echo $sitedir; ?> " > <?php wfRunHooks('PageHeaderDisplay', array($sk->isUserAgentMobile())); ?> <?php if (!$isLoggedIn) { echo wikihowAds::getSetup(); } ?> <div id="header_outer"><div id="header"> <ul id="actions"> <?php foreach ($navTabs as $tabid => $tab) { ?> <li id="<?php echo $tabid; ?> _li"> <div class="nav_icon"></div> <a id='<?php echo $tabid; ?> ' class='nav' href='<?php echo $tab['link']; ?> '><?php echo $tab['text']; ?> </a> <?php echo $tab['menu']; ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul><!--end actions--> <?php if (isset($sk->notifications_count) && (int) $sk->notifications_count > 0) { ?> <div id="notification_count" class="notice"><?php echo $sk->notifications_count; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php $holidayLogo = SkinWikihowskin::getHolidayLogo(); $logoPath = $holidayLogo ? $holidayLogo : '/skins/owl/images/wikihow_logo.png'; if ($wgLanguageCode != "en") { $logoPath = "/skins/owl/images/wikihow_logo_intl.png"; } ?> <a href='<?php echo $mainPageObj->getLocalURL(); ?> ' id='logo_link'><img src="<?php echo wfGetPad($logoPath); ?> " class="logo" /></a> <?php echo $top_search; ?> <?php wfRunHooks('EndOfHeader', array(&$wgOut)); ?> </div></div><!--end header--> <?php wfRunHooks('AfterHeader', array(&$wgOut)); ?> <div id="main_container" class="<?php echo $isMainPage ? 'mainpage' : ''; ?> "> <div id="header_space"></div> <div id="main"> <?php wfRunHooks('BeforeActionbar', array(&$wgOut)); ?> <div id="actionbar" class="<?php echo $isTool ? 'isTool' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($showBreadCrumbs) { ?> <div id="gatBreadCrumb"> <ul id="breadcrumb" class="Breadcrumbs"> <?php echo $catLinksTop; ?> </ul> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (count($tabsArray) > 0) { echo $sk->getTabsHtml($tabsArray); } ?> </div><!--end actionbar--> <script> <!-- WH.translationData = {<?php echo join(',', $translationData); ?> }; //--> </script> <?php echo $mpActions; ?> <?php $sidebar = !$showSideBar ? 'no_sidebar' : ''; // INTL: load mediawiki messages for sidebar expand and collapse for later use in sidebar boxes $langKeys = array('navlist_collapse', 'navlist_expand', 'usernameoremail', 'password'); print Wikihow_i18n::genJSMsgs($langKeys); ?> <div id="container" class="<?php echo $sidebar; ?> "> <div id="article_shell"> <div id="article"<?php echo Microdata::genSchemaHeader(); ?> > <?php wfRunHooks('BeforeTabsLine', array(&$wgOut)); ?> <?php if (!$isArticlePage && !$isMainPage && $this->data['bodyheading']) { echo '<div class="wh_block">' . $this->data['bodyheading'] . '</div>'; } echo $this->html('bodytext'); $showingArticleInfo = 0; if (in_array($wgTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_MAIN, NS_PROJECT)) && $action == 'view' && !$isMainPage) { $catLinks = $sk->getCategoryLinks(false); $authors = ArticleAuthors::getAuthorFooter(); if ($authors || is_array($this->data['language_urls']) || $catLinks) { $showingArticleInfo = 1; } ?> <div class="section"> <?php if ($showingArticleInfo) { ?> <h2 class="section_head" id="article_info_header"><span><?php echo wfMessage('article_info')->text(); ?> </span></h2> <div id="article_info" class="section_text"> <?php } else { ?> <h2 class="section_head" id="article_tools_header"><span><?php echo wfMessage('article_tools')->text(); ?> </span></h2> <div id="article_tools" class="section_text"> <?php } ?> <?php echo $fa; ?> <?php if ($catLinks) { ?> <p class="info"> <?php echo wfMessage('categories')->text(); ?> : <?php echo $catLinks; ?> </p> <?php } ?> <p><?php echo $authors; ?> </p> <?php if (is_array($this->data['language_urls'])) { ?> <p class="info"><?php $this->msg('otherlanguages'); ?> :</p> <p class="info"><?php $links = array(); $sk = $this->getSkin(); foreach ($this->data['language_urls'] as $langlink) { $linkText = $langlink['text']; preg_match("@interwiki-(..)@", $langlink['class'], $langCode); if (!empty($langCode[1])) { $linkText = $sk->getInterWikiLinkText($linkText, $langCode[1]); } $links[] = htmlspecialchars(trim($langlink['language'])) . ' <span><a href="' . htmlspecialchars($langlink['href']) . '">' . $linkText . "</a><span>"; } echo implode(", ", $links); ?> </p> <?php } //talk link if ($action == 'view' && MWNamespace::isTalk($wgTitle->getNamespace())) { $talk_link = '#postcomment'; } else { $talk_link = $wgTitle->getTalkPage()->getLocalURL(); } ?> <ul id="end_options"> <li class="endop_discuss"><span></span><a href="<?php echo $talk_link; ?> " id="gatDiscussionFooter"><?php echo wfMessage('at_discuss')->text(); ?> </a></li> <li class="endop_print"><span></span><a href="<?php echo $wgTitle->getLocalUrl('printable=yes'); ?> " id="gatPrintView"><?php echo wfMessage('print')->text(); ?> </a></li> <li class="endop_email"><span></span><a href="#" onclick="return emailLink();" id="gatSharingEmail"><?php echo wfMessage('at_email')->text(); ?> </a></li> <?php if ($isLoggedIn) { ?> <?php if ($wgTitle->userIsWatching()) { ?> <li class="endop_watch"><span></span><a href="<?php echo $wgTitle->getLocalURL('action=unwatch'); ?> "><?php echo wfMessage('at_remove_watch')->text(); ?> </a></li> <?php } else { ?> <li class="endop_watch"><span></span><a href="<?php echo $wgTitle->getLocalURL('action=watch'); ?> "><?php echo wfMessage('at_watch')->text(); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <li class="endop_edit"><span></span><a href="<?php echo $wgTitle->getEditUrl(); ?> " id="gatEditFooter"><?php echo wfMessage('edit')->text(); ?> </a></li> <?php if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN) { ?> <li class="endop_fanmail"><span></span><a href="/Special:ThankAuthors?target=<?php echo $wgTitle->getPrefixedURL(); ?> " id="gatThankAuthors"><?php echo wfMessage('at_fanmail')->text(); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <!--end end_options --> <?php if (!in_array($wgTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_USER, NS_CATEGORY))) { ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showAds && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN) { //only show this ad on article pages echo wikihowAds::getAdUnitPlaceholder(7); } ?> <div class="clearall"></div> </div><!--end article_info section_text--> <p class='page_stats'><?php echo $sk->pageStats(); ?> </p> <div id='article_rating'> <?php echo RateItem::showForm('article'); ?> </div> </div><!--end section--> <?php } if ($showUserCompletedImages) { ?> <div class="section"> <h2 class="section_head" id="uci_header"><span><?php echo wfMessage('user_completed_images')->text(); ?> </span></h2> <div id="uci_images" class="section_text"> <?php echo UCIPatrol::getHTMLForArticle($this->getSkin()->getContext()); ?> </div> <!-- end section_text--> </div><!--end section--> <?php } if (in_array($wgTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_USER, NS_MAIN, NS_PROJECT)) && $action == 'view' && !$isMainPage) { ?> </div> <!-- article --> <div id=""> <?php } ?> </div> <!--end last_question--> <div class="clearall"></div> </div> <!--end article_shell--> <?php if ($showSideBar) { $loggedOutClass = ""; if ($showAds && $wgTitle->getText() != 'Userlogin' && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN) { $loggedOutClass = ' logged_out'; } ?> <div id="sidebar"> <?php echo $siteNotice; ?> <!-- Sidebar Top Widgets --> <?php foreach ($sk->mSidebarTopWidgets as $sbWidget) { ?> <?php echo $sbWidget; ?> <?php } ?> <!-- END Sidebar Top Widgets --> <?php if (!$isDocViewer) { ?> <div id="top_links" class="sidebox<?php echo $loggedOutClass; ?> " <?php echo is_numeric(wfMessage('top_links_padding')->text()) ? ' style="padding-left:' . wfMessage('top_links_padding')->text() . 'px;padding-right:' . wfMessage('top_links_padding')->text() . 'px;"' : ''; ?> > <a href="/Special:Randomizer" id="gatRandom" accesskey='x' class="button secondary"><?php echo wfMessage('randompage')->text(); ?> </a> <a href="/Special:Createpage" id="gatWriteAnArticle" class="button secondary"><?php echo wfMessage('writearticle')->text(); ?> </a> <?php if (class_exists('Randomizer') && Randomizer::DEBUG && $wgTitle && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && $wgTitle->getArticleId()) { ?> <?php echo Randomizer::getReason($wgTitle); ?> <?php } ?> </div><!--end top_links--> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showStaffStats) { ?> <div class="sidebox" style="padding-top:10px" id="staff_stats_box"></div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showWikiTextWidget) { ?> <div class="sidebox" id="side_rc_widget"> <a id='wikitext_downloader' href='#'>Download WikiText</a> </div><!--end sidebox--> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showAds && $wgTitle->getText() != 'Userlogin' && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN) { // temporary ad code for amazon ad loading, added by Reuben 3/13, disabled 4/23, and re-enabled 5/28 if ($wgLanguageCode == 'en') { ?> <script> <!-- var aax_src='3003'; var amzn_targs = ''; var url = encodeURIComponent(document.location); try { url = encodeURIComponent("" +; } catch(e) {} document.write("<scr"+"ipt src='//" + aax_src + "&u="+url+"&cb=" + Math.round(Math.random()*10000000) + "'></scr"+"ipt>"); document.close(); //--> </script> <?php } ?> <?php //only show this ad on article pages //comment out next line to turn off HHM ad if (wikihowAds::isHHM() && $wgLanguageCode == 'en') { echo wikihowAds::getHhmAd(); } else { echo wikihowAds::getCategoryAd(); } //Temporairily taking down Jane /*if (class_exists('StarterTool')) { //spellchecker test "ad" echo "<a href='/Special:StarterTool?ref=1' style='display:none' id='starter_ad'><img src='" . wfGetPad('/skins/WikiHow/images/sidebar_spelling3.png') . "' nopin='nopin' /></a>"; }*/ } //<!-- <a href="#"><img src="/skins/WikiHow/images/imgad.jpg" /></a> --> ?> <?php $userLinks = $sk->getUserLinks(); ?> <?php if ($userLinks) { ?> <div class='sidebox'> <?php echo $userLinks; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php $related_articles = $sk->getRelatedArticlesBox($this); //disable custom link units // if (!$isLoggedIn && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && !$isMainPage) //if ($related_articles != "") //$related_articles .= WikiHowTemplate::getAdUnitPlaceholder(2, true); if ($action == 'view' && $related_articles != "") { $related_articles = '<div id="side_related_articles" class="sidebox">' . $related_articles . '</div><!--end side_related_articles-->'; echo $related_articles; } ?> <?php if ($showSocialSharing) { ?> <div class="sidebox<?php echo $loggedOutClass; ?> " id="sidebar_share"> <h3><?php echo wfMessage('social_share')->text(); ?> </h3> <?php if ($isMainPage) { echo WikihowShare::getMainPageShareButtons(); } else { echo WikihowShare::getTopShareButtons($isIndexed); } ?> <div style="clear:both; float:none;"></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($mpWorldwide !== "") { ?> <?php echo $mpWorldwide; ?> <?php } ?> <?php /* <!-- <div class="sidebox_shell"> <div class='sidebar_top'></div> <div id="side_fb_timeline" class="sidebox"> </div> <div class='sidebar_bottom_fold'></div> </div> --> <!--end sidebox_shell--> */ ?> <!-- Sidebar Widgets --> <?php foreach ($sk->mSidebarWidgets as $sbWidget) { ?> <?php echo $sbWidget; ?> <?php } ?> <!-- END Sidebar Widgets --> <?php //if ($isLoggedIn) echo $navMenu; ?> <?php if ($showFeaturedArticlesSidebar) { ?> <div id="side_featured_articles" class="sidebox"> <?php echo $sk->getFeaturedArticlesBox(4, 4); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showRCWidget) { ?> <div class="sidebox" id="side_rc_widget"> <?php RCWidget::showWidget(); ?> <p class="bottom_link"> <?php if ($isLoggedIn) { ?> <?php echo wfMessage('welcome', $wgUser->getName(), $wgUser->getUserPage()->getLocalURL())->text(); ?> <?php } else { ?> <a href="/Special:Userlogin" id="gatWidgetBottom"><?php echo wfMessage('rcwidget_join_in')->text(); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <a href="" id="play_pause_button" onclick="rcTransport(this); return false;" ></a> </p> </div><!--end side_recent_changes--> <?php } ?> <?php if (class_exists('FeaturedContributor') && ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN || $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER) && !$isMainPage && !$isDocViewer) { ?> <div id="side_featured_contributor" class="sidebox"> <?php FeaturedContributor::showWidget(); ?> <?php if (!$isLoggedIn) { ?> <p class="bottom_button"> <a href="/Special:Userlogin" class="button secondary" id="gatFCWidgetBottom" onclick='gatTrack("Browsing","Feat_contrib_cta","Feat_contrib_wgt");'><?php echo wfMessage('fc_action')->text(); ?> </a> </p> <?php } ?> </div><!--end side_featured_contributor--> <?php } ?> <?php //if (!$isLoggedIn) echo $navMenu; ?> <?php if ($showFollowWidget) { ?> <div class="sidebox"> <?php FollowWidget::showWidget(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div><!--end sidebar--> <?php } // end if $showSideBar ?> <div class="clearall" ></div> </div> <!--end container --> </div><!--end main--> <div id="clear_footer"></div> </div><!--end main_container--> <div id="footer_outer"> <div id="footer"> <div id="footer_side"> <?php if ($isLoggedIn) { ?> <?php echo wfMessage('site_footer_owl')->parse(); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo wfMessage('site_footer_owl_anon')->parse(); ?> <?php } ?> </div><!--end footer_side--> <div id="footer_main"> <div id="sub_footer"> <?php if ($isLoggedIn || $isMainPage) { ?> <?php echo wfMessage('sub_footer_new', wfGetPad(), wfGetPad())->text(); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo wfMessage('sub_footer_new_anon', wfGetPad(), wfGetPad())->text(); ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div><!--end footer_main--> </div> <br class="clearall" /> </div><!--end footer--> <div id="dialog-box" title=""></div> <?php // Quick note/edit popup if ($action == 'diff' && $wgLanguageCode == 'en') { echo QuickNoteEdit::displayQuicknote(); echo QuickNoteEdit::displayQuickedit(); } // Slider box -- for non-logged in users on articles only if ($showSliderWidget) { echo Slider::getBox(); echo '<div id="slideshowdetect"></div>'; } ?> <div id="fb-root" ></div> <?php if ($postLoadJS) { ?> <?php echo $this->html('headscripts'); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $fullJSuri; ?> "></script> <?php } ?> <?php if ($optimizelyJS) { print $optimizelyJS; } ?> <?php if ($showExitTimer) { ?> <script> <!-- if (WH.ExitTimer) { WH.ExitTimer.start(); } //--> </script> <?php } ?> <?php if ($showRCWidget) { ?> <?php RCWidget::showWidgetJS(); ?> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _gaq = _gaq || []; <?php if ($showGA) { ?> _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-2375655-1']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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":TitleSearch"; ?> ","en"); } </script> <?php } ?> <?php if ($wgLanguageCode == 'en' && !$isLoggedIn && class_exists('GoogSearch')) { ?> <?php echo GoogSearch::getSearchBoxJS(); ?> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { $(document).ready(function() { WH.addScrollEffectToTOC(); }); $(window).load(function() { if ($('.twitter-share-button').length && (!$.browser.msie || $.browser.version > 7)) { $.getScript("", function() {'tweet', function(event) { if (event) { var targetUrl; if ( && == 'IFRAME') { targetUrl = extractParamFromUri(, 'url'); } _gaq.push(['_trackSocial', 'twitter', 'tweet', targetUrl]); } }); }); } if (isiPhone < 0 && isiPad < 0 && $('.gplus1_button').length) { WH.setGooglePlusOneLangCode(); var node2 = document.createElement('script'); node2.type = 'text/javascript'; node2.async = true; node2.src = ''; $('body').append(node2); } if (typeof WH.FB != 'undefined') WH.FB.init('new'); if (typeof WH.GP != 'undefined') WH.GP.init(); if ($('#pinterest').length) { var node3 = document.createElement('script'); node3.type = 'text/javascript'; node3.async = true; node3.src = ''; $('body').append(node3); } if (typeof WH.imageFeedback != 'undefined') { WH.imageFeedback(); } if (typeof WH.uciFeedback != 'undefined') { WH.uciFeedback(); } }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php //Temporarily taking down Jane /* var r = Math.random(); if(r <= .05) { $('#starter_ad').show(); }*/ if ($showStaffStats) { ?> <?php echo Pagestats::getJSsnippet("article"); } echo $wgOut->getBottomScripts(); ?> <?php if (class_exists('GoodRevision')) { ?> <?php $grevid = $wgTitle ? GoodRevision::getUsedRev($wgTitle->getArticleID()) : ''; $title = $this->getSkin()->getContext()->getTitle(); $latestRev = $title->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN ? $title->getLatestRevID() : ''; ?> <!-- shown patrolled revid=<?php echo $grevid; ?> , latest=<?php echo $latestRev; ?> --> <?php } echo wfReportTime(); $this->printTrail(); ?> </body> </html> <?php }
public function getPromptHtml() { $this->setTemplatePath(); $vars['mqg_pic'] = $this->getPicture(); $vars['mqg_device'] = MobileWikihow::getDevice(); return EasyTemplate::html('mqg_photo_prompt.tmpl.php', $vars); }
function parse() { global $wgContLang; $this->loadHtml(); $platforms = MobileWikihow::getPlatformConfigs(); $this->device = $platforms['iphoneapp']; $this->imageNsText = $wgContLang->getNsText(NS_IMAGE); $sections = $this->parseArticleHtml($this->html); return $sections; }
private function getBodyVars(&$qgItem) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $vars['mqg_article'] = $this->getArticleHtml($qgItem); $vars['mqg_pic'] = $this->picture; $vars['mqg_device'] = MobileWikihow::getDevice(); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $vars; }