public function __construct($mainClass, $DbSetting, $WebSetting, $timezone, $js, $css, $nameSpaceForApps)
     //start session if needed
     // init whats needed //kalau ga perlu bisa dihilangkan tergantung kebutuhan
     //set globals
     global $activeLang;
     //set the active lang dynamically
     $this->activeLang = $activeLang;
     //Initialize DB
     // DbChooser::setDBSelected();
     //DB setting di access di overwrite spy bisa ada choosernya...
     //$skolahDB = DbChooser::getDBSelected();
     //$DbSetting = $this->arrDBSetting[$skolahDB];
     global $DbSetting;
     //overwrite global variable to set photopath for different schools
     global $photo_path;
     global $photo_url;
     define('_PHOTOPATH', $photo_path);
     define('_PHOTOURL', $photo_url);
     //Init Template
     //Init Web Parameter
     //Init Timezone
     //Init Mobile Check in untuk menentukan default
     if ($this->getHardwareType() == "mobile") {
     //cek to mobile get
     //add css and js
     //run it