protected function GetAttachmentsPosition()
     return MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('itop-attachments', 'position', 'relations');
    public function DisplayAttachments($oObject, WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false)
        // Exit here if the class is not allowed
        if (!$this->IsTargetObject($oObject)) {
        $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT Attachment WHERE item_class = :class AND item_id = :item_id");
        $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oSearch, array(), array('class' => get_class($oObject), 'item_id' => $oObject->GetKey()));
        if ($this->GetAttachmentsPosition() == 'relations') {
            $sTitle = $oSet->Count() > 0 ? Dict::Format('Attachments:TabTitle_Count', $oSet->Count()) : Dict::S('Attachments:EmptyTabTitle');
.attachment {
\tdisplay: inline-block;
.attachment:hover {
\tbackground-color: #e0e0e0;
.attachment img {
\tborder: 0;
.attachment a {
\ttext-decoration: none;
\tcolor: #1C94C4;
.btn_hidden {
\tdisplay: none;
.drag_in {
\t-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 0 10px 2px #1C94C4;
\tbox-shadow:inset 0 0 10px 2px #1C94C4;
#history .attachment-history-added {
\tpadding: 0;
\tfloat: none;
        $oPage->add('<legend>' . Dict::S('Attachments:FieldsetTitle') . '</legend>');
        if ($bEditMode) {
            $sIsDeleteEnabled = $this->m_bDeleteEnabled ? 'true' : 'false';
            $iTransactionId = $oPage->GetTransactionId();
            $sClass = get_class($oObject);
            $sTempId = session_id() . '_' . $iTransactionId;
            $sDeleteBtn = Dict::S('Attachments:DeleteBtn');
\tfunction RemoveAttachment(att_id)
\t\t\$('#attachment_'+att_id).attr('name', 'removed_attachments[]');
\t\t\$('#attachment_plugin').trigger('remove_attachment', [att_id]);
\t\treturn false; // Do not submit the form !
            $oPage->add('<span id="attachments">');
            while ($oAttachment = $oSet->Fetch()) {
                $iAttId = $oAttachment->GetKey();
                $oDoc = $oAttachment->Get('contents');
                $sFileName = $oDoc->GetFileName();
                $sIcon = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . AttachmentPlugIn::GetFileIcon($sFileName);
                $sPreview = $oDoc->IsPreviewAvailable() ? 'true' : 'false';
                $sDownloadLink = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/ajax.render.php?operation=download_document&class=Attachment&id=' . $iAttId . '&field=contents';
                $oPage->add('<div class="attachment" id="display_attachment_' . $iAttId . '"><a data-preview="' . $sPreview . '" href="' . $sDownloadLink . '"><img src="' . $sIcon . '"><br/>' . $sFileName . '<input id="attachment_' . $iAttId . '" type="hidden" name="attachments[]" value="' . $iAttId . '"/></a><br/>&nbsp;<input id="btn_remove_' . $iAttId . '" type="button" class="btn_hidden" value="Delete" onClick="RemoveAttachment(' . $iAttId . ');"/>&nbsp;</div>');
            // Suggested attachments are listed here but treated as temporary
            $aDefault = utils::ReadParam('default', array(), false, 'raw_data');
            if (array_key_exists('suggested_attachments', $aDefault)) {
                $sSuggestedAttachements = $aDefault['suggested_attachments'];
                if (is_array($sSuggestedAttachements)) {
                    $sSuggestedAttachements = implode(',', $sSuggestedAttachements);
                $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT Attachment WHERE id IN({$sSuggestedAttachements})");
                $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oSearch, array());
                if ($oSet->Count() > 0) {
                    while ($oAttachment = $oSet->Fetch()) {
                        // Mark the attachments as temporary attachments for the current object/form
                        $oAttachment->Set('temp_id', $sTempId);
                        // Display them
                        $iAttId = $oAttachment->GetKey();
                        $oDoc = $oAttachment->Get('contents');
                        $sFileName = $oDoc->GetFileName();
                        $sIcon = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . AttachmentPlugIn::GetFileIcon($sFileName);
                        $sDownloadLink = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/ajax.render.php?operation=download_document&class=Attachment&id=' . $iAttId . '&field=contents';
                        $sPreview = $oDoc->IsPreviewAvailable() ? 'true' : 'false';
                        $oPage->add('<div class="attachment" id="display_attachment_' . $iAttId . '"><a data-preview="' . $sPreview . '" href="' . $sDownloadLink . '"><img src="' . $sIcon . '"><br/>' . $sFileName . '<input id="attachment_' . $iAttId . '" type="hidden" name="attachments[]" value="' . $iAttId . '"/></a><br/>&nbsp;<input id="btn_remove_' . $iAttId . '" type="button" class="btn_hidden" value="Delete" onClick="RemoveAttachment(' . $iAttId . ');"/>&nbsp;</div>');
                        $oPage->add_ready_script("\$('#attachment_plugin').trigger('add_attachment', [{$iAttId}, '" . addslashes($sFileName) . "']);");
            $oPage->add('<div style="clear:both"></div>');
            $sMaxUpload = $this->GetMaxUpload();
            $oPage->p(Dict::S('Attachments:AddAttachment') . '<input type="file" name="file" id="file"><span style="display:none;" id="attachment_loading">&nbsp;<img src="../images/indicator.gif"></span> ' . $sMaxUpload);
            $oPage->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'js/jquery.iframe-transport.js');
            $oPage->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'js/jquery.fileupload.js');
\t\turl: GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot()+'itop-attachments/ajax.attachment.php',
\t\tformData: { operation: 'add', temp_id: '{$sTempId}', obj_class: '{$sClass}' },
        dataType: 'json',
\t\tpasteZone: null, // Don't accept files via Chrome's copy/paste
        done: function (e, data) {
\t\t\tif(typeof(data.result.error) != 'undefined')
\t\t\t\tif(data.result.error != '')
\t\t\t\t\tvar sDownloadLink = GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot()+'pages/ajax.render.php?operation=download_document&class=Attachment&id='+data.result.att_id+'&field=contents';
\t\t\t\t\t\$('#attachments').append('<div class="attachment" id="display_attachment_'+data.result.att_id+'"><a data-preview="'+data.result.preview+'" href="'+sDownloadLink+'"><img src="'+data.result.icon+'"><br/>'+data.result.msg+'<input id="attachment_'+data.result.att_id+'" type="hidden" name="attachments[]" value="'+data.result.att_id+'"/></a><br/><input type="button" class="btn_hidden" value="{$sDeleteBtn}" onClick="RemoveAttachment('+data.result.att_id+');"/></div>');
\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#display_attachment_'+data.result.att_id).hover( function() { \$(this).children(':button').toggleClass('btn_hidden'); } );
\t\t\t\t\t\$('#attachment_plugin').trigger('add_attachment', [data.result.att_id, data.result.msg]);
        start: function() {
        stop: function() {

\t\$(document).bind('dragover', function (e) {
\t\tvar bFiles = false;
\t\tif (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.types)
\t\t\tfor (var i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.types.length; i++)
\t\t\t\tif (e.dataTransfer.types[i] == "application/x-moz-nativeimage")
\t\t\t\t\tbFiles = false; // mozilla contains "Files" in the types list when dragging images inside the page, but it also contains "application/x-moz-nativeimage" before
\t\t\t\tif (e.dataTransfer.types[i] == "Files")
\t\t\t\t\tbFiles = true;
\t\tif (!bFiles) return; // Not dragging files
\t\tvar dropZone = \$('#file').closest('fieldset');
\t\tif (!':visible'))
\t\t\t// Hidden, but inside an inactive tab? Higlight the tab
\t\t\tvar sTabId = dropZone.closest('.ui-tabs-panel').attr('aria-labelledby');
\t\t\tdropZone = \$('#'+sTabId).closest('li');
\t    timeout = window.dropZoneTimeout;
\t    if (!timeout) {
\t        dropZone.addClass('drag_in');
\t    } else {
\t        clearTimeout(timeout);
\t    }
\t    window.dropZoneTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
\t        window.dropZoneTimeout = null;
\t        dropZone.removeClass('drag_in');
\t    }, 300);
            $oPage->p('<span style="display:none;" id="attachment_loading">Loading, please wait...</span>');
            $oPage->p('<input type="hidden" id="attachment_plugin" name="attachment_plugin"/>');
            if ($this->m_bDeleteEnabled) {
                $oPage->add_ready_script('$(".attachment").hover( function() {$(this).children(":button").toggleClass("btn_hidden"); } );');
        } else {
            $oPage->add('<span id="attachments">');
            if ($oSet->Count() == 0) {
            } else {
                while ($oAttachment = $oSet->Fetch()) {
                    $iAttId = $oAttachment->GetKey();
                    $oDoc = $oAttachment->Get('contents');
                    $sFileName = $oDoc->GetFileName();
                    $sIcon = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . AttachmentPlugIn::GetFileIcon($sFileName);
                    $sPreview = $oDoc->IsPreviewAvailable() ? 'true' : 'false';
                    $sDownloadLink = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/ajax.render.php?operation=download_document&class=Attachment&id=' . $iAttId . '&field=contents';
                    $oPage->add('<div class="attachment" id="attachment_' . $iAttId . '"><a data-preview="' . $sPreview . '" href="' . $sDownloadLink . '"><img src="' . $sIcon . '"><br/>' . $sFileName . '</a><input type="hidden" name="attachments[]" value="' . $iAttId . '"/><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>');
        $sPreviewNotAvailable = addslashes(Dict::S('Attachments:PreviewNotAvailable'));
        $iMaxWidth = MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('itop-attachments', 'preview_max_width', 290);
        $oPage->add_ready_script("\$(document).tooltip({ items: '.attachment a',  position: { my: 'left top', at: 'right top', using: function( position, feedback ) { \$( this ).css( position ); }}, content: function() { if (\$(this).attr('data-preview') == 'true') { return('<img style=\"max-width:{$iMaxWidth}px\" src=\"'+\$(this).attr('href')+'\"></img>');} else { return '{$sPreviewNotAvailable}'; }}});");
Beispiel #3
 foreach ($oIterator as $oNode) {
     if ($oNode instanceof DisplayableGroupNode) {
         $aGroups[] = $oNode->GetObjects();
         $oNode->SetProperty('group_index', $iGroupIdx);
 $sFirstTab = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('impact_analysis_first_tab');
 $sContextKey = "itop-config-mgmt/relation_context/{$sClass}/{$sRelation}/{$sDirection}";
 // Check if the current object supports Attachments, similar to AttachmentPlugin::IsTargetObject
 $sClassForAttachment = null;
 $iIdForAttachment = null;
 if (class_exists('Attachment')) {
     $aAllowedClasses = MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('itop-attachments', 'allowed_classes', array('Ticket'));
     foreach ($aAllowedClasses as $sAllowedClass) {
         if ($oObj instanceof $sAllowedClass) {
             $iIdForAttachment = $id;
             $sClassForAttachment = $sClass;
 // Display the tabs
 if ($sFirstTab == 'list') {
     DisplayNavigatorListTab($oP, $aResults, $sRelation, $oObj);
     $oDisplayGraph->Display($oP, $aResults, $sRelation, $oAppContext, array(), $sClassForAttachment, $iIdForAttachment, $sContextKey, array('this' => $oObj));
     DisplayNavigatorGroupTab($oP, $aGroups, $sRelation, $oObj);
 } else {
  * Check the user's password against the LDAP server
  * Algorithm:
  * 1) Connect to the LDAP server, using a predefined account (or anonymously)
  * 2) Search for the specified user, based on a specific search query/pattern
  * 3) If exactly one user is found, continue, otherwise return false (wrong user or wrong query configured)
  * 3) Bind again to LDAP using the DN of the found user and the password
  * 4) If the bind is successful return true, otherwise return false (wrong password)
  * @param string $sPassword The user's password to validate against the LDAP server
  * @return boolean True if the password is Ok, false otherwise
 public function CheckCredentials($sPassword)
     $sLDAPHost = MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('authent-ldap', 'host', 'localhost');
     $iLDAPPort = MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('authent-ldap', 'port', 389);
     $sDefaultLDAPUser = MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('authent-ldap', 'default_user', '');
     $sDefaultLDAPPwd = MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('authent-ldap', 'default_pwd', '');
     $hDS = @ldap_connect($sLDAPHost, $iLDAPPort);
     if ($hDS === false) {
         $this->LogMessage("ldap_authentication: can not connect to the LDAP server '{$sLDAPHost}' (port: {$iLDAPPort}). Check the configuration file config-itop.php.");
         return false;
     $aOptions = MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('authent-ldap', 'options', array());
     foreach ($aOptions as $name => $value) {
         ldap_set_option($hDS, $name, $value);
     if ($bind = @ldap_bind($hDS, $sDefaultLDAPUser, $sDefaultLDAPPwd)) {
         // Search for the person, using the specified query expression
         $sLDAPUserQuery = MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('authent-ldap', 'user_query', '');
         $sBaseDN = MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('authent-ldap', 'base_dn', '');
         $sLogin = $this->Get('login');
         $iContactId = $this->Get('contactid');
         $sFirstName = '';
         $sLastName = '';
         $sEMail = '';
         if ($iContactId > 0) {
             $oPerson = MetaModel::GetObject('Person', $iContactId);
             if (is_object($oPerson)) {
                 $sFirstName = $oPerson->Get('first_name');
                 $sLastName = $oPerson->Get('name');
                 $sEMail = $oPerson->Get('email');
         // %1$s => login
         // %2$s => first name
         // %3$s => last name
         // %4$s => email
         $sQuery = sprintf($sLDAPUserQuery, $sLogin, $sFirstName, $sLastName, $sEMail);
         $hSearchResult = @ldap_search($hDS, $sBaseDN, $sQuery);
         $iCountEntries = $hSearchResult !== false ? @ldap_count_entries($hDS, $hSearchResult) : 0;
         switch ($iCountEntries) {
             case 1:
                 // Exactly one entry found, let's check the password by trying to bind with this user
                 $aEntry = ldap_get_entries($hDS, $hSearchResult);
                 $sUserDN = $aEntry[0]['dn'];
                 $bUserBind = @ldap_bind($hDS, $sUserDN, $sPassword);
                 if ($bUserBind !== false && !empty($sPassword)) {
                     return true;
                     // Password Ok
                 $this->LogMessage("ldap_authentication: wrong password for user: '******'.");
                 return false;
                 // Wrong password
             case 0:
                 // User not found...
                 $this->LogMessage("ldap_authentication: no entry found with the query '{$sQuery}', base_dn = '{$sBaseDN}'. User not found in LDAP.");
                 // More than one entry... maybe the query is not specific enough...
                 $this->LogMessage("ldap_authentication: several (" . ldap_count_entries($hDS, $hSearchResult) . ") entries match the query '{$sQuery}', base_dn = '{$sBaseDN}', check that the query defined in config-itop.php is specific enough.");
         return false;
     } else {
         // Trace: invalid default user for LDAP initial binding
         $this->LogMessage("ldap_authentication: can not bind to the LDAP server '{$sLDAPHost}' (port: {$iLDAPPort}), user='******', pwd='{$sDefaultLDAPPwd}'. Error: '" . ldap_error($hDS) . "'. Check the configuration file config-itop.php.");
         return false;
 protected function LogMessage($sMessage, $aData = array())
     if (MetaModel::GetModuleSetting('authent-ldap', 'debug', false) && MetaModel::IsLogEnabledIssue()) {
         if (MetaModel::IsValidClass('EventIssue')) {
             $oLog = new EventIssue();
             $oLog->Set('message', $sMessage);
             $oLog->Set('userinfo', '');
             $oLog->Set('issue', 'LDAP Authentication');
             $oLog->Set('impact', 'User login rejected');
             $oLog->Set('data', $aData);