Beispiel #1
 function testUnknownType()
     try {
         MessageFormat::get("{0,wopple}", array("111111111"));
         $this->fail("Since dev mode is on, an unknown formatter should throw an error.");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
  * Save untranslated messages to the catalogue.
 public static function saveMessages()
     static $onceonly = true;
     if (!is_null(self::$formatter)) {
         if ($onceonly) {
             $app = pradoGetApplication()->getGlobalization();
             if (isset($app->Translation['autosave'])) {
                 $catalogue = null;
                 if (isset($app->Translation['catalogue'])) {
                     $catalogue = $app->Translation['catalogue'];
                 $auto = $app->Translation['autosave'];
                 if ($auto == 'true') {
                 } else {
         $onceonly = false;
 function testDirectoryTypeSaveUpdateDelete()
     $MObackup = './messages/en_AU/';
     $MOfile = './messages/en_AU/';
     $PObackup = './messages/en_AU/tests.po.bak';
     $POfile = './messages/en_AU/tests.po';
     //restore using the back file
     copy($MObackup, $MOfile);
     copy($PObackup, $POfile);
     //test that the back file doesn't contain the 'Testing123' string.
     $this->assertNoUnwantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($MOfile));
     $this->assertNoUnwantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($POfile));
     $source = MessageSource::factory($this->type, $this->source);
     $source->setCache(new MessageCache('./tmp'));
     $formatter = new MessageFormat($source);
     //add a untranslated string, note, doesn't matter which catalogue
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Testing123'), 'Testing123');
     //save it to the 'tests' catalgoue
     //check the contents
     $this->assertWantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($POfile));
     //testing for update. Update it to the 'tests' catalogue
     $this->assertTrue($formatter->getSource()->update('Testing123', '123Test', 'update comments', 'tests'));
     $this->assertWantedPattern('/123Test/', file_get_contents($MOfile));
     //now doing some delete	from the 'tests' catalogue
     $this->assertFalse($formatter->getSource()->delete('Test123', 'tests'));
     $this->assertTrue($formatter->getSource()->delete('Testing123', 'tests'));
     $this->assertNoUnwantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($MOfile));
     $this->assertNoUnwantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($POfile));
     //restore using the backup file.
     copy($MObackup, $MOfile);
     copy($PObackup, $POfile);
Beispiel #4
  * Creates a MessageFormat with the given pattern and uses it to format
  * the given substitutes.
  * This static method is shortcut of:
  * <code>
  * (new MessageFormat($pattern)).format($substitutes)
  * </code>
  * @param
  *            string
  * @param
  *            Array()
  * @return string
 public static function formatString($pattern, $substitutes = array())
     $msgFormat = new MessageFormat($pattern);
     return $msgFormat->format($substitutes);
 function testAltCatalogue()
     $source = MessageSource::factory($this->type, $this->source);
     $source->setCache(new MessageCache('./tmp'));
     $formatter = new MessageFormat($source);
     $formatter->Catalogue = 'tests';
     //from a different catalogue
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Hello'), 'Howdy!');
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Welcome'), 'Ho Ho!');
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Goodbye'), 'Sayonara');
     //switch to 'messages' catalogue
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Hello', null, 'messages'), 'G\'day Mate!');
Beispiel #6
  * Get value for for a given key and arguments. This uses message
  * formatting to substitute arguments or parse simple expressions.
  * @param string $key Key to use for message lookup.
  * @param mixed $arguments Arguments to use for expression evaluation and
  * substitution.
  * @param boolean $strict Whether to throw an error when key not found.
  * @return string Processed message.
 public function get($key, $arguments = array(), $strict = FALSE)
     // convenience, if one arg passed in, need not be array
     if (is_scalar($arguments)) {
         $arguments = array($arguments);
     $entry = $this->getSimple($key, $strict);
     if (count($arguments) > 0) {
         return MessageFormat::get($entry, $arguments, $this->locale);
     return $entry;
  * Apply format to argument
  * @param   var fmt
  * @param   var argument
  * @return  string
 public function apply($fmt, $argument)
     static $instance;
     static $level = 0;
     if (FALSE === ($p = strpos($fmt, '{'))) {
         return $fmt;
     if (!isset($instance)) {
         $instance = MessageFormat::getInstance();
     if (!is_array($argument)) {
         $argument = array($argument);
     // Loop while {'s can be found
     $result = '';
     do {
         $result .= substr($fmt, 0, $p);
         // Find corresponding closing bracket
         $index = $rest = FALSE;
         $c = 0;
         for ($i = $p, $l = strlen($fmt); $i < $l; $i++) {
             switch ($fmt[$i]) {
                 case '{':
                 case '}':
                     if (0 >= --$c) {
                         $index = substr($fmt, $p + 1, $i - $p - 1);
                         $fmt = substr($fmt, $i + 1);
                         break 2;
         // No closing bracket found
         if (FALSE === $index) {
             trigger_error(sprintf('Opening bracket found at position %d of "%s"', $p, $fmt), E_USER_NOTICE);
             throw new FormatException('Parse error [level ' . $level . ']: closing curly bracket not found');
         // Syntax: {2} = paste argument, {2,printf,%s} use formatter
         if (FALSE !== strpos($index, ',')) {
             list($index, $type, $param) = explode(',', $index, 3);
         } else {
             $type = $param = NULL;
         // Check argument index
         if (!isset($argument[$index])) {
             throw new FormatException('Missing argument at index ' . $index);
         // Default
         if (NULL == $type) {
             $result .= is_object($argument[$index]) && method_exists($argument[$index], 'toString') ? $argument[$index]->toString() : $argument[$index];
         // No formatter registered
         if (!$this->hasFormatter($type)) {
             throw new FormatException('Unknown formatter "' . $type . '"');
         // Formatters return FALSE to indicate failure
         if (FALSE === ($format = $this->formatters[$type]->apply($param, $argument[$index]))) {
             return FALSE;
         // Look to see if a formatstring was returned
         if (FALSE !== strpos($format, '{')) {
             $format = $instance->apply($format, $argument[$index]);
         // Append formatter's result
         $result .= $format;
     } while (FALSE !== ($p = strpos($fmt, '{')));
     return $result . $fmt;