  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new MessageBoard();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['MessageBoard'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['MessageBoard'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->rec_id));
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
echo "This script has huge security problems, so has been disabled.  It's also not used in the Beta theme, so you should never get here.";

$login_required = TRUE;
include "includes/page.php";
require_once "../api/MessageBoard/MessageBoard.php";

$back = $_REQUEST['back_page'];
$mid = trim($_REQUEST['message_id']);
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'edit') {
  $title = trim($_REQUEST['edit_title']);
  $body = trim($_REQUEST['edit_body']);
  $m = new MessageBoard();
  $m->title = $title;
  $m->body = $body;
  $m->boardmessage_id = $mid;
  $id = $m->save($uid=NULL,$is_insert=0);
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete') {
if ($_REQUEST['groupurl']) {
  $url = $_REQUEST['groupurl'];
  header("Location:$url"); exit;
Beispiel #3
function edit_forum_topic($_form)
    $error = FALSE;
    $msg = '';
    $title = trim($_POST['forum_title']);
    $body = trim($_POST['forum_contents']);
    if (empty($title)) {
        $error = TRUE;
        $msg .= "Please specify a title for the forum topic";
    if (empty($body)) {
        $error = TRUE;
        $msg .= "Please enter small description of the topic";
    if (!$error) {
        $request_info = load_info();
        $cat_obj = new MessageBoard();
        $cat_obj->title = $title;
        $cat_obj->body = $body;
        $cat_obj->boardmessage_id = $_REQUEST['mid'];
        if ($_POST['chk_allow_anonymous'] != ALLOW_ANONYMOUS) {
            $cat_obj->allow_anonymous = 0;
        } else {
            $cat_obj->allow_anonymous = 1;
        try {
            $mid = $cat_obj->save($login_uid, NULL);
        } catch (PAException $e) {
            $msg = "Error occured in saving data";
            $error = TRUE;
    $msg_array = array();
    $msg_array['failure_msg'] = $msg;
    $msg_array['success_msg'] = NULL;
    $return_array = array('msg' => $msg_array);
    return $return_array;
Beispiel #4
         $error = TRUE;
         $msg .= "<br><font color=\"red\">Please enter contents</font>";
     if (!$error) {
         $cat_obj = new MessageBoard();
         $cat_obj->set_parent($parent_id, $parent_type);
         $cat_obj->title = $title;
         $cat_obj->body = $body;
         $cat_obj->user_id = $uid;
         if (!$_POST['chk_allow_anonymous']) {
             $cat_obj->allow_anonymous = 0;
         } else {
             $cat_obj->allow_anonymous = 1;
         try {
             $mid = $cat_obj->save();
         } catch (PAException $e) {
             $msg = "Error occured in saving thread\n";
             $msg .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\">" . $e->message . "</font></center>";
             $error = TRUE;
     if ($mid) {
         if ($_GET['gid']) {
             header("Location: {$base_url}/forum_messages.php?mid={$mid}&ccid=" . $_GET['gid']);
 } else {
     if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['content_type'] != 'media' && !Group::member_exists((int) $_REQUEST['gid'], (int) $login_uid)) {
         $group_top_mesg = "You are not a member of " . stripslashes($group->title) . " group.";
     } else {
         if ($group_id) {
     $cat_obj->title = $txt_title;
     $cat_obj->body = $textarea_contents;
     $cat_obj->user_id = $uid;
     if (!$_POST['chk_allow_anonymous']) {
         $cat_obj->allow_anonymous = 0;
     } else {
         $cat_obj->allow_anonymous = 1;
     try {
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $msg = "Error occured in saving thread\n";
         $msg .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\">" . $e->message . "</font></center>";
         $post_error = TRUE;
 if (!$post_error) {
     if ($parent_id) {
         $url = $base_url . '/threads.php?cid=' . $parent_id;
     } elseif ($group_id) {
         $url = $base_url . '/group_threads.php?gid=' . $group_id;
     header("Location: {$url}");
function peopleaggregator_newBoardMessage($args)
    if ($args['authToken']) {
        $user = User::from_auth_token($args['authToken']);
    } else {
        $user = NULL;
    $context = $args['context'];
    $title = $args['title'];
    $body = $args['content'];
    $allow_anon = $args['allowAnonymous'];
    if (preg_match("/^group:(\\d+)\$/", $context, $m)) {
        // posting a new topic to a group
        $parent_id = $m[1];
        $parent_type = "collection";
        //FIXME: check that we can access the group.  or does MessageBoard do this?
    } else {
        if (preg_match("/^msg:(\\d+)\$/", $context, $m)) {
            // replying to an existing topic
            $parent_id = $m[1];
            $parent_type = "message";
            //FIXME: load parent, make sure it is a topic
            //FIXME: check if we are allowed to access this group
        } else {
            throw new PAException(INVALID_ID, "You can only post a message to a group or a topic.  Parent ID '{$context}' is not allowed.");
    // create topic
    $cat_obj = new MessageBoard();
    $cat_obj->set_parent($parent_id, $parent_type);
    $cat_obj->title = $title;
    $cat_obj->body = $body;
    $cat_obj->user_id = $user ? $user->user_id : NULL;
    $cat_obj->allow_anonymous = $allow_anon ? 1 : 0;
    $mid = $cat_obj->save($cat_obj->user_id);
    return array('success' => TRUE, 'id' => "msg:" . $mid);
 if (!$error) {
     $cat_obj = new MessageBoard();
     $cat_obj->set_parent($parent_id, $parent_type);
     $cat_obj->title = $title;
     $cat_obj->body = $body;
     $cat_obj->user_id = $uid;
     $cat_obj->user_name = $name;
     $cat_obj->email = $email;
     if (!$_POST['chk_allow_anonymous']) {
         $cat_obj->allow_anonymous = 0;
     } else {
         $cat_obj->allow_anonymous = 1;
     try {
         $mid = $cat_obj->save($_SESSION['user']['id']);
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $msg = "Error occured in saving thread\n";
         $msg .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\">" . $e->message . "</font></center>";
         $error = TRUE;
 if ($mid) {
     //echo 'data has been saved';
     if ($_GET['ccid']) {
         header("Location: {$base_url}/forum_messages.php?mid={$parent_id}&ccid=" . $_GET['ccid']);
     } else {
         header("Location: {$base_url}/forum_messages.php?mid={$parent_id}");