Beispiel #1
$socialHistory = array('SocialHistoryElement' => array(array('CCRDocumentObjectID' => UUID::v4(), 'Type' => array('Text' => 'Smoking', 'Code' => array('Value' => '230056004', 'CodingSystem' => 'SNOMED CT')), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID)), 'Episodes' => array('Episode' => array(array('CCRDocumentObjectID' => UUID::v4(), 'DateTime' => array('DateTimeRange' => array('BeginRange' => array('ExactDateTime' => '1947'), 'EndRange' => array('ExactDateTime' => '1972'))), 'Description' => array('Text' => '1 pack per day'), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID))), array('CCRDocumentObjectID' => UUID::v4(), 'DateTime' => array('DateTimeRange' => array('BeginRange' => array('ExactDateTime' => '1973'))), 'Description' => array('Text' => 'None'), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID))), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID))))), array('CCRDocumentObjectID' => UUID::v4(), 'DateTime' => array('DateTimeRange' => array('BeginRange' => array('ExactDateTime' => '1973'))), 'Type' => array('Text' => 'ETOH Use', 'Code' => array('Value' => '160573003', 'CodingSystem' => 'SNOMED CT')), 'Description' => array('Text' => 'None'), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID)))));
 * Family History section - (OPTIONAL)
 * ----------------------
 * This section contains data defining the patient’s genetic relatives in terms of possible or relevant health risk
 * factors that have a potential impact on the patient’s healthcare risk profile.
$familyHistoryProblems = array('FamilyProblemHistory' => array(array('CCRDocumentObjectID' => UUID::v4(), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID)), 'FamilyMember' => array('ActorID' => $familyMemberLink1, 'ActorRole' => array('Text' => 'Father'), 'HealthStatus' => array('Description' => array('Text' => 'Deceased'), 'CauseOfDeath' => 'Yes', 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID))), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID))), 'Problem' => array('Description' => array('Text' => 'Myocardial Infarction', 'Code' => array('Value' => '22298006', 'CodingSystem' => 'SNOMED CT')), 'Episodes' => array('Number' => '1', 'Episode' => array('CCRDocumentObjectID' => UUID::v4(), 'DateTime' => array('Type' => array('Text' => 'Age At Onset'), 'Age' => array('Value' => '57', 'Units' => array('Unit' => 'Years'))), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID))), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID))), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID))))));
 * Problems section - (SHALL)
 * ----------------
 * This section lists and describes all relevant clinical problems at the time the summary is generated. At a
 * minimum, all pertinent current and historical problems should be listed. CDA R2 represents problems as
 * Observations.
$patientProblems = $Medical->getPatientProblemsByPid($pid);
$problems = array();
foreach ($patientProblems as $item) {
    $problems[] = array('Problem' => array(array('CCRDocumentObjectID' => UUID::v4(), 'DateTime' => array('ExactDateTime' => date("Y-m-d", strtotime($item['begin_date']))), 'Description' => array('Text' => $item['code_text'], 'Code' => array('Value' => $item['code'], 'CodingSystem' => $item['code_type'])), 'Status' => array('Text' => $item['end_date'] == '' ? 'Active' : 'Not active', 'Code' => array('Value' => '55561003', 'CodingSystem' => 'SNOMED CT')), 'Source' => array('Actor' => array('ActorID' => $softwareGUID)))));
 * Functional Status section - (OPTIONAL)
 * -------------------------
 * Functional Status describes the patient’s status of normal functioning at the time the Care Record was
 * created. Functional statuses include information regarding the patient relative to:
 * • Ambulatory ability
 * • Mental status or competency
 * • Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), including bathing, dressing, feeding, grooming
 * • Home / living situation having an effect on the health status of the patient
 * • Ability to care for self
 * • Social activity, including issues with social cognition, participation with friends and acquaintances other than family members