Beispiel #1
 public function getRealPath()
     $options = $this->getBootstrapOptions();
     $levels = $options['image']['folderlevels'];
     $divisionByLevel = explode(',', $options['image']['folderdivisions']);
     $path = Agana_Util_FileHandle::fixPathSeparator($path) . $options['image']['subfolder'];
     $path = Agana_Util_FileHandle::fixPathSeparator($path) . Agana_Util_FileHandle::genFolderNameStructure($this->_image->getFile(), $levels, $divisionByLevel);
     return Agana_Util_FileHandle::fixPathSeparator($path);
 private function _updateImage()
     $layout = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance();
     $return = array('msg' => '', 'file' => array('name' => '', 'size' => '', 'url' => ''));
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $allowedExtensions = null;
         $maxSize = 999999;
         $path = '';
         $options = $this->_getBootstrapOptions();
         // UPLOAD of image
         $domainImage = new Media_Domain_Image();
         $title = 'person_' . $this->_getParam('id');
         $file = $domainImage->handleUpload(APPLICATION_DATA_PATH, array('AllowedExtensions' => $options['allowedExtensions'], 'SizeLimit' => $options['maxSize'], 'Dimensions' => $options['dimensions']));
         if (isset($file['error'])) {
             $return['error'] = $file['error'];
         } else {
             // MEDIA MODEL
             $image = new Media_Model_Image();
             // RECOVER Media from Person
             $domainPerson = new Persons_Domain_Person();
             $person = $domainPerson->getById($this->_getParam('id'));
             $mp = $person->getMedia();
             $createPersonMedia = !isset($mp) || $mp->getId() == null;
             if (!$createPersonMedia) {
             // DELETE previous image file from disk, only if they are not the same
             if (!$createPersonMedia) {
                 if ($mp->getFile() != $image->getFile()) {
             try {
                 // persisting media
                 $imgId = $domainImage->save();
                 // persisting person media
                 if ($createPersonMedia) {
                 $return['msg'] = $this->_translate->_('File successfully uploaded');
                 $return['file'] = $file;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 echo json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage()));
         echo json_encode($return);