Beispiel #1
 private function generateDescriptors($mediaId, $gameId)
     //Get the filename for the media
     if ($mediaId) {
         $query = "SELECT file_path FROM media WHERE media_id = '{$mediaId}' LIMIT 1";
         $result = Module::query($query);
         $fileName = mysql_fetch_object($result)->file_path;
         $gameMediaAndDescriptorsPath = Media::getMediaDirectory($gameId)->data;
         $execCommand = '../../ImageMatcher/ImageMatcher generate ' . $gameMediaAndDescriptorsPath . $fileName;
         $console = exec($execCommand);
Beispiel #2
<p>file: <input type="file" name="file" size="30"></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Upload"></p>
if (!$_FILES['file']) {
$media = new Media();
//Check for Errors
if ($_FILES['file']['error']) {
    die("file upload error");
if (isset($_POST['gameID'])) {
    $_POST['path'] = $_POST['gameID'];
// for legacy use. - Phil 10/12/2012
$gameMediaDirectory = $media->getMediaDirectory($_POST['path'])->data;
$pathInfo = '';
if (@$_REQUEST['fileName']) {
    $pathInfo = pathinfo($_REQUEST['fileName']);
} else {
    $pathInfo = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']);
//We are coming from the form
$newMediaFileName = 'aris' . md5(date("YmdGisu") . substr((string) microtime(), 2, 6) . strtolower($_FILES['file']['name'])) . '.' . strtolower($pathInfo['extension']);
if ($pathInfo['extension'] == '') {
    $newMediaFileName = $newMediaFileName . 'jpg';
// blobs from YOI map in jpg form aren't coming through with file a extension.  This is a band-aid.
$newMediaFilePath = $gameMediaDirectory . "/" . $newMediaFileName;
if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $newMediaFilePath)) {
    die("error moving file");
Beispiel #3
 public function getBestImageMatchNearbyObjectForPlayer($gameId, $intPlayerId, $strFileName)
     $gameMediaAndDescriptorsPath = Media::getMediaDirectory($gameId)->data;
     $execCommand = '../../ImageMatcher/ImageMatcher match ' . $gameMediaAndDescriptorsPath . $strFileName . ' ' . $gameMediaAndDescriptorsPath;
     $console = exec($execCommand);
     //Run it
     $consoleJSON = json_decode($console, true);
     $fileName = $consoleJSON['filename'];
     $pathParts = pathinfo($fileName);
     $fileName = $pathParts['filename'];
     // requires PHP 5.2.0
     $similarity = $consoleJSON['similarity'];
     if ($similarity > 0.2) {
         return new returnData(0, NULL, "No match found. Best simularity was {$similarity}");
     $query = "SELECT game_qrcodes.* \n            FROM (SELECT * FROM qrcodes WHERE game_id = {$gameId}) AS game_qrcodes \n            JOIN media \n            ON (game_qrcodes.match_media_id = media.media_id)\n            WHERE media.file_path = '{$fileName}.jpg'\n            OR media.file_path = '{$fileName}.png'\n            LIMIT 1";
     $rsResult = Module::query($query);
     if (mysql_error()) {
         return new returnData(3, NULL, "SQL Error: " . mysql_error());
     $qrcode = @mysql_fetch_object($rsResult);
     //Check for a valid QR Code
     if (!$qrcode) {
         Module::appendLog($intPlayerId, $gameId, Module::kLOG_ENTER_QRCODE, $fileName, 'INVALID');
         return new returnData(0, NULL, "invalid QRCode code");
     //Check the requirements of the QR Code's link object
     if (!$this->objectMeetsRequirements($gameId, $intPlayerId, $qrcode->link_type, $qrcode->link_id)) {
         Module::appendLog($intPlayerId, $gameId, Module::kLOG_ENTER_QRCODE, $fileName, 'REQS_OR_QTY_NOT_MET');
         return new returnData(0, NULL, "QRCode requirements not met");
     Module::appendLog($intPlayerId, $gameId, Module::kLOG_ENTER_QRCODE, $fileName, 'SUCCESSFUL');
     $returnResult = new returnData(0, $qrcode);
     //Get the data
     switch ($qrcode->link_type) {
         case 'Location':
             $returnResult->data->object = Locations::getLocation($gameId, $qrcode->link_id)->data;
             if (!$returnResult->data->object) {
                 return new returnData(5, NULL, "bad link in qr code, no matching location found");
             return new returnData(5, NULL, "Invalid QR Code Record. link_type not recognized");
     return $returnResult;
     //Delete the file since we will never use it again
Beispiel #4
 public function createMediaFromJSON($glob)
     $path = $glob->path;
     $filename = $glob->filename;
     $data = $glob->data;
     $resizeTo = isset($glob->resizeTo) ? $glob->resizeTo : null;
     $gameMediaDirectory = Media::getMediaDirectory($path)->data;
     $md5 = md5((string) microtime() . $filename);
     $ext = strtolower(substr($filename, -3));
     $newMediaFileName = 'aris' . $md5 . '.' . $ext;
     $resizedMediaFileName = 'aris' . $md5 . '_128.' . $ext;
     if ($ext != "jpg" && $ext != "png" && $ext != "gif" && $ext != "mp4" && $ext != "mov" && $ext != "m4v" && $ext != "3gp" && $ext != "caf" && $ext != "mp3" && $ext != "aac" && $ext != "m4a" && $ext != "zip") {
         return new returnData(1, NULL, "Invalid filetype:{$ext}");
     $fullFilePath = $gameMediaDirectory . "/" . $newMediaFileName;
     if (isset($resizeTo) && ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "gif")) {
         $bigFilePath = $gameMediaDirectory . "/big_" . $newMediaFileName;
         $fp = fopen($bigFilePath, 'w');
         if (!$fp) {
             return new returnData(1, NULL, "Couldn't open file:{$bigFilePath}");
         fwrite($fp, base64_decode($data));
         $image = new Imagick($bigFilePath);
         // Reorient based on EXIF tag
         switch ($image->getImageOrientation()) {
             case Imagick::ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED:
                 // We assume normal orientation
             case Imagick::ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT:
                 // All good
             case Imagick::ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT:
             case Imagick::ORIENTATION_BOTTOMRIGHT:
                 $image->rotateImage('#000', 180);
             case Imagick::ORIENTATION_BOTTOMLEFT:
                 $image->rotateImage('#000', 180);
             case Imagick::ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP:
                 $image->rotateImage('#000', 90);
             case Imagick::ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP:
                 $image->rotateImage('#000', 90);
             case Imagick::ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOTTOM:
                 $image->rotateImage('#000', -90);
             case Imagick::ORIENTATION_LEFTBOTTOM:
                 $image->rotateImage('#000', -90);
         // Resize image proportionally so min(width, height) == $resizeTo
         if ($image->getImageWidth() < $image->getImageHeight()) {
             $image->resizeImage($resizeTo, 0, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
         } else {
             $image->resizeImage(0, $resizeTo, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
     } else {
         $fp = fopen($fullFilePath, 'w');
         if (!$fp) {
             return new returnData(1, NULL, "Couldn't open file:{$fullFilePath}");
         fwrite($fp, base64_decode($data));
     if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "gif") {
         $img = WideImage::load($fullFilePath);
         $img = $img->resize(128, 128, 'outside');
         $img = $img->crop('center', 'center', 128, 128);
         $img->saveToFile($gameMediaDirectory . "/" . $resizedMediaFileName);
     } else {
         if ($ext == "mp4") {
               $ffmpeg = '../../libraries/ffmpeg';
               $videoFilePath      = $gameMediaDirectory."/".$newMediaFileName; 
               $tempImageFilePath  = $gameMediaDirectory."/temp_".$resizedMediaFileName; 
               $imageFilePath      = $gameMediaDirectory."/".$resizedMediaFileName; 
               $cmd = "$ffmpeg -i $videoFilePath 2>&1"; 
               $thumbTime = 1;
               if(preg_match('/Duration: ((\d+):(\d+):(\d+))/s', shell_exec($cmd), $videoLength))
               $thumbTime = (($videoLength[2] * 3600) + ($videoLength[3] * 60) + $videoLength[4])/2; 
               $cmd = "$ffmpeg -i $videoFilePath -deinterlace -an -ss $thumbTime -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -y -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg $tempImageFilePath 2>&1"; 
               $img = WideImage::load($tempImageFilePath);
               $img = $img->resize(128, 128, 'outside');
               $img = $img->crop('center','center',128,128);
     $m = Media::createMedia($path, "UploadedMedia", $newMediaFileName, 0);
     return new returnData(0, $m->data);
Beispiel #5
 public function createGame($name, $description, $iconMediaId, $mediaId, $readyForPublic, $isLocational, $introNodeId, $completeNodeId, $shareToMap, $shareToBook, $allowPlayerTags, $allowNoteComments, $allowNoteLikes, $pcMediaId, $usePlayerPic, $mapType, $showPlayerOnMap, $allLocQuickTravel, $inventoryWeightCap, $allowTrading, $editorId, $editorToken)
     if (!Module::authenticateEditor($editorId, $editorToken, "read_write")) {
         return new returnData(6, NULL, "Failed Authentication");
     $name = addslashes($name);
     $description = addslashes($description);
     if ($g = Module::queryObject("SELECT * FROM games WHERE name = '" . $name . "'")) {
         return new returnData(4, $g->game_id, 'duplicate name');
     $query = "INSERT INTO games (\n            name, description,\n            icon_media_id, media_id,\n            ready_for_public, is_locational,\n            on_launch_node_id, game_complete_node_id,\n            allow_share_note_to_map, allow_share_note_to_book, allow_player_tags, allow_note_comments, allow_note_likes,\n            pc_media_id, use_player_pic,\n            map_type, show_player_location,\n            full_quick_travel,\n            inventory_weight_cap, allow_trading,\n            created\n                ) VALUES (\n                    '" . $name . "', '" . $description . "',\n                    '" . $iconMediaId . "', '" . $mediaId . "',\n                    '" . $readyForPublic . "', '" . $isLocational . "',\n                    '" . $introNodeId . "', '" . $completeNodeId . "',\n                    '" . $shareToMap . "', '" . $shareToBook . "', '" . $allowPlayerTags . "', '" . $allowNoteComments . "', '" . $allowNoteLikes . "',\n                    '" . $pcMediaId . "', '" . $usePlayerPic . "',\n                    '" . $mapType . "', '" . $showPlayerOnMap . "',\n                    '" . $allLocQuickTravel . "',\n                    '" . $inventoryWeightCap . "', '" . $allowTrading . "',\n                    NOW())";
     if (mysql_error()) {
         return new returnData(6, NULL, "cannot create game record using SQL: {$query}");
     $newGameId = mysql_insert_id();
     Module::query("INSERT INTO game_editors (game_id,editor_id) VALUES ('{$newGameId}','{$editorId}')");
     if (mysql_error()) {
         return new returnData(6, NULL, 'cannot create game_editors record');
     Module::query("INSERT INTO `game_tab_data` (`game_id` ,`tab` ,`tab_index`) VALUES ('{$newGameId}', 'QUESTS', '1')");
     Module::query("INSERT INTO `game_tab_data` (`game_id` ,`tab` ,`tab_index`) VALUES ('{$newGameId}', 'GPS', '2')");
     Module::query("INSERT INTO `game_tab_data` (`game_id` ,`tab` ,`tab_index`) VALUES ('{$newGameId}', 'INVENTORY', '3')");
     Module::query("INSERT INTO `game_tab_data` (`game_id` ,`tab` ,`tab_index`) VALUES ('{$newGameId}', 'QR', '4')");
     Module::query("INSERT INTO `game_tab_data` (`game_id` ,`tab` ,`tab_index`) VALUES ('{$newGameId}', 'PLAYER', '5')");
     Module::query("INSERT INTO `game_tab_data` (`game_id` ,`tab` ,`tab_index`) VALUES ('{$newGameId}', 'NOTE', '6')");
     Module::query("INSERT INTO `game_tab_data` (`game_id` ,`tab` ,`tab_index`) VALUES ('{$newGameId}', 'STARTOVER', '998')");
     Module::query("INSERT INTO `game_tab_data` (`game_id` ,`tab` ,`tab_index`) VALUES ('{$newGameId}', 'PICKGAME', '9999')");
     $newGameDirectory = Media::getMediaDirectory($newGameId)->data;
     mkdir($newGameDirectory, 0777);
     return new returnData(0, $newGameId, NULL);