public function body() { $t = $this->pack_module('Base/Theme'); //caption $box_module = ModuleManager::get_instance('/Base_Box|0'); if ($box_module) { $active_module = $box_module->get_main_module(); } if ($active_module && is_callable(array($active_module, 'caption'))) { $caption = $active_module->caption(); if (Variable::get('show_module_indicator')) { $t->assign('text', $caption); } else { $t->assign('text', ''); } $show_caption = Variable::get('show_caption_in_title'); $maintenance_mode = MaintenanceMode::is_on() ? ' (Maintenance mode)' : ''; $base_title = Variable::get('base_page_title') . $maintenance_mode; if ($show_caption || strlen($base_title) > 0) { if ($show_caption && strlen($base_title) > 0) { $caption = $base_title . ' - ' . $caption; } elseif (strlen($base_title) > 0) { $caption = $base_title; } eval_js('document.title=\'' . addslashes($caption) . '\''); } } else { $t->assign('text', ''); eval_js('document.title=\'' . addslashes(Variable::get('base_page_title')) . '\''); } $t->display(); }
public function testFlow() { $this->assertFalse($this->maintenanceMode->isOn()); /** Successfully set maintenance mode */ $this->maintenanceMode->set(true); $this->assertTrue($this->maintenanceMode->isOn()); /** Successfully disable maintenance mode */ $this->maintenanceMode->set(false); $this->assertFalse($this->maintenanceMode->isOn()); /** Test case when maintenance mode cannot be disabled from the updater application */ $this->maintenanceMode->set(true); file_put_contents($this->ipFile, ''); $this->maintenanceMode->set(false); $this->assertTrue($this->maintenanceMode->isOn()); }
public function testOffSetMultipleAddresses() { $mapisExist = [[MaintenanceMode::FLAG_FILENAME, false], [MaintenanceMode::IP_FILENAME, true]]; $this->flagDir->expects($this->any())->method('isExist')->will($this->returnValueMap($mapisExist)); $this->flagDir->expects($this->any())->method('delete')->will($this->returnValueMap($mapisExist)); $this->flagDir->expects($this->any())->method('readFile')->with(MaintenanceMode::IP_FILENAME)->will($this->returnValue('address1,')); $expectedArray = ['address1', '']; $this->model->setAddresses('address1,'); $this->assertEquals($expectedArray, $this->model->getAddressInfo()); $this->assertFalse($this->model->isOn('address1')); $this->assertFalse($this->model->isOn('address3')); }
public function success_text() { $txt = MaintenanceMode::is_on() ? 'on' : 'off'; return "<center>Maintenance mode is now <strong>{$txt}</strong></center>"; }
if ($status == 'noaccesstobackend') { $returnval .= __('(Access to administration denied by administrator)', $this->g_info['ShortName']); } else { $returnval .= '<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $adminurl . '">' . __('Administration', $this->g_info['ShortName']) . '</a>'; } $returnval .= ' | <a rel="nofollow" href="' . $logouturl . '">' . __('Log Out', $this->g_info['ShortName']) . '</a>'; } else { $returnval .= '<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $loginurl . '">' . __('Log In', $this->g_info['ShortName']) . '</a>'; } return $returnval; } } // class if (!isset($myMaMo)) { // Create a new instance of your plugin that utilizes the WordpressPluginFramework and initialize the instance. $myMaMo = new MaintenanceMode(); $myMaMo->Initialize(array('Name' => 'Modo Mantenimiento', 'Author' => 'acidc00l & Michael Wöhrer', 'AuthorURI' => '', 'PluginURI' => '', 'SupportURI' => '', 'OptionName' => 'plugin_maintenance-mode', 'DeleteOldOpt' => array('plugin_maintenancemode', 'plugin_maintenancemode2', 'plugin_maintenance-mode_5'), 'Version' => '8.0', 'UseOldOpt' => '1.0', 'CopyrightYear' => '2011', 'MinWP' => '3.1', 'PluginFile' => __FILE__, 'ShortName' => 'modo-mantenimiento'), array('mamo_activate' => 'off', 'mamo_excludedpaths' => '', 'mamo_include_feeds' => '', 'mamo_include_trackbacks' => '', 'mamo_include_xmlrpc' => '', 'mamo_backtime_days' => '0', 'mamo_backtime_hours' => '1', 'mamo_backtime_mins' => '0', 'mamo_pagetitle' => 'Modo Mantenimiento', 'mamo_pagemsg' => '<h1>Modo Mantenimiento: </h1>' . "\n\n" . '<p><a title="[blogtitle]" href="[blogurl]">[blogtitle]</a> se encuentra actualmente en mantenimiento programado.<br />' . "\n<br />\n" . 'Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo en [until].</p>' . "\n\n" . '<p>Disculpa las molestias.</p>', 'mamo_placeholder_until' => 'Vuelve <strong>en [days] días, [hours] horas, y [minutes] minutos</strong><br />(en [date] a las [time])', 'mamo_placeholder_until_exc' => 'de nuevo pronto', 'mamo_503_splashpage' => '', 'mamo_theme' => 'WP', 'mamo_role_frontend' => 'manage_options', 'mamo_role_backend' => 'read')); add_action('plugins_loaded', array($myMaMo, 'ApplyMaintenanceMode')); ############################################################################ # Template Tags for using in themes ############################################################################ /** * You can display a warning message in the front-end if you are logged in and the Maintenance Mode is activated * to remember you to deactivate the Maintenance Mode. */ function is_maintenance() { global $myMaMo; if (substr($myMaMo->g_opt['mamo_activate'], 0, 2) == 'on') { return true; } else {
protected function perform_update_end() { $this->turn_on_maintenance_mode(); Base_ThemeCommon::themeup(); Base_LangCommon::update_translations(); ModuleManager::create_load_priority_array(); Variable::set('version', EPESI_VERSION); MaintenanceMode::turn_off(); }
{ if (self::is_on()) { unlink(self::get_file()); } } public static function generate_file($key, $message = null) { $user = Base_UserCommon::get_my_user_login(); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $str = "<?php\n"; $str .= "// by {$user} on {$date}\n"; $str .= '$maintenance_mode_key = ' . var_export($key, true); $str .= ";\n"; $str .= '$maintenance_mode_message = ' . var_export($message, true); $str .= ";\n"; file_put_contents(self::get_file(), $str); } } if (!MaintenanceMode::can_access()) { if (defined('JS_OUTPUT') && JS_OUTPUT) { header("Content-type: text/javascript"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // date in the past die('window.location = "index.php";'); } else { global $maintenance_mode_message; $msg = isset($maintenance_mode_message) ? $maintenance_mode_message : "System is in the maintenance mode. Please wait until your system administrator will turn it off."; die($msg); } }
if ($status == 'noaccesstobackend') { $returnval .= __('(Access to administration denied by administrator)', $this->g_info['ShortName']); } else { $returnval .= '<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $adminurl . '">' . __('Administration', $this->g_info['ShortName']) . '</a>'; } $returnval .= ' | <a rel="nofollow" href="' . $logouturl . '">' . __('Log Out', $this->g_info['ShortName']) . '</a>'; } else { $returnval .= '<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $loginurl . '">' . __('Log In', $this->g_info['ShortName']) . '</a>'; } return $returnval; } } // class if (!isset($myMaMo)) { // Create a new instance of your plugin that utilizes the WordpressPluginFramework and initialize the instance. $myMaMo = new MaintenanceMode(); $myMaMo->Initialize(array('Name' => 'Maintenance Mode', 'Author' => 'Michael Wöhrer', 'AuthorURI' => '', 'PluginURI' => '', 'SupportURI' => '', 'OptionName' => 'plugin_maintenance-mode', 'DeleteOldOpt' => array('plugin_maintenancemode', 'plugin_maintenancemode2', 'plugin_maintenance-mode_5'), 'Version' => '5.4', 'UseOldOpt' => '5.0', 'CopyrightYear' => '2006-2010', 'MinWP' => '2.7', 'PluginFile' => __FILE__, 'ShortName' => 'maintenance-mode'), array('mamo_activate' => 'off', 'mamo_excludedpaths' => '', 'mamo_include_feeds' => '', 'mamo_include_trackbacks' => '', 'mamo_include_xmlrpc' => '', 'mamo_backtime_days' => '0', 'mamo_backtime_hours' => '1', 'mamo_backtime_mins' => '0', 'mamo_pagetitle' => 'Maintenance Mode', 'mamo_pagemsg' => '<h1>Maintenance Mode</h1>' . "\n\n" . '<p><a title="[blogtitle]" href="[blogurl]">[blogtitle]</a> is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance.<br />' . "\n<br />\n" . 'Please try back [until].</p>' . "\n\n" . '<p>Sorry for the inconvenience.</p>', 'mamo_placeholder_until' => '<strong>in [days] days, [hours] hours, and [minutes] minutes</strong><br />(on [date] at [time])', 'mamo_placeholder_until_exc' => 'again soon', 'mamo_503_splashpage' => '', 'mamo_theme' => 'default', 'mamo_role_frontend' => 'manage_options', 'mamo_role_backend' => 'read')); # $myMaMo->ApplyMaintenanceMode(); // commented out and added the line below since plugin version 5.3 -- add_action('plugins_loaded', array($myMaMo, 'ApplyMaintenanceMode')); ############################################################################ # Template Tags for using in themes ############################################################################ /** * You can display a warning message in the front-end if you are logged in and the Maintenance Mode is activated * to remember you to deactivate the Maintenance Mode. */ function is_maintenance() { global $myMaMo; if (substr($myMaMo->g_opt['mamo_activate'], 0, 2) == 'on') { return true;