public function notify_post($post_id = null, $subject = null) { // send a notification email to the creator, assigned_to and watchers $debug = ""; $error = ""; $info = ""; $user_id = $this->template->get_session_value("User_id", 0); $post = array(); $watchers = array(); is_null($post_id) && ($post_id = 0); is_null($subject) && ($subject = ""); $post_id < 1 && ($error = "Sorry a post was not specified"); if (strlen($error) < 1) { $query = "select, posts.title,, posts.priority, posts.category_id, posts.status, " . " posts.assigned_to, posts.created_by, priorities.priority, priorities.description, " . " categories.category, " . " as creator_email, as creator_name, " . " as assigned_email, as assigned_name from posts " . " left outer join priorities on posts.priority = " . " inner join categories on posts.category_id = " . " inner join user_details as creator on posts.created_by = creator.user_id " . " left outer join user_details as assigned on posts.assigned_to = assigned.user_id " . " where = " . $post_id . "; " . " select, from post_watchers " . " inner join posts on post_watchers.post_id = " . " inner join user_details on post_watchers.user_id = user_details.user_id " . " where post_watchers.post_id = " . $post_id . " and not post_watchers.user_id in " . " (posts.created_by, posts.assigned_to); "; $res = $this->query($query); $error = $this->db_error; DEBUG > 0 && ($debug = $this->db_debug); if (strlen($error) < 1) { isset($res[0][0]) && ($post = $res[0][0]); count($post) < 1 && ($error = "Sorry the post specified was not found"); isset($res[1]) && ($watchers = $res[1]); } } if (strlen($error) < 1) { strlen($subject) < 1 && ($subject = $post["title"]); // only cc if there is an assigned to and/or watchers // ASSUME valid emails $cc = array(); $mail_to = null; if ($post["assigned_to"] < 1) { $mail_to = $post["creator_email"]; } else { // assigned to exists $mail_to = $post["assigned_email"]; $cc[$post["creator_email"]] = $post["creator_name"]; } if (!is_null($mail_to)) { foreach ($watchers as $w) { $cc[$w["email"]] = $w["name"]; #$cc[] = $w["email"]; } $mailer = new Mailer_Lib(); $url = $this->get_site_url(); $post_url = $url . "/posts/show/" . $post["id"]; $message = $post["post"]; strlen($message) > 100 && ($message = substr($message, 0, 99) . ".."); $message = "Post: <a href='" . $post_url . "'>" . $post["title"] . "</a>\r\n" . "Category: " . $post["category"] . "\r\n" . "Priority: " . $post["priority"] . "\r\n\r\n" . $message . "\r\n\r\n" . "<a href='" . $post_url . "'>" . $post_url . "</a>\r\n\r\n" . "Support\r\nSimple Tracker\r\n" . $url . "\r\n"; $ret = $mailer->swiftmail($this->mail['mandrill'], $mail_to, $subject, $message, $this->mail['support'], $this->mail['support_name'], $this->admin_email, $cc); if (!$ret) { $info = "Unable to send notification email"; } } // !is_null } $result = array('errors' => array(array('message' => $error, 'debug' => $debug)), 'data' => array("post_id" => $post_id), 'info' => $info); return $result; }
public function reset() { // send a pwd reset msg; only valid for 'self' registrations $debug = ""; $error = ""; $info = ""; $user = array(); $url = $this->get_site_url(); $u = new User_model($this->template, $this->query_string); $email = ""; isset($_POST['email']) && ($email = $_POST['email']); strlen($email) < 1 && ($error = "Please enter your email address"); if (strlen($error) < 1 && !filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $error = "Please enter a valid email address"; } if (strlen($error) < 1) { $token = $this->codify($email); $res = $u->find_user(null, 'self', $email); if (isset($res["data"]) && !is_null($res["data"])) { $error = $res["errors"][0]["message"]; $user = $res["data"]; DEBUG > 0 && ($debug = $res["errors"][0]["debug"]); strlen($error) < 1 && count($user) < 1 && ($error = "Sorry the email provided was not found"); } else { $error = "Your account could not be found."; } } if (strlen($error) < 1) { // user was found $res = $u->set_user_token($user["id"], $token, 11); $error = $res["errors"][0]["message"]; DEBUG > 0 && ($debug = $res["errors"][0]["debug"]); } if (strlen($error) < 1) { // token set - now send email $verify = $url . "/verify"; // set cookie OR pass token in URL $this->unset_cookie(null); $this->set_cookie(null, $token, null) || ($verify .= "/?t=" . urlencode($token)); $subject = "Simple Tracker"; $message = "Thank your for using Simple Tracker\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Please click on the link below to reset your password. " . "If the link is not clickable copy and paste it directly into your browser.\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "<a href='" . $verify . "'>" . $verify . "</a>"; $message .= "\r\n\r\nNOTE\r\nYou must click the 'verify' link from the SAME device that you requested the password reset email from.\r\n\r\n"; $message .= "Support\r\nSimple Tracker\r\n" . $url . "\r\n"; $mailer = new Mailer_Lib(); $ret = $mailer->swiftmail($this->mail[$this->mailer], $email, $subject, $message, $this->mail['support'], $this->mail['support_name'], $this->admin_email, null); if ($ret) { $info = "Thank you. " . "Information has been sent to " . $this->template->escape_string($email) . " on how to reset your password"; } else { $error = "There was a problem sending an email to " . $this->template->escape_string($email); } } // send email $result = array("errors" => array(array("message" => $error, "debug" => $debug)), "data" => null, "info" => $info); strlen($error) < 1 && strlen($info) > 0 && $this->template->flash($info, "alert alert-success"); $this->template->assign("reset_result", $result); return $result; }
public function add_user($provider = null, $user_name = null, $password = null, $name = null, $status = null) { // add a user - can be from provider 'self' or other (eg facebook) // returns a result : { data: <user_id just added>, error: <errors object>} // params assumed validated; meant to be called from other functions $error = ''; $debug = ''; $user = null; $info = ''; // these attributes may be available in the form for calling function is_null($name) && ($name = ''); strlen($name) < 1 && isset($_POST['name']) && ($name = $_POST['name']); $email = ''; isset($_POST['email']) && ($email = $_POST['email']); // default email to user name if the user name looks like an email address strlen($email) < 1 && strpos('@', $user_name) >= 0 && ($email = $user_name); // default provider to 'self' is_null($provider) && ($provider = ''); strlen($provider) < 1 && ($provider = 'self'); strlen($user_name) < 1 && ($error = 'Cannot create account - a user ID or an email address is required'); strlen($error) < 1 && strlen($name) < 1 && ($error = 'Please enter your name'); if (strlen($error) < 1 && $provider == 'self') { strlen($password) < 1 && ($error = "Cannot create account - please supply a valid password"); strlen($error) < 1 && !filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && ($errors = "The email address provided does not appear to be valid"); } if (strlen($error) < 1) { // no validation errors - attempt to add account if (is_null($status) || !is_numeric($status) || !array_key_exists($status, array(11 => 1, 10 => 1))) { $status = 11; } $terms = 0; if ($provider != 'self') { $terms = 1; $status = 10; $password = $user_name; } $data = array('provider' => $provider, 'user_name' => $user_name, 'password' => $this->codify($password)); $this->ensure_visit(); $res = $this->insert('users', $data, true, false); $error = $this->db_error; DEBUG > 0 && ($debug = $this->db_debug); if (strlen($error) < 1) { $id = 0; isset($res[0]) && count($res[0]) >= 0 && ($id = $res[0][0]['id']); $id > 0 || ($error = "A technical problem occurred while creating an account - please inform the site administrator"); } if (strlen($error) < 1) { // attempt to add user details $data = array('user_id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'organisation_id' => $this->template->get_session_value('org_id', 0), 'email' => $email, 'status' => $status); if ($terms > 0) { // if not self reg, then they've agreed terms $data['agreed_terms'] = $terms; $data['agreed_terms_at'] = $this->iso_datetime_now(); } $image_url = ""; switch ($provider) { case 'facebook': $image_url = "" . $user_name . "/picture"; break; } strlen($image_url) > 0 && ($data["image_url"] = $image_url); $res = $this->insert('user_details', $data, false, true, 'user_id'); $error = $this->db_error; DEBUG > 0 && ($debug .= "; " . $this->db_debug); if (strlen($error) < 1) { // success - if email validation needed, send an email if ($status == 11) { $info = "We were unable to send an email to the address you supplied."; // set token to crypt of user_name $token = $this->codify($user_name . "_" . $id); $res = $this->set_user_token($id, $token, 10); $error = $res["errors"][0]["message"]; DEBUG > 0 && ($debug .= $res["errors"][0]["debug"]); if (strlen($error) < 1) { // token set ok $subject = "New [Simple Tracker] account"; $message = $this->make_verify_message($token, $name); $mailer = new Mailer_Lib(); $ret = $mailer->swiftmail($this->mail[$this->mailer], $email, $subject, $message, $this->mail['support'], $this->mail['support_name'], $this->admin_email, null); if ($ret) { $info = "Thank you for registering. An email has been sent to " . $this->template->escape_string($email) . ". Please, click on the link in it to verify your email address and complete your registration. " . "You must be on the SAME device that you used to register for the link to work."; } else { $error = "There was a problem sending you a verification email message - so you will be unable to complete the registration. " . "Please check the email address supplied for typos."; } } else { $info = "Programmer error - the verification process failed. Please refresh your browser and click the 'Forgot password' button."; } } else { $info = "Thank you for registering"; $res = $this->find_user($id, null, null, null); if (isset($res["errors"][0]) && strlen($res["errors"][0]["message"]) > 0) { $error = $res["errors"][0]["message"] . '; ' . $res["errors"][0]["debug"]; } else { $user = $res["data"]; } } // else - status 10 } // insert user details } // user } // validation errors $result = array("errors" => array(array("message" => $error, "debug" => $debug)), "data" => $user, "info" => $info); return $result; }