  * handle user request
 function handle()
     global $INPUT;
     global $conf;
     if (!$INPUT->bool('send')) {
     // make sure debugging is on;
     $conf['plugin']['smtp']['debug'] = 1;
     // send a mail
     $mail = new Mailer();
     if ($INPUT->str('to')) {
     if ($INPUT->str('cc')) {
     if ($INPUT->str('bcc')) {
     $mail->subject('DokuWiki says hello');
     $mail->setBody("Hi @USER@\n\nThis is a test from @DOKUWIKIURL@");
     $ok = $mail->send();
     // check result
     if ($ok) {
         msg('Message was sent. SMTP seems to work.', 1);
     } else {
         msg('Message wasn\'t sent. SMTP seems not to work properly.', -1);
 public function process($params)
     if (!isset($params[0])) {
         throw new MException("Mod id not specified.");
     $modId = $params[0];
     // also select devname and email for mailing updates
     $sth = $this->getDB()->prepare("SELECT id, name, devname, devemail, version, available\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM mods\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = :id");
     $sth->bindValue(":id", $modId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $modExists = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (!empty($modExists)) {
         // this mod is in the repo
         if ($modExists["available"] == 0) {
             // check whether file has been uploaded yet
             $fileLocation = sprintf('%1$s../downloads/mods/%2$s/%3$d/%2$s.mod.dll', MBASE_PATH, $modExists["name"], $modExists["version"]);
             if (!file_exists($fileLocation)) {
                 throw new MException(sprintf("Mod %s has no version %d in the repo yet.", $modExists["name"], $modExists["version"]));
             } else {
                 // file exists on server, nothing to stop us from activating now :)
                 $sth = $this->getDB()->prepare("UPDATE mods\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET available = 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = :id");
                 $sth->bindValue(":id", $modExists["id"], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 if ($sth->execute()) {
                     // send mail to developer to notify him of the update
                     $m = new Mailer(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", sprintf("%s Mod Repo", REPO_NAME)));
                     $m->addRecipient(new MailAddress($modExists["devemail"], $modExists["devname"]));
                     $m->setSubject("Your mod has been added.");
                     $tpl = $m->getMustache()->loadTemplate("mod_activated.mustache");
                     $m->setBody($tpl->render(array("REPONAME" => REPO_NAME, "REPOURL" => REPO_URL, "DEVNAME" => $modExists["devname"], "MODNAME" => $modExists["name"])));
                     echo sprintf("Mod %s is now available. Wait for the cache to update.\n", $modExists["name"]);
                 } else {
                     throw new MException("Mot not made available, database error.");
         } else {
             throw new MException(sprintf("Mod %s is already available.", $modExists["name"]));
     } else {
         // mod is not in the submission queue
         throw new MException(sprintf("Mod %d does not exist in the submission queue.", $modId));
Beispiel #3
 public function delete($file)
     $encodedEntryURI = $this->policy->encodedEntryURI($file);
     $url = 'http://rs.qiniu.com/delete/' . $encodedEntryURI;
     $access_token = $this->policy->genAccessToken($url);
     $HttpReuqst = new Request($url, 'POST');
     $HttpReuqst->setHeader('Authorization', 'QBox ' . $access_token);
     $response = $HttpReuqst->send();
     $code = $response->getStatus();
     if ($code == 599) {
         $body = print_r($response->getRequestHeader(), true) . $response->getBody();
         $mail = new Mailer();
     } elseif ($code != 200) {
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #4
 * Send a  new password
 * This function handles both phases of the password reset:
 *   - handling the first request of password reset
 *   - validating the password reset auth token
 * @author Benoit Chesneau <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Chris Smith <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
 * @return bool true on success, false on any error
function act_resendpwd()
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    /* @var auth_basic $auth */
    global $auth;
    /* @var Input $INPUT */
    global $INPUT;
    if (!actionOK('resendpwd')) {
        msg($lang['resendna'], -1);
        return false;
    $token = preg_replace('/[^a-f0-9]+/', '', $INPUT->str('pwauth'));
    if ($token) {
        // we're in token phase - get user info from token
        $tfile = $conf['cachedir'] . '/' . $token[0] . '/' . $token . '.pwauth';
        if (!@file_exists($tfile)) {
            msg($lang['resendpwdbadauth'], -1);
            return false;
        // token is only valid for 3 days
        if (time() - filemtime($tfile) > 3 * 60 * 60 * 24) {
            msg($lang['resendpwdbadauth'], -1);
            return false;
        $user = io_readfile($tfile);
        $userinfo = $auth->getUserData($user);
        if (!$userinfo['mail']) {
            msg($lang['resendpwdnouser'], -1);
            return false;
        if (!$conf['autopasswd']) {
            // we let the user choose a password
            $pass = $INPUT->str('pass');
            // password given correctly?
            if (!$pass) {
                return false;
            if ($pass != $INPUT->str('passchk')) {
                msg($lang['regbadpass'], -1);
                return false;
            // change it
            if (!$auth->triggerUserMod('modify', array($user, array('pass' => $pass)))) {
                msg('error modifying user data', -1);
                return false;
        } else {
            // autogenerate the password and send by mail
            $pass = auth_pwgen();
            if (!$auth->triggerUserMod('modify', array($user, array('pass' => $pass)))) {
                msg('error modifying user data', -1);
                return false;
            if (auth_sendPassword($user, $pass)) {
                msg($lang['resendpwdsuccess'], 1);
            } else {
                msg($lang['regmailfail'], -1);
        return true;
    } else {
        // we're in request phase
        if (!$INPUT->post->bool('save')) {
            return false;
        if (!$INPUT->post->str('login')) {
            msg($lang['resendpwdmissing'], -1);
            return false;
        } else {
            $user = trim($auth->cleanUser($INPUT->post->str('login')));
        $userinfo = $auth->getUserData($user);
        if (!$userinfo['mail']) {
            msg($lang['resendpwdnouser'], -1);
            return false;
        // generate auth token
        $token = md5(auth_cookiesalt() . $user);
        //secret but user based
        $tfile = $conf['cachedir'] . '/' . $token[0] . '/' . $token . '.pwauth';
        $url = wl('', array('do' => 'resendpwd', 'pwauth' => $token), true, '&');
        io_saveFile($tfile, $user);
        $text = rawLocale('pwconfirm');
        $trep = array('FULLNAME' => $userinfo['name'], 'LOGIN' => $user, 'CONFIRM' => $url);
        $mail = new Mailer();
        $mail->to($userinfo['name'] . ' <' . $userinfo['mail'] . '>');
        $mail->setBody($text, $trep);
        if ($mail->send()) {
            msg($lang['resendpwdconfirm'], 1);
        } else {
            msg($lang['regmailfail'], -1);
        return true;
    // never reached
  * Helper function for sending a mail
  * @author Adrian Lang <*****@*****.**>
  * @param string $subscriber_mail The target mail address
  * @param string $subject         The lang id of the mail subject (without the
  *                                prefix “mail_”)
  * @param string $context         The context of this mail, eg. page or namespace id
  * @param string $template        The name of the mail template
  * @param array  $trep            Predefined parameters used to parse the
  *                                template (in text format)
  * @param array  $hrep            Predefined parameters used to parse the
  *                                template (in HTML format), null to default to $trep
  * @param array  $headers         Additional mail headers in the form 'name' => 'value'
  * @return bool
 protected function send($subscriber_mail, $subject, $context, $template, $trep, $hrep = null, $headers = array())
     global $lang;
     global $conf;
     $text = rawLocale($template);
     $subject = $lang['mail_' . $subject] . ' ' . $context;
     $mail = new Mailer();
     $mail->setBody($text, $trep, $hrep);
     if (in_array($template, array('subscr_list', 'subscr_digest'))) {
     if (isset($trep['SUBSCRIBE'])) {
         $mail->setHeader('List-Unsubscribe', '<' . $trep['SUBSCRIBE'] . '>', false);
     foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
         $mail->setHeader($header, $value);
     return $mail->send();
Beispiel #6
 * Sends a notify mail on page change or registration
 * @param string     $id       The changed page
 * @param string     $who      Who to notify (admin|subscribers|register)
 * @param int|string $rev Old page revision
 * @param string     $summary  What changed
 * @param boolean    $minor    Is this a minor edit?
 * @param array      $replace  Additional string substitutions, @KEY@ to be replaced by value
 * @return bool
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
function notify($id, $who, $rev = '', $summary = '', $minor = false, $replace = array())
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    global $INFO;
    // decide if there is something to do, eg. whom to mail
    if ($who == 'admin') {
        if (empty($conf['notify'])) {
            return false;
        //notify enabled?
        $text = rawLocale('mailtext');
        $to = $conf['notify'];
        $bcc = '';
    } elseif ($who == 'subscribers') {
        if (!$conf['subscribers']) {
            return false;
        //subscribers enabled?
        if ($conf['useacl'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] && $minor) {
            return false;
        //skip minors
        $data = array('id' => $id, 'addresslist' => '', 'self' => false);
        trigger_event('COMMON_NOTIFY_ADDRESSLIST', $data, 'subscription_addresslist');
        $bcc = $data['addresslist'];
        if (empty($bcc)) {
            return false;
        $to = '';
        $text = rawLocale('subscr_single');
    } elseif ($who == 'register') {
        if (empty($conf['registernotify'])) {
            return false;
        $text = rawLocale('registermail');
        $to = $conf['registernotify'];
        $bcc = '';
    } else {
        return false;
        //just to be safe
    // prepare replacements (keys not set in hrep will be taken from trep)
    $trep = array('NEWPAGE' => wl($id, '', true, '&'), 'PAGE' => $id, 'SUMMARY' => $summary);
    $trep = array_merge($trep, $replace);
    $hrep = array();
    // prepare content
    if ($who == 'register') {
        $subject = $lang['mail_new_user'] . ' ' . $summary;
    } elseif ($rev) {
        $subject = $lang['mail_changed'] . ' ' . $id;
        $trep['OLDPAGE'] = wl($id, "rev={$rev}", true, '&');
        $df = new Diff(explode("\n", rawWiki($id, $rev)), explode("\n", rawWiki($id)));
        $dformat = new UnifiedDiffFormatter();
        $tdiff = $dformat->format($df);
        $DIFF_INLINESTYLES = true;
        $dformat = new InlineDiffFormatter();
        $hdiff = $dformat->format($df);
        $hdiff = '<table>' . $hdiff . '</table>';
        $DIFF_INLINESTYLES = false;
    } else {
        $subject = $lang['mail_newpage'] . ' ' . $id;
        $trep['OLDPAGE'] = '---';
        $tdiff = rawWiki($id);
        $hdiff = nl2br(hsc($tdiff));
    $trep['DIFF'] = $tdiff;
    $hrep['DIFF'] = $hdiff;
    // send mail
    $mail = new Mailer();
    $mail->setBody($text, $trep, $hrep);
    if ($who == 'subscribers') {
        $mail->setHeader('List-Unsubscribe', '<' . wl($id, array('do' => 'subscribe'), true, '&') . '>', false);
    return $mail->send();
Beispiel #7
 * Helper function for sending a mail
 * @param string $subscriber_mail The target mail address
 * @param array  $replaces        Predefined parameters used to parse the
 *                                template
 * @param string $subject         The lang id of the mail subject (without the
 *                                prefix “mail_”)
 * @param string $id              The page or namespace id
 * @param string $template        The name of the mail template
 * @author Adrian Lang <*****@*****.**>
function subscription_send($subscriber_mail, $replaces, $subject, $id, $template)
    global $conf;
    global $lang;
    $text = rawLocale($template);
    $trep = array_merge($replaces, array('PAGE' => $id));
    $subject = $lang['mail_' . $subject] . ' ' . $id;
    $mail = new Mailer();
    $mail->setBody($text, $trep);
    $mail->setHeader('List-Unsubscribe', '<' . wl($id, array('do' => 'subscribe'), true, '&') . '>', false);
    return $mail->send();
  * Send approve-mail to editor of the now approved revision
  * @return bool false if there was an error passing the mail to the MTA
 public function send_approve_mail()
     global $ID;
     global $REV;
     /** @var DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin $auth */
     global $auth;
     $data = pageinfo();
     // get mail receiver
     if (!$REV) {
         $rev = $data['lastmod'];
     } else {
         $rev = $REV;
     $changelog = new PageChangelog($ID);
     $revinfo = $changelog->getRevisionInfo($rev);
     $userinfo = $auth->getUserData($revinfo['user']);
     $receiver = $userinfo['mail'];
     // get mail sender
     $ReplyTo = $data['userinfo']['mail'];
     if ($ReplyTo == $receiver) {
         return true;
     // get mail subject
     $subject = $this->getLang('apr_mail_app_subject');
     // get mail text
     $body = $this->create_mail_body('approve');
     $mail = new Mailer();
     $mail->setHeader("Reply-To", $ReplyTo);
     $returnStatus = $mail->send();
     return $returnStatus;
Beispiel #9
 * Send a notify mail on uploads
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
 * @fixme this should embed thumbnails of images in HTML version
function media_notify($id, $file, $mime, $old_rev = false)
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    global $INFO;
    if (empty($conf['notify'])) {
    //notify enabled?
    $text = rawLocale('uploadmail');
    $trep = array('MIME' => $mime, 'MEDIA' => ml($id, '', true, '&', true), 'SIZE' => filesize_h(filesize($file)));
    if ($old_rev && $conf['mediarevisions']) {
        $trep['OLD'] = ml($id, "rev={$old_rev}", true, '&', true);
    } else {
        $trep['OLD'] = '---';
    $mail = new Mailer();
    $mail->subject($lang['mail_upload'] . ' ' . $id);
    $mail->setBody($text, $trep);
    return $mail->send();
Beispiel #10
    $smarty->assign("section_content", 'mail_add.tpl');
    foreach ($_SESSION['supported_languages'] as $key) {
        if ($key['lang_code'] == _CLIENT_LANGUAGE_) {
            $lng = $key['name'];
    $smarty->assign('language', $lng);
if ($_POST['action'] == 'add_template') {
    $id = $builder->addTemplate($_POST, $_POST['l10n']);
    header("location: {$current_module}?act=edit&id={$id}");
if ($_GET['act'] == 'testparse') {
    $builder->setTemplate(1, _CLIENT_LANGUAGE_);
    $headers = ['From' => '*****@*****.**', 'Reply-To' => '*****@*****.**', 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Mime-Version' => "1.0"];
    $receiver = '*****@*****.**';
    $receivers = ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'];
    $bcc = ['*****@*****.**', 'thisisacompletelyinvalidemail', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'];
    $cc = ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', 'thisisacompletelyinvalidemail', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'];
    $mailer->setBody($builder->getTemplate())->setHeaders($headers)->setSubject($builder->getSubject())->setBatchRecipient($receivers)->setRecipient($receiver)->setBcc(['*****@*****.**'])->setPriority(2)->setTimezone('Etc/GMT+0')->replace('name', 'FirstName LastName')->replace('email_address', $receiver)->attachFile('/home/ab60195/public_html/rocky/images/add_photos.png')->send();
$breadcrumb[0]["title"] = "Home";
$breadcrumb[0]["url"] = "home.php?";
$breadcrumb[1]["title"] = "E-mails";
$breadcrumb[1]["url"] = "mails.php?";
$breadcrumb[2]["title"] = $builder->siteLabels('action');
$breadcrumb[2]["url"] = $builder->siteLabels('action_key');
$smarty->assign("breadcrumb", $breadcrumb);
$smarty->display(_TPL_BACKEND_DIR_ . "layout.tpl");
Beispiel #11
  * Sends a notify mail on new comment
  * @param  array  $comment  data array of the new comment
  * @param  array  $subscribers data of the subscribers
  * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Esther Brunner <*****@*****.**>
 function _notify($comment, &$subscribers)
     global $conf;
     global $ID;
     $notify_text = io_readfile($this->localfn('subscribermail'));
     $confirm_text = io_readfile($this->localfn('confirmsubscribe'));
     $subject_notify = '[' . $conf['title'] . '] ' . $this->getLang('mail_newcomment');
     $subject_subscribe = '[' . $conf['title'] . '] ' . $this->getLang('subscribe');
     $mailer = new Mailer();
     if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
     $replace = array('PAGE' => $ID, 'TITLE' => $conf['title'], 'DATE' => dformat($comment['date']['created'], $conf['dformat']), 'NAME' => $comment['user']['name'], 'TEXT' => $comment['raw'], 'COMMENTURL' => wl($ID, '', true) . '#comment_' . $comment['cid'], 'UNSUBSCRIBE' => wl($ID, 'do=subscribe', true, '&'), 'DOKUWIKIURL' => DOKU_URL);
     $confirm_replace = array('PAGE' => $ID, 'TITLE' => $conf['title'], 'DOKUWIKIURL' => DOKU_URL);
     $mailer->setBody($notify_text, $replace);
     // send mail to notify address
     if ($conf['notify']) {
     // notify page subscribers
     if (actionOK('subscribe')) {
         $data = array('id' => $ID, 'addresslist' => '', 'self' => false);
         if (class_exists('Subscription')) {
             /* Introduced in DokuWiki 2013-05-10 */
             trigger_event('COMMON_NOTIFY_ADDRESSLIST', $data, array(new Subscription(), 'notifyaddresses'));
         } else {
             /* Old, deprecated default handler */
             trigger_event('COMMON_NOTIFY_ADDRESSLIST', $data, 'subscription_addresslist');
         $to = $data['addresslist'];
         if (!empty($to)) {
     // notify comment subscribers
     if (!empty($subscribers)) {
         foreach ($subscribers as $mail => $data) {
             if ($data['active']) {
                 $replace['UNSUBSCRIBE'] = wl($ID, 'do=discussion_unsubscribe&hash=' . $data['hash'], true, '&');
                 $mailer->setBody($notify_text, $replace);
             } elseif (!$data['active'] && !$data['confirmsent']) {
                 $confirm_replace['SUBSCRIBE'] = wl($ID, 'do=discussion_confirmsubscribe&hash=' . $data['hash'], true, '&');
                 $mailer->setBody($confirm_text, $confirm_replace);
                 $subscribers[$mail]['confirmsent'] = true;
Beispiel #12
  * Sends a notify mail on new comment
  * @param  array  $comment  data array of the new comment
  * @param  array  $subscribers data of the subscribers
  * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Esther Brunner <*****@*****.**>
 protected function _notify($comment, &$subscribers)
     global $conf;
     global $ID;
     $notify_text = io_readfile($this->localfn('subscribermail'));
     $confirm_text = io_readfile($this->localfn('confirmsubscribe'));
     $subject_notify = '[' . $conf['title'] . '] ' . $this->getLang('mail_newcomment');
     $subject_subscribe = '[' . $conf['title'] . '] ' . $this->getLang('subscribe');
     $mailer = new Mailer();
     if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
     $replace = array('PAGE' => $ID, 'TITLE' => $conf['title'], 'DATE' => dformat($comment['date']['created'], $conf['dformat']), 'NAME' => $comment['user']['name'], 'TEXT' => $comment['raw'], 'COMMENTURL' => wl($ID, '', true) . '#comment_' . $comment['cid'], 'UNSUBSCRIBE' => wl($ID, 'do=subscribe', true, '&'), 'DOKUWIKIURL' => DOKU_URL);
     $confirm_replace = array('PAGE' => $ID, 'TITLE' => $conf['title'], 'DOKUWIKIURL' => DOKU_URL);
     $mailer->setBody($notify_text, $replace);
     // send mail to notify address
     if ($conf['notify']) {
     // send email to moderators
     if ($this->getConf('moderatorsnotify')) {
         $mods = trim($this->getConf('moderatorgroups'));
         if (!empty($mods)) {
             global $auth;
             // create a clean mods list
             $mods = explode(',', $mods);
             $mods = array_map('trim', $mods);
             $mods = array_unique($mods);
             $mods = array_filter($mods);
             // search for moderators users
             foreach ($mods as $mod) {
                 if (!$auth->isCaseSensitive()) {
                     $mod = utf8_strtolower($mod);
                 // create a clean mailing list
                 $dests = array();
                 if ($mod[0] == '@') {
                     foreach ($auth->retrieveUsers(0, 0, array('grps' => $auth->cleanGroup(substr($mod, 1)))) as $user) {
                         if (!empty($user['mail'])) {
                             array_push($dests, $user['mail']);
                 } else {
                     $userdata = $auth->getUserData($auth->cleanUser($mod));
                     if (!empty($userdata['mail'])) {
                         array_push($dests, $userdata['mail']);
                 $dests = array_unique($dests);
                 // notify the users
                 $mailer->bcc(implode(',', $dests));
     // notify page subscribers
     if (actionOK('subscribe')) {
         $data = array('id' => $ID, 'addresslist' => '', 'self' => false);
         if (class_exists('Subscription')) {
             /* Introduced in DokuWiki 2013-05-10 */
             trigger_event('COMMON_NOTIFY_ADDRESSLIST', $data, array(new Subscription(), 'notifyaddresses'));
         } else {
             /* Old, deprecated default handler */
             trigger_event('COMMON_NOTIFY_ADDRESSLIST', $data, 'subscription_addresslist');
         $to = $data['addresslist'];
         if (!empty($to)) {
     // notify comment subscribers
     if (!empty($subscribers)) {
         foreach ($subscribers as $mail => $data) {
             if ($data['active']) {
                 $replace['UNSUBSCRIBE'] = wl($ID, 'do=discussion_unsubscribe&hash=' . $data['hash'], true, '&');
                 $mailer->setBody($notify_text, $replace);
             } elseif (!$data['active'] && !$data['confirmsent']) {
                 $confirm_replace['SUBSCRIBE'] = wl($ID, 'do=discussion_confirmsubscribe&hash=' . $data['hash'], true, '&');
                 $mailer->setBody($confirm_text, $confirm_replace);
                 $subscribers[$mail]['confirmsent'] = true;
Beispiel #13
 * Helper function for sending a mail
 * @author Adrian Lang <*****@*****.**>
 * @param string $subscriber_mail The target mail address
 * @param array  $replaces        Predefined parameters used to parse the
 *                                template
 * @param string $subject         The lang id of the mail subject (without the
 *                                prefix “mail_”)
 * @param string $id              The page or namespace id
 * @param string $template        The name of the mail template
 * @return bool
function subscription_send($subscriber_mail, $replaces, $subject, $id, $template)
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    $text = rawLocale($template);
    $trep = array_merge($replaces, array('PAGE' => $id));
    $hrep = $trep;
    $hrep['DIFF'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($hrep['DIFF']));
    $subject = $lang['mail_' . $subject] . ' ' . $id;
    $mail = new Mailer();
    $mail->setBody($text, $trep, $hrep);
    $mail->setHeader('List-Unsubscribe', '<' . wl($id, array('do' => 'subscribe'), true, '&') . '>', false);
    return $mail->send();
Beispiel #14
 private function send_mail($to, $subject, $content, $from, $cc, $bcc)
     // send a mail
     $mail = new Mailer();
     $ok = $mail->send();
     return $ok;
Beispiel #15
 public function process($params)
     if (!isset($params[0])) {
         throw new MException("Mod id not specified.");
     $modId = $params[0];
     $sth = $this->getDB()->prepare("SELECT id, name, version, versionCode, available, devname, devemail\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM mods\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = :id");
     $sth->bindValue(":id", $modId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $modExists = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (!empty($modExists)) {
         // this mod is in the repo
         if ($modExists["available"] == 0) {
             throw new MException("This mod is not made available yet.");
         } else {
             // mod is already available
             $newVersion = $modExists["version"] + 1;
             $fileLocation = sprintf('%1$s../downloads/mods/%2$s/%3$d/%2$s.mod.dll', MBASE_PATH, $modExists["name"], $newVersion);
             if (!file_exists($fileLocation)) {
                 throw new MException(sprintf("Mod %s has no version %d in the repo yet.", $modExists["name"], $modExists["version"]));
             } else {
                 // file exists on server, nothing to stop us from activating now :)
                 // check the update queue whether new information has been submitted
                 $sth = $this->getDB()->prepare("SELECT submitted, newversionCode\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM updatequeue\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE modid = :id");
                 $sth->bindValue(":id", $modExists["id"], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 $newVersionInfo = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                 $lastUpdate = time();
                 // use current time if there's no update
                 $versionCode = $modExists["versionCode"];
                 // use old version code if new code is not submitted
                 if (!empty($newVersionInfo)) {
                     $lastUpdate = $newVersionInfo["submitted"];
                     $versionCode = $newVersionInfo["newversionCode"];
                     // and remove update from queue
                     $sth = $this->getDB()->prepare("DELETE FROM updatequeue\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE modid = :id");
                     $sth->bindValue(":id", $modExists["id"], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                     if ($sth->execute()) {
                         echo "Mod update request removed from queue.\n";
                     } else {
                         echo "Mod update was not in queue.\n";
                 // now update the mod in the database so the update is public
                 $sth = $this->getDB()->prepare("UPDATE mods\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET version = :newversion, versionCode = :newversionCode, lastupdate = :lastupdate\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = :id");
                 $sth->bindValue(":newversion", $newVersion, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 $sth->bindValue(":newversionCode", $versionCode, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 $sth->bindValue(":lastupdate", $lastUpdate, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 $sth->bindValue(":id", $modExists["id"], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                 if ($sth->execute()) {
                     // send mail to developer to notify him of the update
                     $m = new Mailer(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", sprintf("%s Mod Repo", REPO_NAME)));
                     $m->addRecipient(new MailAddress($modExists["devemail"], $modExists["devname"]));
                     $m->setSubject("Your mod has been updated.");
                     $tpl = $m->getMustache()->loadTemplate("mod_updated.mustache");
                     $m->setBody($tpl->render(array("REPONAME" => REPO_NAME, "REPOURL" => REPO_URL, "DEVNAME" => $modExists["devname"], "MODNAME" => $modExists["name"], "VERSION" => $newVersion, "VERSIONCODE" => $versionCode)));
                     echo sprintf("Mod %s is now updated to version %d. Wait for the cache to update.\n", $modExists["name"], $newVersion);
                 } else {
                     throw new MException("Mot not made available, database error.");
     } else {
         // mod is not in the submission queue
         throw new MException(sprintf("Mod %d does not exist in the submission queue.", $modId));